From e403391b61a2500101fe6af121ed855b670e9912 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Julian <> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:55:02 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- pycardium/modules/py/ | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/pycardium/modules/py/ b/pycardium/modules/py/ index 94a40c2c..dcd3fe0f 100644 --- a/pycardium/modules/py/ +++ b/pycardium/modules/py/ @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import leds, utime, math def col_cor(colors, brightness=1, gamma=1): + """ + Gamma correction for the RGB channels + """ return [ [int(255 * brightness * math.pow((y / 255.0), gamma)) for y in x] for x in colors @@ -9,42 +12,68 @@ def col_cor(colors, brightness=1, gamma=1): def halo(colors): + """ + sets the four bottom/side LEDs to colors corresponding to the color spectrum on the top 11 LEDs + """ used_leds = len(colors) + #add additional RGB-Color-lists to the colors-list to fill up the top LEDs with emptiness colors += [[0, 0, 0]] * (11 - used_leds) + #add four additional colors. the last one, the first one twice, the last one. colors += [colors[used_leds - 1]] + [colors[0]] * 2 + [colors[used_leds - 1]] return colors def kitt( + #amount of cycles for the animation cycles=100, + #time in microseconds until the animation moves on. delay=80, + #the shape of your brightness curve. bigger values make a steeper curve, smaller values make the curve wider. power=10, + #the minimal brightness minimum=0.3, + #if you don't enter a spectrum this is the color we'll use rgb=[255, 0, 0], + #a color spectrum consisting of up to 11 RGB-Value-Lists (e.g. [[255,255,255], [0,0,0], [255,255,255] and so on] - ). if you use less, the animation will be less wide. spectrum=[], + halo=False, ): """ - LED Animation. + LED Animation. Knight rider-Style. """ + # create a basic table of values for a smooth increment of the LED brightness (if you don't understand this, don't worry, i don't either. just paste it into the python shell and see the output). Basically creates a negative cosinus curve. kitt_table = [((-math.cos(math.pi * (x / 10.0))) + 1) / 2.0 for x in range(21)] + #adjust the values to start with a minimum brightness and the width of the curve to the given power. kitt_table = [math.pow(x, power) * (1 - minimum) + minimum for x in kitt_table] + #for the amount of specified cycles for i in range(cycles): + #repeat every 20 steps j = i % 20 + #and go backwards after 10 steps if j > 10: j = 20 - j + #if a color spectrum was given if spectrum == []: + #set the amount of LEDs used to 11, because we're using the full width used_leds = 11 + #set the color values to the LEDs by multiplying the given color value with the corresponding brightness value in the kitt table output = [[int(x * y) for y in rgb] for x in kitt_table[j : (j + 11)]] else: + #use the amount of leds specified in the spectrum used_leds = len(spectrum) + #multiply the color values in the corresponding spectrum tuple with the brightness value in the kitt table output = [ [int(y * kitt_table[j + x]) for y in spectrum[x]] for x in range(used_leds) ] + #if a halo has been defined, also use the four bottom LEDs if halo: halo(output) + #set the LEDs to the output defined above leds.set_all(output) + #sleep for the amount of milliseconds specified in delay utime.sleep_ms(delay) + #Switch off all LEDs. leds.clear() -- GitLab