From 8c81654a45887c8b81d6998c9c1a0091cf9ca802 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: schneider <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2019 12:26:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] chore(ble): Copy fit_main.c from the stack

 epicardium/ble/ble_main.c          | 754 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 epicardium/ble/         |   3 +-
 lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/ |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 757 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 epicardium/ble/ble_main.c

diff --git a/epicardium/ble/ble_main.c b/epicardium/ble/ble_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c30970f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epicardium/ble/ble_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ *  \file
+ *
+ *  \brief  Fitness sample application for the following profiles:
+ *            Heart Rate profile
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
+ *  ARM Ltd. confidential and proprietary.
+ *
+ *  IMPORTANT.  Your use of this file is governed by a Software License Agreement
+ *  ("Agreement") that must be accepted in order to download or otherwise receive a
+ *  copy of this file.  You may not use or copy this file for any purpose other than
+ *  as described in the Agreement.  If you do not agree to all of the terms of the
+ *  Agreement do not use this file and delete all copies in your possession or control;
+ *  if you do not have a copy of the Agreement, you must contact ARM Ltd. prior
+ *  to any use, copying or further distribution of this software.
+ */
+/* card10:
+ * Copied from lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/stack/ble-profiles/sources/apps/fit/fit_main.c
+ *
+ * Also have a look at lib/sdk/Applications/EvKitExamples/BLE_fit/fit_main.c which has some changes
+ * to this file regarding handling of OOB paring data
+ *
+ * This file contains some application logic taken from the "fit" example.
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "wsf_types.h"
+#include "util/bstream.h"
+#include "wsf_msg.h"
+#include "wsf_trace.h"
+#include "hci_api.h"
+#include "dm_api.h"
+#include "att_api.h"
+#include "smp_api.h"
+#include "app_api.h"
+#include "app_db.h"
+#include "app_ui.h"
+#include "app_hw.h"
+#include "svc_ch.h"
+#include "svc_core.h"
+#include "svc_hrs.h"
+#include "svc_dis.h"
+#include "svc_batt.h"
+#include "svc_rscs.h"
+#include "bas/bas_api.h"
+#include "hrps/hrps_api.h"
+#include "rscp/rscp_api.h"
+  Macros
+/*! WSF message event starting value */
+#define FIT_MSG_START               0xA0
+/* Default Running Speed and Cadence Measurement period (seconds) */
+#define FIT_DEFAULT_RSCM_PERIOD        1
+/*! WSF message event enumeration */
+  FIT_HR_TIMER_IND = FIT_MSG_START,       /*! Heart rate measurement timer expired */
+  FIT_BATT_TIMER_IND,                     /*! Battery measurement timer expired */
+  FIT_RUNNING_TIMER_IND                   /*! Running speed and cadence measurement timer expired */
+  Data Types
+/*! Application message type */
+typedef union
+  wsfMsgHdr_t     hdr;
+  dmEvt_t         dm;
+  attsCccEvt_t    ccc;
+  attEvt_t        att;
+} fitMsg_t;
+  Configurable Parameters
+/*! configurable parameters for advertising */
+static const appAdvCfg_t fitAdvCfg =
+  {60000,     0,     0},                  /*! Advertising durations in ms */
+  {  800,     0,     0}                   /*! Advertising intervals in 0.625 ms units */
+/*! configurable parameters for slave */
+static const appSlaveCfg_t fitSlaveCfg =
+  1,                                      /*! Maximum connections */
+/*! configurable parameters for security */
+static const appSecCfg_t fitSecCfg =
+  DM_AUTH_BOND_FLAG | DM_AUTH_SC_FLAG,    /*! Authentication and bonding flags */
+  0,                                      /*! Initiator key distribution flags */
+  DM_KEY_DIST_LTK,                        /*! Responder key distribution flags */
+  FALSE,                                  /*! TRUE if Out-of-band pairing data is present */
+  TRUE                                    /*! TRUE to initiate security upon connection */
+/*! configurable parameters for connection parameter update */
+static const appUpdateCfg_t fitUpdateCfg =
+  6000,                                   /*! Connection idle period in ms before attempting
+                                              connection parameter update; set to zero to disable */
