From 5ac8036b7fdaa32d44fb756f46f60d8de33e3a50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: oharboe <oharboe@b42882b7-edfa-0310-969c-e2dbd0fdcd60>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 07:24:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removed target->reset_mode, no longer used

git-svn-id: svn:// b42882b7-edfa-0310-969c-e2dbd0fdcd60
 doc/README_TARGET_COMMAND.txt | 427 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/target/target.c           | 164 ++++++-------
 src/target/target.h           |   1 -
 3 files changed, 496 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/README_TARGET_COMMAND.txt

new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b02e4881e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+To be incorporated in openocd.texi...
+Current as of Aug 30, 2008 - Duane Ellis
+Overview - History
+  Pre "tcl" - many commands in openocd where implimented as C
+  functions.  Post "tcl" (Jim-Tcl to be more exact, June 2008 ...) TCL
+  became a bigger part of OpenOCD.
+One of the biggest changes is the introduction of 'target specific'
+commands. When every you create a target, a special command name is
+created specifically for that target.
+	For example - in Tcl/Tk - if you create a button (or any other
+	screen object) you can specify various "button configuration
+	parameters". One of those parameters is the "object cmd/name"
+	[ In TK - this is refered to as the object path ]. Later you
+	can use that 'path' as a command to modify the button, for
+	example to make it "grey", or change the color.
+In effect, the "path" function is an 'object oriented command'
+The TCL change in OpenOCD follows the same principle, you create a
+target, and a specific "targetname" command is created.
+There are two methods of creating a target.
+  (1) Depricated: Using the old syntax Target names are autogenerated
+      as: "target0", "target1" etc..
+  (2) Using the new syntax, you can specify the name of the target.
+As most users will have a single JTAG target, and by default the
+command name will probably default to "target0", thus for reasons of
+simplicity the instructions below use the name 'target0'
+Overview - History *END*
+OpenOCD has the following 'target' or 'target-like' commands.
+(1) targets -(plural) lists all known targets and a little bit of
+    information about each target, most importantly the target
+    *COMMAND*NAME* (it also lists the target number)
+(2) target -(singular) used to create, configure list, etc the targets
+(3) target0 - the command object for the first target.
+    Unless you specified another name.
+The "targets" (plural, 1 above) command has 2 functions.
+With a parameter, you can change the current command line target.
+     NOTE: "with a parameter" is really only useful with 'multiple
+     jtag targets' not something you normally encounter (ie: If you
+     had 2 arm chips - sharing the same JTAG chain)
+     # using a target name..
+    (gdb) mon targets target0
+     # or a target by number.
+    (gdb) mon targets 3
+Or - plain, without any parameter lists targets, for example:
+    (gdb) mon targets
+    	      CmdName    Type       Endian     ChainPos State     
+	  --  ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------
+	   0: target0    arm7tdmi   little     0        halted
+This shows:
+   (a) in this example, a single target
+   (b) target number 0 (1st column)
+   (c) the 'object name' is target0 (the default name)
+   (d) it is an arm7tdmi
+   (e) little endian 
+   (f) The position in the JTAG chain
+   (g) and is currently halted.
+The "target" (singular, 2 above) command has the following options:
+    target create CMDNAME TYPE  ... config options ...
+    	  argv[0] = 'target'
+	  argv[1] = 'create'
+	  argv[2] = the 'object command'
+                  (normally, target0, see (3) above)
+	  argv[3] = the target type, ie: arm7tdmi
+	  argv[4..N] = configuration parameters
+    target types
+    	   Lists all supported target types.
+	   ie: arm7tdmi, xscale, fericon, cortex-m3
+	   The result TCL List of all known target types (and is human
+	   readable)
+    target names
+    	   Returns a TCL list of all known target commands (and is
+	   human readable)
+	   Example:
+		foreach t [target names] {
+		    puts [format "Target: %s\n" $t]
+		}
+    target current
+    	   Returns the TCL command name of the current target.
+	   Example:
+		set ct [target current]
+		set t  [$ct cget -type]
+		puts "Current target name is: $ct, and is a: $t"
+    target number <VALUE>
+    	   Returns the TCL command name of the specified target.
