diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/README.md b/third_party/fatfsgen/README.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70ed6b1db6ab673f1798fcc668a40c7cc4a0e95f
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+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Vendored from esp-idf/components/fastfs at 213504238f77e01073f668e5e8f87e3b3cc02a8f .
+Can be removed once we update to ESP-IDF 5.x.
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/__init__.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/boot_sector.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/boot_sector.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..615dd065112d1b9ceaad1ec14df68e45ea7c9d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/boot_sector.py
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+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from inspect import getmembers, isroutine
+from typing import Optional
+from construct import Const, Int8ul, Int16ul, Int32ul, PaddedString, Struct, core
+from .exceptions import InconsistentFATAttributes, NotInitialized
+from .fatfs_state import BootSectorState
+                    SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING, FATDefaults, generate_4bytes_random, pad_string)
+class BootSector:
+    """
+    This class describes the first sector of the volume in the Reserved Region.
+    It contains data from BPB (BIOS Parameter Block) and BS (Boot sector). The fields of the BPB and BS are mixed in
+    the header of the physical boot sector. Fields with prefix BPB belongs to BPB block and with prefix BS
+    belongs to the actual boot sector.
+    Please beware, that the name of class BootSector refer to data both from the boot sector and BPB.
+    ESP32 ignores fields with prefix "BS_"! Fields with prefix BPB_ are essential to read the filesystem.
+    """
+    MAX_VOL_LAB_SIZE = 11
+    # the FAT specification defines 512 bytes for the boot sector header
+        # this value reflects BS_jmpBoot used for ESP32 boot sector (any other accepted)
+        'BS_jmpBoot' / Const(b'\xeb\xfe\x90'),
+        'BPB_BytsPerSec' / Int16ul,
+        'BPB_SecPerClus' / Int8ul,
+        'BPB_RsvdSecCnt' / Int16ul,
+        'BPB_NumFATs' / Int8ul,
+        'BPB_RootEntCnt' / Int16ul,
+        'BPB_TotSec16' / Int16ul,  # zero if the FAT type is 32, otherwise number of sectors
+        'BPB_Media' / Int8ul,
+        'BPB_FATSz16' / Int16ul,  # for FAT32 always zero, for FAT12/FAT16 number of sectors per FAT
+        'BPB_SecPerTrk' / Int16ul,
+        'BPB_NumHeads' / Int16ul,
+        'BPB_HiddSec' / Int32ul,
+        'BPB_TotSec32' / Int32ul,  # zero if the FAT type is 12/16, otherwise number of sectors
+        'BS_DrvNum' / Const(b'\x80'),
+        'BS_Reserved1' / Const(EMPTY_BYTE),
+        'BS_BootSig' / Const(b'\x29'),
+        'BS_VolID' / Int32ul,
+        'BS_VolLab' / PaddedString(MAX_VOL_LAB_SIZE, SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING),
+        'BS_FilSysType' / PaddedString(MAX_FS_TYPE_SIZE, SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING),
+        'BS_EMPTY' / Const(448 * EMPTY_BYTE),
+        'Signature_word' / Const(FATDefaults.SIGNATURE_WORD)
+    )
+    def __init__(self, boot_sector_state: Optional[BootSectorState] = None) -> None:
+        self._parsed_header: dict = {}
+        self.boot_sector_state: BootSectorState = boot_sector_state
+    def generate_boot_sector(self) -> None:
+        boot_sector_state: BootSectorState = self.boot_sector_state
+        if boot_sector_state is None:
+            raise NotInitialized('The BootSectorState instance is not initialized!')
+        volume_uuid = generate_4bytes_random()
+        pad_header: bytes = (boot_sector_state.sector_size - BootSector.BOOT_HEADER_SIZE) * EMPTY_BYTE
+        data_content: bytes = boot_sector_state.data_sectors * boot_sector_state.sector_size * FULL_BYTE
+        root_dir_content: bytes = boot_sector_state.root_dir_sectors_cnt * boot_sector_state.sector_size * EMPTY_BYTE
+        fat_tables_content: bytes = (boot_sector_state.sectors_per_fat_cnt
+                                     * boot_sector_state.fat_tables_cnt
+                                     * boot_sector_state.sector_size
+                                     * EMPTY_BYTE)
+        self.boot_sector_state.binary_image = (
+            BootSector.BOOT_SECTOR_HEADER.build(
+                dict(BS_OEMName=pad_string(boot_sector_state.oem_name, size=BootSector.MAX_OEM_NAME_SIZE),
+                     BPB_BytsPerSec=boot_sector_state.sector_size,
+                     BPB_SecPerClus=boot_sector_state.sectors_per_cluster,
+                     BPB_RsvdSecCnt=boot_sector_state.reserved_sectors_cnt,
+                     BPB_NumFATs=boot_sector_state.fat_tables_cnt,
+                     BPB_RootEntCnt=boot_sector_state.entries_root_count,
+                     # if fat type is 12 or 16 BPB_TotSec16 is filled and BPB_TotSec32 is 0x00 and vice versa
+                     BPB_TotSec16=0x00 if boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT32 else boot_sector_state.sectors_count,
+                     BPB_Media=boot_sector_state.media_type,
+                     BPB_FATSz16=boot_sector_state.sectors_per_fat_cnt,
+                     BPB_SecPerTrk=boot_sector_state.sec_per_track,
+                     BPB_NumHeads=boot_sector_state.num_heads,
+                     BPB_HiddSec=boot_sector_state.hidden_sectors,
+                     BPB_TotSec32=boot_sector_state.sectors_count if boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT32 else 0x00,
+                     BS_VolID=volume_uuid,
+                     BS_VolLab=pad_string(boot_sector_state.volume_label,
+                                          size=BootSector.MAX_VOL_LAB_SIZE),
+                     BS_FilSysType=pad_string(boot_sector_state.file_sys_type,
+                                              size=BootSector.MAX_FS_TYPE_SIZE)
+                     )
+            ) + pad_header + fat_tables_content + root_dir_content + data_content
+        )
+    def parse_boot_sector(self, binary_data: bytes) -> None:
+        """
+        Checks the validity of the boot sector and derives the metadata from boot sector to the structured shape.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._parsed_header = BootSector.BOOT_SECTOR_HEADER.parse(binary_data)
+        except core.StreamError:
+            raise NotInitialized('The boot sector header is not parsed successfully!')
+        if self._parsed_header['BPB_TotSec16'] != 0x00:
+            sectors_count_: int = self._parsed_header['BPB_TotSec16']
+        elif self._parsed_header['BPB_TotSec32'] != 0x00:
+            # uncomment for FAT32 implementation
+            # sectors_count_ = self._parsed_header['BPB_TotSec32']
+            # possible_fat_types = [FAT32]
+            assert self._parsed_header['BPB_TotSec16'] == 0
+            raise NotImplementedError('FAT32 not implemented!')
+        else:
+            raise InconsistentFATAttributes('The number of FS sectors cannot be zero!')
+        if self._parsed_header['BPB_BytsPerSec'] not in ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES:
+            raise InconsistentFATAttributes(f'The number of bytes '
+                                            f"per sector is {self._parsed_header['BPB_BytsPerSec']}! "
+                                            f'The accepted values are {ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES}')
+        if self._parsed_header['BPB_SecPerClus'] not in ALLOWED_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER:
+            raise InconsistentFATAttributes(f'The number of sectors per cluster '
+                                            f"is {self._parsed_header['BPB_SecPerClus']}"
+                                            f'The accepted values are {ALLOWED_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER}')
+        total_root_bytes: int = self._parsed_header['BPB_RootEntCnt'] * FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        root_dir_sectors_cnt_: int = total_root_bytes // self._parsed_header['BPB_BytsPerSec']
+        self.boot_sector_state = BootSectorState(oem_name=self._parsed_header['BS_OEMName'],
+                                                 sector_size=self._parsed_header['BPB_BytsPerSec'],
+                                                 sectors_per_cluster=self._parsed_header['BPB_SecPerClus'],
+                                                 reserved_sectors_cnt=self._parsed_header['BPB_RsvdSecCnt'],
+                                                 fat_tables_cnt=self._parsed_header['BPB_NumFATs'],
+                                                 root_dir_sectors_cnt=root_dir_sectors_cnt_,
+                                                 sectors_count=sectors_count_,
+                                                 media_type=self._parsed_header['BPB_Media'],
+                                                 sec_per_track=self._parsed_header['BPB_SecPerTrk'],
+                                                 num_heads=self._parsed_header['BPB_NumHeads'],
+                                                 hidden_sectors=self._parsed_header['BPB_HiddSec'],
+                                                 volume_label=self._parsed_header['BS_VolLab'],
+                                                 file_sys_type=self._parsed_header['BS_FilSysType'],
+                                                 volume_uuid=self._parsed_header['BS_VolID'])
+        self.boot_sector_state.binary_image = binary_data
+        assert self.boot_sector_state.file_sys_type in (f'FAT{self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type}   ', 'FAT     ')
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        """
+        FATFS properties parser (internal helper tool for fatfsgen.py/fatfsparse.py)
+        Provides all the properties of given FATFS instance by parsing its boot sector (returns formatted string)
+        """
+        if self._parsed_header == {}:
+            return 'Boot sector is not initialized!'
+        res: str = 'FATFS properties:\n'
+        for member in getmembers(self.boot_sector_state, lambda a: not (isroutine(a))):
+            prop_ = getattr(self.boot_sector_state, member[0])
+            if isinstance(prop_, int) or isinstance(prop_, str) and not member[0].startswith('_'):
+                res += f'{member[0]}: {prop_}\n'
+        return res
+    @property
+    def binary_image(self) -> bytes:
+        # when BootSector is not instantiated, self.boot_sector_state might be None
+        if self.boot_sector_state is None or len(self.boot_sector_state.binary_image) == 0:
+            raise NotInitialized('Boot sector is not initialized!')
+        bin_image_: bytes = self.boot_sector_state.binary_image
+        return bin_image_
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/cluster.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/cluster.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ced9b1f5c3b1b5c9a2d70358d7895e700eab73cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/cluster.py
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+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import Dict, Optional
+from construct import Int16ul
+from .fatfs_state import BootSectorState
+from .utils import (EMPTY_BYTE, FAT12, FAT16, build_byte, merge_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian,
+                    split_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian)
+def get_dir_size(is_root: bool, boot_sector: BootSectorState) -> int:
+    dir_size_: int = boot_sector.root_dir_sectors_cnt * boot_sector.sector_size if is_root else boot_sector.sector_size
+    return dir_size_
+class Cluster:
+    """
+    class Cluster handles values in FAT table and allocates sectors in data region.
+    """
+    RESERVED_BLOCK_ID: int = 0
+    ROOT_BLOCK_ID: int = 1
+    INITIAL_BLOCK_SWITCH: Dict[int, int] = {FAT12: 0xFF8, FAT16: 0xFFF8}
+    def __init__(self,
+                 cluster_id: int,
+                 boot_sector_state: BootSectorState,
+                 init_: bool) -> None:
+        """
+        Initially, if init_ is False, the cluster is virtual and is not allocated (doesn't do changes in the FAT).
+        :param cluster_id: the cluster ID - a key value linking the file's cluster,
+          the corresponding physical cluster (data region) and the FAT table cluster.
+        :param boot_sector_state: auxiliary structure holding the file-system's metadata
+        :param init_: True for allocation the cluster on instantiation, otherwise False.
+        :returns: None
+        """
+        self.id: int = cluster_id
+        self.boot_sector_state: BootSectorState = boot_sector_state
+        self._next_cluster = None  # type: Optional[Cluster]
+        # First cluster in FAT is reserved, low 8 bits contains BPB_Media and the rest is filled with 1
+        # e.g. the esp32 media type is 0xF8 thus the FAT[0] = 0xFF8 for FAT12, 0xFFF8 for FAT16
+        if self.id == Cluster.RESERVED_BLOCK_ID and init_:
+            self.set_in_fat(self.INITIAL_BLOCK_SWITCH[self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type])
+            return
+        self.cluster_data_address: int = self._compute_cluster_data_address()
+        assert self.cluster_data_address
+    @property
+    def next_cluster(self):  # type: () -> Optional[Cluster]
+        return self._next_cluster
+    @next_cluster.setter
+    def next_cluster(self, value):  # type: (Optional[Cluster]) -> None
+        self._next_cluster = value
+    def _cluster_id_to_fat_position_in_bits(self, _id: int) -> int:
+        """
+        This private method calculates the position of the memory block (cluster) in the FAT table.
