diff --git a/python_payload/st3m/about.py b/python_payload/st3m/about.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f0b03bbe0931db07a7da44db7a0dbe4ebf8d69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_payload/st3m/about.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+from ctx import Context
+from st3m import InputState, Responder
+from st3m.ui.view import BaseView, ViewTransitionSwipeRight
+from st3m.utils import tau
+from st3m.goose import List, Optional
+import math
+class Screen(Responder):
+    """
+    A screen with some text. Just the text part, without background.
+    """
+    START_Y = -50
+    FONT = "Camp Font 3"
+    FONT_SIZE = 15
+    def __init__(self, text: List[str]) -> None:
+        self.text = text
+    def draw(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
+        ctx.font = self.FONT
+        ctx.font_size = self.FONT_SIZE
+        y = self.START_Y
+        for line in self.text:
+            ctx.move_to(0, y)
+            ctx.text(line)
+            y += self.FONT_SIZE
+    def think(self, ins: InputState, delta_ms: int) -> None:
+        pass
+class HeroScreen(Screen):
+    """
+    A screen with large text in the middle.
+    """
+    START_Y = 0
+    FONT = "Camp Font 2"
+    FONT_SIZE = 30
+class IntroScreen(Screen):
+    """
+    Title card which shows on About app startup.
+    """
+    START_Y = 25
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__(["Chaos", "Communication", "Camp 2023"])
+    def draw(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
+        ctx.text_align = ctx.MIDDLE
+        ctx.font = "Camp Font 2"
+        ctx.font_size = 50
+        ctx.move_to(0, -33)
+        ctx.text("flow3r")
+        ctx.move_to(0, -3)
+        ctx.text("badge")
+        super().draw(ctx)
+class About(BaseView):
+    """
+    A pseudo-app (applet?) which displays an about screen for the badge.
+    """
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.ts = 0.0
+        self.screens: List[Screen] = [
+            IntroScreen(),
+            HeroScreen(
+                [
+                    "flow3r.garden",
+                ]
+            ),
+            Screen(
+                [
+                    "This is Free",
+                    "Software based on",
+                    "code by numerous",
+                    "third parties.",
+                    "",
+                    "Visit",
+                    "flow3r.garden/license",
+                    "for more info.",
+                ]
+            ),
+        ]
+        self.screen_ix = 0
+        self.screen_ix_anim = 0.0
+        super().__init__()
+    def think(self, ins: InputState, delta_ms: int) -> None:
+        super().think(ins, delta_ms)
+        self.ts += delta_ms / 1000
+        if self.input.left_shoulder.middle.pressed:
+            if self.vm is not None:
+                self.vm.pop(ViewTransitionSwipeRight())
+        # Change target screen intent.
+        if self.input.left_shoulder.left.pressed and self._can_left():
+            self.screen_ix -= 1
+        if self.input.left_shoulder.right.pressed and self._can_right():
+            self.screen_ix += 1
+        # Calculate animation/transitions.
+        diff = self.screen_ix - self.screen_ix_anim
+        if abs(diff) < 0.01:
+            self.screen_ix_anim = self.screen_ix
+        else:
+            if diff > 0:
+                diff = min(diff, 10 * (delta_ms / 1000))
+            else:
+                diff = max(diff, -10 * (delta_ms / 1000))
+            self.screen_ix_anim += diff
+    def _can_left(self, ix: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns true if the given screen index (or the current screen index) can
+        be decreased.
+        """
+        if ix is None:
+            ix = self.screen_ix
+        return ix > 0
+    def _can_right(self, ix: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns true if the given screen index (or the current screen index) can
+        be increased.
+        """
+        if ix is None:
+            ix = self.screen_ix
+        return ix < len(self.screens) - 1
+    def draw(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
+        # Background
+        ctx.rectangle(-120, -120, 240, 240)
+        ctx.rgb(117 / 255, 255 / 255, 226 / 255)
+        ctx.fill()
+        ctx.arc(0, 350, 300, 0, tau, 0)
+        ctx.rgb(61 / 255, 165 / 255, 30 / 255)
+        ctx.fill()
+        ctx.save()
+        y = -40 + math.cos(self.ts * 2 + 10) * 10
+        ctx.translate(0, y)
+        for i in range(5):
+            a = i * tau / 5 + self.ts
+            size = 30 + math.cos(self.ts) * 5
+            ctx.save()
+            ctx.rotate(a)
+            ctx.translate(30, 0)
+            ctx.arc(0, 0, size, 0, tau, 0)
+            ctx.gray(1)
+            ctx.fill()
+            ctx.restore()
+        ctx.arc(0, 0, 20, 0, tau, 0)
+        ctx.rgb(255 / 255, 247 / 255, 46 / 255)
+        ctx.fill()
+        ctx.restore()
+        # Prepare list of screens to draw. We draw at most two screens if we're
+        # in a transition, otherwies just one.