+	   For example 
+	       set thename [target number $x]
+	       puts [format "Target %d is: %s\n" $x $thename]
+	   For instance, assuming the defaults
+	       target number 0
+	   Would return 'target0' (or whatever you called it)
+    target count
+    	   Returns the larget+1 target number.
+	   For example:
+	       set c [target count]
+	       for { set x 0 } { $x < $c } { incr x } {
+	       	   # Assuming you have this function..
+	       	   print_target_details $x
+	       }
+"target0" - (#3 above) the "Target Object" command.
+  Once a target is 'created' a command object by that targets name is
+  created, for example
+  target create BiGRed arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 3
+Would create a [case sensative] "command" BiGRed
+If you use the old [deprecated] syntax, the name is automatically
+generated and is in the form:
+	  target0, target1, target2, target3, .... etc.
+** Target CREATE, CONFIGURE and CGET options **
+The commands:
+    target create CMDNAME TYPE  [configure-options]
+    CMDNAME configure [configure-options]
+    CMDNAME cget      [configure-options]
+In the 'create' case, one is creating the target and can specify any
+number of configuration parameters.
+In the 'CMDNAME cget' case, the goal is to query the target for a
+specific configuration option.
+In the 'CMDNAME configure' case, one can change the setting.
+[Not all things can, or should be changed]
+In the above, the "default" name target0 is 'target0'
+   From the (gdb) prompt, one can type this:
+       (gdb) mon target0 configure -endian big
+   And change target0 to 'big-endian'.  This is a contrived example,
+   specifically for this document - don't expect changing endian
+   'mid-operation' to work you should set the endian at creation.
+Known options [30/august/2008] are:
+[Manditory 'create' Options]
+       -type arm7tdmi|arm720|etc ...
+       -chain-position NUMBER
+       -endian ENDIAN
+       -event EVENTNAME  "tcl-action"
+       -reset RESETACTION
+       -work-area-virt ADDR
+       -work-area-phys ADDR
+       -work-area-size ADDR
+       -work-area-backup BOOLEAN
+[Hint: To get a list of avaialable options, try this]
+       (gdb) mon target0 cget -BLAHBLAHBLAH
+    the abov causes an error - and a helpful list of valid options.
+** Example Target Configure Query **
+One can query any of the above options at run time, for example:
+ (gdb) mon target0 cget -OPTION [param]
+Example TCL script
+    # For all targets...
+    set c [target count]
+    for { set x 0 } { $x < $c } { incr x ] {
+      set n [target number $x]
+      set t [$n cget -type]
+      set e [$n cget -endian]
+      puts [format "%d: %s, %s, endian: %s\n" $x $n $t $n]
+   }
+Might produce:
+      0: pic32chip, mips_m4k, endain: little
+      1: arm7, arm7tdmi, endian: big
+      2: blackfin, bf534, endian: little
+Notice the above example is not target0, target1, target2 Why? Because
+in this contrived multi-target example - more human understandable
+target names might be helpful. 
+For example these two are the same:
+   (gdb) mon blackfin configure -event FOO {puts "Hi mom"}
+   (gdb) mon [target number 2] configure -event FOO {puts "Hi mom"}
+In the second case, we use [] to get the command name of target #2, in
+this contrived example - it is "blackfin"
+** TWO Important Configure Options Are: **
+Two important configuration options are:
+    "-event" and "-reset"
+The "-reset" option specifies what should happen when the chip is
+reset, for example should it 'halt', 're-init', or what.
+The "-event" option less you specifiy a TCL command to occur when a
+specific event occurs.
+** Target Events * Overview **
+At various points in time - certian 'target' events happen.  You can
+create a custom event action to occur at that time.
