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feat(g_watch): Add ANCS support

Open schneider requested to merge schneider/ancs into master
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import buttons
import display
import ledfx
import leds
import math
import bhi160
import time
import power
import light_sensor
import vibra
import color
import png
disp =
sensor = 0
sensors = [{"sensor": bhi160.BHI160Orientation(sample_rate=8), "name": "Orientation"}]
import sys
(True, True, True, True, True, True, False),
(False, True, True, False, False, False, False),
(True, True, False, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, False, False, True),
(False, True, True, False, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, True, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, True, True, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, False, False, False),
(True, True, True, True, True, True, True),
(True, True, True, True, False, True, True),
DOW = ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"]
import ancs
led_count = 11
b7 = 255 # brightness of 7-segment display 0...255
def ceil_div(a, b):
return (a + (b - 1)) // b
def tip_height(w):
return ceil_div(w, 2) - 1
def draw_tip(x, y, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=False):
h = tip_height(w)
for dy in range(h):
for dx in range(dy + 1, w - 1 - dy):
px = x + dx
py = y + dy if not invert else y + h - 1 - dy
if swapAxes:
px, py = py, px
disp.pixel(px, py, col=c)
def draw_seg(x, y, w, h, c, swapAxes=False):
tip_h = tip_height(w)
body_h = h - 2 * tip_h
draw_tip(x, y, w, c, invert=True, swapAxes=swapAxes)
px1, px2 = x, x + (w - 1)
py1, py2 = y + tip_h, y + tip_h + (body_h - 1)
if swapAxes:
px1, px2, py1, py2 = py1, py2, px1, px2
disp.rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, col=c)
draw_tip(x, y + tip_h + body_h, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=swapAxes)
def draw_Vseg(x, y, w, l, c):
draw_seg(x, y, w, l, c)
def draw_Hseg(x, y, w, l, c):
draw_seg(y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True)
def draw_grid_seg(x, y, w, l, c, swapAxes=False):
sw = w - 2
tip_h = tip_height(sw)
x = x * w
y = y * w
l = (l - 1) * w
draw_seg(x + 1, y + tip_h + 3, sw, l - 3, c, swapAxes=swapAxes)
def draw_grid_Vseg(x, y, w, l, c):
draw_grid_seg(x, y, w, l, c)
class LowPassSinglePole:
def __init__(self, decay=0.8, init=0):
self.b = 1 - decay
def reset(self):
self.y = None
def filter(self, x):
if self.y is None:
self.y = x
self.y += self.b * (x - self.y)
return self.y
class Clock:
(True, True, True, True, True, True, False),
(False, True, True, False, False, False, False),
(True, True, False, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, False, False, True),
(False, True, True, False, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, True, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, True, True, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, False, False, False),
(True, True, True, True, True, True, True),
(True, True, True, True, False, True, True),
DOW = ["Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"]
b7 = 255 # brightness of 7-segment display 0...255
def __init__(self, disp):
self._disp = disp
self._pwr_filter = LowPassSinglePole()
def _ceil_div(self, a, b):
return (a + (b - 1)) // b
def _tip_height(self, w):
return self._ceil_div(w, 2) - 1
def _draw_tip(self, x, y, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=False):
h = self._tip_height(w)
for dy in range(h):
for dx in range(dy + 1, w - 1 - dy):
px = x + dx
py = y + dy if not invert else y + h - 1 - dy
if swapAxes:
px, py = py, px
self._disp.pixel(px, py, col=c)
def _draw_seg(self, x, y, w, h, c, swapAxes=False):
tip_h = self._tip_height(w)
body_h = h - 2 * tip_h
