diff --git a/README-OLD.md b/README-OLD.md
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+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/micropython/micropython.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/micropython/micropython) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/micropython/micropython/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/micropython/micropython?branch=master)
+The MicroPython project
+<p align="center">
+  <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micropython/micropython/master/logo/upython-with-micro.jpg" alt="MicroPython Logo"/>
+This is the MicroPython project, which aims to put an implementation
+of Python 3.x on microcontrollers and small embedded systems.
+You can find the official website at [micropython.org](http://www.micropython.org).
+WARNING: this project is in beta stage and is subject to changes of the
+code-base, including project-wide name changes and API changes.
+MicroPython implements the entire Python 3.4 syntax (including exceptions,
+`with`, `yield from`, etc., and additionally `async`/`await` keywords from
+Python 3.5). The following core datatypes are provided: `str` (including
+basic Unicode support), `bytes`, `bytearray`, `tuple`, `list`, `dict`, `set`,
+`frozenset`, `array.array`, `collections.namedtuple`, classes and instances.
+Builtin modules include `sys`, `time`, and `struct`, etc. Select ports have
+support for `_thread` module (multithreading). Note that only a subset of
+Python 3 functionality is implemented for the data types and modules.
+MicroPython can execute scripts in textual source form or from precompiled
+bytecode, in both cases either from an on-device filesystem or "frozen" into
+the MicroPython executable.
+See the repository http://github.com/micropython/pyboard for the MicroPython
+board (PyBoard), the officially supported reference electronic circuit board.
+Major components in this repository:
+- py/ -- the core Python implementation, including compiler, runtime, and
+  core library.
+- mpy-cross/ -- the MicroPython cross-compiler which is used to turn scripts
+  into precompiled bytecode.
+- ports/unix/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Unix.
+- ports/stm32/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the PyBoard and similar
+  STM32 boards (using ST's Cube HAL drivers).
+- ports/minimal/ -- a minimal MicroPython port. Start with this if you want
+  to port MicroPython to another microcontroller.
+- tests/ -- test framework and test scripts.
+- docs/ -- user documentation in Sphinx reStructuredText format. Rendered
+  HTML documentation is available at http://docs.micropython.org.
+Additional components:
+- ports/bare-arm/ -- a bare minimum version of MicroPython for ARM MCUs. Used
+  mostly to control code size.
+- ports/teensy/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the Teensy 3.1
+  (preliminary but functional).
+- ports/pic16bit/ -- a version of MicroPython for 16-bit PIC microcontrollers.
+- ports/cc3200/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the CC3200 from TI.
+- ports/esp8266/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Espressif's ESP8266 SoC.
+- ports/esp32/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Espressif's ESP32 SoC.
+- ports/nrf/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Nordic's nRF51 and nRF52 MCUs.
+- extmod/ -- additional (non-core) modules implemented in C.
+- tools/ -- various tools, including the pyboard.py module.
+- examples/ -- a few example Python scripts.
+The subdirectories above may include READMEs with additional info.
+"make" is used to build the components, or "gmake" on BSD-based systems.
+You will also need bash, gcc, and Python 3.3+ available as the command `python3`
+(if your system only has Python 2.7 then invoke make with the additional option
+The MicroPython cross-compiler, mpy-cross
+Most ports require the MicroPython cross-compiler to be built first.  This
+program, called mpy-cross, is used to pre-compile Python scripts to .mpy
+files which can then be included (frozen) into the firmware/executable for
+a port.  To build mpy-cross use:
+    $ cd mpy-cross
+    $ make
+The Unix version
+The "unix" port requires a standard Unix environment with gcc and GNU make.
+x86 and x64 architectures are supported (i.e. x86 32- and 64-bit), as well
+as ARM and MIPS. Making full-featured port to another architecture requires
+writing some assembly code for the exception handling and garbage collection.
+Alternatively, fallback implementation based on setjmp/longjmp can be used.
+To build (see section below for required dependencies):
+    $ git submodule update --init
+    $ cd ports/unix
+    $ make
+Then to give it a try:
+    $ ./micropython
+    >>> list(5 * x + y for x in range(10) for y in [4, 2, 1])
+Use `CTRL-D` (i.e. EOF) to exit the shell.
+Learn about command-line options (in particular, how to increase heap size
+which may be needed for larger applications):
+    $ ./micropython --help
+Run complete testsuite:
+    $ make test
+Unix version comes with a builtin package manager called upip, e.g.:
+    $ ./micropython -m upip install micropython-pystone
+    $ ./micropython -m pystone
+Browse available modules on
+Standard library modules come from
+[micropython-lib](https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib) project.
+External dependencies
+Building MicroPython ports may require some dependencies installed.