+For example - after reset, the PLLs and CLOCKs may need to be
+reconfigured, or perhaps the SDRAM needs to be re-initialized
+Often the easiest way to do that is to create a simple script file
+containing the series of (mww [poke memory]) commands you would type
+by hand, to reconfigure the target clocks. You could specify the
+"event action" like this:
+   (gdb) mon target0 configure -event reset-init "script cfg.clocks"
+In the above example, when the event "reset-init" occurs, the
+"action-string" will be evaluated as if you typed it at the console
+Option1 - 
+	The simple approach (above) is to create a script file with
+	lots of "mww" (memory write word) commands to configure your
+	targets clocks and/or external memory.
+Option2 -
+	You can instead create a fancy Tcl procedure and invoke that
+	procedure instead of sourcing a file.
+	[Infact, "script" is a TCL procedure that loads a file]
+** Target Events * Details **
+There are many events one could use, to get a current list of events
+type the following invalid command, you'll get a helpful "runtime
+error" message, see below: [list valid as of 30/august/2008]
+   (gdb) mon target0 cget -event FAFA
+Runtime error, file "../../../openocd23/src/helper/command.c", line 433:
+    -event: Unknown: FAFA, try one of: old-pre_reset, 
+    old-gdb_program_config, old-post_reset, halted, 
+    resumed, resume-start, resume-end, reset-start, 
+    reset-assert-pre, reset-assert-post, 
+    reset-deassert-pre, reset-deassert-post, 
+    reset-halt-pre, reset-halt-post, reset-wait-pre, 
+    reset-wait-post, reset-init, reset-end, 
+    examine-start, examine-end, debug-halted, 
+    debug-resumed, gdb-attach, gdb-detach, 
+    gdb-flash-write-start, gdb-flash-write-end, 
+    gdb-flash-erase-start, gdb-flash-erase-end, 
+    resume-start, resume-ok, or resume-end
+    The event-names "old-*" are deprecated and exist only to help old
+    scripts continue to function, and the old "target_script" command
+    to work. Please do not rely on them.
+These are some other important names.
+    gdb-flash-erase-start
+    gdb-flash-erase-end
+    gdb-flash-write-start
+    gdb-flash-write-end
+    These occur when GDB/OpenOCD attempts to erase & program the FLASH
+    chip via GDB.
+    For example - some PCBs may have a simple GPIO pin that acts like
+    a "flash write protect" you might need to write a script that
+    disables "write protect"
+** How to get a list of current event actions **
+To get a list of current 'event actions', type the following command:
+   (gdb) mon target0 eventlist
+    Event actions for target (0) target0
+    Event                     | Body
+    ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------
+    old-post_reset            | script event/sam7x256_reset.script
+    ***END***
+Here is a simple example for all targets:
+   (gdb)  mon foreach x [target names] { $x eventlist }
+The above uses some TCL tricks:
+   (a) foreach VARIABLE  LIST  BODY
+   (b) to generate the list, we use [target names]
+   (c) the BODY, contains $x - the loop variable
+       and expands to the target specific name
+Recalling the earlier discussion - the "object command" there are 
+other things you can do besides "configure" the target.
+Note: Many of these commands exist as "global" commands, and they also
+exist as target specific commands.
+For example, the "mww" (memory write word) operates on the current target
+if you have more then 1 target, you must switch
+In contrast to the normal commands, these commands operate on the
+specific target. For example, the command "mww" writes data to the
+*current* command line target. 
+Often, you have only a single target - but if you have multiple
+targets (ie: a PIC32 and an at91sam7 - your reset-init scripts might
+get a bit more complicated, ie: you must specify which of the two
+chips you want to write to. Writing 'pic32' clock configuration to an
+at91sam7 does not work)
+The commands are: [as of 30/august/2008]
+    	   Write(poke): 32, 16, 8bit values to memory.
+    	   Human 'hexdump' with ascii 32, 16, 8bit values
+    TNAME  mem2array  [see mem2array command]
+    TNAME  array2mem  [see array2mem command]
+    TNAME  curstate
+    	  Returns the current state of the target.