self._draw_tip(x, y, w, c, invert=True, swapAxes=swapAxes)
px1, px2 = x, x + (w - 1)
py1, py2 = y + tip_h, y + tip_h + (body_h - 1)
if swapAxes:
px1, px2, py1, py2 = py1, py2, px1, px2
self._disp.rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, col=c)
self._draw_tip(x, y + tip_h + body_h, w, c, invert=False, swapAxes=swapAxes)
def _draw_Vseg(self, x, y, w, l, c):
self._draw_seg(x, y, w, l, c)
def _draw_Hseg(self, x, y, w, l, c):
self._draw_seg(y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True)
def _draw_grid_seg(self, x, y, w, l, c, swapAxes=False):
sw = w - 2
tip_h = self._tip_height(sw)
x = x * w
y = y * w
l = (l - 1) * w
self._draw_seg(x + 1, y + tip_h + 3, sw, l - 3, c, swapAxes=swapAxes)
def _draw_grid_Vseg(self, x, y, w, l, c):
self._draw_grid_seg(x, y, w, l, c)
def _draw_grid_Hseg(self, x, y, w, l, c):
self._draw_grid_seg(y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True)
def _draw_grid(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, c):
for x in range(x1 * w, x2 * w):
for y in range(y1 * w, y2 * w):
if x % w == 0 or x % w == w - 1 or y % w == 0 or y % w == w - 1:
self._disp.pixel(x, y, col=c)
def _draw_grid_7seg(self, x, y, w, segs, c):
if segs[0]:
self._draw_grid_Hseg(x, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[1]:
self._draw_grid_Vseg(x + 3, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[2]:
self._draw_grid_Vseg(x + 3, y + 3, w, 4, c)
if segs[3]:
self._draw_grid_Hseg(x, y + 6, w, 4, c)
if segs[4]:
self._draw_grid_Vseg(x, y + 3, w, 4, c)
if segs[5]:
self._draw_grid_Vseg(x, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[6]:
self._draw_grid_Hseg(x, y + 3, w, 4, c)
def _render_num(self, num, x):
x, 1, 7, self.DIGITS[num // 10], (self.b7, self.b7, self.b7)
x + 5, 1, 7, self.DIGITS[num % 10], (self.b7, self.b7, self.b7)
def _render_colon(self):
self._draw_grid_Vseg(11, 2, 7, 2, (self.b7, self.b7, self.b7))
self._draw_grid_Vseg(11, 4, 7, 2, (self.b7, self.b7, self.b7))
def _render7segment(self):
year, month, mday, hour, min, sec, wday, yday = time.localtime()
self._render_num(hour, 1)
self._render_num(min, 13)
if sec % 2 == 0:
def render(self):
# .................................... time
lt = time.localtime()
year = lt[0]
month = lt[1]
day = lt[2]
hour = lt[3]
mi = lt[4]
sec = lt[5]
dow = lt[6]
def draw_grid_Hseg(x, y, w, l, c):
draw_grid_seg(y, x, w, l, c, swapAxes=True)
self._render7segment() # render time in 7-segment digiclock style
"{:02d}-{:02d}-{} {}".format(day, month, year, self.DOW[dow]),
) # display date
# .................................... power
pwr = math.sqrt(self._pwr_filter.filter(power.read_battery_voltage()))
# disp.print("%f" % power.read_battery_voltage(), posx=25, posy=58, font=2) # display battery voltage
full = 2.0
empty = math.sqrt(3.4)
pwr = pwr - empty
full = full - empty
pwrpercent = pwr * (100.0 / full)
# disp.print("%f" % pwrpercent, posx=25, posy=67, font=2) # display battery percent
if pwrpercent < 0:
pwrpercent = 0
if pwrpercent > 100:
pwrpercent = 100
self._disp.rect(8, 60, 153, 63, col=[100, 100, 100]) # draw battery bar
c = [255, 0, 0] # red=empty
if pwrpercent > 10:
c = [255, 255, 0] # yellow=emptyish
if pwrpercent > 25:
c = [0, 255, 0] # green=ok
8, 60, int(pwrpercent * 1.43 + 8), 63, col=c
) # draw charge bar in battery bar
class Notifications:
def __init__(self, disp):
self._notifications = []
self._ancs_receiver = ancs.ANCSReceiver(self.notification_attributes)
self._disp = disp
self._f_mail = open("apps/g_watch/mail_orange_black.png")
def notification_attributes(self, notification):
# email_from = notification[ancs._ANCS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TITLE].decode("UTF8")
# email_subject = notification[ancs._ANCS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_SUBTITLE].decode("UTF8")
# print("New Email: From:", email_from, "Subject:", email_subject)
def render(self, notification, active):
