From c7f59d3e0d4c2b492182685866556d464038c35f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rahix <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 16:56:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix(text_reader): Convert to unix line-endings

Signed-off-by: Rahix <>
 preload/apps/text_reader/ | 568 +++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 284 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)

diff --git a/preload/apps/text_reader/ b/preload/apps/text_reader/
index 745ecfd48..906df27b2 100644
--- a/preload/apps/text_reader/
+++ b/preload/apps/text_reader/
@@ -1,285 +1,285 @@
-Text Reader Script
-This script will list and display text files
-import buttons
-import color
-import display
-import os
-import utime
-STATE_LIST = "List"
-STATE_SHOW = "Show"
-SPECIAL_NO_FILES = "# no txt files"
-SPECIAL_EXIT = "[ exit ]"
-SPECIAL_EMPTY = "# empty file"
-def list_files():
-    """Create a list of available text files."""
-    files = sorted(os.listdir("/"))
-    # Filter for text files
-    files = [txt for txt in files if txt.endswith(".txt")]
-    return files
-def triangle(disp, x, y, left):
-    """Draw a triangle to show there's more text in this line"""
-    yf = 1 if left else -1
-    scale = 6
-    disp.line(x - scale * yf, int(y + scale / 2), x, y, col=[255,0,0])
-    disp.line(x, y, x, y + scale, col=[255,0,0])
-    disp.line(x, y + scale, x - scale * yf, y + int(scale / 2), col=[255,0,0])
-def button_events(timeout=0):
-    """Iterate over button presses (event-loop)."""
-    yield 0
-    button_pressed = False
-    count = 0
-    while True:
-        v = | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT | buttons.TOP_RIGHT)
-        if timeout > 0 and count > 0 and count % timeout == 0:
-            yield BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED
-        if timeout > 0:
-            count += 1
-        if v == 0:
-            button_pressed = False
-        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0:
-            button_pressed = True
-            yield buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT
-        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0:
-            button_pressed = True
-            yield buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT
-        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0:
-            button_pressed = True
-            yield buttons.TOP_RIGHT
-        utime.sleep_ms(10)
-def file_len(filename):
-    i = -1
-    with open(filename) as fh:
-        for i, l in enumerate(fh):
-            pass
-    return i + 1
-def draw_filecontent(disp, filename, pos, linecount, lineoffset = 0):
-    disp.clear()
-    with open(filename) as fh:
-        # stop if file is empty
-        if linecount <= 0:
-            disp.print(
-                SPECIAL_EMPTY,
-                posy=20,
-                bg=color.BLACK
-            )
-            return
-        # calc start position
-        start = 0
-        if pos > 0:
-            start = pos-1
-        if start + 4 > linecount:
-            start = linecount - 4
-        if start < 0:
-            start = 0
-        # loop throuhg all lines
-        for i, line in enumerate(fh):
-            if i >= start + 4 or i >= linecount:
-                break
-            if i >= start:
-                disp.rect(
-                    0, (i - start) * 20, 159, (i - start) * 20 + 20,
-                    col=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
-                )
-                off = 0
-                linelength = len(line)
-                if i == pos and linelength > 11 and lineoffset > 0:
-                    off = lineoffset if lineoffset + 11 < linelength else linelength - 11
-                if lineoffset > linelength:
-                    off = 0
-                disp.print(
-                    line[off:(off+11)],
-                    posy=(i - start) * 20,
-                    bg=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
-                )
-                if linelength > 11 and off < linelength - 11:
-                    triangle(disp, 153, (i - start) * 20 + 6, False)
-                if off > 0:
-                    triangle(disp, 6, (i - start) * 20 + 6, True)
-        disp.update()
-def draw_filelist(disp, filelist, pos, filecount, lineoffset):
-    disp.clear()
-    start = 0
-    if pos > 0:
-        start = pos-1
-    if start + 4 > filecount:
-        start = filecount - 4
-    if start < 0:
-        start = 0
-    for i, line in enumerate(filelist):
-        if i >= start + 4 or i >= filecount:
-            break
-        if i >= start:
-            disp.rect(
-                0, (i - start) * 20, 159, (i - start) * 20 + 20,
-                col=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
-            )
-            off = 0
-            linelength = len(line)
-            if i == pos and linelength > 10 and lineoffset > 0:
-                off = lineoffset if lineoffset + 10 < linelength else linelength - 10
-            if lineoffset > linelength:
