diff --git a/Documentation/overview.rst b/Documentation/overview.rst
index ae7506a7f37e5d5f23461b0129f3f1983f75c596..159d7450b8df682f4c2939ed9af5f4709a9198e8 100644
--- a/Documentation/overview.rst
+++ b/Documentation/overview.rst
@@ -75,11 +75,13 @@ interface with the :ref:`epicardium_api`.
 Note: this feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled in :ref:`card10_cfg`. A :ref:`card10_cfg` file dropped into the :ref:`usb_file_transfer` of the badge containing ``execute_elf = true`` is enough.
-l0dables are currently built within the source tree of the main repository. See ``l0dables/blinky`` for an example of a hello-world-like program. Within those programs, you can access the :ref:`epicardium_api` to control the hardware and behaviour of the badge.
+l0dables are currently built within the source tree of the main repository. See |l0dables_blinky|_ for an example of a hello-world-like program. Within those programs, you can access the :ref:`epicardium_api` to control the hardware and behaviour of the badge.
 Once you have a built ELF file, you can drop it into the FAT filesystem of the flash (eg. via :ref:`usb_file_transfer`) and it will be available from the menu program of the badge.
 .. _Rustcardium: https://git.card10.badge.events.ccc.de/astro/rust-card10
+.. |l0dables_blinky| replace:: ``l0dables/blinky``
+.. _l0dables_blinky: https://git.card10.badge.events.ccc.de/card10/firmware/-/tree/master/l0dables
 Program Flow Diagram