if active > 5000:
w, h, raw = png.decode(, format=png.RGBA8)
(160 - w) // 2, (80 - h) // 2, w, h, raw, format=display.RGBA8
email_from = notification[ancs._ANCS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TITLE].decode("UTF8")
email_subject = notification[ancs._ANCS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_SUBTITLE].decode(
email_body = notification[ancs._ANCS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_MESSAGE].decode("UTF8")
self._disp.print(email_from + ":", posy=0, fg=color.COMMYELLOW)
self._disp.print(email_subject, posy=20, fg=color.CAMPGREEN)
self._disp.print(email_body, posy=40, fg=color.CHAOSBLUE)
def get(self):
if len(self._notifications) > 0:
return self._notifications.pop(0)
return None
class OrentationTrigger:
def __init__(self):
self._sensor = bhi160.BHI160Orientation(sample_rate=8)
self.yn = 0 # new y value
self.ydl = 0 # yd lpf
def check(self):
triggered = False
samples =
for sample in samples:
yo = self.yn # calculate absolute wrist rotation since last check
self.yn = sample.y + 360
yd = abs(self.yn - yo)
yd = yd % 180
yd = yd * 22 # multiply rotation with amplifier
if abs(sample.z) > 50: # if arm is hanging:
yd = 0 # do not regard wrist rotation
def draw_grid(x1, y1, x2, y2, w, c):
for x in range(x1 * w, x2 * w):
for y in range(y1 * w, y2 * w):
if x % w == 0 or x % w == w - 1 or y % w == 0 or y % w == w - 1:
disp.pixel(x, y, col=c)
self.ydl = self.ydl * 0.9
self.ydl = (yd + self.ydl * 9) / 10 # low pass filter wrist rotation
if self.ydl > 100: # check rottion against threshold and limit value
self.ydl = 100
triggered = True
return triggered
def draw_grid_7seg(x, y, w, segs, c):
if segs[0]:
draw_grid_Hseg(x, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[1]:
draw_grid_Vseg(x + 3, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[2]:
draw_grid_Vseg(x + 3, y + 3, w, 4, c)
if segs[3]:
draw_grid_Hseg(x, y + 6, w, 4, c)
if segs[4]:
draw_grid_Vseg(x, y + 3, w, 4, c)
if segs[5]:
draw_grid_Vseg(x, y, w, 4, c)
if segs[6]:
draw_grid_Hseg(x, y + 3, w, 4, c)
class AmbientLight:
def __init__(self):
self._filter = LowPassSinglePole()
def render_num(num, x):
draw_grid_7seg(x, 1, 7, DIGITS[num // 10], (b7, b7, b7))
draw_grid_7seg(x + 5, 1, 7, DIGITS[num % 10], (b7, b7, b7))
def get(self):
r = light_sensor.get_reading()
return self._filter.filter(r)
def render_colon():
draw_grid_Vseg(11, 2, 7, 2, (b7, b7, b7))
draw_grid_Vseg(11, 4, 7, 2, (b7, b7, b7))
class GWatch:
def __init__(self):
self._disp =
self.clock = Clock(self._disp)
self.notifications = Notifications(self._disp)
self.trigger = OrentationTrigger()
self.ambient = AmbientLight()
self.active_notification = None
self.millis = time.monotonic_ms()
self.vibs = []
def render7segment():
year, month, mday, hour, min, sec, wday, yday = time.localtime()
render_num(hour, 1)
render_num(min, 13)
if sec % 2 == 0:
# How many ms will the screen still be active
def active(self):
return self.clock_off - self.millis if self.clock_off > self.millis else 0
def activate(self, timeout=7000):
self.clock_off = time.monotonic_ms() + timeout
with as disp:
def update_backlight(self):
amb = self.ambient.get()
# bri = amb * 7
bri = amb * 0.5
if bri > 100:
bri = 100
if < 1000: # turning off soon or already off
bri = bri * / 1000
bri = 0
threshold_angle = 35
zn = 0
def render(self):
yo = 0 # old y value
yn = 0 # new y value
yd = 0 # y difference
ydl = 0 # yd lpf
clock_on = time.monotonic_ms() # time in ms when clock is turned on
timeout = 7000 # time in ms how long clock will be displayed
clock_off = clock_on + timeout # time in ms when clock is turned off
fade_time = 0 # fade out counter