+  640,                                    /*! Minimum connection interval in 1.25ms units */
+  800,                                    /*! Maximum connection interval in 1.25ms units */
+  0,                                      /*! Connection latency */
+  900,                                    /*! Supervision timeout in 10ms units */
+  5                                       /*! Number of update attempts before giving up */
+/*! heart rate measurement configuration */
+static const hrpsCfg_t fitHrpsCfg =
+  2000      /*! Measurement timer expiration period in ms */
+/*! battery measurement configuration */
+static const basCfg_t fitBasCfg =
+  30,       /*! Battery measurement timer expiration period in seconds */
+  1,        /*! Perform battery measurement after this many timer periods */
+  100       /*! Send battery level notification to peer when below this level. */
+/*! SMP security parameter configuration */
+static const smpCfg_t fitSmpCfg =
+  3000,                                   /*! 'Repeated attempts' timeout in msec */
+  SMP_IO_NO_IN_NO_OUT,                    /*! I/O Capability */
+  7,                                      /*! Minimum encryption key length */
+  16,                                     /*! Maximum encryption key length */
+  3,                                      /*! Attempts to trigger 'repeated attempts' timeout */
+  0,                                      /*! Device authentication requirements */
+  Advertising Data
+/*! advertising data, discoverable mode */
+static const uint8_t fitAdvDataDisc[] =
+  /*! flags */
+  2,                                      /*! length */
+  DM_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS,                      /*! AD type */
+  DM_FLAG_LE_GENERAL_DISC |               /*! flags */
+  /*! tx power */
+  2,                                      /*! length */
+  DM_ADV_TYPE_TX_POWER,                   /*! AD type */
+  0,                                      /*! tx power */
+  /*! service UUID list */
+  9,                                      /*! length */
+  DM_ADV_TYPE_16_UUID,                    /*! AD type */
+/*! scan data, discoverable mode */
+static const uint8_t fitScanDataDisc[] =
+  /*! device name */
+  7,                                      /*! length */
+  DM_ADV_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME,                 /*! AD type */
+  'c','a','r','d','1','0'
+  Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptors
+/*! enumeration of client characteristic configuration descriptors */
+  FIT_GATT_SC_CCC_IDX,                    /*! GATT service, service changed characteristic */
+  FIT_HRS_HRM_CCC_IDX,                    /*! Heart rate service, heart rate monitor characteristic */
+  FIT_BATT_LVL_CCC_IDX,                   /*! Battery service, battery level characteristic */
+  FIT_RSCS_SM_CCC_IDX,                   /*! Runninc speed and cadence measurement characteristic */
+/*! client characteristic configuration descriptors settings, indexed by above enumeration */
+static const attsCccSet_t fitCccSet[FIT_NUM_CCC_IDX] =
+  /* cccd handle          value range               security level */
+  Global Variables
+/*! WSF handler ID */
+wsfHandlerId_t fitHandlerId;
+/* WSF Timer to send running speed and cadence measurement data */
+wsfTimer_t     fitRscmTimer;
+/* Running Speed and Cadence Measurement period - Can be changed at runtime to vary period */
+static uint16_t fitRscmPeriod = FIT_DEFAULT_RSCM_PERIOD;
+/* Heart Rate Monitor feature flags */
+static uint8_t fitHrmFlags = CH_HRM_FLAGS_VALUE_8BIT | CH_HRM_FLAGS_ENERGY_EXP;
+ *  \brief  Application DM callback.
+ *
+ *  \param  pDmEvt  DM callback event
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitDmCback(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt)
+  dmEvt_t *pMsg;
+  uint16_t len;
+  len = DmSizeOfEvt(pDmEvt);
+  if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(len)) != NULL)
+  {
+    memcpy(pMsg, pDmEvt, len);
+    WsfMsgSend(fitHandlerId, pMsg);
+  }
+ *  \brief  Application ATT callback.
+ *
+ *  \param  pEvt    ATT callback event
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitAttCback(attEvt_t *pEvt)
+  attEvt_t *pMsg;
+  if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(attEvt_t) + pEvt->valueLen)) != NULL)
+  {
+    memcpy(pMsg, pEvt, sizeof(attEvt_t));
+    pMsg->pValue = (uint8_t *) (pMsg + 1);
+    memcpy(pMsg->pValue, pEvt->pValue, pEvt->valueLen);
+    WsfMsgSend(fitHandlerId, pMsg);
+  }
+ *  \brief  Application ATTS client characteristic configuration callback.