+For Unix port, `libffi` library and `pkg-config` tool are required. On
+Debian/Ubuntu/Mint derivative Linux distros, install `build-essential`
+(includes toolchain and make), `libffi-dev`, and `pkg-config` packages.
+Other dependencies can be built together with MicroPython. This may
+be required to enable extra features or capabilities, and in recent
+versions of MicroPython, these may be enabled by default. To build
+these additional dependencies, first fetch git submodules for them:
+    $ git submodule update --init
+Use the same command to get the latest versions of dependencies, as
+they are updated from time to time. After that, in the port directory
+(e.g. `ports/unix/`), execute:
+    $ make deplibs
+This will build all available dependencies (regardless whether they
+are used or not). If you intend to build MicroPython with additional
+options (like cross-compiling), the same set of options should be passed
+to `make deplibs`. To actually enable/disable use of dependencies, edit
+`ports/unix/mpconfigport.mk` file, which has inline descriptions of the options.
+For example, to build SSL module (required for `upip` tool described above,
+and so enabled by dfeault), `MICROPY_PY_USSL` should be set to 1.
+For some ports, building required dependences is transparent, and happens
+automatically. They still need to be fetched with the git submodule command
+The STM32 version
+The "stm32" port requires an ARM compiler, arm-none-eabi-gcc, and associated
+bin-utils.  For those using Arch Linux, you need arm-none-eabi-binutils,
+arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-newlib packages.  Otherwise, try here:
+To build:
+    $ git submodule update --init
+    $ cd ports/stm32
+    $ make
+You then need to get your board into DFU mode.  On the pyboard, connect the
+3V3 pin to the P1/DFU pin with a wire (on PYBv1.0 they are next to each other
+on the bottom left of the board, second row from the bottom).
+Then to flash the code via USB DFU to your device:
+    $ make deploy
+This will use the included `tools/pydfu.py` script.  If flashing the firmware
+does not work it may be because you don't have the correct permissions, and
+need to use `sudo make deploy`.
+See the README.md file in the ports/stm32/ directory for further details.
+MicroPython is an open-source project and welcomes contributions. To be
+productive, please be sure to follow the
+[Contributors' Guidelines](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/wiki/ContributorGuidelines)
+and the [Code Conventions](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/CODECONVENTIONS.md).
+Note that MicroPython is licenced under the MIT license, and all contributions
+should follow this license.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aaf310b66285e02661c63385fdf736847a1463cc..3b05c8f7f2e6ad2dd1b5a587042d4881a7f28492 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,187 +1,4 @@
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/micropython/micropython.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/micropython/micropython) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/micropython/micropython/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/micropython/micropython?branch=master)
+micropython fork with card10 support
-The MicroPython project
-<p align="center">
-  <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micropython/micropython/master/logo/upython-with-micro.jpg" alt="MicroPython Logo"/>
-This is the MicroPython project, which aims to put an implementation
-of Python 3.x on microcontrollers and small embedded systems.
-You can find the official website at [micropython.org](http://www.micropython.org).
-WARNING: this project is in beta stage and is subject to changes of the
-code-base, including project-wide name changes and API changes.
-MicroPython implements the entire Python 3.4 syntax (including exceptions,
-`with`, `yield from`, etc., and additionally `async`/`await` keywords from
-Python 3.5). The following core datatypes are provided: `str` (including
-basic Unicode support), `bytes`, `bytearray`, `tuple`, `list`, `dict`, `set`,
-`frozenset`, `array.array`, `collections.namedtuple`, classes and instances.
-Builtin modules include `sys`, `time`, and `struct`, etc. Select ports have
-support for `_thread` module (multithreading). Note that only a subset of
-Python 3 functionality is implemented for the data types and modules.
-MicroPython can execute scripts in textual source form or from precompiled
-bytecode, in both cases either from an on-device filesystem or "frozen" into
-the MicroPython executable.
-See the repository http://github.com/micropython/pyboard for the MicroPython
-board (PyBoard), the officially supported reference electronic circuit board.
-Major components in this repository:
-- py/ -- the core Python implementation, including compiler, runtime, and
-  core library.
-- mpy-cross/ -- the MicroPython cross-compiler which is used to turn scripts
-  into precompiled bytecode.
-- ports/unix/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Unix.
-- ports/stm32/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the PyBoard and similar
-  STM32 boards (using ST's Cube HAL drivers).
-- ports/minimal/ -- a minimal MicroPython port. Start with this if you want
-  to port MicroPython to another microcontroller.
-- tests/ -- test framework and test scripts.
-- docs/ -- user documentation in Sphinx reStructuredText format. Rendered
-  HTML documentation is available at http://docs.micropython.org.
-Additional components:
-- ports/bare-arm/ -- a bare minimum version of MicroPython for ARM MCUs. Used
-  mostly to control code size.