-                off = 0
-            disp.print(
-                " " + line[off:(off+10)],
-                posy=(i - start) * 20,
-                bg=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
-            )
-            if i == pos:
-                disp.print(">", posy=(i - start) * 20, fg=color.COMMYELLOW, bg=COLOR1)
-            if linelength > 10 and off < linelength - 10:
-                triangle(disp, 153, (i - start) * 20 + 6, False)
-            if off > 0:
-                triangle(disp, 24, (i - start) * 20 + 6, True)
-    disp.update()
-def main():
-    disp =
-    current_state = STATE_LIST
-    # list files variables
-    filelist = list_files()
-    if len(filelist) == 0:
-        filelist.append(SPECIAL_NO_FILES)
-    filelist.append(SPECIAL_EXIT)
-    numfiles = len(filelist)
-    current_file = 0
-    # show files variables
-    filename = ""
-    linecount = 0
-    linepos = 0
-    lineoffset = 0
-    lineoffdir = 0
-    timerscrollspeed = 1
-    timerstartscroll = 5
-    timercountpopped = 0
-    for ev in button_events(10):
-        # list files
-        if current_state == STATE_LIST:
-            if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
-                # Scroll down
-                current_file = (current_file + 1) % numfiles
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-            elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT:
-                # Scroll up
-                current_file = (current_file + numfiles - 1) % numfiles
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-            elif ev == BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED:
-                timercountpopped += 1
-                if timercountpopped >= timerstartscroll and (timercountpopped - timerstartscroll) % timerscrollspeed == 0:
-                    lineoffset += 1
-            elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT:
-                filename = filelist [ current_file % numfiles ]
-                # exit or ignore
-                if filename == SPECIAL_EXIT:
-                    os.exit()
-                elif filename == SPECIAL_NO_FILES:
-                    continue
-                # show file, switch state and draw
-                current_state = STATE_SHOW
-                disp.clear().update()
-                # reset variables
-                linepos = 0
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-                linecount = file_len(filename)
-                # draw
-                draw_filecontent(disp, filename, linepos, linecount, lineoffset)
-                continue
-            draw_filelist(disp, filelist, current_file, numfiles, lineoffset)
-        # show files
-        elif current_state == STATE_SHOW:
-            if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
-                if linepos < (linecount - 1):
-                    # Scroll down
-                    linepos += 1
-                else:
-                    # goto first line
-                    linepos = 0
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-            elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT:
-                if linepos > 0:
-                    # Scroll up
-                    linepos -= 1
-                else:
-                    # got to last line
-                    linepos = linecount - 1
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-            elif ev == BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED:
-                timercountpopped += 1
-                if timercountpopped >= timerstartscroll and (timercountpopped - timerstartscroll) % timerscrollspeed == 0:
-                    lineoffset += 1
-            elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT:
-                # go back to file menu
-                current_state = STATE_LIST
-                lineoffset = 0
-                timercountpopped = 0
-                draw_filelist(disp, filelist, current_file, numfiles, 0)
-                continue
-            draw_filecontent(disp, filename, linepos, linecount, lineoffset)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+Text Reader Script
+This script will list and display text files
+import buttons
+import color
+import display
+import os
+import utime
+STATE_LIST = "List"
+STATE_SHOW = "Show"
+SPECIAL_NO_FILES = "# no txt files"
+SPECIAL_EXIT = "[ exit ]"
+SPECIAL_EMPTY = "# empty file"
+def list_files():
+    """Create a list of available text files."""
+    files = sorted(os.listdir("/"))
+    # Filter for text files
+    files = [txt for txt in files if txt.endswith(".txt")]
+    return files
+def triangle(disp, x, y, left):
+    """Draw a triangle to show there's more text in this line"""
+    yf = 1 if left else -1
+    scale = 6
+    disp.line(x - scale * yf, int(y + scale / 2), x, y, col=[255,0,0])
+    disp.line(x, y, x, y + scale, col=[255,0,0])
+    disp.line(x, y + scale, x - scale * yf, y + int(scale / 2), col=[255,0,0])
+def button_events(timeout=0):
+    """Iterate over button presses (event-loop)."""
