From b99b73a36860d02c621ab449e1c341133f42d1fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ntfreak <ntfreak@b42882b7-edfa-0310-969c-e2dbd0fdcd60>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:59:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - fixed line endings with commands.tcl - added svn props for
 newly added files

git-svn-id: svn:// b42882b7-edfa-0310-969c-e2dbd0fdcd60
 src/target/target/at91eb40a.tcl | 110 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/tcl/commands.tcl            |  32 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/target/target/at91eb40a.tcl b/src/target/target/at91eb40a.tcl
index 13ed0f824..de57995c4 100644
--- a/src/target/target/at91eb40a.tcl
+++ b/src/target/target/at91eb40a.tcl
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-#Script for AT91EB40a
-#Atmel ties SRST & TRST together, at which point it makes
-#no sense to use TRST, but use TMS instead.
-#The annoying thing with tying SRST & TRST together is that
-#there is no way to halt the CPU *before and during* the
-#SRST reset, which means that the CPU will run a number
-#of cycles before it can be halted(as much as milliseconds).
-openocd {reset_config srst_only srst_pulls_trst}
-#jtag scan chain
-#format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)
-openocd {jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe}
-#target configuration
-openocd {target arm7tdmi little 0 arm7tdmi-s_r4}
-# speed up memory downloads
-openocd {arm7 fast_memory_access enable}
-openocd {arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable}
-#flash driver
-openocd {flash bank ecosflash 0x01000000 0x200000 2 2 0 ecos/at91eb40a.elf}
-# required for usable performance. Used for lots of
-# other things than flash programming.
-openocd {working_area 0 0x00000000 0x20000 nobackup}
-#force hardware values - we're running out of flash more
-#often than not. The user can disable this in his
-#subsequent config script.
-openocd {arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable}
-set reset_count 0
-proc target_reset_0 {} {
-	global reset_count
-	# Reset script for AT91EB40a
-	openocd {reg cpsr 0x000000D3} 		
-	openocd {mww 0xFFE00020 0x1}
-	openocd {mww 0xFFE00024 0x00000000}  
-	openocd {mww 0xFFE00000 0x01002539} 
-	openocd {mww 0xFFFFF124 0xFFFFFFFF}  
-	openocd {mww 0xffff0010 0x100}
-	openocd {mww 0xffff0034 0x100}
-	set reset_count [expr $reset_count+1]
-	echo "Testing reset $reset_count !"
-proc target_pre_reset_0 {} {
-	global reset_count
-	set reset_count [expr $reset_count+1]
-	echo "Testing pre_reset $reset_count !"
+#Script for AT91EB40a
+#Atmel ties SRST & TRST together, at which point it makes
+#no sense to use TRST, but use TMS instead.
+#The annoying thing with tying SRST & TRST together is that
+#there is no way to halt the CPU *before and during* the
+#SRST reset, which means that the CPU will run a number
+#of cycles before it can be halted(as much as milliseconds).
+openocd {reset_config srst_only srst_pulls_trst}
+#jtag scan chain
+#format L IRC IRCM IDCODE (Length, IR Capture, IR Capture Mask, IDCODE)
+openocd {jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe}
+#target configuration
+openocd {target arm7tdmi little 0 arm7tdmi-s_r4}
+# speed up memory downloads
+openocd {arm7 fast_memory_access enable}
+openocd {arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable}
+#flash driver
+openocd {flash bank ecosflash 0x01000000 0x200000 2 2 0 ecos/at91eb40a.elf}
+# required for usable performance. Used for lots of
+# other things than flash programming.
+openocd {working_area 0 0x00000000 0x20000 nobackup}
+#force hardware values - we're running out of flash more
+#often than not. The user can disable this in his
+#subsequent config script.
+openocd {arm7_9 force_hw_bkpts enable}
+set reset_count 0
+proc target_reset_0 {} {
+	global reset_count
+	# Reset script for AT91EB40a
+	openocd {reg cpsr 0x000000D3} 		
+	openocd {mww 0xFFE00020 0x1}
+	openocd {mww 0xFFE00024 0x00000000}  
+	openocd {mww 0xFFE00000 0x01002539} 
+	openocd {mww 0xFFFFF124 0xFFFFFFFF}  
+	openocd {mww 0xffff0010 0x100}
+	openocd {mww 0xffff0034 0x100}
+	set reset_count [expr $reset_count+1]
+	echo "Testing reset $reset_count !"
+proc target_pre_reset_0 {} {
+	global reset_count
+	set reset_count [expr $reset_count+1]
+	echo "Testing pre_reset $reset_count !"
diff --git a/src/tcl/commands.tcl b/src/tcl/commands.tcl
index 81f7b6f10..7d90f36c2 100644
--- a/src/tcl/commands.tcl
+++ b/src/tcl/commands.tcl
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-# implements Tcl procedures/functions
-proc peek {address} {
+# implements Tcl procedures/functions
+proc peek {address} {
 	return [openocd_throw "mdw $address"]
-# Production command
-# FIX!!! need to figure out how to feed back relevant output
-# from e.g. "flash banks" command...
-proc board_produce {filename serialnumber} {
-	openocd "reset init"
-	openocd "flash write_image erase $filename [flash] bin"]]
-	openocd "verify_image $filename [flash] bin"]]
-	echo "Successfully ran production procedure"
-proc board_test {} {
+# Production command
+# FIX!!! need to figure out how to feed back relevant output
+# from e.g. "flash banks" command...
+proc board_produce {filename serialnumber} {
+	openocd "reset init"
+	openocd "flash write_image erase $filename [flash] bin"]]
+	openocd "verify_image $filename [flash] bin"]]
+	echo "Successfully ran production procedure"
+proc board_test {} {
 	echo "Production test not implemented"