+        :param _id: the cluster ID - a key value linking the file's cluster,
+          the corresponding physical cluster (data region) and the FAT table cluster.
+        :returns: bit offset of the cluster in FAT
+          e.g.:
+          00003000: 42 65 00 2E 00 74 00 78 00 74 00 0F 00 43 FF FF
+          For FAT12 the third cluster has value = 0x02E and ID = 2.
+          Its bit-address is 24 (24 bits preceding, 0-indexed), because 0x2E starts at the bit-offset 24.
+        """
+        logical_position_: int = self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type * _id
+        return logical_position_
+    @staticmethod
+    def compute_cluster_data_address(boot_sector_state: BootSectorState, id_: int) -> int:
+        """
+        This method translates the id of the cluster to the address in data region.
+        :param boot_sector_state: the class with FS shared data
+        :param id_: id of the cluster
+        :returns: integer denoting the address of the cluster in the data region
+        """
+        data_address_: int = boot_sector_state.root_directory_start
+        if not id_ == Cluster.ROOT_BLOCK_ID:
+            # the first data cluster id is 2 (we have to subtract reserved cluster and cluster for root)
+            data_address_ = boot_sector_state.sector_size * (id_ - 2) + boot_sector_state.data_region_start
+        return data_address_
+    def _compute_cluster_data_address(self) -> int:
+        return self.compute_cluster_data_address(self.boot_sector_state, self.id)
+    @property
+    def fat_cluster_address(self) -> int:
+        """Determines how many bits precede the first bit of the cluster in FAT"""
+        return self._cluster_id_to_fat_position_in_bits(self.id)
+    @property
+    def real_cluster_address(self) -> int:
+        """
+        The property method computes the real address of the cluster in the FAT region. Result is simply
+        address of the cluster in fat + fat table address.
+        """
+        cluster_address: int = self.boot_sector_state.fat_table_start_address + self.fat_cluster_address // 8
+        return cluster_address
+    def get_from_fat(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Calculating the value in the FAT block, that denotes if the block is full, empty, or chained to other block.
+        For FAT12 is the block stored in one and half byte. If the order of the block is even the first byte and second
+        half of the second byte belongs to the block. First half of the second byte and the third byte belongs to
+        the second block.
+        e.g. b'\xff\x0f\x00' stores two blocks. First of them is evenly ordered (index 0) and is set to 0xfff,
+        that means full block that is final in chain of blocks
+        and second block is set to 0x000 that means empty block.
+        three bytes - AB XC YZ - stores two blocks - CAB YZX
+        """
+        address_: int = self.real_cluster_address
+        bin_img_: bytearray = self.boot_sector_state.binary_image
+        if self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT12:
+            if self.fat_cluster_address % 8 == 0:
+                # even block
+                return bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address] | ((bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address + 1] & 0x0F) << 8)
+            # odd block
+            return ((bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address] & 0xF0) >> 4) | (bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address + 1] << 4)
+        if self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT16:
+            return int.from_bytes(bin_img_[address_:address_ + 2], byteorder='little')
+        raise NotImplementedError('Only valid fatfs types are FAT12 and FAT16.')
+    @property
+    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        The property method takes a look into the binary array and checks if the bytes ordered by little endian
+        and relates to the current cluster are all zeros (which denotes they are empty).
+        """
+        return self.get_from_fat() == 0x00
+    def set_in_fat(self, value: int) -> None:
+        """
+        Sets cluster in FAT to certain value.
+        Firstly, we split the target value into 3 half bytes (max value is 0xfff).
+        Then we could encounter two situations:
+        1. if the cluster index (indexed from zero) is even, we set the full byte computed by
+        self.cluster_id_to_logical_position_in_bits and the second half of the consequent byte.
+        Order of half bytes is 2, 1, 3.
+        2. if the cluster index is odd, we set the first half of the computed byte and the full consequent byte.
+        Order of half bytes is 1, 3, 2.
+        """
+        def _set_msb_half_byte(address: int, value_: int) -> None:
+            """
+            Sets 4 most significant bits (msb half-byte) of 'boot_sector_state.binary_image' at given
+            'address' to 'value_' (size of variable 'value_' is half byte)
+            If a byte contents is 0b11110000, the msb half-byte would be 0b1111
+            """
+            self.boot_sector_state.binary_image[address] &= 0x0f
+            self.boot_sector_state.binary_image[address] |= value_ << 4
+        def _set_lsb_half_byte(address: int, value_: int) -> None:
+            """
+            Sets 4 least significant bits (lsb half-byte) of 'boot_sector_state.binary_image' at given
+            'address' to 'value_' (size of variable 'value_' is half byte)
+            If a byte contents is 0b11110000, the lsb half-byte would be 0b0000
+            """
+            self.boot_sector_state.binary_image[address] &= 0xf0
+            self.boot_sector_state.binary_image[address] |= value_
+        # value must fit into number of bits of the fat (12, 16 or 32)
+        assert value <= (1 << self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type) - 1
+        half_bytes = split_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian(value)
+        bin_img_: bytearray = self.boot_sector_state.binary_image
+        if self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT12:
+            assert merge_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian(*half_bytes) == value
+            if self.fat_cluster_address % 8 == 0:
+                # even block
+                bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address] = build_byte(half_bytes[1], half_bytes[0])
+                _set_lsb_half_byte(self.real_cluster_address + 1, half_bytes[2])
+            elif self.fat_cluster_address % 8 != 0:
+                # odd block
+                _set_msb_half_byte(self.real_cluster_address, half_bytes[0])
+                bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address + 1] = build_byte(half_bytes[2], half_bytes[1])
+        elif self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type == FAT16:
+            bin_img_[self.real_cluster_address:self.real_cluster_address + 2] = Int16ul.build(value)
+        assert self.get_from_fat() == value
+    @property
+    def is_root(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        The FAT12/FAT16 contains only one root directory,
+        the root directory allocates the first cluster with the ID `ROOT_BLOCK_ID`.
+        The method checks if the cluster belongs to the root directory.
+        """
+        return self.id == Cluster.ROOT_BLOCK_ID
+    def allocate_cluster(self) -> None:
+        """
+        This method sets bits in FAT table to `allocated` and clean the corresponding sector(s)
+        """
+        self.set_in_fat(self.ALLOCATED_BLOCK_SWITCH[self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type])
+        cluster_start = self.cluster_data_address
+        dir_size = get_dir_size(self.is_root, self.boot_sector_state)
+        cluster_end = cluster_start + dir_size
+        self.boot_sector_state.binary_image[cluster_start:cluster_end] = dir_size * EMPTY_BYTE
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/entry.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bb5d9f8f7a108b70d40571af1a9dd61985a31b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from construct import Const, Int8ul, Int16ul, Int32ul, PaddedString, Struct
+from .exceptions import LowerCaseException, TooLongNameException
+from .fatfs_state import FATFSState
+                    FATDefaults, build_date_entry, build_time_entry, is_valid_fatfs_name, pad_string)
+class Entry:
+    """
+    The class Entry represents entry of the directory.
+    """
+    ATTR_READ_ONLY: int = 0x01
+    ATTR_HIDDEN: int = 0x02
+    ATTR_SYSTEM: int = 0x04
+    ATTR_VOLUME_ID: int = 0x08
+    ATTR_DIRECTORY: int = 0x10  # directory
+    ATTR_ARCHIVE: int = 0x20  # file
+    # indexes in the entry structure and sizes in bytes, not in characters (encoded using 2 bytes for lfn)
+    LDIR_Name1_IDX: int = 1
+    LDIR_Name1_SIZE: int = 5
+    LDIR_Name2_IDX: int = 14
+    LDIR_Name2_SIZE: int = 6
+    LDIR_Name3_IDX: int = 28
+    LDIR_Name3_SIZE: int = 2
+    # short entry in long file names
+    LDIR_DIR_NTRES: int = 0x18
+    # one entry can hold 13 characters with size 2 bytes distributed in three regions of the 32 bytes entry
+    # the last 16 bytes record in the LFN entry has first byte masked with the following value
+    LAST_RECORD_LFN_ENTRY: int = 0x40
+    SHORT_ENTRY: int = -1
+    # this value is used for short-like entry but with accepted lower case
+    SHORT_ENTRY_LN: int = 0
+    # The 1st January 1980 00:00:00
+        'DIR_Name' / PaddedString(MAX_NAME_SIZE, SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING),
+        'DIR_Name_ext' / PaddedString(MAX_EXT_SIZE, SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING),
+        'DIR_Attr' / Int8ul,
+        'DIR_NTRes' / Int8ul,  # this tagged for lfn (0x00 for short entry in lfn, 0x18 for short name)
+        'DIR_CrtTimeTenth' / Const(EMPTY_BYTE),  # ignored by esp-idf fatfs library
+        'DIR_CrtTime' / Int16ul,  # ignored by esp-idf fatfs library
+        'DIR_CrtDate' / Int16ul,  # ignored by esp-idf fatfs library
+        'DIR_LstAccDate' / Int16ul,  # must be same as DIR_WrtDate
+        'DIR_FstClusHI' / Const(2 * EMPTY_BYTE),
+        'DIR_WrtTime' / Int16ul,
+        'DIR_WrtDate' / Int16ul,
+        'DIR_FstClusLO' / Int16ul,
+        'DIR_FileSize' / Int32ul,
+    )
+    def __init__(self,
+                 entry_id: int,
+                 parent_dir_entries_address: int,
+                 fatfs_state: FATFSState) -> None:
+        self.fatfs_state: FATFSState = fatfs_state
+        self.id: int = entry_id
+        self.entry_address: int = parent_dir_entries_address + self.id * FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        self._is_alias: bool = False
+        self._is_empty: bool = True
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_cluster_id(obj_: dict) -> int:
+        cluster_id_: int = obj_['DIR_FstClusLO']
+        return cluster_id_
+    @property
+    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+        return self._is_empty
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse_entry(entry_bytearray: Union[bytearray, bytes]) -> dict:
+        entry_: dict = Entry.ENTRY_FORMAT_SHORT_NAME.parse(entry_bytearray)
+        return entry_
+    @staticmethod
+    def _build_entry(**kwargs) -> bytes:  # type: ignore
+        entry_: bytes = Entry.ENTRY_FORMAT_SHORT_NAME.build(dict(**kwargs))
+        return entry_
+    @staticmethod
+    def _build_entry_long(names: List[bytes], checksum: int, order: int, is_last: bool) -> bytes:
+        """
+        Long entry starts with 1 bytes of the order, if the entry is the last in the chain it is or-masked with 0x40,
+        otherwise is without change (or masked with 0x00). The following example shows 3 entries:
+        first two (0x2000-0x2040) are long in the reverse order and the last one (0x2040-0x2060) is short.
+        The entries define file name "thisisverylongfilenama.txt".
+        00002000: 42 67 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 0F 00 43 6E 00    Bg.f.i.l.e...Cn.
+        00002010: 61 00 6D 00 61 00 2E 00 74 00 00 00 78 00 74 00    a.m.a...t...x.t.
+        00002020: 01 74 00 68 00 69 00 73 00 69 00 0F 00 43 73 00    .t.h.i.s.i...Cs.
+        00002030: 76 00 65 00 72 00 79 00 6C 00 00 00 6F 00 6E 00    v.e.r.y.l...o.n.
+        00002040: 54 48 49 53 49 53 7E 31 54 58 54 20 00 00 00 00    THISIS~1TXT.....
+        00002050: 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 02 00 15 00 00 00    !.......!.......