+        #
+        # List of (screen index, screen object, draw offset) tuples.
+        draw = []
+        diff = self.screen_ix - self.screen_ix_anim
+        if diff > 0.01 or diff < -0.01:
+            ix = math.floor(self.screen_ix_anim)
+            draw = [
+                (ix, self.screens[ix], self.screen_ix_anim - ix),
+                (ix + 1, self.screens[ix + 1], (self.screen_ix_anim - ix) - 1),
+            ]
+        else:
+            draw = [
+                (self.screen_ix, self.screens[self.screen_ix], 0),
+            ]
+        # Draw currently visible screens.
+        for ix, screen, offs in draw:
+            ctx.save()
+            ctx.translate(-240 * offs, 0)
+            # Opaque circle
+            ctx.start_group()
+            ctx.global_alpha = 0.5
+            ctx.rgb(0, 0, 0)
+            ctx.arc(0, 0, 90, 0, tau, 0)
+            ctx.fill()
+            # Draw arrows.
+            if self._can_left(ix):
+                ctx.move_to(-105, 20)
+                ctx.font = "Material Icons"
+                ctx.font_size = 30
+                ctx.text_align = ctx.MIDDLE
+                ctx.text("\ue5c4")
+            if self._can_right(ix):
+                ctx.move_to(105, 20)
+                ctx.font = "Material Icons"
+                ctx.font_size = 30
+                ctx.text_align = ctx.MIDDLE
+                ctx.text("\ue5c8")
+            ctx.end_group()
+            # Text
+            ctx.start_group()
+            ctx.global_alpha = 1.0
+            ctx.gray(1)
+            ctx.text_align = ctx.MIDDLE
+            screen.draw(ctx)
+            ctx.end_group()
+            ctx.restore()
diff --git a/python_payload/st3m/run.py b/python_payload/st3m/run.py
index df94f95d1b2cd1401cc1d539ac9793ee0f0619b6..d3daec0e995e6f1f0ab5158164146c16544cf3db 100644
--- a/python_payload/st3m/run.py
+++ b/python_payload/st3m/run.py
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ from st3m.ui.menu import (
+    MenuItemLaunchPersistentView,
 from st3m.ui.elements import overlays
 from st3m.ui.view import View, ViewManager, ViewTransitionBlend
 from st3m.ui.elements.menus import SimpleMenu, SunMenu
 from st3m.application import discover_bundles, BundleMetadata
+from st3m.about import About
 from st3m import settings, logging, processors
 import captouch, audio, leds, gc
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ def run_main() -> None:
             MenuItemForeground("Settings", menu_settings),
             MenuItemNoop("Disk Mode"),
-            MenuItemNoop("About"),
+            MenuItemLaunchPersistentView("About", About),
             MenuItemAction("Yeet Local Changes", yeet_local_changes),
             MenuItemAction("Reboot", lambda: machine.reset()),
diff --git a/python_payload/st3m/ui/menu.py b/python_payload/st3m/ui/menu.py
index 70e68c142b331a09324facc76bd253f0f7a34917..36ec747e2c4c62022a866a155df02e04b724f163 100644
--- a/python_payload/st3m/ui/menu.py
+++ b/python_payload/st3m/ui/menu.py
@@ -88,6 +88,30 @@ class MenuItemAction(MenuItem):
         return self._label
+class MenuItemLaunchPersistentView(MenuItem):
+    """
+    A MenuItem which lazily loads a View class on first run.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, label: str, cons: Callable[[], View]) -> None:
+        self._label = label
+        self._cons = cons
+        self._instance: Optional[View] = None
+    def press(self, vm: Optional[ViewManager]) -> None:
+        if self._instance is None:
+            self._instance = self._cons()
+        if vm is not None:
+            vm.push(self._instance, ViewTransitionSwipeLeft())
+        else:
+            log.warning(
+                f"Could not foreground {self._instance} as no ViewManager is present"
+            )
+    def label(self) -> str:
+        return self._label
 class MenuItemNoop(MenuItem):
     A MenuItem which does nothing.