if self.active_notification:
leds_on = 0
while True:
def tick(self):
millis = time.monotonic_ms()
# print("loop", millis)
lt = time.localtime()
dow = lt[6]
# ---------------------------------------- read brightness sensor
bri = light_sensor.get_reading()
bri = int(
fade_time * 100 / 1000 * bri / 200
) # calculate display brightness in percent (bri)
if bri > 100:
bri = 100
if bri < 0:
bri = 0
ledbri = ((bri / 2) + 50) / 100 # calculate led bar brightness (ledbri = 0...1)
# ---------------------------------------- read buttons
pressed = | buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT)
if DEBUG_LEDS and pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0:
leds_on = 0
disp.print("LEDS OFF", posx=40, posy=30, font=2)
for led in range(led_count):
leds.prep_hsv(led, [0, 0, 0])
if DEBUG_LEDS and pressed & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0:
leds_on = 1
disp.print("LEDS ON", posx=40, posy=30, font=2)
# ---------------------------------------- read orientation sensor
samples = sensors[sensor]["sensor"].read()
for sample in samples:
yo = yn # calculate absolute wrist rotation since last check
yn = sample.y + 360
yd = abs(yn - yo)
yd = yd % 180
yd = yd * 22 # multiply rotation with amplifier
if abs(sample.z) > 50: # if arm is hanging:
yd = 0 # do not regard wrist rotation
ydl = ydl * 0.9
ydl = (yd + ydl * 9) / 10 # low pass filter wrist rotation
if ydl > 100: # check rottion against threshold and limit value
ydl = 100
if clock_on + timeout < millis:
clock_on = millis
clock_off = timeout + clock_on
# .................................... display rotation bargraph on leds // full bar == hitting threshold
if leds_on == 1:
hour = lt[3]
hue = 360 - (hour / 24 * 360)
for led in range(led_count):
if (led < int(ydl / 100 * 12) - 1) or millis < clock_off - 1500 - (
(10 - led) * 15
) + 300:
leds.prep_hsv(10 - led, [hue, 100, ledbri]) # led=0
leds.prep_hsv(10 - led, [0, 0, 0])
# ---------------------------------------- display clock
if clock_off >= millis:
# .................................... time
lt = time.localtime()
year = lt[0]
month = lt[1]
day = lt[2]
hour = lt[3]
mi = lt[4]
sec = lt[5]
dow = lt[6]
fade_time = clock_off - millis - 1000 # calculate fade out
if fade_time < 0:
fade_time = 0
if fade_time > 1000:
fade_time = 1000
render7segment() # render time in 7-segment digiclock style
"{:02d}-{:02d}-{} {}".format(day, month, year, DOW[dow]),
) # display date
# .................................... power
pwr = math.sqrt(power.read_battery_voltage())
# disp.print("%f" % power.read_battery_voltage(), posx=25, posy=58, font=2) # display battery voltage
full = 2.0
empty = math.sqrt(3.4)
pwr = pwr - empty
full = full - empty
pwrpercent = pwr * (100.0 / full)
# disp.print("%f" % pwrpercent, posx=25, posy=67, font=2) # display battery percent
if pwrpercent < 0:
pwrpercent = 0
if pwrpercent > 100:
pwrpercent = 100
disp.rect(8, 60, 153, 63, col=[100, 100, 100]) # draw battery bar
c = [255, 0, 0] # red=empty
if pwrpercent > 10:
c = [255, 255, 0] # yellow=emptyish
if pwrpercent > 25:
c = [0, 255, 0] # green=ok
8, 60, int(pwrpercent * 1.43 + 8), 63, col=c
) # draw charge bar in battery bar
delta_millis = millis - self.millis
self.millis = millis
# print("loop delta", delta_millis)
if len(self.vibs) > 0:
self.vibs[0] -= delta_millis
if self.vibs[0] <= 0:
if self.trigger.check():
if self.active_notification is None:
active_notification = self.notifications.get()
if (
active_notification is not None
and active_notification["category"] == "Email"
self.active_notification = active_notification
self.vibs = [200]
elif not
self.active_notification = None
dt = time.monotonic_ms() - millis
return 0 if dt > 100 else 100 - dt
if __name__ == "__main__":
watch = GWatch()
while True:
sleep_time = watch.tick()