import os import display import utime import buttons CONFIG_NAME = "ble.txt" ACTIVE_STRING = "active=true" INACTIVE_STRING = "active=false" def init(): if CONFIG_NAME not in os.listdir("."): with open(CONFIG_NAME, "w") as f: f.write(INACTIVE_STRING) def triangle(disp, x, y, left): yf = 1 if left else -1 scale = 6 disp.line(x - scale * yf, int(y + scale / 2), x, y) disp.line(x, y, x, y + scale) disp.line(x, y + scale, x - scale * yf, y + int(scale / 2)) def toggle(): content = INACTIVE_STRING if is_active() else ACTIVE_STRING with open(CONFIG_NAME, "w") as f: f.write(content) disp.clear() disp.print("resetting", posy=0, fg=[0, 255, 255]) disp.print("to toggle", posy=20, fg=[0, 255, 255]) disp.print("BLE state", posy=40, fg=[0, 255, 255]) disp.update() os.reset() def is_active(): with open(CONFIG_NAME, "r") as f: state = f.readlines()[0] if len(state) < len(ACTIVE_STRING): return False state = state[0 : len(ACTIVE_STRING)] return state == ACTIVE_STRING def headline(): disp.print("BLE", posy=0, fg=[0, 255, 255]) if is_active(): disp.print("active", posy=20, fg=[0, 255, 255]) else: disp.print("inactive", posy=20, fg=[0, 255, 255]) def selector(): triangle(disp, 148, 46, False) disp.print("toggle", posx=25, posy=40, fg=[0, 255, 0]) disp = button_pressed = True init() while True: disp.clear() headline() v = if v == 0: button_pressed = False if not button_pressed and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0: button_pressed = True toggle() selector() disp.update() utime.sleep(0.1)