diff --git a/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst b/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst
index 7a549214442083b5a033b25ac84331fbda1a470f..b478645c3c01d6010e9540046b15d3cc834f0ef9 100644
--- a/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst
+++ b/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ formatted, don't be afraid to do so.
 .. warning::
-   When writing you calls, **never** make assumptions about which FreeRTOS task
-   you are running in.  While all calls from core 1 will end up in the
+   When writing your calls, **never** make assumptions about which FreeRTOS
+   task you are running in.  While all calls from core 1 will end up in the
    "Dispatcher" task, other FreeRTOS tasks might might call your code at any
    time just as well.
diff --git a/Documentation/epicardium/api.rst b/Documentation/epicardium/api.rst
index 4f40a79a26b7eacb2735233fdf5581db82bc1afc..e0f18ac6e55b154e8c7a103533b2fe31480e1230 100644
--- a/Documentation/epicardium/api.rst
+++ b/Documentation/epicardium/api.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _epicardium_api:
 Epicardium API
diff --git a/Documentation/how-to-build.rst b/Documentation/how-to-build.rst
index d5771751b5eadd34eeef9836e160d376a84fe441..8a3e14deaf25068b514ebda9e10e715e6a7f54cc 100644
--- a/Documentation/how-to-build.rst
+++ b/Documentation/how-to-build.rst
@@ -9,17 +9,28 @@ Dependencies
 * **gcc**, **binutils** & **newlib** for ``arm-none-eabi``:  The packages have
   slightly different names on different distros.
-  - Ubuntu / Debian: ``apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi``
-  - Arch: ``pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-newlib``
+  - Ubuntu / Debian:
+    .. code-block:: shell-session
+       apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
+  - Arch:
+    .. code-block:: shell-session
+       pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-newlib
   - Alternative: Download `ARM's GNU toolchain`_.  **TODO**
 * **python3**:  For meson and various scripts needed for building.
-* **ninja**: Needed for meson.
+* **ninja**: Needed for meson.  If you install meson via *pip*, you need to
+  install ninja manually as well:
   - Ubuntu / Debian: ``apt install ninja-build``
   - Arch: ``pacman -S ninja``
 * **meson** (>0.43.0):  Unfortunately most distros only have very old versions
   of meson in their repositories.  Instead, you'll probably save yourself a lot
   of headaches by installing meson from ``pip3 install --user meson``.
-  - Ubuntu / Debian: ``apt install meson``
 * **python3-crc16**: Install with ``pip3 install --user crc16``.
 .. _ARM's GNU toolchain: https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads
diff --git a/Documentation/how-to-flash.rst b/Documentation/how-to-flash.rst
index a4c61f49dfc9c03ebd79abc1340149428eda4f34..5be7bb06833f91b4051897bca46d2d36610481ad 100644
--- a/Documentation/how-to-flash.rst
+++ b/Documentation/how-to-flash.rst
@@ -18,22 +18,18 @@ If you did everything correctly, the bootloader will display:
 .. code-block:: text
-   Jul 12 2019
+   Jul 28 2019
    USB activated.
-    Waiting.
+   Ready.
 On your host, you should now see an 8MB flash-device appear.  You can now drop
 the firmware's ``.bin`` (from ``build/pycardium/pycardium_epicardium.bin`` in
 most cases) into this flash-storage.  You **must** call the file ``card10.bin``
 for the bootloader to use it.
-Afterwards **eject** the flash device and reboot card10.  You should now see
-your new firmware boot up!
-.. warning::
-   **You must EJECT the flash device!**  ``umount`` & ``sync`` is **not**
-   enough and will result in the bootloader not loading the new binary.
+The bootloader will then display ``Writing.`` in red while it is actually
+writing the file to external flash.  Please wait until it displays ``Ready.``
+again before resetting card10 by pressing the power button again.
 Flash Using Debugger
diff --git a/Documentation/overview.rst b/Documentation/overview.rst
index 1da823e22a1f7b62b7c20420d45d072b8f83ced5..f1ea1ebb19bcdc44e36dac0b06d9270b2ef2b868 100644
--- a/Documentation/overview.rst
+++ b/Documentation/overview.rst
@@ -45,15 +45,16 @@ Pycardium is our MicroPython fork.  Its purpose is to make it as easy as
 possible to interact with card10.  If you are interested in working on
 Pycardium, take a look at the :ref:`pycardium_guide` guide.
-.. warning::
+Next to Pycardium, other bare-metal code can also run on core 1.  For example,
+a Rustcardium or C-cardium.  These l0dables must be compiled using our special
+linker script and should link against the api-caller library so they can
+interface with the :ref:`epicardium_api`.
-   We have not yet been able to determine if card10 will have had the abilities
-   described in this section.  And if yes, how they will have been implemented.
+.. todo::
-Next to Pycardium, other bare-metal code can also run on core 1.  For example,
-a Rustcardium or Cccardium.
+   Provide more details how this works
 Program Flow Diagram
diff --git a/Documentation/pycardium-guide.rst b/Documentation/pycardium-guide.rst
index 3a8fcaba87314aa2b4b4350f6a34578431914765..21b0c15e205c5d65559108fb9997d74d18d4ab1a 100644
--- a/Documentation/pycardium-guide.rst
+++ b/Documentation/pycardium-guide.rst
@@ -40,13 +40,9 @@ the output of
    ls -lh build/pycardium/*@@frozen.c@*/
 If your module contains some kind of big lookup-table or data-block, consider
-pushing that into external flash.
-.. todo::
-   External flash is not yet accessible by Pycardium (ref `#11`_).
-   .. _#11: https://git.card10.badge.events.ccc.de/card10/firmware/issues/11
+pushing that into external flash.  You can then read the data using standard
+Python ``open()`` and if you need to decode it, use the ``ustruct`` or ``ujson``
 Creating a new C module