+        """
+        order |= (Entry.LAST_RECORD_LFN_ENTRY if is_last else 0x00)
+        long_entry: bytes = (Int8ul.build(order) +  # order of the long name entry (possibly masked with 0x40)
+                             names[0] +  # first 5 characters (10 bytes) of the name part
+                             Int8ul.build(Entry.ATTR_LONG_NAME) +  # one byte entity type ATTR_LONG_NAME
+                             Int8ul.build(0) +  # one byte of zeros
+                             Int8ul.build(checksum) +  # lfn_checksum defined in utils.py
+                             names[1] +  # next 6 characters (12 bytes) of the name part
+                             Int16ul.build(0) +  # 2 bytes of zeros
+                             names[2])  # last 2 characters (4 bytes) of the name part
+        return long_entry
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_entry_long(entry_bytes_: bytes, my_check: int) -> dict:
+        order_ = Int8ul.parse(entry_bytes_[0:1])
+        names0 = entry_bytes_[1:11]
+        if Int8ul.parse(entry_bytes_[12:13]) != 0 or Int16ul.parse(entry_bytes_[26:28]) != 0 or Int8ul.parse(entry_bytes_[11:12]) != 15:
+            return {}
+        if Int8ul.parse(entry_bytes_[13:14]) != my_check:
+            return {}
+        names1 = entry_bytes_[14:26]
+        names2 = entry_bytes_[28:32]
+        return {
+            'order': order_,
+            'name1': names0,
+            'name2': names1,
+            'name3': names2,
+            'is_last': bool(order_ & Entry.LAST_RECORD_LFN_ENTRY == Entry.LAST_RECORD_LFN_ENTRY)
+        }
+    @property
+    def entry_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+        """
+        :returns: Bytes defining the entry belonging to the given instance.
+        """
+        start_: int = self.entry_address
+        entry_: bytes = self.fatfs_state.binary_image[start_: start_ + FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE]
+        return entry_
+    @entry_bytes.setter
+    def entry_bytes(self, value: bytes) -> None:
+        """
+        :param value: new content of the entry
+        :returns: None
+        The setter sets the content of the entry in bytes.
+        """
+        self.fatfs_state.binary_image[self.entry_address: self.entry_address + FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE] = value
+    def _clean_entry(self) -> None:
+        self.entry_bytes: bytes = FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE * EMPTY_BYTE
+    def allocate_entry(self,
+                       first_cluster_id: int,
+                       entity_name: str,
+                       entity_type: int,
+                       entity_extension: str = '',
+                       size: int = 0,
+                       date: DATETIME = DEFAULT_DATE,
+                       time: DATETIME = DEFAULT_TIME,
+                       lfn_order: int = SHORT_ENTRY,
+                       lfn_names: Optional[List[bytes]] = None,
+                       lfn_checksum_: int = 0,
+                       fits_short: bool = False,
+                       lfn_is_last: bool = False) -> None:
+        """
+        :param first_cluster_id: id of the first data cluster for given entry
+        :param entity_name: name recorded in the entry
+        :param entity_extension: extension recorded in the entry
+        :param size: size of the content of the file
+        :param date: denotes year (actual year minus 1980), month number day of the month (minimal valid is (0, 1, 1))
+        :param time: denotes hour, minute and second with granularity 2 seconds (sec // 2)
+        :param entity_type: type of the entity (file [0x20] or directory [0x10])
+        :param lfn_order: if long names support is enabled, defines order in long names entries sequence (-1 for short)
+        :param lfn_names: if the entry is dedicated for long names the lfn_names contains
+            LDIR_Name1, LDIR_Name2 and LDIR_Name3 in this order
+        :param lfn_checksum_: use only for long file names, checksum calculated lfn_checksum function
+        :param fits_short: determines if the name fits in 8.3 filename
+        :param lfn_is_last: determines if the long file name entry is holds last part of the name,
+            thus its address is first in the physical order
+        :returns: None
+        :raises LowerCaseException: In case when long_names_enabled is set to False and filename exceeds 8 chars
+        for name or 3 chars for extension the exception is raised
+        :raises TooLongNameException: When long_names_enabled is set to False and name doesn't fit to 8.3 filename
+        an exception is raised
+        """
+        valid_full_name: bool = is_valid_fatfs_name(entity_name) and is_valid_fatfs_name(entity_extension)
+        if not (valid_full_name or lfn_order >= 0):
+            raise LowerCaseException('Lower case is not supported in short name entry, use upper case.')
+        if self.fatfs_state.use_default_datetime:
+            date = self.DEFAULT_DATE
+            time = self.DEFAULT_TIME
+        # clean entry before allocation
+        self._clean_entry()
+        self._is_empty = False
+        object_name = entity_name.upper() if not self.fatfs_state.long_names_enabled else entity_name
+        object_extension = entity_extension.upper() if not self.fatfs_state.long_names_enabled else entity_extension
+        exceeds_short_name: bool = len(object_name) > MAX_NAME_SIZE or len(object_extension) > MAX_EXT_SIZE
+        if not self.fatfs_state.long_names_enabled and exceeds_short_name:
+            raise TooLongNameException(
+                'Maximal length of the object name is {} characters and {} characters for extension!'.format(
+                    MAX_NAME_SIZE, MAX_EXT_SIZE
+                )
+            )
+        start_address = self.entry_address
+        end_address = start_address + FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        if lfn_order in (self.SHORT_ENTRY, self.SHORT_ENTRY_LN):
+            date_entry_: int = build_date_entry(*date)
+            time_entry: int = build_time_entry(*time)
+            self.fatfs_state.binary_image[start_address: end_address] = self._build_entry(
+                DIR_Name=pad_string(object_name, size=MAX_NAME_SIZE),
+                DIR_Name_ext=pad_string(object_extension, size=MAX_EXT_SIZE),
+                DIR_Attr=entity_type,
+                DIR_NTRes=0x00 if (not self.fatfs_state.long_names_enabled) or (not fits_short) else 0x18,
+                DIR_FstClusLO=first_cluster_id,
+                DIR_FileSize=size,
+                DIR_CrtDate=date_entry_,  # ignored by esp-idf fatfs library
+                DIR_LstAccDate=date_entry_,  # must be same as DIR_WrtDate
+                DIR_WrtDate=date_entry_,
+                DIR_CrtTime=time_entry,  # ignored by esp-idf fatfs library
+                DIR_WrtTime=time_entry
+            )
+        else:
+            assert lfn_names is not None
+            self.fatfs_state.binary_image[start_address: end_address] = self._build_entry_long(lfn_names,
+                                                                                               lfn_checksum_,
+                                                                                               lfn_order,
+                                                                                               lfn_is_last)
+    def update_content_size(self, content_size: int) -> None:
+        """
+        :param content_size: the new size of the file content in bytes
+        :returns: None
+        This method parses the binary entry to the construct structure, updates the content size of the file
+        and builds new binary entry.
+        """
+        parsed_entry = self._parse_entry(self.entry_bytes)
+        parsed_entry.DIR_FileSize = content_size  # type: ignore
+        self.entry_bytes = Entry.ENTRY_FORMAT_SHORT_NAME.build(parsed_entry)
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/exceptions.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3a27df5d6eeb60b3034dfdea8a822c165db252f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+class WriteDirectoryException(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when the user tries to write the content into the directory instead of file
+    """
+    pass
+class NoFreeClusterException(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when the user tries allocate cluster but no free one is available
+    """
+    pass
+class LowerCaseException(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when the user tries to write file or directory with lower case
+    """
+    pass
+class TooLongNameException(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when long name support is not enabled and user tries to write file longer then allowed
+    """
+    pass
+class NotInitialized(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when the user tries to access not initialized property
+    """
+    pass
+class WLNotInitialized(Exception):
+    """
+    Exception is raised when the user tries to write fatfs not initialized with wear levelling
+    """
+    pass
+class FatalError(Exception):
+    pass
+class InconsistentFATAttributes(Exception):
+    """
+    Caused by e.g. wrong number of clusters for given FAT type
+    """
+    pass
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fat.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..396075dd08773c1b3271f9bee344803a59678307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import List, Optional
+from .cluster import Cluster
+from .exceptions import NoFreeClusterException
+from .fatfs_state import BootSectorState
+class FAT:
+    """
+    The FAT represents the FAT region in file system. It is responsible for storing clusters
+    and chaining them in case we need to extend file or directory to more clusters.
+    """
+    def allocate_root_dir(self) -> None:
+        """
+        The root directory is implicitly created with the FatFS,
+        its block is on the index 1 (second index) and is allocated implicitly.
+        """
+        self.clusters[Cluster.ROOT_BLOCK_ID].allocate_cluster()
+    def __init__(self, boot_sector_state: BootSectorState, init_: bool) -> None:
+        self._first_free_cluster_id = 1
+        self.boot_sector_state = boot_sector_state
+        self.clusters: List[Cluster] = [Cluster(cluster_id=i,
+                                                boot_sector_state=self.boot_sector_state,
+                                                init_=init_) for i in range(self.boot_sector_state.clusters)]
+        if init_:
+            self.allocate_root_dir()
+    def get_cluster_value(self, cluster_id_: int) -> int:
+        """
+        The method retrieves the values of the FAT memory block.
+        E.g. in case of FAT12:
+        00000000: F8 FF FF 55 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+        The reserved value is 0xFF8, the value of first cluster if 0xFFF, thus is last in chain,
+        and the value of the second cluster is 0x555, so refers to the cluster number 0x555.
+        """
+        fat_cluster_value_: int = self.clusters[cluster_id_].get_from_fat()
+        return fat_cluster_value_
+    def is_cluster_last(self, cluster_id_: int) -> bool:
+        """
+        Checks if the cluster is last in its cluster chain. If the value of the cluster is
+        0xFFF for FAT12, 0xFFFF for FAT16 or 0xFFFFFFFF for FAT32, the cluster is the last.
+        """
+        value_ = self.get_cluster_value(cluster_id_)
+        is_cluster_last_: bool = value_ == (1 << self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type) - 1
+        return is_cluster_last_
+    def get_chained_content(self, cluster_id_: int, size: Optional[int] = None) -> bytearray:
+        """
+        The purpose of the method is retrieving the content from chain of clusters when the FAT FS partition
+        is analyzed. The file entry provides the reference to the first cluster, this method
+        traverses linked list of clusters and append partial results to the content.
+        """
+        binary_image: bytearray = self.boot_sector_state.binary_image
+        data_address_ = Cluster.compute_cluster_data_address(self.boot_sector_state, cluster_id_)
+        content_ = binary_image[data_address_: data_address_ + self.boot_sector_state.sector_size]
+        while not self.is_cluster_last(cluster_id_):
+            cluster_id_ = self.get_cluster_value(cluster_id_)
+            data_address_ = Cluster.compute_cluster_data_address(self.boot_sector_state, cluster_id_)
+            content_ += binary_image[data_address_: data_address_ + self.boot_sector_state.sector_size]
+        # the size is None if the object is directory
+        if size is None:
+            return content_
+        return content_[:size]
+    def find_free_cluster(self) -> Cluster:
+        """
+        Returns the first free cluster and increments value of `self._first_free_cluster_id`.
+        The method works only in context of creating a partition from scratch.
+        In situations where the clusters are allocated and freed during the run of the program,
+        might the method cause `Out of space` error despite there would be free clusters.
+        """
+        if self._first_free_cluster_id + 1 >= len(self.clusters):
+            raise NoFreeClusterException('No free cluster available!')
+        cluster = self.clusters[self._first_free_cluster_id + 1]
+        if not cluster.is_empty:
+            raise NoFreeClusterException('No free cluster available!')
+        cluster.allocate_cluster()
+        self._first_free_cluster_id += 1
+        return cluster
+    def allocate_chain(self, first_cluster: Cluster, size: int) -> None:
+        """
+        Allocates the linked list of clusters needed for the given file or directory.
+        """
+        current = first_cluster
+        for _ in range(size - 1):
+            free_cluster = self.find_free_cluster()
+            current.next_cluster = free_cluster
+            current.set_in_fat(free_cluster.id)
+            current = free_cluster
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_parser.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66aea11dd3788190b2a3aac22712cdb9518a014f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from .boot_sector import BootSector
+from .utils import read_filesystem
+class FATFSParser:
+    def __init__(self, image_file_path: str, wl_support: bool = False) -> None:
+        if wl_support:
+            raise NotImplementedError('Parser is not implemented for WL yet.')
