From 64b73df546a259cb95ef5a9503b150fee8fba9ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rahix <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2019 12:10:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] doc: Add Epicardium guide

Signed-off-by: Rahix <>
 Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Documentation/index.rst            |  1 +
 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst

diff --git a/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst b/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34e09676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/epicardium-guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Epicardium API Development
+If you are interested in augmenting the Epicardium API with new calls, this
+page is the right place for you.
+API Call Declaration
+All API calls are declared in ``epicardium/epicardium.h``.  We also generated
+documentation for all API calls using sphinx.  Please document any new calls in
+the same format as existing calls.  An example API call definition might look
+like this:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   /* At the top of epicardium.h, add a unique ID for your call */
+   #define API_ROCKET           0xc0ffee
+   /**
+    * Turn on card10's rocket engines.
+    *
+    * :param force: Force in Newtons.
+    * :param color: 24-bit exhaust color.
+    * :return: ``0`` on success or ``-Exxx`` on error.  The following errors
+    *     might occur:
+    *
+    *     - ``-ENODEV``: Sadly, card10 does not have rocket engines.
+    */
+   API(API_ROCKET, int epic_rocket_start(float force, uint32_t color));
+There are a number of rules you should follow when defining new calls:
+* API calls have the prefix ``epic_`` which of course is just an abbreviation
+  for *Epicardium*.
+* There are no special rules regarding call numbers, choose any number not yet
+  in use.  Call numbers are ``uint32_t`` so you have plenty to choose from.
+* Only use types from the standard library or types defined (and documented!)
+  in ``epicardium.h``.  **Never** include another header in ``epicardium.h``.
+* When passing pointers, keep in mind that this will mean the other core will
+  potentially modify stuff in your address space.  Please prefer passing pointers
+  into core 1 (Pycardium) address space and refrain from returning pointers into
+  Epicardium address space if possible.
+* API calls follow the kernel convention of either returning a boolean if the
+  name is a predicate or a success integer (with 0 denoting success and
+  negative values denoting errors) if they are an imperative command or action
+  (ref `Kernel Coding Style`_).  If you are reasonably sure your call cannot fail
+  or an error is non-recoverable from core 1, return ``void``.
+.. _Kernel Coding Style:
+API Call Definition
+API calls should be defined in a source file in ``epicardium/modules``.  If
+there is not yet one where your call fits in, create a new one.  Don't forget
+to also add it in ``epicardium/modules/`` to make the build-system
+aware of it.
+For the example above, the definition might look like this:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   /* epicardium/modules/rocket.c */
+   #include <stdio.h>
+   #include "epicardium.h"
+   int epic_rocket_start(float force, uint32_t color)
+   {
+           printf("Starting rocket engines with %fN in color 0x%x"
+                  force,
+                  color);
+           /* Aw :( */
+           return -ENODEV;
+   }
+To keep code-style uniform across the project, please format your code using
+``./tools/``.  Note that this is not a definite style, however:
+If something looks better when manually formatted, don't be afraid to do so.
+.. warning::
+   When writing you calls, **never** make assumptions about which FreeRTOS task
+   you are running in.  While all calls from core 1 will end up in the
+   "Dispatcher" task, other FreeRTOS tasks might might call your code at any
+   time just as well.
+   This is especially important if you use a `task semaphore`_.  Always call
+   ``xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle()``.
+   .. _task semaphore:
diff --git a/Documentation/index.rst b/Documentation/index.rst
index 326a7fd8..2363aace 100644
--- a/Documentation/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/index.rst
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Last but not least, if you want to start hacking the lower-level firmware, the
+   epicardium-guide
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1