+    TNAME examine
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
+    TNAME poll
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
+    TNAME reset assert
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
+    TNAME reset deassert
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
+    TNAME halt
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
+    TNAME waitstate STATENAME
+    	  See 'advanced target reset'
diff --git a/src/target/target.c b/src/target/target.c
index 08a0505f2..ee65147c6 100644
--- a/src/target/target.c
+++ b/src/target/target.c
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ const Jim_Nvp nvp_target_event[] = {
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_OLD_gdb_program_config , .name = "old-gdb_program_config" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_OLD_post_reset         , .name = "old-post_reset" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_OLD_pre_resume         , .name = "old-pre_resume" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_HALTED, .name = "halted" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_RESUMED, .name = "resumed" },
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ const Jim_Nvp nvp_target_event[] = {
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_EXAMINE_START, .name = "examine-start" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_EXAMINE_START, .name = "examine-end" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_DEBUG_HALTED, .name = "debug-halted" },
 	{ .value = TARGET_EVENT_DEBUG_RESUMED, .name = "debug-resumed" },
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ target_t* get_target_by_num(int num)
 	while (target){
 		if( target->target_number == num ){
 			return target;
-		} 
+		}
 		target = target->next;
@@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ int target_call_event_callbacks(target_t *target, enum target_event event)
 	target_event_callback_t *callback = target_event_callbacks;
 	target_event_callback_t *next_callback;
-	LOG_DEBUG("target event %i (%s)", 
-			  event, 
+	LOG_DEBUG("target event %i (%s)",
+			  event,
 			  Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_event, event )->name );
 	target_handle_event( target, event );
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ int target_arch_state(struct target_s *target)
 		return ERROR_OK;
-	LOG_USER("target state: %s", 
+	LOG_USER("target state: %s",
 	if (target->state!=TARGET_HALTED)
@@ -1394,18 +1394,18 @@ int handle_targets_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **
 			if( 0 == strcmp( args[0], target->cmd_name ) ){
 				/* MATCH */
 				goto Match;
-			} 
+			}
 		/* no match, try as number */
 		int num = strtoul(args[0], &cp, 0 );
 		if( *cp != 0 ){
 			/* then it was not a number */
 			command_print( cmd_ctx, "Target: %s unknown, try one of:\n", args[0] );
 			goto DumpTargets;
 		target = get_target_by_num( num );
 		if( target == NULL ){
 			command_print(cmd_ctx,"Target: %s is unknown, try one of:\n", args[0] );
@@ -1422,11 +1422,11 @@ int handle_targets_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **
 	while (target)
 		/* XX: abcdefghij abcdefghij abcdefghij abcdefghij */
-		command_print(cmd_ctx, "%2d: %-10s %-10s %-10s %8d %s", 
+		command_print(cmd_ctx, "%2d: %-10s %-10s %-10s %8d %s",
-					  target->type->name, 
-					  Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_endian, target->endianness )->name, 
+					  target->type->name,
+					  Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_endian, target->endianness )->name,
 					  Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_state, target->state )->name );
 		target = target->next;
@@ -1689,14 +1689,14 @@ int target_wait_state(target_t *target, enum target_state state, int ms)
 		if (once)
-			LOG_DEBUG("waiting for target %s...", 
+			LOG_DEBUG("waiting for target %s...",
 		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
 		if ((now.tv_sec > timeout.tv_sec) || ((now.tv_sec == timeout.tv_sec) && (now.tv_usec >= timeout.tv_usec)))
-			LOG_ERROR("timed out while waiting for target %s", 
+			LOG_ERROR("timed out while waiting for target %s",
 			return ERROR_FAIL;
@@ -2801,7 +2801,7 @@ static int jim_array2mem(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
 	command_context_t *context;
 	target_t *target;
 	context = Jim_GetAssocData(interp, "context");
 	if (context == NULL){
 		LOG_ERROR("array2mem: no command context");
@@ -2812,10 +2812,10 @@ static int jim_array2mem(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
 		LOG_ERROR("array2mem: no current target");
 		return JIM_ERR;
 	return target_array2mem( interp,target, argc, argv );
 static int target_array2mem(Jim_Interp *interp, target_t *target, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
@@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ target_all_handle_event( enum target_event e )
 	target_t *target;
-	LOG_DEBUG( "**all*targets: event: %d, %s", 
+	LOG_DEBUG( "**all*targets: event: %d, %s",