+    yield 0
+    button_pressed = False
+    count = 0
+    while True:
+        v = | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT | buttons.TOP_RIGHT)
+        if timeout > 0 and count > 0 and count % timeout == 0:
+            yield BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED
+        if timeout > 0:
+            count += 1
+        if v == 0:
+            button_pressed = False
+        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0:
+            button_pressed = True
+            yield buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT
+        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0:
+            button_pressed = True
+            yield buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT
+        if not button_pressed and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0:
+            button_pressed = True
+            yield buttons.TOP_RIGHT
+        utime.sleep_ms(10)
+def file_len(filename):
+    i = -1
+    with open(filename) as fh:
+        for i, l in enumerate(fh):
+            pass
+    return i + 1
+def draw_filecontent(disp, filename, pos, linecount, lineoffset = 0):
+    disp.clear()
+    with open(filename) as fh:
+        # stop if file is empty
+        if linecount <= 0:
+            disp.print(
+                SPECIAL_EMPTY,
+                posy=20,
+                bg=color.BLACK
+            )
+            return
+        # calc start position
+        start = 0
+        if pos > 0:
+            start = pos-1
+        if start + 4 > linecount:
+            start = linecount - 4
+        if start < 0:
+            start = 0
+        # loop throuhg all lines
+        for i, line in enumerate(fh):
+            if i >= start + 4 or i >= linecount:
+                break
+            if i >= start:
+                disp.rect(
+                    0, (i - start) * 20, 159, (i - start) * 20 + 20,
+                    col=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
+                )
+                off = 0
+                linelength = len(line)
+                if i == pos and linelength > 11 and lineoffset > 0:
+                    off = lineoffset if lineoffset + 11 < linelength else linelength - 11
+                if lineoffset > linelength:
+                    off = 0
+                disp.print(
+                    line[off:(off+11)],
+                    posy=(i - start) * 20,
+                    bg=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
+                )
+                if linelength > 11 and off < linelength - 11:
+                    triangle(disp, 153, (i - start) * 20 + 6, False)
+                if off > 0:
+                    triangle(disp, 6, (i - start) * 20 + 6, True)
+        disp.update()
+def draw_filelist(disp, filelist, pos, filecount, lineoffset):
+    disp.clear()
+    start = 0
+    if pos > 0:
+        start = pos-1
+    if start + 4 > filecount:
+        start = filecount - 4
+    if start < 0:
+        start = 0
+    for i, line in enumerate(filelist):
+        if i >= start + 4 or i >= filecount:
+            break
+        if i >= start:
+            disp.rect(
+                0, (i - start) * 20, 159, (i - start) * 20 + 20,
+                col=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
+            )
+            off = 0
+            linelength = len(line)
+            if i == pos and linelength > 10 and lineoffset > 0:
+                off = lineoffset if lineoffset + 10 < linelength else linelength - 10
+            if lineoffset > linelength:
+                off = 0
+            disp.print(
+                " " + line[off:(off+10)],
+                posy=(i - start) * 20,
+                bg=COLOR1 if i == pos else COLOR2
+            )
+            if i == pos:
+                disp.print(">", posy=(i - start) * 20, fg=color.COMMYELLOW, bg=COLOR1)
+            if linelength > 10 and off < linelength - 10:
+                triangle(disp, 153, (i - start) * 20 + 6, False)
+            if off > 0:
+                triangle(disp, 24, (i - start) * 20 + 6, True)
+    disp.update()
+def main():
+    disp =
+    current_state = STATE_LIST
+    # list files variables
+    filelist = list_files()
+    if len(filelist) == 0:
+        filelist.append(SPECIAL_NO_FILES)
+    filelist.append(SPECIAL_EXIT)
+    numfiles = len(filelist)
+    current_file = 0
+    # show files variables
+    filename = ""
+    linecount = 0
+    linepos = 0
+    lineoffset = 0
+    lineoffdir = 0
+    timerscrollspeed = 1
+    timerstartscroll = 5
+    timercountpopped = 0
+    for ev in button_events(10):
+        # list files
+        if current_state == STATE_LIST:
+            if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
+                # Scroll down
+                current_file = (current_file + 1) % numfiles
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+            elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT:
+                # Scroll up
+                current_file = (current_file + numfiles - 1) % numfiles
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+            elif ev == BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED:
+                timercountpopped += 1
+                if timercountpopped >= timerstartscroll and (timercountpopped - timerstartscroll) % timerscrollspeed == 0:
+                    lineoffset += 1
+            elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT:
+                filename = filelist [ current_file % numfiles ]
+                # exit or ignore
+                if filename == SPECIAL_EXIT:
+                    os.exit()
+                elif filename == SPECIAL_NO_FILES:
+                    continue
+                # show file, switch state and draw
+                current_state = STATE_SHOW
+                disp.clear().update()
+                # reset variables
+                linepos = 0
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+                linecount = file_len(filename)
+                # draw
+                draw_filecontent(disp, filename, linepos, linecount, lineoffset)
+                continue
+            draw_filelist(disp, filelist, current_file, numfiles, lineoffset)
+        # show files
+        elif current_state == STATE_SHOW:
+            if ev == buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
+                if linepos < (linecount - 1):
+                    # Scroll down
+                    linepos += 1
+                else:
+                    # goto first line
+                    linepos = 0
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+            elif ev == buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT:
+                if linepos > 0:
+                    # Scroll up
+                    linepos -= 1
+                else:
+                    # got to last line
+                    linepos = linecount - 1
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+            elif ev == BUTTON_TIMER_POPPED:
+                timercountpopped += 1
+                if timercountpopped >= timerstartscroll and (timercountpopped - timerstartscroll) % timerscrollspeed == 0:
+                    lineoffset += 1
+            elif ev == buttons.TOP_RIGHT:
+                # go back to file menu
+                current_state = STATE_LIST
+                lineoffset = 0
+                timercountpopped = 0
+                draw_filelist(disp, filelist, current_file, numfiles, 0)
+                continue
+            draw_filecontent(disp, filename, linepos, linecount, lineoffset)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file