+        self.fatfs = read_filesystem(image_file_path)
+        # when wl is not supported we expect boot sector to be the first
+        self.parsed_header = BootSector.BOOT_SECTOR_HEADER.parse(self.fatfs[:BootSector.BOOT_HEADER_SIZE])
+        print(BootSector)
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_state.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22af7bfb0de2f352549ed8338a8f15129a9eafa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fatfs_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from textwrap import dedent
+from typing import Optional
+from .exceptions import InconsistentFATAttributes
+                    RESERVED_CLUSTERS_COUNT, FATDefaults, get_fat_sectors_count, get_fatfs_type,
+                    get_non_data_sectors_cnt, number_of_clusters)
+class FATFSState:
+    """
+    The class represents the state and the configuration of the FATFS.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 sector_size: int,
+                 reserved_sectors_cnt: int,
+                 root_dir_sectors_cnt: int,
+                 size: int,
+                 media_type: int,
+                 sectors_per_cluster: int,
+                 volume_label: str,
+                 oem_name: str,
+                 fat_tables_cnt: int,
+                 sec_per_track: int,
+                 num_heads: int,
+                 hidden_sectors: int,
+                 file_sys_type: str,
+                 use_default_datetime: bool,
+                 explicit_fat_type: Optional[int] = None,
+                 long_names_enabled: bool = False):
+        self.boot_sector_state = BootSectorState(oem_name=oem_name,
+                                                 sector_size=sector_size,
+                                                 sectors_per_cluster=sectors_per_cluster,
+                                                 reserved_sectors_cnt=reserved_sectors_cnt,
+                                                 fat_tables_cnt=fat_tables_cnt,
+                                                 root_dir_sectors_cnt=root_dir_sectors_cnt,
+                                                 sectors_count=size // sector_size,
+                                                 media_type=media_type,
+                                                 sec_per_track=sec_per_track,
+                                                 num_heads=num_heads,
+                                                 hidden_sectors=hidden_sectors,
+                                                 volume_label=volume_label,
+                                                 file_sys_type=file_sys_type,
+                                                 volume_uuid=-1)
+        self._explicit_fat_type: Optional[int] = explicit_fat_type
+        self.long_names_enabled: bool = long_names_enabled
+        self.use_default_datetime: bool = use_default_datetime
+        if (size // sector_size) * sectors_per_cluster in (FAT12_MAX_CLUSTERS, FAT16_MAX_CLUSTERS):
+            print('WARNING: It is not recommended to create FATFS with bounding '
+                  f'count of clusters: {FAT12_MAX_CLUSTERS} or {FAT16_MAX_CLUSTERS}')
+        self.check_fat_type()
+    @property
+    def binary_image(self) -> bytearray:
+        return self.boot_sector_state.binary_image
+    @binary_image.setter
+    def binary_image(self, value: bytearray) -> None:
+        self.boot_sector_state.binary_image = value
+    def check_fat_type(self) -> None:
+        _type = self.boot_sector_state.fatfs_type
+        if self._explicit_fat_type is not None and self._explicit_fat_type != _type:
+            raise InconsistentFATAttributes(dedent(
+                f"""FAT type you specified is inconsistent with other attributes of the system.
+                    The specified FATFS type: FAT{self._explicit_fat_type}
+                    The actual FATFS type: FAT{_type}"""))
+        if _type not in (FAT12, FAT16):
+            raise NotImplementedError('FAT32 is currently not supported.')
+class BootSectorState:
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+    def __init__(self,
+                 oem_name: str,
+                 sector_size: int,
+                 sectors_per_cluster: int,
+                 reserved_sectors_cnt: int,
+                 fat_tables_cnt: int,
+                 root_dir_sectors_cnt: int,
+                 sectors_count: int,
+                 media_type: int,
+                 sec_per_track: int,
+                 num_heads: int,
+                 hidden_sectors: int,
+                 volume_label: str,
+                 file_sys_type: str,
+                 volume_uuid: int = -1) -> None:
+        self.oem_name: str = oem_name
+        self.sector_size: int = sector_size
+        assert self.sector_size in ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES
+        self.sectors_per_cluster: int = sectors_per_cluster
+        self.reserved_sectors_cnt: int = reserved_sectors_cnt
+        self.fat_tables_cnt: int = fat_tables_cnt
+        self.root_dir_sectors_cnt: int = root_dir_sectors_cnt
+        self.sectors_count: int = sectors_count
+        self.media_type: int = media_type
+        self.sectors_per_fat_cnt = get_fat_sectors_count(self.size // self.sector_size, self.sector_size)
+        self.sec_per_track: int = sec_per_track
+        self.num_heads: int = num_heads
+        self.hidden_sectors: int = hidden_sectors
+        self.volume_label: str = volume_label
+        self.file_sys_type: str = file_sys_type
+        self.volume_uuid: int = volume_uuid
+        self._binary_image: bytearray = bytearray(b'')
+    @property
+    def binary_image(self) -> bytearray:
+        return self._binary_image
+    @binary_image.setter
+    def binary_image(self, value: bytearray) -> None:
+        self._binary_image = value
+    @property
+    def size(self) -> int:
+        return self.sector_size * self.sectors_count
+    @property
+    def data_region_start(self) -> int:
+        return self.non_data_sectors * self.sector_size
+    @property
+    def fatfs_type(self) -> int:
+        # variable typed_fatfs_type must be explicitly typed to avoid mypy error
+        typed_fatfs_type: int = get_fatfs_type(self.clusters)
+        return typed_fatfs_type
+    @property
+    def clusters(self) -> int:
+        """
+        The actual number of clusters is calculated by `number_of_clusters`,
+        however, the initial two blocks of FAT are reserved (device type and root directory),
+        despite they don't refer to the data region.
+        Since that, two clusters are added to use the full potential of the FAT file system partition.
+        """
+        clusters_cnt_: int = number_of_clusters(self.data_sectors, self.sectors_per_cluster) + RESERVED_CLUSTERS_COUNT
+        return clusters_cnt_
+    @property
+    def data_sectors(self) -> int:
+        # self.sector_size is checked in constructor if has one of allowed values (ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES)
+        return (self.size // self.sector_size) - self.non_data_sectors
+    @property
+    def non_data_sectors(self) -> int:
+        non_data_sectors_: int = get_non_data_sectors_cnt(self.reserved_sectors_cnt,
+                                                          self.sectors_per_fat_cnt,
+                                                          self.root_dir_sectors_cnt)
+        return non_data_sectors_
+    @property
+    def fat_table_start_address(self) -> int:
+        return self.sector_size * self.reserved_sectors_cnt
+    @property
+    def entries_root_count(self) -> int:
+        entries_root_count_: int = (self.root_dir_sectors_cnt * self.sector_size) // FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        return entries_root_count_
+    @property
+    def root_directory_start(self) -> int:
+        root_dir_start: int = (self.reserved_sectors_cnt + self.sectors_per_fat_cnt) * self.sector_size
+        return root_dir_start
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fs_object.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fs_object.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..307087cfb3d8dc04fb3f509a3c73fc57e03ee534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/fs_object.py
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from .entry import Entry
+from .exceptions import FatalError, WriteDirectoryException
+from .fat import FAT, Cluster
+from .fatfs_state import FATFSState
+from .long_filename_utils import (build_lfn_full_name, build_lfn_unique_entry_name_order,
+                                  get_required_lfn_entries_count, split_name_to_lfn_entries,
+                                  split_name_to_lfn_entry_blocks)
+                    build_lfn_short_entry_name, build_name, lfn_checksum, required_clusters_count,
+                    split_content_into_sectors, split_to_name_and_extension)
+class File:
+    """
+    The class File provides API to write into the files. It represents file in the FS.
+    """
+    ATTR_ARCHIVE: int = 0x20
+    def __init__(self, name: str, fat: FAT, fatfs_state: FATFSState, entry: Entry, extension: str = '') -> None:
+        self.name: str = name
+        self.extension: str = extension
+        self.fatfs_state: FATFSState = fatfs_state
+        self.fat: FAT = fat
+        self.size: int = 0
+        self._first_cluster: Optional[Cluster] = None
+        self._entry: Entry = entry
+    @property
+    def entry(self) -> Entry:
+        return self._entry
+    @property
+    def first_cluster(self) -> Optional[Cluster]:
+        return self._first_cluster
+    @first_cluster.setter
+    def first_cluster(self, value: Cluster) -> None:
+        self._first_cluster = value
+    def name_equals(self, name: str, extension: str) -> bool:
+        equals_: bool = build_name(name, extension) == build_name(self.name, self.extension)
+        return equals_
+    def write(self, content: bytes) -> None:
+        self.entry.update_content_size(len(content))
+        # we assume that the correct amount of clusters is allocated
+        current_cluster = self._first_cluster
+        for content_part in split_content_into_sectors(content, self.fatfs_state.boot_sector_state.sector_size):
+            content_as_list = content_part
+            if current_cluster is None:
+                raise FatalError('No free space left!')
+            address: int = current_cluster.cluster_data_address
+            self.fatfs_state.binary_image[address: address + len(content_part)] = content_as_list
+            current_cluster = current_cluster.next_cluster
+class Directory:
+    """
+    The Directory class provides API to add files and directories into the directory
+    and to find the file according to path and write it.
+    """
+    ATTR_DIRECTORY: int = 0x10
+    ATTR_ARCHIVE: int = 0x20
+    def __init__(self,
+                 name,
+                 fat,
+                 fatfs_state,
+                 entry=None,
+                 cluster=None,
+                 size=None,
+                 extension='',
+                 parent=None):
+        # type: (str, FAT, FATFSState, Optional[Entry], Cluster, Optional[int], str, Directory) -> None
+        self.name: str = name
+        self.fatfs_state: FATFSState = fatfs_state
+        self.extension: str = extension
+        self.fat: FAT = fat
+        self.size: int = size or self.fatfs_state.boot_sector_state.sector_size
+        # if directory is root its parent is itself
+        self.parent: Directory = parent or self
+        self._first_cluster: Cluster = cluster
+        # entries will be initialized after the cluster allocation
+        self.entries: List[Entry] = []
+        self.entities: List[Union[File, Directory]] = []  # type: ignore
+        self._entry = entry  # currently not in use (will use later for e.g. modification time, etc.)
+    @property
+    def is_root(self) -> bool:
+        return self.parent is self
+    @property
+    def first_cluster(self) -> Cluster:
+        return self._first_cluster
+    @first_cluster.setter
+    def first_cluster(self, value: Cluster) -> None:
+        self._first_cluster = value
+    def name_equals(self, name: str, extension: str) -> bool:
+        equals_: bool = build_name(name, extension) == build_name(self.name, self.extension)
+        return equals_
+    @property
+    def entries_count(self) -> int:
+        entries_count_: int = self.size // FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        return entries_count_
+    def create_entries(self, cluster: Cluster) -> List[Entry]:
+        return [Entry(entry_id=i,
+                      parent_dir_entries_address=cluster.cluster_data_address,
+                      fatfs_state=self.fatfs_state)
+                for i in range(self.entries_count)]
+    def init_directory(self) -> None:
+        self.entries = self.create_entries(self._first_cluster)
+        # the root directory doesn't contain link to itself nor the parent
+        if self.is_root:
+            return
+        # if the directory is not root we initialize the reference to itself and to the parent directory
+        for dir_id, name_ in ((self, self.CURRENT_DIRECTORY), (self.parent, self.PARENT_DIRECTORY)):
+            new_dir_: Entry = self.find_free_entry() or self.chain_directory()
+            new_dir_.allocate_entry(first_cluster_id=dir_id.first_cluster.id,
+                                    entity_name=name_,
+                                    entity_extension='',
+                                    entity_type=dir_id.ENTITY_TYPE)
+    def lookup_entity(self, object_name: str, extension: str):  # type: ignore
+        for entity in self.entities:
+            if build_name(entity.name, entity.extension) == build_name(object_name, extension):
+                return entity
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def _is_end_of_path(path_as_list: List[str]) -> bool:
+        """
+        :param path_as_list: path split into the list
+        :returns: True if the file is the leaf of the directory tree, False otherwise
+        The method is part of the base of recursion,
+        determines if the path is target file or directory in the tree folder structure.
