From cfe3c0ca7adac7ac23a70c97b10a736e8044c9e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Serge Bazanski <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:31:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] badge23: remove dead instruments code

This is replaced by more mpy-centric code for user interaction plus
bl00mbox for the actual sound framework.
 components/badge23/instruments/instrument.c   |  73 ----------
 components/badge23/instruments/instrument.h   | 130 ------------------
 .../badge23/instruments/minimal_example.c     |  89 ------------
 3 files changed, 292 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 components/badge23/instruments/instrument.c
 delete mode 100644 components/badge23/instruments/instrument.h
 delete mode 100644 components/badge23/instruments/minimal_example.c

diff --git a/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.c b/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b703921d5..0000000000
--- a/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-void render_audio(
-    instrument_descriptor_t instrument_descriptor,
-    instrument_t instance,
-    unsigned int sample_count,
-    float * output_vector
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++){
-        instrument_descriptor->render_audio_sample(instance, sample_count, output_vector[2*i]);
-    }
-void render_audio_adding(
-    instrument_descriptor_t instrument_descriptor,
-    instrument_t instance,
-    unsigned int sample_count,
-    float * output_vector,
-    float gain
-    if(gain <= 0.0000001) return;
-    float temp[2];
-    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++){
-        instrument_descriptor->render_audio_sample(instance, sample_count, temp);
-        output_vector[2*i] += gain * buffer[0];
-        output_vector[2*i+1] += gain * buffer[1];
-    }
-void append_instrument_descriptor(
-    instrument_descriptor_list_t * list,
-    void * construct_instrument_descriptor
-    lle_t * element = list;
-    while(element->next != NULL){
-        element = element->next;
-    }
-    element->next = malloc(sizeof(lle_t);
-    if(element->next == NULL) return;
-    element = element->next;
-    element->next = NULL;
-    element->content = construct_instrument_descriptor();
-instrument_descriptor_list_t * list_builtin_instrument_descriptors(){
-    //really hope we can make this more elegant some day
-    instrument_descriptor_list_t * list = NULL;
-    //add your instrument here!
-    append_instrument_descriptor(list, &minimal_example_descriptor);
-    return list;
-void instantiate_instrument(active_instrument_list_t instruments,
-                            instrument_descriptor_t descriptor
-    descriptor->new_instrument
-void mix_instruments_audio(active_instrument_list_t instruments,
-                           unsigned int sample_count,
-                           float * output_vector
-    active_instrument_t instrument = instruments;
-    while(instrument->next != NULL){
-        render_audio_adding(instrument->descriptor,
-                            instrument->instrument,
-                            sample_count,
-                            output_vector,
-                            instrument->gain)
-        instrument = instrument->next;
-    }
diff --git a/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.h b/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77ad119847..0000000000
--- a/components/badge23/instruments/instrument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-/* wip instrument api for badge23 (in large parts inspired by ladspa)
-current status: none of this is hooked up or functional or compiles, just drafting things rn
-some core concepts:
-- several instruments can run at the same time (e.g., drum computer running in background),
-with only one of them being in foreground and using buttons and display
-- instruments are as "self contained" as possible, i.e. they access buttons and display with
-minimal host involvement and pretty much just produce audio "on their own". aside from
-scheduling the host mostly does some cap touch preprocessing and the audio output mixdown
-- different timing requirements -> different "threads" for audio, buttons, display each
-(leds: special case, see below)
-open questions:
-- led animations: instruments should be able to output led patterns. maybe keeping a dummy
-led array in ram for each running instrument and allowing users to create and run "shaders"
-would be a desirable functional mode; do we want this/does this need any extra api?
-- for performance reasons: instruments are expected to behave themselves, i.e. not access hw
-without permission or write to read-only locations, can we do better than that without
-excessive overhead? and if we can, do we _want_ to? (devices that make electronic musical
-instruments malfunction on purpose are not uncommon in general)
-- badge link/cv data input/output: can probably be added to the descriptor easily? shouldn't
-freeze api before tho
-//some hardware dummy definitions, move somewhere else someday maybe
-typedef struct {
-    int intensity;  //touch strength, considered as no touch if below 0
-    int rad;        //radial position
-    int az;         //cw azimuthal position (only meaningful for top petals);
-} petal_t;
-typedef int button_t; //0: no press, -1: left, 1: right, 2: down
-typedef struct {    //read-only (shared between all instruments, unprotected)
-    petal_t petals[10];  //even: top, odd: bottom, 0 at usb-c jack, count ccw
-    button_t button;    //can be either left or right, depending on host
-                        //handedness settings. the other button is reserved for
-                        //host use and is not exposed here.