 		   Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_event, e )->name );
@@ -2990,7 +2990,7 @@ target_handle_event( target_t *target, enum target_event e )
 		teap = teap->next;
 	if( !done ){
-		LOG_DEBUG( "event: %d %s - no action", 
+		LOG_DEBUG( "event: %d %s - no action",
 				   Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_event, e )->name );
@@ -2998,7 +2998,7 @@ target_handle_event( target_t *target, enum target_event e )
 enum target_cfg_param {
@@ -3021,10 +3021,10 @@ static Jim_Nvp nvp_config_opts[] = {
 	{ .name = "-endian" ,          .value = TCFG_ENDIAN },
 	{ .name = "-variant",          .value = TCFG_VARIANT },
 	{ .name = "-chain-position",   .value = TCFG_CHAIN_POSITION },
 	{ .name = NULL, .value = -1 }
 static int
 target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc == 0 ){
 					Jim_WrongNumArgs( goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ?event-name? ?EVENT-BODY?");
 					return JIM_ERR;
-				}  
+				}
 			} else {
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ?event-name?");
@@ -3101,10 +3101,10 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
-			{ 
+			{
 				target_event_action_t *teap;
 				teap = target->event_action;
 				/* replace existing? */
 				while( teap ){
@@ -3113,7 +3113,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 					teap = teap->next;
 				if( goi->isconfigure ){
 					if( teap == NULL ){
 						/* create new */
@@ -3126,7 +3126,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 					teap->body  = Jim_DuplicateObj( goi->interp, o );
-					 * FIXME: 
+					 * FIXME:
 					 *     Tcl/TK - "tk events" have a nice feature.
 					 *     See the "BIND" command.
 					 *    We should support that here.
@@ -3153,32 +3153,6 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 			/* loop for more */
-		case TCFG_RESET:
-			if( goi->isconfigure ){
-				e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp( goi, nvp_reset_modes, &n );
-				if( e != JIM_OK ){
-					Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown( goi, nvp_reset_modes, 1 );
-					return e;
-				}
-				if( n->value == RESET_UNKNOWN ){
-					Jim_SetResultString( interp, "'unknown' is not a valid selection",-1);
-					return JIM_ERR;
-				}
-				target->reset_mode = n->value;
-			} else {
-				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
-					goto no_params;
-				}
-			}
-			n = Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_reset_modes, target->reset_mode );
-			if( n->name == NULL ){
-				target->reset_mode = RESET_HALT;
-				n = Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_reset_modes, target->reset_mode );
-			}
-			Jim_SetResultString( goi->interp, n->name, -1 );
-			/* loop for more */
-			break;
 			if( goi->isconfigure ){
@@ -3191,11 +3165,11 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResult( interp, Jim_NewIntObj( goi->interp, target->working_area_virt ) );
 			/* loop for more */
 			if( goi->isconfigure ){
@@ -3208,7 +3182,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResult( interp, Jim_NewIntObj( goi->interp, target->working_area_phys ) );
 			/* loop for more */
@@ -3225,7 +3199,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResult( interp, Jim_NewIntObj( goi->interp, target->working_area_size ) );
 			/* loop for more */
@@ -3243,7 +3217,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResult( interp, Jim_NewIntObj( goi->interp, target->working_area_size ) );
 			/* loop for more e*/
@@ -3265,7 +3239,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 			if( n->name == NULL ){
 				target->endianness = TARGET_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
 				n = Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_endian, target->endianness );
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResultString( goi->interp, n->name, -1 );
 			/* loop for more */
@@ -3287,7 +3261,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResultString( goi->interp, target->variant,-1 );
 			/* loop for more */
@@ -3304,7 +3278,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 				if( goi->argc != 0 ){
 					goto no_params;
-			} 
+			}
 			Jim_SetResult( interp, Jim_NewIntObj( goi->interp, target->chain_position ) );
 			/* loop for more e*/
@@ -3318,7 +3292,7 @@ target_configure( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
 /** this is the 'tcl' handler for the target specific command */
 static int
 tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
-				 int argc, 
+				 int argc,
 				 Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 	Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
@@ -3334,12 +3308,12 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 	enum {
@@ -3347,7 +3321,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 	static const Jim_Nvp target_options[] = {
 		{ .name = "configure", .value = TS_CMD_CONFIGURE },
 		{ .name = "cget", .value = TS_CMD_CGET },
@@ -3412,7 +3386,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 		 * argv[2] = data
 		 * argv[3] = optional count.