-- ports/teensy/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the Teensy 3.1
-  (preliminary but functional).
-- ports/pic16bit/ -- a version of MicroPython for 16-bit PIC microcontrollers.
-- ports/cc3200/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the CC3200 from TI.
-- ports/esp8266/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Espressif's ESP8266 SoC.
-- ports/esp32/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Espressif's ESP32 SoC.
-- ports/nrf/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on Nordic's nRF51 and nRF52 MCUs.
-- extmod/ -- additional (non-core) modules implemented in C.
-- tools/ -- various tools, including the pyboard.py module.
-- examples/ -- a few example Python scripts.
-The subdirectories above may include READMEs with additional info.
-"make" is used to build the components, or "gmake" on BSD-based systems.
-You will also need bash, gcc, and Python 3.3+ available as the command `python3`
-(if your system only has Python 2.7 then invoke make with the additional option
-The MicroPython cross-compiler, mpy-cross
-Most ports require the MicroPython cross-compiler to be built first.  This
-program, called mpy-cross, is used to pre-compile Python scripts to .mpy
-files which can then be included (frozen) into the firmware/executable for
-a port.  To build mpy-cross use:
-    $ cd mpy-cross
-    $ make
-The Unix version
-The "unix" port requires a standard Unix environment with gcc and GNU make.
-x86 and x64 architectures are supported (i.e. x86 32- and 64-bit), as well
-as ARM and MIPS. Making full-featured port to another architecture requires
-writing some assembly code for the exception handling and garbage collection.
-Alternatively, fallback implementation based on setjmp/longjmp can be used.
-To build (see section below for required dependencies):
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ cd ports/unix
-    $ make
-Then to give it a try:
-    $ ./micropython
-    >>> list(5 * x + y for x in range(10) for y in [4, 2, 1])
-Use `CTRL-D` (i.e. EOF) to exit the shell.
-Learn about command-line options (in particular, how to increase heap size
-which may be needed for larger applications):
-    $ ./micropython --help
-Run complete testsuite:
-    $ make test
-Unix version comes with a builtin package manager called upip, e.g.:
-    $ ./micropython -m upip install micropython-pystone
-    $ ./micropython -m pystone
-Browse available modules on
-Standard library modules come from
-[micropython-lib](https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib) project.
-External dependencies
-Building MicroPython ports may require some dependencies installed.
-For Unix port, `libffi` library and `pkg-config` tool are required. On
-Debian/Ubuntu/Mint derivative Linux distros, install `build-essential`
-(includes toolchain and make), `libffi-dev`, and `pkg-config` packages.
-Other dependencies can be built together with MicroPython. This may
-be required to enable extra features or capabilities, and in recent
-versions of MicroPython, these may be enabled by default. To build
-these additional dependencies, first fetch git submodules for them:
-    $ git submodule update --init
-Use the same command to get the latest versions of dependencies, as
-they are updated from time to time. After that, in the port directory
-(e.g. `ports/unix/`), execute:
-    $ make deplibs
-This will build all available dependencies (regardless whether they
-are used or not). If you intend to build MicroPython with additional
-options (like cross-compiling), the same set of options should be passed
-to `make deplibs`. To actually enable/disable use of dependencies, edit
-`ports/unix/mpconfigport.mk` file, which has inline descriptions of the options.
-For example, to build SSL module (required for `upip` tool described above,
-and so enabled by dfeault), `MICROPY_PY_USSL` should be set to 1.
-For some ports, building required dependences is transparent, and happens
-automatically. They still need to be fetched with the git submodule command
-The STM32 version
-The "stm32" port requires an ARM compiler, arm-none-eabi-gcc, and associated
-bin-utils.  For those using Arch Linux, you need arm-none-eabi-binutils,
-arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-newlib packages.  Otherwise, try here:
-To build:
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ cd ports/stm32
-    $ make
-You then need to get your board into DFU mode.  On the pyboard, connect the
-3V3 pin to the P1/DFU pin with a wire (on PYBv1.0 they are next to each other
-on the bottom left of the board, second row from the bottom).
-Then to flash the code via USB DFU to your device:
-    $ make deploy
-This will use the included `tools/pydfu.py` script.  If flashing the firmware
-does not work it may be because you don't have the correct permissions, and
-need to use `sudo make deploy`.
-See the README.md file in the ports/stm32/ directory for further details.
-MicroPython is an open-source project and welcomes contributions. To be
-productive, please be sure to follow the
-[Contributors' Guidelines](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/wiki/ContributorGuidelines)
-and the [Code Conventions](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/CODECONVENTIONS.md).
-Note that MicroPython is licenced under the MIT license, and all contributions
-should follow this license.
+Original README in [`README-OLD.md`](./README-OLD.md)