diff --git a/docs/badge/usage.rst b/docs/badge/usage.rst
index 4fbae55dcdb2e60b186e19fccbd949596debc758..d0d40b8742a5a64f929ee9cb17c8a61e5fd9eaa3 100644
--- a/docs/badge/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/badge/usage.rst
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ least once.
 Use ``"color": "0xffffff",`` to color your name and pronouns.
+Use ``"mode": "1",`` to use a different animation mode rotating your nick based on badge orientation.
 When you're done editing, unmount/eject the badge from your computer
 (``umount`` on Linux is enough) and press the left shoulder button to exit Disk
 Mode. Then, go to Badge |rarr| Nick to see your changes!
diff --git a/python_payload/apps/nick/__init__.py b/python_payload/apps/nick/__init__.py
index c7f157fea7c31e79d58c601ed0f92b649e15430c..c5a9194280f09161fe1a565a511dc5fbef04c697 100644
--- a/python_payload/apps/nick/__init__.py
+++ b/python_payload/apps/nick/__init__.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class Configuration:
         self.pronouns: list[str] = []
         self.pronouns_size: int = 25
         self.color = "0x40ff22"
+        self.mode = 0
     def load(cls, path: str) -> "Configuration":
@@ -54,6 +55,11 @@ class Configuration:
             and len(data["color"]) == 8
             res.color = data["color"]
+        if "mode" in data:
+            if type(data["mode"]) == float:
+                res.mode = int(data["mode"])
+            if type(data["mode"]) == int:
+                res.mode = data["mode"]
         return res
     def save(self, path: str) -> None:
@@ -88,6 +94,7 @@ class NickApp(Application):
         self._filename = "/flash/nick.json"
         self._config = Configuration.load(self._filename)
         self._pronouns_serialized = " ".join(self._config.pronouns)
+        self._angle = 0.0
     def draw(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
         ctx.text_align = ctx.CENTER
@@ -100,7 +107,10 @@ class NickApp(Application):
         ctx.move_to(0, 0)
-        ctx.scale(self._scale_name, 1)
+        if self._config.mode == 0:
+            ctx.scale(self._scale_name, 1)
+        elif self._config.mode == 1:
+            ctx.rotate(self._angle)
@@ -108,7 +118,10 @@ class NickApp(Application):
             ctx.move_to(0, -60)
             ctx.font_size = self._config.pronouns_size
-            ctx.scale(1, self._scale_pronouns)
+            if self._config.mode == 0:
+                ctx.scale(self._scale_pronouns, 1)
+            elif self._config.mode == 1:
+                ctx.rotate(self._angle)
@@ -126,6 +139,13 @@ class NickApp(Application):
         self._phase += delta_ms / 1000
         self._scale_name = math.sin(self._phase)
         self._scale_pronouns = math.cos(self._phase)
+        iy = ins.imu.acc[0] * delta_ms / 10.0
+        ix = ins.imu.acc[1] * delta_ms / 10.0
+        ang = math.atan2(ix, iy)
+        d_ang = self._angle + (ang + math.pi / 8 * math.sin(self._phase))
+        self._angle -= d_ang / 20
         self._led += delta_ms / 45
         if self._led >= 40:
             self._led = 0