+        """
+        return len(path_as_list) == 1
+    def recursive_search(self, path_as_list, current_dir):  # type: ignore
+        name, extension = split_to_name_and_extension(path_as_list[0])
+        next_obj = current_dir.lookup_entity(name, extension)
+        if next_obj is None:
+            raise FileNotFoundError('No such file or directory!')
+        if self._is_end_of_path(path_as_list) and next_obj.name_equals(name, extension):
+            return next_obj
+        return self.recursive_search(path_as_list[1:], next_obj)
+    def find_free_entry(self) -> Optional[Entry]:
+        for entry in self.entries:
+            if entry.is_empty:
+                return entry
+        return None
+    def _extend_directory(self) -> None:
+        current: Cluster = self.first_cluster
+        while current.next_cluster is not None:
+            current = current.next_cluster
+        new_cluster: Cluster = self.fat.find_free_cluster()
+        current.set_in_fat(new_cluster.id)
+        assert current is not new_cluster
+        current.next_cluster = new_cluster
+        self.entries += self.create_entries(new_cluster)
+    def chain_directory(self) -> Entry:
+        """
+        :returns: First free entry
+        The method adds new Cluster to the Directory and returns first free entry.
+        """
+        self._extend_directory()
+        free_entry: Entry = self.find_free_entry()
+        if free_entry is None:
+            raise FatalError('No more space left!')
+        return free_entry
+    @staticmethod
+    def allocate_long_name_object(free_entry,
+                                  name,
+                                  extension,
+                                  target_dir,
+                                  free_cluster_id,
+                                  entity_type,
+                                  date,
+                                  time):
+        # type: (Entry, str, str, Directory, int, int, DATETIME, DATETIME) -> Entry
+        lfn_full_name: str = build_lfn_full_name(name, extension)
+        lfn_unique_entry_order: int = build_lfn_unique_entry_name_order(target_dir.entities, name)
+        lfn_short_entry_name: str = build_lfn_short_entry_name(name, extension, lfn_unique_entry_order)
+        checksum: int = lfn_checksum(lfn_short_entry_name)
+        entries_count: int = get_required_lfn_entries_count(lfn_full_name)
+        # entries in long file name entries chain starts with the last entry
+        split_names_reversed = list(reversed(list(enumerate(split_name_to_lfn_entries(lfn_full_name, entries_count)))))
+        for i, name_split_to_entry in split_names_reversed:
+            order: int = i + 1
+            blocks_: List[bytes] = split_name_to_lfn_entry_blocks(name_split_to_entry)
+            lfn_names: List[bytes] = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), blocks_))
+            free_entry.allocate_entry(first_cluster_id=free_cluster_id,
+                                      entity_name=name,
+                                      entity_extension=extension,
+                                      entity_type=entity_type,
+                                      lfn_order=order,
+                                      lfn_names=lfn_names,
+                                      lfn_checksum_=checksum,
+                                      lfn_is_last=order == entries_count)
+            free_entry = target_dir.find_free_entry() or target_dir.chain_directory()
+        free_entry.allocate_entry(first_cluster_id=free_cluster_id,
+                                  entity_name=lfn_short_entry_name[:MAX_NAME_SIZE],
+                                  entity_extension=lfn_short_entry_name[MAX_NAME_SIZE:],
+                                  entity_type=entity_type,
+                                  lfn_order=Entry.SHORT_ENTRY_LN,
+                                  date=date,
+                                  time=time)
+        return free_entry
+    @staticmethod
+    def _is_valid_sfn(name: str, extension: str) -> bool:
+        if INVALID_SFN_CHARS_PATTERN.search(name) or INVALID_SFN_CHARS_PATTERN.search(name):
+            return False
+        ret: bool = len(name) <= MAX_NAME_SIZE and len(extension) <= MAX_EXT_SIZE
+        return ret
+    def allocate_object(self,
+                        name,
+                        entity_type,
+                        object_timestamp_,
+                        path_from_root=None,
+                        extension='',
+                        is_empty=False):
+        # type: (str, int, datetime, Optional[List[str]], str, bool) -> Tuple[Cluster, Entry, Directory]
+        """
+        Method finds the target directory in the path
+        and allocates cluster (both the record in FAT and cluster in the data region)
+        and entry in the specified directory
+        """
+        free_cluster: Optional[Cluster] = None
+        free_cluster_id = 0x00
+        if not is_empty:
+            free_cluster = self.fat.find_free_cluster()
+            free_cluster_id = free_cluster.id
+        target_dir: Directory = self if not path_from_root else self.recursive_search(path_from_root, self)
+        free_entry: Entry = target_dir.find_free_entry() or target_dir.chain_directory()
+        fatfs_date_ = (object_timestamp_.year, object_timestamp_.month, object_timestamp_.day)
+        fatfs_time_ = (object_timestamp_.hour, object_timestamp_.minute, object_timestamp_.second)
+        if not self.fatfs_state.long_names_enabled or self._is_valid_sfn(name, extension):
+            free_entry.allocate_entry(first_cluster_id=free_cluster_id,
+                                      entity_name=name,
+                                      entity_extension=extension,
+                                      date=fatfs_date_,
+                                      time=fatfs_time_,
+                                      fits_short=True,
+                                      entity_type=entity_type)
+            return free_cluster, free_entry, target_dir
+        return free_cluster, self.allocate_long_name_object(free_entry=free_entry,
+                                                            name=name,
+                                                            extension=extension,
+                                                            target_dir=target_dir,
+                                                            free_cluster_id=free_cluster_id,
+                                                            entity_type=entity_type,
+                                                            date=fatfs_date_,
+                                                            time=fatfs_time_), target_dir
+    def new_file(self,
+                 name: str,
+                 extension: str,
+                 path_from_root: Optional[List[str]],
+                 object_timestamp_: datetime,
+                 is_empty: bool) -> None:
+        free_cluster, free_entry, target_dir = self.allocate_object(name=name,
+                                                                    extension=extension,
+                                                                    entity_type=Directory.ATTR_ARCHIVE,
+                                                                    path_from_root=path_from_root,
+                                                                    object_timestamp_=object_timestamp_,
+                                                                    is_empty=is_empty)
+        file: File = File(name=name,
+                          fat=self.fat,
+                          extension=extension,
+                          fatfs_state=self.fatfs_state,
+                          entry=free_entry)
+        file.first_cluster = free_cluster
+        target_dir.entities.append(file)
+    def new_directory(self, name, parent, path_from_root, object_timestamp_):
+        # type: (str, Directory, Optional[List[str]], datetime) -> None
+        free_cluster, free_entry, target_dir = self.allocate_object(name=name,
+                                                                    entity_type=Directory.ATTR_DIRECTORY,
+                                                                    path_from_root=path_from_root,
+                                                                    object_timestamp_=object_timestamp_)
+        directory: Directory = Directory(name=name,
+                                         fat=self.fat,
+                                         parent=parent,
+                                         fatfs_state=self.fatfs_state,
+                                         entry=free_entry)
+        directory.first_cluster = free_cluster
+        directory.init_directory()
+        target_dir.entities.append(directory)
+    def write_to_file(self, path: List[str], content: bytes) -> None:
+        """
+        Writes to file existing in the directory structure.
+        :param path: path split into the list
+        :param content: content as a string to be written into a file
+        :returns: None
+        :raises WriteDirectoryException: raised is the target object for writing is a directory
+        """
+        entity_to_write: Entry = self.recursive_search(path, self)
+        if isinstance(entity_to_write, File):
+            clusters_cnt: int = required_clusters_count(cluster_size=self.fatfs_state.boot_sector_state.sector_size,
+                                                        content=content)
+            self.fat.allocate_chain(entity_to_write.first_cluster, clusters_cnt)
+            entity_to_write.write(content)
+        else:
+            raise WriteDirectoryException(f'`{os.path.join(*path)}` is a directory!')
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/long_filename_utils.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/long_filename_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..649312aeada0b17bf54ea2c7c8bcd1370ba29e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/long_filename_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from typing import List
+from .entry import Entry
+from .exceptions import NoFreeClusterException
+from .utils import build_name, convert_to_utf16_and_pad
+#  File name with long filenames support can be as long as memory allows. It is split into entries
+#  holding 13 characters of the filename, thus the number of required entries is ceil(len(long_name) / 13).
+#  This is computed using `get_required_lfn_entries_count`.
+#  For creating long name entries we need to split the name by 13 characters using `split_name_to_lfn_entries`
+#  and in every entry into three blocks with sizes 5, 6 and 2 characters using `split_name_to_lfn_entry`.
+def get_required_lfn_entries_count(lfn_full_name: str) -> int:
+    """
+    Compute the number of entries required to store the long name.
+    One long filename entry can hold 13 characters with size 2 bytes.
+    E.g. "thisisverylongfilenama.txt" with length of 26 needs 2 lfn entries,
+    but "thisisverylongfilenamax.txt" with 27 characters needs 3 lfn entries.
+    """
+    entries_count: int = (len(lfn_full_name) + Entry.CHARS_PER_ENTRY - 1) // Entry.CHARS_PER_ENTRY
+    return entries_count
+def split_name_to_lfn_entries(name: str, entries: int) -> List[str]:
+    """
+    If the filename is longer than 8 (name) + 3 (extension) characters,
+    generator uses long name structure and splits the name into suitable amount of blocks.
+    E.g. 'thisisverylongfilenama.txt' would be split to ['THISISVERYLON', 'GFILENAMA.TXT'],
+    in case of 'thisisverylongfilenamax.txt' - ['THISISVERYLON', 'GFILENAMAX.TX', 'T']
+    """
+    return [name[i * Entry.CHARS_PER_ENTRY:(i + 1) * Entry.CHARS_PER_ENTRY] for i in range(entries)]
+def split_name_to_lfn_entry_blocks(name: str) -> List[bytes]:
+    """
+    Filename is divided into three blocks in every long file name entry. Sizes of the blocks are defined
+    by LDIR_Name1_SIZE, LDIR_Name2_SIZE and LDIR_Name3_SIZE, thus every block contains LDIR_Name{X}_SIZE * 2 bytes.
+    If the filename ends in one of the blocks, it is terminated by zero encoded to two bytes (0x0000). Other unused
+    characters are set to 0xFFFF.
+    E.g.:
+    'GFILENAMA.TXT' -> [b'G\x00F\x00I\x00L\x00E\x00', b'N\x00A\x00M\x00A\x00.\x00T\x00', b'X\x00T\x00'];
+    'T' -> [b'T\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff',
+            b'\xff\xff\xff\xff']
+    Notice that since every character is coded using 2 bytes be must add 0x00 to ASCII symbols ('G' -> 'G\x00', etc.),
+    since character 'T' ends in the first block, we must add '\x00\x00' after 'T\x00'.
+    """
+    max_entry_size: int = Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE + Entry.LDIR_Name2_SIZE + Entry.LDIR_Name2_SIZE
+    assert len(name) <= max_entry_size
+    blocks_: List[bytes] = [
+        convert_to_utf16_and_pad(content=name[:Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE],
+                                 expected_size=Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE),
+        convert_to_utf16_and_pad(content=name[Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE:Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE + Entry.LDIR_Name2_SIZE],
+                                 expected_size=Entry.LDIR_Name2_SIZE),
+        convert_to_utf16_and_pad(content=name[Entry.LDIR_Name1_SIZE + Entry.LDIR_Name2_SIZE:],
+                                 expected_size=Entry.LDIR_Name3_SIZE)
+    ]
+    return blocks_
+def build_lfn_unique_entry_name_order(entities: list, lfn_entry_name: str) -> int:
+    """
+    The short entry contains only the first 6 characters of the file name,
+    and we have to distinguish it from other names within the directory starting with the same 6 characters.
+    To make it unique, we add its order in relation to other names such that lfn_entry_name[:6] == other[:6].
+    The order is specified by the character, starting with chr(1).
+    E.g. the file in directory 'thisisverylongfilenama.txt' will be named 'THISIS~1TXT' in its short entry.
+    If we add another file 'thisisverylongfilenamax.txt' its name in the short entry will be 'THISIS~2TXT'.
+    """
+    preceding_entries: int = 1
+    for entity in entities:
+        if entity.name[:6] == lfn_entry_name[:6]:
+            preceding_entries += 1
+    if preceding_entries > MAXIMAL_FILES_SAME_PREFIX:
+        raise NoFreeClusterException('Maximal number of files with the same prefix is 127')
+    return preceding_entries
+def build_lfn_full_name(name: str, extension: str) -> str:
+    """
+    The extension is optional, and the long filename entry explicitly specifies it,
+    on the opposite as for short file names.