+ *
+ *  \param  pDmEvt  DM callback event
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitCccCback(attsCccEvt_t *pEvt)
+  attsCccEvt_t  *pMsg;
+  appDbHdl_t    dbHdl;
+  /* if CCC not set from initialization and there's a device record */
+  if ((pEvt->handle != ATT_HANDLE_NONE) &&
+      ((dbHdl = AppDbGetHdl((dmConnId_t) pEvt->hdr.param)) != APP_DB_HDL_NONE))
+  {
+    /* store value in device database */
+    AppDbSetCccTblValue(dbHdl, pEvt->idx, pEvt->value);
+  }
+  if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(attsCccEvt_t))) != NULL)
+  {
+    memcpy(pMsg, pEvt, sizeof(attsCccEvt_t));
+    WsfMsgSend(fitHandlerId, pMsg);
+  }
+*  \brief  Send a Running Speed and Cadence Measurement Notification.
+*  \param  connId    connection ID
+*  \return None.
+static void fitSendRunningSpeedMeasurement(dmConnId_t connId)
+  if (AttsCccEnabled(connId, FIT_RSCS_SM_CCC_IDX))
+  {
+    static uint8_t walk_run = 1;
+    /* TODO: Set Running Speed and Cadence Measurement Parameters */
+    RscpsSetParameter(RSCP_SM_PARAM_SPEED, 1);
+    RscpsSetParameter(RSCP_SM_PARAM_CADENCE, 2);
+    RscpsSetParameter(RSCP_SM_PARAM_STRIDE_LENGTH, 3);
+    RscpsSetParameter(RSCP_SM_PARAM_TOTAL_DISTANCE, 4);
+    /* Toggle running/walking */
+    walk_run = walk_run? 0 : 1;
+    RscpsSetParameter(RSCP_SM_PARAM_STATUS, walk_run);
+    RscpsSendSpeedMeasurement(connId);
+  }
+  /* Configure and start timer to send the next measurement */
+  fitRscmTimer.msg.event = FIT_RUNNING_TIMER_IND;
+  fitRscmTimer.msg.status = FIT_RSCS_SM_CCC_IDX;
+  fitRscmTimer.handlerId = fitHandlerId;
+  fitRscmTimer.msg.param = connId;
+  WsfTimerStartSec(&fitRscmTimer, fitRscmPeriod);
+ *  \brief  Process CCC state change.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitProcCccState(fitMsg_t *pMsg)
+  APP_TRACE_INFO3("ccc state ind value:%d handle:%d idx:%d", pMsg->ccc.value, pMsg->ccc.handle, pMsg->ccc.idx);
+  /* handle heart rate measurement CCC */
+  if (pMsg->ccc.idx == FIT_HRS_HRM_CCC_IDX)
+  {
+    if (pMsg->ccc.value == ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY)
+    {
+      HrpsMeasStart((dmConnId_t) pMsg->ccc.hdr.param, FIT_HR_TIMER_IND, FIT_HRS_HRM_CCC_IDX);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      HrpsMeasStop((dmConnId_t) pMsg->ccc.hdr.param);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  /* handle running speed and cadence measurement CCC */
+  if (pMsg->ccc.idx == FIT_RSCS_SM_CCC_IDX)
+  {
+    if (pMsg->ccc.value == ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY)
+    {
+      fitSendRunningSpeedMeasurement((dmConnId_t)pMsg->ccc.hdr.param);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      WsfTimerStop(&fitRscmTimer);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  /* handle battery level CCC */
+  if (pMsg->ccc.idx == FIT_BATT_LVL_CCC_IDX)
+  {
+    if (pMsg->ccc.value == ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY)
+    {
+      BasMeasBattStart((dmConnId_t) pMsg->ccc.hdr.param, FIT_BATT_TIMER_IND, FIT_BATT_LVL_CCC_IDX);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BasMeasBattStop((dmConnId_t) pMsg->ccc.hdr.param);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+ *  \brief  Perform UI actions on connection close.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitClose(fitMsg_t *pMsg)
+  /* stop heart rate measurement */
+  HrpsMeasStop((dmConnId_t) pMsg->hdr.param);
+  /* stop battery measurement */
+  BasMeasBattStop((dmConnId_t) pMsg->hdr.param);
+  /* Stop running speed and cadence timer */
+  WsfTimerStop(&fitRscmTimer);
+ *  \brief  Set up advertising and other procedures that need to be performed after
+ *          device reset.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitSetup(fitMsg_t *pMsg)
+  /* set advertising and scan response data for discoverable mode */
+  AppAdvSetData(APP_ADV_DATA_DISCOVERABLE, sizeof(fitAdvDataDisc), (uint8_t *) fitAdvDataDisc);
+  AppAdvSetData(APP_SCAN_DATA_DISCOVERABLE, sizeof(fitScanDataDisc), (uint8_t *) fitScanDataDisc);
+  /* set advertising and scan response data for connectable mode */
+  /* start advertising; automatically set connectable/discoverable mode and bondable mode */
+ *  \brief  Button press callback.