-} hardware_inputs_t;
-typedef void * instrument_t; //contains instrument instance data, not to be interpreted by host
-typedef struct _instrument_descriptor_t {
-    unsigned int unique_id;
-    //null terminated instrument name
-    const char * name;
-    //allocates memory for new instance data and returns pointer to it (mandatory)
-    instrument_t (* new_instrument)(const struct _instrument_descriptor * descriptor,
-                                    unsigned int sample_rate,
-                                    hardware_inputs_t * hw);
-    //frees instance data memory (mandatory)
-    void (* delete_instrument) (instrument_t instance);
-    //renders a single stereo audio sample (optional, NULL if not supported)
-    void (* render_audio_sample) (instrument_t instance);
-    //handles petal/button/sensor input, ideally runs every 3-8ms (optional, NULL if not supported)
-    void (* process_user_input) (instrument_t instance);
-    //only runs when instrument is in foreground (optional, NULL if not supported)
-    void (* update_display) (instrument_t instance);
-    //(optional, NULL if not supported)
-    void (* update_leds) (instrument_t instance);
-} instrument_descriptor_t;
-// this function is called once per instrument type before use (i.e. around boot) and returns a
-// filled out instrument descriptor struct to be used by the host for creating instrument instances
-// returns null if allocation fails
-const instrument_descriptor_t * contruct_instrument_descriptor();
-//host-side helper functions
-void render_audio(
-    instrument_descriptor_t instrument_descriptor,
-    instrument_t instance,
-    unsigned int sample_count,
-    float * output_vector
-void render_audio_adding(
-    instrument_descriptor_t instrument_descriptor,
-    instrument_t instance,
-    unsigned int sample_count,
-    float * output_vector,
-    float gain
-typedef struct {
-    void * content;
-    lle_t * next;
-} lle_t; //linked list element
-typedef lle_t instrument_descriptor_list_t;
-typedef struct {
-    instrument_t * instrument;
-    instrument_descriptor_t descriptor;
-    char is_foreground;
-    char is_rendering_leds;
-    float gain;
-} active_instrument_t;
-void append_instrument_descriptor(
-    instrument_descriptor_list_t * list,
-    void * construct_instrument_descriptor
-instrument_descriptor_list_t * list_builtin_instrument_descriptors();
-typedef lle_t active_instrument_list_t;
-void mix_instruments_audio(active_instrument_list_t instruments,
-                           unsigned int sample_count,
-                           float * output_vector
diff --git a/components/badge23/instruments/minimal_example.c b/components/badge23/instruments/minimal_example.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7673f22e17..0000000000
--- a/components/badge23/instruments/minimal_example.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-//simple instrument example implementation
-//trad_osc is made up rn, didn't check how the existing implementation works
-typedef struct{
-    unsigned int * sample_rate;
-    hardware_inputs_t * hw;
-    trad_osc_t[30] osc;
-    unsigned int sample_rate;
-    hardware_inputs_t * hw;
-    float last_freq; //frequency of last note played to write to display
-} minimal_example_t;
-void minimal_example_render_sample(instrument_handle inst, float * stereo_output){
-    float acc = 0;
-    for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){
-        acc += trad_osc_run(&inst.osc[i], inst.sample_rate);
-    }
-    stereo_output[0] = acc; // both channels the same -> mono
-    stereo_output[1] = acc;
-void minimal_example_process_user_input(instrument_handle inst){
-    static int petal_prev[10];
-    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
-        if(inst->hw.petals[i].intensity > 0){    //if the pad is touched...
-            if(!petal_prev[i]){                 //and it's a new touch...
-                if(button != 2){ //if button isn't pressed: play single note in different octaves
-                    int j = i + (inst->hw.button + 1) * 10; //choose osc
-                    trad_osc_start(&inst.osc[j]);   //play a tone
-                    inst->last_freq = inst.osc[j].freq;
-                } else { //for button center: all the octaves at once
-                    trad_osc_start(&inst.osc[i]);   //play a tone
-                    trad_osc_start(&inst.osc[i+10]);   //play a tone
-                    trad_osc_start(&inst.osc[i+20]);   //play a tone
-                    inst->last_freq = inst.osc[i+10].freq;
-                }
-            }
-            petal_prev[i] = 1;
-        } else {
-            petal_prev[i] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-void minimal_example_update_display(instrument_handle inst){
-    display_print("%f", inst->last_freq);
-static float pad_to_freq(int pad){
-    int j = pad % 10;
-    if(j) j++;      //skip min 2nd
-    if(j>8) j++;    //skip maj 6th
-    j += (pad/10) * 12; //add octaves
-    float freq = 440 * pow(2., j/12.);
-instrument_t new_minimal_example(
-    const struct _instrument_descriptor * descriptor, 
-    unsigned int sample_rate,
-    hardware_inputs_t * hw)
-    instrument_t inst = malloc(sizeof(minimal_example_t));
-    if(inst == NULL) return NULL;
-    inst->sample_rate = sample_rate;
-    inst->hw = hw;
-    for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++){
-        inst->osc[i] = trad_osc_new(pad_to_freq(i), sample_rate);
-        //other osc parameters (wave, envelope, etc.) omitted for clarity
-    }
-    return inst;
-void delete_minimal_example(instrument_t inst){
-    free(inst);
-const instrument_descriptor_t * minimal_example_descriptor(){
-    instrument_descriptor_t * inst = malloc(sizeof(instrument_descriptor_t));
-    if(inst == NULL) return NULL;
-    inst->unique_id = 0;
-    inst->name = "simple instrument";
-    inst->render_audio_sample = &minimal_example_render_sample;
-    inst->new_instrument = &new_minimal_example;
-    inst->delete_instrument = &delete_minimal_example;
-    inst->update_display = NULL;
-    inst->process_user_input = minimal_example_user_input;
-    inst->update_leds = NULL;