From e85289081198a7b3c04401f8fa1e65b418f91c43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: schneider <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:36:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat(mp): Enable (u)bluetooth module using stubs

 lib/micropython/             |   1 +
 pycardium/                   |   3 +-
 pycardium/modules/modbluetooth_card10.c | 171 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pycardium/mpconfigport.h                |   1 +
 4 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 pycardium/modules/modbluetooth_card10.c

diff --git a/lib/micropython/ b/lib/micropython/
index 4777aa4e8..bf021db1a 100644
--- a/lib/micropython/
+++ b/lib/micropython/
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ micropython_additional_sources = files(
 micropython_extmod_sources = files(
+  'micropython/extmod/modbluetooth.c',
diff --git a/pycardium/ b/pycardium/
index bd01afb49..a8e410e85 100644
--- a/pycardium/
+++ b/pycardium/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ modsrc = files(
+  'modules/modbluetooth_card10.c',
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ modsrc = files(
-  'modules/ws2812.c'
+  'modules/ws2812.c',
diff --git a/pycardium/modules/modbluetooth_card10.c b/pycardium/modules/modbluetooth_card10.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3ba0bc93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pycardium/modules/modbluetooth_card10.c
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#include "extmod/modbluetooth.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+// Enables the Bluetooth stack.
+int mp_bluetooth_init(void)
+	return 0;
+// Disables the Bluetooth stack. Is a no-op when not enabled.
+void mp_bluetooth_deinit(void)
+// Returns true when the Bluetooth stack is enabled.
+bool mp_bluetooth_is_enabled(void)
+	return false;
+// Gets the MAC addr of this device in big-endian format.
+void mp_bluetooth_get_device_addr(uint8_t *addr)
+// Start advertisement. Will re-start advertisement when already enabled.
+// Returns errno on failure.
+int mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_start(
+	bool connectable,
+	int32_t interval_us,
+	const uint8_t *adv_data,
+	size_t adv_data_len,
+	const uint8_t *sr_data,
+	size_t sr_data_len
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Stop advertisement. No-op when already stopped.
+void mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_stop(void)
+// Start adding services. Must be called before mp_bluetooth_register_service.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service_begin(bool append)
+	return 0;
+// // Add a service with the given list of characteristics to the queue to be registered.
+// The value_handles won't be valid until after mp_bluetooth_register_service_end is called.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service(
+	mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t *service_uuid,
+	mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t **characteristic_uuids,
+	uint8_t *characteristic_flags,
+	mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t **descriptor_uuids,
+	uint8_t *descriptor_flags,
+	uint8_t *num_descriptors,
+	uint16_t *handles,
+	size_t num_characteristics
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Register any queued services.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service_end()
+	return 0;
+// Read the value from the local gatts db (likely this has been written by a central).
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_read(
+	uint16_t value_handle, uint8_t **value, size_t *value_len
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Write a value to the local gatts db (ready to be queried by a central).
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_write(
+	uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Notify the central that it should do a read.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_notify(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle)
+	return 0;
+// Notify the central, including a data payload. (Note: does not set the gatts db value).
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_notify_send(
+	uint16_t conn_handle,
+	uint16_t value_handle,
+	const uint8_t *value,
+	size_t *value_len
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Indicate the central.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_indicate(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle)
+	return 0;
+// Resize and enable/disable append-mode on a value.
+// Append-mode means that remote writes will append and local reads will clear after reading.
+int mp_bluetooth_gatts_set_buffer(uint16_t value_handle, size_t len, bool append)
+	return 0;
+// Disconnect from a central or peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gap_disconnect(uint16_t conn_handle)
+	return 0;
+// Start a discovery (scan). Set duration to zero to run continuously.
+int mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_start(
+	int32_t duration_ms, int32_t interval_us, int32_t window_us
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Stop discovery (if currently active).
+int mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop(void)
+	return 0;
+// Connect to a found peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gap_peripheral_connect(
+	uint8_t addr_type, const uint8_t *addr, int32_t duration_ms
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Find all primary services on the connected peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gattc_discover_primary_services(uint16_t conn_handle)
+	return 0;
+// Find all characteristics on the specified service on a connected peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gattc_discover_characteristics(
+	uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Find all descriptors on the specified characteristic on a connected peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gattc_discover_descriptors(
+	uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle
+) {
+	return 0;
+// Initiate read of a value from the remote peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gattc_read(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle)
+	return 0;
+// Write the value to the remote peripheral.
+int mp_bluetooth_gattc_write(
+	uint16_t conn_handle,
+	uint16_t value_handle,
+	const uint8_t *value,
+	size_t *value_len,
+	unsigned int mode
+) {
+	return 0;
diff --git a/pycardium/mpconfigport.h b/pycardium/mpconfigport.h
index 7a57e34f6..cfc5a8a33 100644
--- a/pycardium/mpconfigport.h
+++ b/pycardium/mpconfigport.h
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ int mp_hal_trng_read_int(void);
 #define MICROPY_PY_IO_FILEIO                (1)
 #define MICROPY_PY_UERRNO                   (1)
 #define MICROPY_PY_FRAMEBUF                 (1)
+#define MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH                (1)
 /* Modules */
 #define MODULE_BHI160_ENABLED               (1)