+    """
+    lfn_record: str = build_name(name, extension)
+    # the name must be terminated with NULL terminator
+    # if it doesn't fit into the set of long name directory entries
+    if len(lfn_record) % Entry.CHARS_PER_ENTRY != 0:
+        return lfn_record + chr(0)
+    return lfn_record
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/utils.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2180c76bdaa986e05e12bc719975d24f705b4ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfs_utils/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import argparse
+import binascii
+import os
+import re
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from construct import BitsInteger, BitStruct, Int16ul
+# the regex pattern defines symbols that are allowed by long file names but not by short file names
+INVALID_SFN_CHARS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'[.+,;=\[\]]')
+FAT12_MAX_CLUSTERS: int = 4085
+FAT16_MAX_CLUSTERS: int = 65525
+PAD_CHAR: int = 0x20
+FAT12: int = 12
+FAT16: int = 16
+FAT32: int = 32
+FULL_BYTE: bytes = b'\xff'
+EMPTY_BYTE: bytes = b'\x00'
+# redundant
+UINT32_MAX: int = (1 << 32) - 1
+MAX_NAME_SIZE: int = 8
+MAX_EXT_SIZE: int = 3
+DATETIME = Tuple[int, int, int]
+FATFS_INCEPTION: datetime = datetime(FATFS_INCEPTION_YEAR, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+# long names are encoded to two bytes in utf-16
+LONG_NAMES_ENCODING: str = 'utf-16'
+SHORT_NAMES_ENCODING: str = 'utf-8'
+# compatible with WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+# choices for WL are WL_SECTOR_SIZE_512 and WL_SECTOR_SIZE_4096
+ALLOWED_WL_SECTOR_SIZES: List[int] = [512, 4096]
+ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES: List[int] = [512, 1024, 2048, 4096]
+ALLOWED_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER: List[int] = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
+def crc32(input_values: List[int], crc: int) -> int:
+    """
+    Name    Polynomial  Reversed?   Init-value                  XOR-out
+    crc32   0x104C11DB7 True        4294967295 (UINT32_MAX)     0xFFFFFFFF
+    """
+    return binascii.crc32(bytearray(input_values), crc)
+def number_of_clusters(number_of_sectors: int, sectors_per_cluster: int) -> int:
+    return number_of_sectors // sectors_per_cluster
+def get_non_data_sectors_cnt(reserved_sectors_cnt: int, sectors_per_fat_cnt: int, root_dir_sectors_cnt: int) -> int:
+    return reserved_sectors_cnt + sectors_per_fat_cnt + root_dir_sectors_cnt
+def get_fatfs_type(clusters_count: int) -> int:
+    if clusters_count < FAT12_MAX_CLUSTERS:
+        return FAT12
+    if clusters_count <= FAT16_MAX_CLUSTERS:
+        return FAT16
+    return FAT32
+def get_fat_sectors_count(clusters_count: int, sector_size: int) -> int:
+    fatfs_type_ = get_fatfs_type(clusters_count)
+    if fatfs_type_ == FAT32:
+        raise NotImplementedError('FAT32 is not supported!')
+    # number of byte halves
+    cluster_s: int = fatfs_type_ // 4
+    fat_size_bytes: int = (
+        clusters_count * 2 + cluster_s) if fatfs_type_ == FAT16 else (clusters_count * 3 + 1) // 2 + cluster_s
+    return (fat_size_bytes + sector_size - 1) // sector_size
+def required_clusters_count(cluster_size: int, content: bytes) -> int:
+    # compute number of required clusters for file text
+    return (len(content) + cluster_size - 1) // cluster_size
+def generate_4bytes_random() -> int:
+    return uuid.uuid4().int & 0xFFFFFFFF
+def pad_string(content: str, size: Optional[int] = None, pad: int = PAD_CHAR) -> str:
+    # cut string if longer and fill with pad character if shorter than size
+    return content.ljust(size or len(content), chr(pad))[:size]
+def right_strip_string(content: str, pad: int = PAD_CHAR) -> str:
+    return content.rstrip(chr(pad))
+def build_lfn_short_entry_name(name: str, extension: str, order: int) -> str:
+    return '{}{}'.format(pad_string(content=name[:MAX_NAME_SIZE - 2] + '~' + chr(order), size=MAX_NAME_SIZE),
+                         pad_string(extension[:MAX_EXT_SIZE], size=MAX_EXT_SIZE))
+def lfn_checksum(short_entry_name: str) -> int:
+    """
+    Function defined by FAT specification. Computes checksum out of name in the short file name entry.
+    """
+    checksum_result = 0
+    for i in range(MAX_NAME_SIZE + MAX_EXT_SIZE):
+        # operation is a right rotation on 8 bits (Python equivalent for unsigned char in C)
+        checksum_result = (0x80 if checksum_result & 1 else 0x00) + (checksum_result >> 1) + ord(short_entry_name[i])
+        checksum_result &= 0xff
+    return checksum_result
+def convert_to_utf16_and_pad(content: str,
+                             expected_size: int,
+                             pad: bytes = FULL_BYTE) -> bytes:
+    # we need to get rid of the Byte order mark 0xfeff or 0xfffe, fatfs does not use it
+    bom_utf16: bytes = b'\xfe\xff'
+    encoded_content_utf16: bytes = content.encode(LONG_NAMES_ENCODING)[len(bom_utf16):]
+    return encoded_content_utf16.ljust(2 * expected_size, pad)
+def split_to_name_and_extension(full_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+    name, extension = os.path.splitext(full_name)
+    return name, extension.replace('.', '')
+def is_valid_fatfs_name(string: str) -> bool:
+    return string == string.upper()
+def split_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian(value: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
+    value_as_bytes: bytes = Int16ul.build(value)
+    return value_as_bytes[0] & 0x0f, value_as_bytes[0] >> 4, value_as_bytes[1] & 0x0f
+def merge_by_half_byte_12_bit_little_endian(v1: int, v2: int, v3: int) -> int:
+    return v1 | v2 << 4 | v3 << 8
+def build_byte(first_half: int, second_half: int) -> int:
+    return (first_half << 4) | second_half
+def split_content_into_sectors(content: bytes, sector_size: int) -> List[bytes]:
+    result = []
+    clusters_cnt: int = required_clusters_count(cluster_size=sector_size, content=content)
+    for i in range(clusters_cnt):
+        result.append(content[sector_size * i:(i + 1) * sector_size])
+    return result
+def get_args_for_partition_generator(desc: str, wl: bool) -> argparse.Namespace:
+    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
+    parser.add_argument('input_directory',
+                        help='Path to the directory that will be encoded into fatfs image')
+    parser.add_argument('--output_file',
+                        default='fatfs_image.img',
+                        help='Filename of the generated fatfs image')
+    parser.add_argument('--partition_size',
+                        default=FATDefaults.SIZE,
+                        help='Size of the partition in bytes.' +
+                             ('' if wl else ' Use `--partition_size detect` for detecting the minimal partition size.')
+                        )
+    parser.add_argument('--sector_size',
+                        default=FATDefaults.SECTOR_SIZE,
+                        type=int,
+                        choices=ALLOWED_WL_SECTOR_SIZES if wl else ALLOWED_SECTOR_SIZES,
+                        help='Size of the partition in bytes')
+    parser.add_argument('--sectors_per_cluster',
+                        default=1,
+                        type=int,
+                        choices=ALLOWED_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER,
+                        help='Number of sectors per cluster')
+    parser.add_argument('--root_entry_count',
+                        default=FATDefaults.ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT,
+                        help='Number of entries in the root directory')
+    parser.add_argument('--long_name_support',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        help='Set flag to enable long names support.')
+    parser.add_argument('--use_default_datetime',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        help='For test purposes. If the flag is set the files are created with '
+                             'the default timestamp that is the 1st of January 1980')
+    parser.add_argument('--fat_type',
+                        default=0,
+                        type=int,
+                        choices=[FAT12, FAT16, 0],
+                        help="""
+                        Type of fat. Select 12 for fat12, 16 for fat16. Don't set, or set to 0 for automatic
+                        calculation using cluster size and partition size.
+                        """)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.fat_type == 0:
+        args.fat_type = None
+    if args.partition_size == 'detect' and not wl:
+        args.partition_size = -1
+    args.partition_size = int(str(args.partition_size), 0)
+    if not os.path.isdir(args.input_directory):
+        raise NotADirectoryError(f'The target directory `{args.input_directory}` does not exist!')
+    return args
+def read_filesystem(path: str) -> bytearray:
+    with open(path, 'rb') as fs_file:
+        return bytearray(fs_file.read())
+DATE_ENTRY = BitStruct(
+    'year' / BitsInteger(7),
+    'month' / BitsInteger(4),
+    'day' / BitsInteger(5))
+TIME_ENTRY = BitStruct(
+    'hour' / BitsInteger(5),
+    'minute' / BitsInteger(6),
+    'second' / BitsInteger(5),
+def build_name(name: str, extension: str) -> str:
+    return f'{name}.{extension}' if len(extension) > 0 else name
+def build_date_entry(year: int, mon: int, mday: int) -> int:
+    """
+    :param year: denotes year starting from 1980 (0 ~ 1980, 1 ~ 1981, etc), valid values are 1980 + 0..127 inclusive
+    thus theoretically 1980 - 2107
+    :param mon: denotes number of month of year in common order (1 ~ January, 2 ~ February, etc.),
+    valid values: 1..12 inclusive
+    :param mday: denotes number of day in month, valid values are 1..31 inclusive
+    :returns: 16 bit integer number (7 bits for year, 4 bits for month and 5 bits for day of the month)
+    """
+    assert mon in range(1, FATFS_MAX_MONTHS + 1)
+    assert mday in range(1, FATFS_MAX_DAYS + 1)
+    return int.from_bytes(DATE_ENTRY.build(dict(year=year - FATFS_INCEPTION_YEAR, month=mon, day=mday)), 'big')
+def build_time_entry(hour: int, minute: int, sec: int) -> int:
+    """
+    :param hour: denotes number of hour, valid values are 0..23 inclusive
+    :param minute: denotes minutes, valid range 0..59 inclusive
+    :param sec: denotes seconds with granularity 2 seconds (e.g. 1 ~ 2, 29 ~ 58), valid range 0..29 inclusive
+    :returns: 16 bit integer number (5 bits for hour, 6 bits for minute and 5 bits for second)
+    """
+    assert hour in range(FATFS_MAX_HOURS)
+    assert minute in range(FATFS_MAX_MINUTES)
+    assert sec in range(FATFS_MAX_SECONDS)
+    return int.from_bytes(TIME_ENTRY.build(
+        dict(hour=hour, minute=minute, second=sec // FATFS_SECONDS_GRANULARITY)),
+        byteorder='big'
+    )
+class FATDefaults:
+    # FATFS defaults
+    SIZE: int = 1024 * 1024
+    FAT_TABLES_COUNT: int = 1
+    SECTOR_SIZE: int = 0x1000
+    HIDDEN_SECTORS: int = 0
+    ENTRY_SIZE: int = 32
+    NUM_HEADS: int = 0xff
+    OEM_NAME: str = 'MSDOS5.0'
+    SEC_PER_TRACK: int = 0x3f
+    VOLUME_LABEL: str = 'Espressif'
+    FILE_SYS_TYPE: str = 'FAT'
+    ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT: int = 512  # number of entries in the root directory, recommended 512
+    MEDIA_TYPE: int = 0xf8
+    SIGNATURE_WORD: bytes = b'\x55\xAA'
+    # wear levelling defaults
+    VERSION: int = 2
+    TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE: int = 32
+    UPDATE_RATE: int = 16
+    WR_SIZE: int = 16
+    # wear leveling metadata (config sector) contains always sector size 4096
+    WL_SECTOR_SIZE: int = 4096
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfsgen.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfsgen.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..199916ef38e89b9e1021e23fddf24866c3fa9e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/fatfsgen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import os
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from fatfs_utils.boot_sector import BootSector
+from fatfs_utils.exceptions import NoFreeClusterException
+from fatfs_utils.fat import FAT
+from fatfs_utils.fatfs_state import FATFSState
+from fatfs_utils.fs_object import Directory
+from fatfs_utils.long_filename_utils import get_required_lfn_entries_count
+                               RESERVED_CLUSTERS_COUNT, FATDefaults, get_args_for_partition_generator,
+                               get_fat_sectors_count, get_non_data_sectors_cnt, read_filesystem,
+                               required_clusters_count)
+class FATFS:
+    """
+    The class FATFS provides API for generating FAT file system.
