import argparse import os import re import subprocess import sys MATCH_API_EXPANSION = re.compile( r"__GENERATE_API \$ __GEN_ID_(?P<id>\w+) \$ (?P<decl>.*?) \$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) MATCH_ISR_EXPANSION = re.compile( r"__GENERATE_API_ISR \$ __GEN_ID_(?P<id>\w+) \$ (?P<isr>.*?) \$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) MATCH_DECLARATION = re.compile(r"^(?P<typename>.*?)\s*\((?P<args>.*)\)$", re.DOTALL) MATCH_TYPENAME = re.compile( r"^(?P<type>(?:const )?(?:struct |enum |union )?\w+[*\s]+)(?P<name>\w+)$" ) def sizeof(args): """Return a string that describes the size of a list of arguments.""" return " + ".join(a["sizeof"] for a in args) if args != [] else "0" def bailout(message, *args, **kwargs): fmt = "\x1B[31;1mError\x1B[0m: {}" print(fmt.format(message.format(*args, **kwargs)), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def parse_declarations(source): """Parse all declarations in the given source.""" declarations = [] for exp in MATCH_API_EXPANSION.finditer(source): id ="id") decl = MATCH_DECLARATION.match("decl")) if decl is None: bailout("Error in declaration '{}'","decl")) typename = MATCH_TYPENAME.match("typename")) args = [] args_str ="args") if typename is None: bailout("Error in declaration '{}'","decl")) # Parse arguments for arg_str in map(str.strip, args_str.split(",")): if arg_str in ["void", ""]: continue arg = MATCH_TYPENAME.match(arg_str.strip()) if arg is None: bailout("Failed to parse argument '{}'", arg_str.strip()) args.append( { "type":"type").strip(), "name":"name"), "sizeof": "sizeof({})".format("type").strip()), "offset": sizeof(args), } ) declarations.append( { "id": id, "return_type":"type").strip(), "name":"name"), "args": args, "args_str": args_str, } ) return declarations def parse_interrupts(source): """Parse all isr declarations in the given source.""" interrupts = [] for exp in MATCH_ISR_EXPANSION.finditer(source): id ="id") isr ="isr") interrupts.append({"id": id, "isr": isr}) return interrupts def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate the API stubs from a header file." ) parser.add_argument( "-H", "--header", required=True, help="The header to base the definitions on." ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--client", required=True, help="The output client-side c source file." ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--server", required=True, help="The output server-side c source file." ) args = parser.parse_args() # Run the preprocessor on the header file to get the API definitions. # # For this, we first need a source to include the header which contains # an alternative definition of the `API` macro that marks definitions in # a way we can find later on. api_src = """\ #define API(id, def) __GENERATE_API $ __GEN_ID_##id $ def $ #define API_ISR(id, isr) __GENERATE_API_ISR $ __GEN_ID_##id $ isr $ #include "{header}" """.format( header=os.path.relpath(args.header) ) # Evaluate the preprocessor source = subprocess.check_output( ["gcc", "-E", "-P", "-"], input=api_src.encode() ).decode() declarations = parse_declarations(source) interrupts = parse_interrupts(source) fmt_header = {"header": os.path.basename(args.header)} # Generate Client {{{ with open(args.client, "w") as f_client: tmp = """\ #include <stdio.h> #define API_ISR(id, isr) #include "{header}" #include "api/caller.h" """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**fmt_header)) for decl in declarations: decl["total_size"] = sizeof(decl["args"]) tmp = """\ /* Autogenerated stub for {id} */ {return_type} {name}({args_str}) {{ const int epc__apistub_size = {total_size}; void*epc__apistub_buffer; epc__apistub_buffer = _api_call_start({id}, epc__apistub_size); /* TODO: Check if epc__apistub_buffer is not NULL */ """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**decl)) for i, arg in enumerate(decl["args"]): tmp = """\ *({type}*)(epc__apistub_buffer + {offset}) = {name}; """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**arg)) if decl["return_type"] == "void": # Don't return if return type is void tmp = """\ _api_call_transact(epc__apistub_buffer); }} """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**decl)) else: tmp = """\ return *({return_type}*)_api_call_transact(epc__apistub_buffer); }} """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**decl)) tmp = """\ /* Weakly linked stubs for ISRs */ """ f_client.write(tmp) for isr in interrupts: tmp = """\ void {isr}(api_int_id_t id) __attribute__((weak, alias("__epic_isr_default_handler"))); """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**isr)) tmp = """\ /* Default handler stub */ __attribute__((weak)) void epic_isr_default_handler(api_int_id_t id) { ; } /* * This function is needed because aliasing the weak default handler will * lead to issues. */ void __epic_isr_default_handler(api_int_id_t id) { epic_isr_default_handler(id); } /* * __dispatch_isr() will be called from the actual isr which was triggered * by core 0. It will then call the appropriate isr. */ void __dispatch_isr(api_int_id_t id) { switch (id) { """ f_client.write(tmp) for isr in interrupts: tmp = """\ case {id}: {isr}(id); break; """ f_client.write(tmp.format(**isr)) tmp = """\ case (-1): /* Ignore a spurious interrupt */ break; default: epic_isr_default_handler(id); break; } } """ f_client.write(tmp) # END: Generate Client }}} # Generate Dispatcher {{{ with open(args.server, "w") as f_dispatcher: tmp = """\ #include "modules/log.h" #include "{header}" void __api_dispatch_call(uint32_t id, void*epc__apistub_buffer) {{ switch (id) {{ """ f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**fmt_header)) for decl in declarations: if decl["return_type"] == "void": tmp = """\ case {id}: {name}(""" f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**decl)) else: tmp = """\ case {id}: *(({return_type}*)epc__apistub_buffer) = {name}(""" f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**decl)) for i, arg in enumerate(decl["args"]): arg["comma"] = "" if i == 0 else "," tmp = """{comma} *({type}*)(epc__apistub_buffer + {offset})""" f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**arg)) tmp = """ ); break; """ f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**decl)) tmp = """\ default: /* TODO: Better error handling */ LOG_ERR("api-dispatcher", "API function 0x%lx is unknown!!", id); break; }} }} """ f_dispatcher.write(tmp.format(**fmt_header)) # END: Generate Dispatcher }}} if __name__ == "__main__": main()