 		if( (goi.argc == 3) || (goi.argc == 4) ){
 			/* all is well */
 		} else {
@@ -3420,7 +3394,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 			Jim_SetResult_sprintf( goi.interp, "expected: %s ADDR DATA [COUNT]", n->name );
 			return JIM_ERR;
 		e = Jim_GetOpt_Wide( &goi, &a );
 		if( e != JIM_OK ){
 			goto mwx_error;
@@ -3438,7 +3412,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 		} else {
 			c = 1;
 		switch( n->value ){
 		case TS_CMD_MWW:
 			target_buffer_set_u32( target, target_buf, b );
@@ -3515,7 +3489,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 				Jim_SetResult_sprintf( interp, "error reading target @ 0x%08lx", (int)(a) );
 				return JIM_ERR;
 			Jim_fprintf( interp, interp->cookie_stdout, "0x%08x ", (int)(a) );
 			switch( b ){
 			case 4:
@@ -3549,7 +3523,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 			/* ascii-ify the bytes */
 			for( x = 0 ; x < y ; x++ ){
-				if( (target_buf[x] >= 0x20) && 
+				if( (target_buf[x] >= 0x20) &&
 					(target_buf[x] <= 0x7e) ){
 					/* good */
 				} else {
@@ -3633,7 +3607,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 		target->type->halt( target );
 		return JIM_OK;
-		// params:  <name>  statename timeoutmsecs 
+		// params:  <name>  statename timeoutmsecs
 		if( goi.argc != 2 ){
 			Jim_SetResult_sprintf( goi.interp, "%s STATENAME TIMEOUTMSECS", n->name );
 			return JIM_ERR;
@@ -3650,7 +3624,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 		e = target_wait_state( target, n->value, a );
 		if( e == ERROR_OK ){
 			Jim_SetResult_sprintf( goi.interp,
-								   "target: %s wait %s fails %d", 
+								   "target: %s wait %s fails %d",
 								   target_strerror_safe(e) );
@@ -3666,12 +3640,12 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 			target_event_action_t *teap;
 			teap = target->event_action;
 			command_print( cmd_ctx, "Event actions for target (%d) %s\n",
-						   target->target_number, 
+						   target->target_number,
 						   target->cmd_name );
 			command_print( cmd_ctx, "%-25s | Body", "Event");
 			command_print( cmd_ctx, "------------------------- | ----------------------------------------");
 			while( teap ){
-				command_print( cmd_ctx, 
+				command_print( cmd_ctx,
 							   "%-25s | %s",
 							   Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple( nvp_target_event, teap->event )->name,
 							   Jim_GetString( teap->body, NULL ) );
@@ -3685,7 +3659,7 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 			Jim_WrongNumArgs( goi.interp, 0, argv, "[no parameters]");
 			return JIM_ERR;
-		Jim_SetResultString( goi.interp, 
+		Jim_SetResultString( goi.interp,
 		return JIM_OK;
@@ -3695,8 +3669,8 @@ tcl_target_func( Jim_Interp *interp,
 static int
 target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 	Jim_Obj *new_cmd;
 	Jim_Cmd *cmd;
 	const char *cp;
@@ -3721,7 +3695,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 		Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "Command/target: %s Exists", cp);
 		return JIM_ERR;
 	/* TYPE */
 	e = Jim_GetOpt_String( goi, &cp2, NULL );
 	cp = cp2;
@@ -3736,12 +3710,12 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 		Jim_SetResult_sprintf( goi->interp, "Unknown target type %s, try one of ", cp );
 		for( x = 0 ; target_types[x] ; x++ ){
 			if( target_types[x+1] ){
-				Jim_AppendStrings( goi->interp, 
+				Jim_AppendStrings( goi->interp,
 								   ", ", NULL);
 			} else {
-				Jim_AppendStrings( goi->interp, 
+				Jim_AppendStrings( goi->interp,
 								   " or ",
 								   target_types[x]->name,NULL );
@@ -3750,7 +3724,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 		return JIM_ERR;