+    It contains reference to the FAT table and to the root directory.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 binary_image_path: Optional[str] = None,
+                 size: int = FATDefaults.SIZE,
+                 reserved_sectors_cnt: int = FATDefaults.RESERVED_SECTORS_COUNT,
+                 fat_tables_cnt: int = FATDefaults.FAT_TABLES_COUNT,
+                 sectors_per_cluster: int = FATDefaults.SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER,
+                 sector_size: int = FATDefaults.SECTOR_SIZE,
+                 hidden_sectors: int = FATDefaults.HIDDEN_SECTORS,
+                 long_names_enabled: bool = False,
+                 use_default_datetime: bool = True,
+                 num_heads: int = FATDefaults.NUM_HEADS,
+                 oem_name: str = FATDefaults.OEM_NAME,
+                 sec_per_track: int = FATDefaults.SEC_PER_TRACK,
+                 volume_label: str = FATDefaults.VOLUME_LABEL,
+                 file_sys_type: str = FATDefaults.FILE_SYS_TYPE,
+                 root_entry_count: int = FATDefaults.ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT,
+                 explicit_fat_type: int = None,
+                 media_type: int = FATDefaults.MEDIA_TYPE) -> None:
+        # root directory bytes should be aligned by sector size
+        assert (root_entry_count * BYTES_PER_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) % sector_size == 0
+        # number of bytes in the root dir must be even multiple of BPB_BytsPerSec
+        assert ((root_entry_count * BYTES_PER_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) // sector_size) % 2 == 0
+        root_dir_sectors_cnt: int = (root_entry_count * BYTES_PER_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) // sector_size
+        self.state: FATFSState = FATFSState(sector_size=sector_size,
+                                            explicit_fat_type=explicit_fat_type,
+                                            reserved_sectors_cnt=reserved_sectors_cnt,
+                                            root_dir_sectors_cnt=root_dir_sectors_cnt,
+                                            size=size,
+                                            file_sys_type=file_sys_type,
+                                            num_heads=num_heads,
+                                            fat_tables_cnt=fat_tables_cnt,
+                                            sectors_per_cluster=sectors_per_cluster,
+                                            media_type=media_type,
+                                            hidden_sectors=hidden_sectors,
+                                            sec_per_track=sec_per_track,
+                                            long_names_enabled=long_names_enabled,
+                                            volume_label=volume_label,
+                                            oem_name=oem_name,
+                                            use_default_datetime=use_default_datetime)
+        binary_image: bytes = bytearray(
+            read_filesystem(binary_image_path) if binary_image_path else self.create_empty_fatfs())
+        self.state.binary_image = binary_image
+        self.fat: FAT = FAT(boot_sector_state=self.state.boot_sector_state, init_=True)
+        root_dir_size = self.state.boot_sector_state.root_dir_sectors_cnt * self.state.boot_sector_state.sector_size
+        self.root_directory: Directory = Directory(name='A',  # the name is not important, must be string
+                                                   size=root_dir_size,
+                                                   fat=self.fat,
+                                                   cluster=self.fat.clusters[1],
+                                                   fatfs_state=self.state)
+        self.root_directory.init_directory()
+    def create_file(self, name: str,
+                    extension: str = '',
+                    path_from_root: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+                    object_timestamp_: datetime = FATFS_INCEPTION,
+                    is_empty: bool = False) -> None:
+        """
+        This method allocates necessary clusters and creates a new file record in the directory required.
+        The directory must exists.
+        When path_from_root is None the dir is root.
+        :param name: The name of the file.
+        :param extension: The extension of the file.
+        :param path_from_root: List of strings containing names of the ancestor directories in the given order.
+        :param object_timestamp_: is not None, this will be propagated to the file's entry
+        :param is_empty: True if there is no need to allocate any cluster, otherwise False
+        """
+        self.root_directory.new_file(name=name,
+                                     extension=extension,
+                                     path_from_root=path_from_root,
+                                     object_timestamp_=object_timestamp_,
+                                     is_empty=is_empty)
+    def create_directory(self, name: str,
+                         path_from_root: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+                         object_timestamp_: datetime = FATFS_INCEPTION) -> None:
+        """
+        Initially recursively finds a parent of the new directory
+        and then create a new directory inside the parent.
+        When path_from_root is None the parent dir is root.
+        :param name: The full name of the directory (excluding its path)
+        :param path_from_root: List of strings containing names of the ancestor directories in the given order.
+        :param object_timestamp_: in case the user preserves the timestamps, this will be propagated to the
+        metadata of the directory (to the corresponding entry)
+        :returns: None
+        """
+        parent_dir = self.root_directory
+        if path_from_root:
+            parent_dir = self.root_directory.recursive_search(path_from_root, self.root_directory)
+        self.root_directory.new_directory(name=name,
+                                          parent=parent_dir,
+                                          path_from_root=path_from_root,
+                                          object_timestamp_=object_timestamp_)
+    def write_content(self, path_from_root: List[str], content: bytes) -> None:
+        """
+        fat fs invokes root directory to recursively find the required file and writes the content
+        """
+        self.root_directory.write_to_file(path_from_root, content)
+    def create_empty_fatfs(self) -> Any:
+        boot_sector_ = BootSector(boot_sector_state=self.state.boot_sector_state)
+        boot_sector_.generate_boot_sector()
+        return boot_sector_.binary_image
+    def write_filesystem(self, output_path: str) -> None:
+        with open(output_path, 'wb') as output:
+            output.write(bytearray(self.state.binary_image))
+    def _generate_partition_from_folder(self,
+                                        folder_relative_path: str,
+                                        folder_path: str = '',
+                                        is_dir: bool = False) -> None:
+        """
+        Given path to folder and folder name recursively encodes folder into binary image.
+        Used by method generate.
+        """
+        real_path: str = os.path.join(folder_path, folder_relative_path)
+        lower_path: str = folder_relative_path
+        folder_relative_path = folder_relative_path.upper()
+        normal_path = os.path.normpath(folder_relative_path)
+        split_path = normal_path.split(os.sep)
+        object_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(real_path))
+        if os.path.isfile(real_path):
+            with open(real_path, 'rb') as file:
+                content = file.read()
+            file_name, extension = os.path.splitext(split_path[-1])
+            extension = extension[1:]  # remove the dot from the extension
+            self.create_file(name=file_name,
+                             extension=extension,
+                             path_from_root=split_path[1:-1] or None,
+                             object_timestamp_=object_timestamp,
+                             is_empty=len(content) == 0)
+            self.write_content(split_path[1:], content)
+        elif os.path.isdir(real_path):
+            if not is_dir:
+                self.create_directory(name=split_path[-1],
+                                      path_from_root=split_path[1:-1],
+                                      object_timestamp_=object_timestamp)
+            # sorting files for better testability
+            dir_content = list(sorted(os.listdir(real_path)))
+            for path in dir_content:
+                self._generate_partition_from_folder(os.path.join(lower_path, path), folder_path=folder_path)
+    def generate(self, input_directory: str) -> None:
+        """
+        Normalize path to folder and recursively encode folder to binary image
+        """
+        path_to_folder, folder_name = os.path.split(input_directory)
+        self._generate_partition_from_folder(folder_name, folder_path=path_to_folder, is_dir=True)
+def calculate_min_space(path: List[str],
+                        fs_entity: str,
+                        sector_size: int = 0x1000,
+                        long_file_names: bool = False,
+                        is_root: bool = False) -> int:
+    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(*path, fs_entity)):
+        with open(os.path.join(*path, fs_entity), 'rb') as file_:
+            content = file_.read()
+        res: int = required_clusters_count(sector_size, content)
+        return res
+    buff: int = 0
+    dir_size = 2 * FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE  # record for symlinks "." and ".."
+    for file in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(*path, fs_entity))):
+        if long_file_names and True:
+            # LFN entries + one short entry
+            dir_size += (get_required_lfn_entries_count(fs_entity) + 1) * FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        else:
+            dir_size += FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE
+        buff += calculate_min_space(path + [fs_entity], file, sector_size, long_file_names, is_root=False)
+    if is_root and dir_size // FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE > FATDefaults.ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT:
+        raise NoFreeClusterException('Not enough space in root!')
+    # roundup sectors, at least one is required
+    buff += (dir_size + sector_size - 1) // sector_size
+    return buff
+def main() -> None:
+    args = get_args_for_partition_generator('Create a FAT filesystem and populate it with directory content', wl=False)
+    if args.partition_size == -1:
+        clusters = calculate_min_space([], args.input_directory, args.sector_size, long_file_names=True, is_root=True)
+        fats = get_fat_sectors_count(clusters, args.sector_size)
+        root_dir_sectors = (FATDefaults.ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT * FATDefaults.ENTRY_SIZE) // args.sector_size
+        args.partition_size = max(FATFS_MIN_ALLOC_UNIT * args.sector_size,
+                                  (clusters + fats + get_non_data_sectors_cnt(RESERVED_CLUSTERS_COUNT,
+                                                                              fats,
+                                                                              root_dir_sectors)
+                                   ) * args.sector_size
+                                  )
+    fatfs = FATFS(sector_size=args.sector_size,
+                  sectors_per_cluster=args.sectors_per_cluster,
+                  size=args.partition_size,
+                  root_entry_count=args.root_entry_count,
+                  explicit_fat_type=args.fat_type,
+                  long_names_enabled=args.long_name_support,
+                  use_default_datetime=args.use_default_datetime)
+    fatfs.generate(args.input_directory)
+    fatfs.write_filesystem(args.output_file)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/project_include.cmake b/third_party/fatfsgen/project_include.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d945c0e96eddd519a45794bc27e1e70296897625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/project_include.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# fatfs_create_partition_image
+# Create a fatfs image of the specified directory on the host during build and optionally
+# have the created image flashed using `idf.py flash`
+function(fatfs_create_partition_image partition base_dir)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "" "${multi}" "${ARGN}")
+    idf_build_get_property(idf_path IDF_PATH)
+    idf_build_get_property(python PYTHON)
+    if(arg_WL_INIT)
+        set(fatfsgen_py ${python} ${idf_path}/components/fatfs/wl_fatfsgen.py)
+    else()
+        set(fatfsgen_py ${python} ${idf_path}/components/fatfs/fatfsgen.py)
+    endif()
+    if(arg_PRESERVE_TIME)
+        set(default_datetime_option)
+    else()
+        set(default_datetime_option --use_default_datetime)
+    endif()
+    if("${CONFIG_FATFS_SECTOR_512}")
+        set(fatfs_sector_size 512)
+    elseif("${CONFIG_FATFS_SECTOR_1024}")
+        set(fatfs_sector_size 1024)
+    elseif("${CONFIG_FATFS_SECTOR_2048}")
+        set(fatfs_sector_size 2048)
+    else()
+        set(fatfs_sector_size 4096)
+    endif()
+        set(fatfs_long_names_option)
+    elseif("${CONFIG_FATFS_LFN_HEAP}")
+        set(fatfs_long_names_option --long_name_support)
+    elseif("${CONFIG_FATFS_LFN_STACK}")
+        set(fatfs_long_names_option --long_name_support)
+    endif()
+    get_filename_component(base_dir_full_path ${base_dir} ABSOLUTE)
+    partition_table_get_partition_info(size "--partition-name ${partition}" "size")
+    partition_table_get_partition_info(offset "--partition-name ${partition}" "offset")
+    if("${size}" AND "${offset}")
+        set(image_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${partition}.bin)
+        # Execute FATFS image generation; this always executes as there is no way to specify for CMake to watch for
+        # contents of the base dir changing.