+ *
+ *  \param  btn    Button press.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitBtnCback(uint8_t btn)
+  dmConnId_t      connId;
+  static uint8_t  heartRate = 78;    /* for testing/demonstration */
+  /* button actions when connected */
+  if ((connId = AppConnIsOpen()) != DM_CONN_ID_NONE)
+  {
+    switch (btn)
+    {
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_SHORT:
+        /* increment the heart rate */
+        AppHwHrmTest(++heartRate);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_MED:
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_LONG:
+        AppConnClose(connId);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_2_SHORT:
+        /* decrement the heart rate */
+        AppHwHrmTest(--heartRate);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_2_MED:
+        /* Toggle HRM Sensor DET flags */
+        if (!(fitHrmFlags & (CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_DET | CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_NOT_DET)))
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags |= CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_DET;
+        }
+        else if (fitHrmFlags & CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_DET)
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags &= ~CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_DET;
+          fitHrmFlags |= CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_NOT_DET;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags &= ~CH_HRM_FLAGS_SENSOR_NOT_DET;
+        }
+        HrpsSetFlags(fitHrmFlags);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_2_LONG:
+        /* Toggle HRM RR Interval feature flag */
+        if (fitHrmFlags & CH_HRM_FLAGS_RR_INTERVAL)
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags &= ~CH_HRM_FLAGS_RR_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags |= CH_HRM_FLAGS_RR_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        HrpsSetFlags(fitHrmFlags);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* button actions when not connected */
+  else
+  {
+    switch (btn)
+    {
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_SHORT:
+        /* start or restart advertising */
+        AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_AUTO_INIT);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_MED:
+        /* enter discoverable and bondable mode mode */
+        AppSetBondable(TRUE);
+        AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_DISCOVERABLE);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_1_LONG:
+        /* clear bonded device info and restart advertising */
+        AppDbDeleteAllRecords();
+        AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_AUTO_INIT);
+        break;
+      case APP_UI_BTN_2_SHORT:
+        /* Toggle HRM Flag for 8 and 16 bit values */
+        if (fitHrmFlags & CH_HRM_FLAGS_VALUE_16BIT)
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags &= ~CH_HRM_FLAGS_VALUE_16BIT;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          fitHrmFlags |= CH_HRM_FLAGS_VALUE_16BIT;
+        }
+        HrpsSetFlags(fitHrmFlags);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+ *  \brief  Process messages from the event handler.