 	/* Create it */
 	target = calloc(1,sizeof(target_t));
 	/* set target number */
@@ -3760,7 +3734,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 	target->type = (target_type_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(target_type_t));
 	memcpy( target->type, target_types[x], sizeof(target_type_t));
 	/* will be set by "-endian" */
 	target->endianness = TARGET_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN;
@@ -3768,7 +3742,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 	target->working_area_size   = 0x0;
 	target->working_areas       = NULL;
 	target->backup_working_area = 0;
 	target->state               = TARGET_UNKNOWN;
 	target->debug_reason        = DBG_REASON_UNDEFINED;
 	target->reg_cache           = NULL;
@@ -3776,7 +3750,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 	target->watchpoints         = NULL;
 	target->next                = NULL;
 	target->arch_info           = NULL;
 	/* initialize trace information */
 	target->trace_info = malloc(sizeof(trace_t));
 	target->trace_info->num_trace_points         = 0;
@@ -3786,7 +3760,7 @@ target_create( Jim_GetOptInfo *goi )
 	target->trace_info->trace_history            = NULL;
 	target->trace_info->trace_history_pos        = 0;
 	target->trace_info->trace_history_overflowed = 0;
 	target->dbgmsg          = NULL;
 	target->dbg_msg_enabled = 0;
@@ -3858,9 +3832,9 @@ jim_target( Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 	const char *target_cmds[] = {
-		"create", "types", "names", "current", "number", 
+		"create", "types", "names", "current", "number",
-		NULL // terminate 
+		NULL // terminate
 	LOG_DEBUG("Target command params:");
@@ -3887,9 +3861,9 @@ jim_target( Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 		Jim_Obj *new_argv[10];
 		int      new_argc;
-		/* target_old_syntax 
-		 * 
+		/* target_old_syntax
+		 *
 		 * argv[0] typename (above)
 		 * argv[1] endian
 		 * argv[2] reset method, deprecated/ignored
@@ -3936,14 +3910,14 @@ jim_target( Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 		 *   argv[8] = -variant
 		 *   argv[9] = "somestring"
 		/* don't let these be released */
 		for( x = 0 ; x < new_argc ; x++ ){
 			Jim_IncrRefCount( new_argv[x]);
 		/* call our self */
 		LOG_DEBUG("Target OLD SYNTAX - converted to new syntax");
 		r = jim_target( goi.interp, new_argc, new_argv );
 		/* release? these items */
@@ -3995,7 +3969,7 @@ jim_target( Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 								   Jim_NewStringObj( goi.interp, target->cmd_name, -1 ) );
 			target = target->next;
-		return JIM_OK;		
+		return JIM_OK;
 		if( goi.argc < 3 ){
 			Jim_WrongNumArgs( goi.interp, goi.argc, goi.argv, "?name  ... config options ...");
@@ -4027,7 +4001,7 @@ jim_target( Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv )
 			Jim_WrongNumArgs( goi.interp, 0, goi.argv, "<no parameters>");
 			return JIM_ERR;
-		Jim_SetResult( goi.interp, 
+		Jim_SetResult( goi.interp,
 					   Jim_NewIntObj( goi.interp, max_target_number()));
 		return JIM_OK;
diff --git a/src/target/target.h b/src/target/target.h
index c6f6beddc..f6f5177e6 100644
--- a/src/target/target.h
+++ b/src/target/target.h
@@ -244,7 +244,6 @@ typedef struct target_s
 	int target_number;                  /* generaly, target index but may not be in order */
 	int chain_position;                 /* where on the jtag chain is this */
 	const char *variant;                /* what varient of this chip is it? */
-	enum target_reset_mode reset_mode;  /* how should this target be reset */
 	target_event_action_t *event_action;
 	int reset_halt;						/* attempt resetting the CPU into the halted mode? */