.. _ESS: Environmental Sensing Service ============================= The Environmental Sensing Service (ESS) implements access to the BME680 environmental sensor of the card10. It provides: - Temperature - Relative humidity - Pressure If :ref:`bsec_api` is enabled the following additional estimates are available: - Indoor air quality (IAQ estimate - Equivalent CO2 (eCO2) estimate Please refer to :py:mod:`bme680` for more information about BSEC. If notifcations are enabled a measurement of all values is performed every 3 seconds. For each measurement a notification is sent for the characteristics which have notifications enabled. A measurement can also be triggered by reading from a characteristic. A measurement takes roughly 200 ms. A notifciation will be sent to all characteristics which have notifications enabled except the one which was used to trigger the measurement. .. note:: If :ref:`bsec_api` is enabled, reading a characteristic will not trigger a new measurement. .. note:: This service will be available in version v1.17. BLE Service ----------- - Service UUID: ``181A`` - Temperature characteristic: UUID: ``2A6E`` read and notify - Humidity characteristic: UUID: ``2A6F`` read and notify - Pressure characteristic: UUID: ``2A6D`` read and notify - Indoor air quality (IAQ) characteristic: UUID: ``422302f1-2342-2342-2342-234223422342`` read and notify Temperature characteristic -------------------------- - 16 bit little endian value representing the measured temperature. - Unit: 0.01 deg C Humidity characteristic ----------------------- - 16 bit little endian value representing the measured relative humidity. - Unit: 0.01% Pressure characteristic ----------------------- - 32 bit little endian value representing the measured pressure. - Unit: 0.1 Pa (0.001 hPa) Indoor air quality (IAQ) characteristic --------------------------------------- Data format: ======== =========================== =========================== Byte 0 Bytes 1-2 Bytes 3-4 -------- --------------------------- --------------------------- Accuracy IAQ (16-bit little endian) eCO2 (16-bit little endian) ======== =========================== =========================== Units: - Accuracy and IAQ units: See :ref:`bsec_api` API description - CO2 unit: [ppm]