+ *
+ *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+static void fitProcMsg(fitMsg_t *pMsg)
+  uint8_t uiEvent = APP_UI_NONE;
+  switch(pMsg->hdr.event)
+  {
+      fitSendRunningSpeedMeasurement((dmConnId_t)pMsg->ccc.hdr.param);
+      break;
+    case FIT_HR_TIMER_IND:
+      HrpsProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      break;
+      BasProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      break;
+      HrpsProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      BasProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      break;
+      fitProcCccState(pMsg);
+      break;
+    case DM_RESET_CMPL_IND:
+      DmSecGenerateEccKeyReq();
+      fitSetup(pMsg);
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_RESET_CMPL;
+      break;
+    case DM_ADV_START_IND:
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_ADV_START;
+      break;
+    case DM_ADV_STOP_IND:
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_ADV_STOP;
+      break;
+    case DM_CONN_OPEN_IND:
+      HrpsProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      BasProcMsg(&pMsg->hdr);
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_CONN_OPEN;
+      break;
+    case DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND:
+      fitClose(pMsg);
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_CONN_CLOSE;
+      break;
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_PAIR_CMPL;
+      break;
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_PAIR_FAIL;
+      break;
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_ENCRYPT;
+      break;
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_ENCRYPT_FAIL;
+      break;
+    case DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND:
+      AppHandlePasskey(&pMsg->dm.authReq);
+      break;
+    case DM_SEC_ECC_KEY_IND:
+      DmSecSetEccKey(&pMsg->;
+      break;
+      AppHandleNumericComparison(&pMsg->dm.cnfInd);
+      break;
+    case DM_HW_ERROR_IND:
+      uiEvent = APP_UI_HW_ERROR;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  if (uiEvent != APP_UI_NONE)
+  {
+    AppUiAction(uiEvent);
+  }
+ *  \brief  Application handler init function called during system initialization.
+ *
+ *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void FitHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId)
+  APP_TRACE_INFO0("FitHandlerInit");
+  /* store handler ID */
+  fitHandlerId = handlerId;
+  /* Set configuration pointers */
+  pAppAdvCfg = (appAdvCfg_t *) &fitAdvCfg;
+  pAppSlaveCfg = (appSlaveCfg_t *) &fitSlaveCfg;
+  pAppSecCfg = (appSecCfg_t *) &fitSecCfg;
+  pAppUpdateCfg = (appUpdateCfg_t *) &fitUpdateCfg;
+  /* Initialize application framework */
+  AppSlaveInit();
+  /* Set stack configuration pointers */
+  pSmpCfg = (smpCfg_t *) &fitSmpCfg;
+  /* initialize heart rate profile sensor */
+  HrpsInit(handlerId, (hrpsCfg_t *) &fitHrpsCfg);
+  HrpsSetFlags(fitHrmFlags);
+  /* initialize battery service server */
+  BasInit(handlerId, (basCfg_t *) &fitBasCfg);
+ *  \brief  WSF event handler for application.
+ *
+ *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
+ *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void FitHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
+  if (pMsg != NULL)
+  {
+    APP_TRACE_INFO1("Fit got evt %d", pMsg->event);
+    if (pMsg->event >= DM_CBACK_START && pMsg->event <= DM_CBACK_END)
+    {
+      /* process advertising and connection-related messages */
+      AppSlaveProcDmMsg((dmEvt_t *) pMsg);
+      /* process security-related messages */
+      AppSlaveSecProcDmMsg((dmEvt_t *) pMsg);
+    }
+    /* perform profile and user interface-related operations */
+    fitProcMsg((fitMsg_t *) pMsg);
+  }
+ *  \brief  Start the application.
+ *
+ *  \return None.
+ */
+void FitStart(void)
+  /* Register for stack callbacks */
+  DmRegister(fitDmCback);
+  DmConnRegister(DM_CLIENT_ID_APP, fitDmCback);
+  AttRegister(fitAttCback);
+  AttConnRegister(AppServerConnCback);
+  AttsCccRegister(FIT_NUM_CCC_IDX, (attsCccSet_t *) fitCccSet, fitCccCback);
+  /* Register for app framework callbacks */
+  AppUiBtnRegister(fitBtnCback);
+  /* Initialize attribute server database */
+  SvcCoreAddGroup();
+  SvcHrsCbackRegister(NULL, HrpsWriteCback);
+  SvcHrsAddGroup();
+  SvcDisAddGroup();
+  SvcBattCbackRegister(BasReadCback, NULL);
+  SvcBattAddGroup();
+  SvcRscsAddGroup();
+  /* Set running speed and cadence features */
+  RscpsSetFeatures(RSCS_ALL_FEATURES);
+  /* Reset the device */
+  DmDevReset();
diff --git a/epicardium/ble/ b/epicardium/ble/
index 0da90538..88a267d3 100644
--- a/epicardium/ble/
+++ b/epicardium/ble/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 ble_sources = files(
-  'stack.c'
+  'stack.c',
+  'ble_main.c'
diff --git a/lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/ b/lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/
index 167fd740..514e5023 100644
--- a/lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/
+++ b/lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ sources = files(