+        add_custom_target(fatfs_${partition}_bin ALL
+            COMMAND ${fatfsgen_py} ${base_dir_full_path}
+            ${fatfs_long_names_option}
+            ${default_datetime_option}
+            --partition_size ${size}
+            --output_file ${image_file}
+            --sector_size "${fatfs_sector_size}"
+            )
+            ${image_file})
+        idf_component_get_property(main_args esptool_py FLASH_ARGS)
+        idf_component_get_property(sub_args esptool_py FLASH_SUB_ARGS)
+        # Last (optional) parameter is the encryption for the target. In our
+        # case, fatfs is not encrypt so pass FALSE to the function.
+        esptool_py_flash_target(${partition}-flash "${main_args}" "${sub_args}" ALWAYS_PLAINTEXT)
+        esptool_py_flash_to_partition(${partition}-flash "${partition}" "${image_file}")
+        add_dependencies(${partition}-flash fatfs_${partition}_bin)
+        if(arg_FLASH_IN_PROJECT)
+            esptool_py_flash_to_partition(flash "${partition}" "${image_file}")
+            add_dependencies(flash fatfs_${partition}_bin)
+        endif()
+    else()
+        set(message "Failed to create FATFS image for partition '${partition}'. "
+                    "Check project configuration if using the correct partition table file.")
+        fail_at_build_time(fatfs_${partition}_bin "${message}")
+    endif()
+function(fatfs_create_rawflash_image partition base_dir)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "" "${multi}" "${ARGN}")
+    if(arg_FLASH_IN_PROJECT)
+        if(arg_PRESERVE_TIME)
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} FLASH_IN_PROJECT PRESERVE_TIME)
+        else()
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} FLASH_IN_PROJECT)
+        endif()
+    else()
+        if(arg_PRESERVE_TIME)
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} PRESERVE_TIME)
+        else()
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir})
+        endif()
+    endif()
+function(fatfs_create_spiflash_image partition base_dir)
+    cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "" "${multi}" "${ARGN}")
+    if(arg_FLASH_IN_PROJECT)
+        if(arg_PRESERVE_TIME)
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} FLASH_IN_PROJECT WL_INIT PRESERVE_TIME)
+        else()
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} FLASH_IN_PROJECT WL_INIT)
+        endif()
+    else()
+        if(arg_PRESERVE_TIME)
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} WL_INIT PRESERVE_TIME)
+        else()
+            fatfs_create_partition_image(${partition} ${base_dir} WL_INIT)
+        endif()
+    endif()
diff --git a/third_party/fatfsgen/wl_fatfsgen.py b/third_party/fatfsgen/wl_fatfsgen.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a685434a0752413da22256e701dd68c6ecbd1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/fatfsgen/wl_fatfsgen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+from construct import Const, Int32ul, Struct
+from fatfs_utils.exceptions import WLNotInitialized
+from fatfs_utils.utils import (FULL_BYTE, UINT32_MAX, FATDefaults, crc32, generate_4bytes_random,
+                               get_args_for_partition_generator)
+from fatfsgen import FATFS
+def remove_wl(binary_image: bytes) -> bytes:
+    partition_size: int = len(binary_image)
+    total_sectors: int = partition_size // FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+    wl_state_size: int = WLFATFS.WL_STATE_HEADER_SIZE + WLFATFS.WL_STATE_RECORD_SIZE * total_sectors
+    wl_state_sectors_cnt: int = (wl_state_size + FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) // FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+    wl_state_total_size: int = wl_state_sectors_cnt * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+    wl_sectors_size: int = (wl_state_sectors_cnt
+                            * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+                            * WLFATFS.WL_STATE_COPY_COUNT
+                            + FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE)
+    correct_wl_configuration = binary_image[-wl_sectors_size:]
+    data_ = WLFATFS.WL_STATE_T_DATA.parse(correct_wl_configuration[:WLFATFS.WL_STATE_HEADER_SIZE])
+    total_records = 0
+    # iterating over records field of the first copy of the state sector
+    for i in range(WLFATFS.WL_STATE_HEADER_SIZE, wl_state_total_size, WLFATFS.WL_STATE_RECORD_SIZE):
+        if correct_wl_configuration[i:i + WLFATFS.WL_STATE_RECORD_SIZE] != WLFATFS.WL_STATE_RECORD_SIZE * b'\xff':
+            total_records += 1
+        else:
+            break
+    before_dummy = binary_image[:total_records * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE]
+    after_dummy = binary_image[total_records * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE + FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE:]
+    new_image: bytes = before_dummy + after_dummy
+    # remove wl sectors
+    new_image = new_image[:len(new_image) - (FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE + 2 * wl_state_total_size)]
+    # reorder to preserve original order
+    new_image = (new_image[-data_['move_count'] * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE:]
+                 + new_image[:-data_['move_count'] * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE])
+    return new_image
+class WLFATFS:
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+    WL_STATE_COPY_COUNT = 2  # always 2 copies for power failure safety
+    WL_SECTOR_SIZE = 0x1000
+    WL_STATE_T_DATA = Struct(
+        'pos' / Int32ul,
+        'max_pos' / Int32ul,
+        'move_count' / Int32ul,
+        'access_count' / Int32ul,
+        'max_count' / Int32ul,
+        'block_size' / Int32ul,
+        'version' / Int32ul,
+        'device_id' / Int32ul,
+        'reserved' / Const(28 * b'\x00')
+    )
+    WL_CONFIG_T_DATA = Struct(
+        'start_addr' / Int32ul,
+        'full_mem_size' / Int32ul,
+        'page_size' / Int32ul,
+        'sector_size' / Int32ul,  # always 4096 for the types of NOR flash supported by ESP-IDF!
+        'updaterate' / Int32ul,
+        'wr_size' / Int32ul,
+        'version' / Int32ul,
+        'temp_buff_size' / Int32ul
+    )
+    def __init__(self,
+                 size: int = FATDefaults.SIZE,
+                 sector_size: int = FATDefaults.SECTOR_SIZE,
+                 reserved_sectors_cnt: int = FATDefaults.RESERVED_SECTORS_COUNT,
+                 fat_tables_cnt: int = FATDefaults.FAT_TABLES_COUNT,
+                 sectors_per_cluster: int = FATDefaults.SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER,
+                 explicit_fat_type: int = None,
+                 hidden_sectors: int = FATDefaults.HIDDEN_SECTORS,
+                 long_names_enabled: bool = False,
+                 num_heads: int = FATDefaults.NUM_HEADS,
+                 oem_name: str = FATDefaults.OEM_NAME,
+                 sec_per_track: int = FATDefaults.SEC_PER_TRACK,
+                 volume_label: str = FATDefaults.VOLUME_LABEL,
+                 file_sys_type: str = FATDefaults.FILE_SYS_TYPE,
+                 use_default_datetime: bool = True,
+                 version: int = FATDefaults.VERSION,
+                 temp_buff_size: int = FATDefaults.TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE,
+                 device_id: int = None,
+                 root_entry_count: int = FATDefaults.ROOT_ENTRIES_COUNT,
+                 media_type: int = FATDefaults.MEDIA_TYPE) -> None:
+        self._initialized = False
+        self._version = version
+        self._temp_buff_size = temp_buff_size
+        self._device_id = device_id
+        self.partition_size = size
+        self.total_sectors = self.partition_size // FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+        self.wl_state_size = WLFATFS.WL_STATE_HEADER_SIZE + WLFATFS.WL_STATE_RECORD_SIZE * self.total_sectors
+        # determine the number of required sectors (roundup to sector size)
+        self.wl_state_sectors = (self.wl_state_size + FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) // FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+        self.boot_sector_start = FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE  # shift by one "dummy" sector
+        self.fat_table_start = self.boot_sector_start + reserved_sectors_cnt * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE
+                      self.wl_state_sectors * WLFATFS.WL_STATE_COPY_COUNT)
+        self.plain_fat_sectors = self.total_sectors - wl_sectors
+        self.plain_fatfs = FATFS(
+            explicit_fat_type=explicit_fat_type,
+            size=self.plain_fat_sectors * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE,
+            reserved_sectors_cnt=reserved_sectors_cnt,
+            fat_tables_cnt=fat_tables_cnt,
+            sectors_per_cluster=sectors_per_cluster,
+            sector_size=sector_size,
+            root_entry_count=root_entry_count,
+            hidden_sectors=hidden_sectors,
+            long_names_enabled=long_names_enabled,
+            num_heads=num_heads,
+            use_default_datetime=use_default_datetime,
+            oem_name=oem_name,
+            sec_per_track=sec_per_track,
+            volume_label=volume_label,
+            file_sys_type=file_sys_type,
+            media_type=media_type
+        )
+        self.fatfs_binary_image = self.plain_fatfs.state.binary_image
+    def init_wl(self) -> None:
+        self.fatfs_binary_image = self.plain_fatfs.state.binary_image
+        self._add_dummy_sector()
+        # config must be added after state, do not change the order of these two calls!
+        self._add_state_sectors()
+        self._add_config_sector()
+        self._initialized = True
+    def _add_dummy_sector(self) -> None:
+        self.fatfs_binary_image = FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE * FULL_BYTE + self.fatfs_binary_image
+    def _add_config_sector(self) -> None:
+        wl_config_data = WLFATFS.WL_CONFIG_T_DATA.build(
+            dict(
+                start_addr=0,
+                full_mem_size=self.partition_size,
+                page_size=FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE,  # equal to sector size (always 4096)
+                sector_size=FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE,
+                updaterate=FATDefaults.UPDATE_RATE,
+                wr_size=FATDefaults.WR_SIZE,
+                version=self._version,
+                temp_buff_size=self._temp_buff_size
+            )
+        )
+        crc = crc32(list(wl_config_data), UINT32_MAX)
+        wl_config_crc = Int32ul.build(crc)
+        # adding three 4 byte zeros to align the structure
+        wl_config = wl_config_data + wl_config_crc + Int32ul.build(0) + Int32ul.build(0) + Int32ul.build(0)
+        self.fatfs_binary_image += (
+            wl_config + (FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE - WLFATFS.WL_CONFIG_HEADER_SIZE) * FULL_BYTE)
+    def _add_state_sectors(self) -> None:
+        wl_state_data = WLFATFS.WL_STATE_T_DATA.build(
+            dict(
+                pos=0,
+                max_pos=self.plain_fat_sectors + WLFATFS.WL_DUMMY_SECTORS_COUNT,
+                move_count=0,
+                access_count=0,
+                max_count=FATDefaults.UPDATE_RATE,
+                block_size=FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE,  # equal to page size, thus equal to wl sector size (4096)
+                version=self._version,
+                device_id=self._device_id or generate_4bytes_random(),
+            )
+        )
+        crc = crc32(list(wl_state_data), UINT32_MAX)
+        wl_state_crc = Int32ul.build(crc)
+        wl_state = wl_state_data + wl_state_crc
+        wl_state_sector_padding: bytes = (FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE - WLFATFS.WL_STATE_HEADER_SIZE) * FULL_BYTE
+        wl_state_sector: bytes = (
+            wl_state + wl_state_sector_padding + (self.wl_state_sectors - 1) * FATDefaults.WL_SECTOR_SIZE * FULL_BYTE
+        )
+        self.fatfs_binary_image += (WLFATFS.WL_STATE_COPY_COUNT * wl_state_sector)
+    def wl_write_filesystem(self, output_path: str) -> None:
+        if not self._initialized:
+            raise WLNotInitialized('FATFS is not initialized with WL. First call method WLFATFS.init_wl!')
+        with open(output_path, 'wb') as output:
+            output.write(bytearray(self.fatfs_binary_image))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    desc = 'Create a FAT filesystem with support for wear levelling and populate it with directory content'
+    args = get_args_for_partition_generator(desc, wl=True)
+    wl_fatfs = WLFATFS(sectors_per_cluster=args.sectors_per_cluster,
+                       size=args.partition_size,
+                       sector_size=args.sector_size,
+                       root_entry_count=args.root_entry_count,
+                       explicit_fat_type=args.fat_type,
+                       long_names_enabled=args.long_name_support,
+                       use_default_datetime=args.use_default_datetime)
+    wl_fatfs.plain_fatfs.generate(args.input_directory)
+    wl_fatfs.init_wl()
+    wl_fatfs.wl_write_filesystem(args.output_file)