/* **************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Bosch Sensortec GmbH * * File : bhy.c * * Date : 2016/01/22 * * Revision : 1.0.4 $ * * Usage: Sensor Driver for BHY sensor * **************************************************************************** * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE * * The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable. * The copyright holder assumes no responsibility * for the consequences of use * of such information nor for any infringement of patents or * other rights of third parties which may result from its use. * No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or * patent rights of the copyright holder. * **************************************************************************/ /*! file <BHY > brief <Sensor driver for BHY> */ #include "bhy.h" /* static structure for bhy */ static struct bhy_t *p_bhy; /* contain the saved parameters data*/ static struct parameter_read_buffer_t read_buffer; /* contain the load parameters data*/ static struct parameter_write_buffer_t write_buffer; /* Assign the sensor status bank*/ struct sensor_status_bank_t sensor_status_bank; /*! * @brief * This function is used for initialize * bus read and bus write functions * and device address * product id is read in the register 0x90 bit from 0 to 7 * * @param bhy : structure pointer * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * @note * While changing the parameter of the bhy_t * consider the following point: * Changing the reference value of the parameter * will changes the local copy or local reference * make sure your changes will not * affect the reference value of the parameter * (Better case don't change the reference value of the parameter) * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_init(struct bhy_t *bhy) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* assign bhy ptr */ p_bhy = bhy; com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PRODUCT_ID_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* read product Id */ p_bhy->product_id = v_data_u8; return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief * This API write the data to * the given register * * * @param v_addr_u8 -> Address of the register * @param v_data_u8 -> The data from the register * @param v_len_u8 -> no of bytes to read * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_write_reg(u8 v_addr_u8, u8 *v_data_u8, u16 v_len_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* check the p_bhy structure as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* write data from register*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, v_addr_u8, v_data_u8, v_len_u16); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief * This API reads the data from * the given register * * * @param v_addr_u8 -> Address of the register * @param v_data_u8 -> The data from the register * @param v_len_u8 -> no of bytes to read * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_read_reg(u8 v_addr_u8, u8 *v_data_u8, u16 v_len_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* check the p_bhy structure as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* Read data from register*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, v_addr_u8, v_data_u8, v_len_u16); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the FIFO flush from the register 0x32 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_fifo_flush_u8 : The value of fifo flush * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_fifo_flush(u8 *v_fifo_flush_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_FIFO_FLUSH__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_fifo_flush_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_FIFO_FLUSH); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the FIFO flush from the register 0x32 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_fifo_flush_u8 : The value of fifo flush * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_fifo_flush(u8 v_fifo_flush_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_FIFO_FLUSH__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_FIFO_FLUSH, v_fifo_flush_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_FIFO_FLUSH__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the chip control from the register 0x34 * bit 0 to 7 * @note Chip control used to provide the control fundamental * behaviour of the chip * * @param v_chipcontrol_u8 : The value of chip control * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_chip_control(u8 *v_chipcontrol_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy structure as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the chip control status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_chipcontrol_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the chip control from the register 0x34 * bit 0 to 7 * @note Chip control used to provide the control fundamental * behaviour of the chip * * @param v_chipcontrol_u8 : The value of chip control * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_chip_control(u8 v_chipcontrol_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy structure as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL, v_chipcontrol_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the host status from the register 0x35 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_algo_standby_u8 : The value of algorithm standby duration * @param v_algo_id_u8 : The value of algorithm id * @param v_host_interface_id_u8 : The value of host interface id * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_host_status( u8 *v_algo_standby_u8, u8 *v_algo_id_u8, u8 *v_host_interface_id_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the host status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_STATUS__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* read the host algo status*/ *v_algo_standby_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_STATUS_ALGO_STANDBY); /* read the host algo id */ *v_algo_id_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_HOST_STATUS_ALGO_ID); /* host interface id */ *v_host_interface_id_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_HOST_INTERFACE_ID); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the interrupt status from the register 0x36 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_host_int_u8 : * The value of host interrupt status * @param v_wakeup_water_mark_u8 : * The value of wakeup watermark status * @param v_wakeup_latency_u8 : * The value of wakeup latency status * @param v_wakeup_immediate_u8 : * The value of wakeup immediate status * @param v_non_wakeup_water_mark_u8 : * The value of non wakeup watermark status * @param v_non_wakeup_latency_u8 : * The value of non wakeup latency status * @param v_non_wakeup_immediate_u8 : * The value of non wakeup immediate * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_interrupt_status( u8 *v_host_int_u8, u8 *v_wakeup_water_mark_u8, u8 *v_wakeup_latency_u8, u8 *v_wakeup_immediate_u8, u8 *v_non_wakeup_water_mark_u8, u8 *v_non_wakeup_latency_u8, u8 *v_non_wakeup_immediate_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the interrupt status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_INT_STATUS__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* read the host interrupt status*/ *v_host_int_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_INT_STATUS_HOST_INTR); /* read the wakeup watermark interrupt status*/ *v_wakeup_water_mark_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_INT_STATUS_WAKEUP_WM); /* read the wakeup latency interrupt status*/ *v_wakeup_latency_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_INT_STATUS_WAKEUP_LATENCY); /* read the wakeup immediate interrupt status*/ *v_wakeup_immediate_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_INT_STATUS_WAKEUP_IMMEDIATE); /* read the non wakeup watermark interrupt status*/ *v_non_wakeup_water_mark_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_BHY_INT_STATUS_NON_WAKEUP_WM); /* read the non wakeup latency interrupt status*/ *v_non_wakeup_latency_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_INT_STATUS_NON_WAKEUP_LATENCY); /* read the non wakeup immediate status*/ *v_non_wakeup_immediate_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_INT_STATUS_NON_WAKEUP_IMMEDIATE); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the chip status from the register 0x37 * bit 0 to 7 * * * * @param v_eeprom_detected_u8 : The value of eeprom * detected status * @param v_ee_upload_done_u8 : The value of ee_upload * done status * @param v_ee_upload_error_u8 : The value of ee_upload * done error * @param v_firmware_idle_u8 : The value of firmware error status * @param v_no_eeprom_u8 : The value of no eeprom status * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_chip_status( u8 *v_eeprom_detected_u8, u8 *v_ee_upload_done_u8, u8 *v_ee_upload_error_u8, u8 *v_firmware_idle_u8, u8 *v_no_eeprom_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the chip status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* read eeprom detected status*/ *v_eeprom_detected_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS_EEPROM_DETECTED); /* read eeprom upload done status*/ *v_ee_upload_done_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS_EE_UPLOAD_DONE); /* read eeprom upload error status*/ *v_ee_upload_error_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS_EE_UPLOAD_ERROR); /* read firmware idle status*/ *v_firmware_idle_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS_FIRMWARE_IDLE); /* read no eeprom detected status*/ *v_no_eeprom_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_STATUS_NO_EEPROM); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the bytes remaining from the register 0x38 * and 0x39 bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_bytes_remaining_u16 : The value of bytes remaining * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * @note This indicates how many bytes are available in the FIFO buffer * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_read_bytes_remaining(u16 *v_bytes_remaining_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* Array contains the bytes reaming of FIFO lSB and MSB data v_data_u8[LSB_ZERO] - LSB v_data_u8[MSB_ONE] - MSB*/ u8 v_data_u8[BHY_BYTES_REMAINING_SIZE] = {BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE}; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read bytes remaining data */ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_BYTES_REMAINING_LSB_ADDR, v_data_u8, BHY_BYTES_REMAINING_LENGTH); /* get the bytes remaining data*/ *v_bytes_remaining_u16 = (u16) ((v_data_u8[BHY_BYTES_REMAINING_MSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (v_data_u8[BHY_BYTES_REMAINING_LSB])); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the parameter * acknowledgement from the register 0x3A * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_parameter_acknowledge_u8: * The value of parameter acknowledgement * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_parameter_acknowledge( u8 *v_parameter_acknowledge_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the parameter acknowledgement*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_ACKNOWLEDGE_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_parameter_acknowledge_u8 = v_data_u8; } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the parameter * page select from the register 0x54 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_page_select_u8 : The value of parameter page selection * page information | value * ------------------------|---------- * BHY_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_PAGE | 0 * BHY_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_SIZE | 1 * * @param v_parameter_page_u8 : The value of page selection * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_parameter_page_select( u8 v_page_select_u8, u8 *v_parameter_page_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the parameter page information*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_PAGE_SELECT__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); switch (v_page_select_u8) { case BHY_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_PAGE: *v_parameter_page_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_PAGE); break; case BHY_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_SIZE: *v_parameter_page_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_PAGE_SELECT_PARAMETER_SIZE); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the parameter * page select from the register 0x54 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_page_select_u8 : The value of parameter page selection * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_parameter_page_select( u8 v_page_select_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { v_data_u8 = v_page_select_u8; /* read the parameter page information*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_PAGE_SELECT__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the host interface control * from the register 0x55 * bit 0 to 7 * * * * @param v_algo_standby_req_u8 : The value of algorithm standby * request * @param v_abort_transfer_u8 : The value of abort transfer * @param v_update_transfer_cnt_u8 : The value of update * transfer count * @param v_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8 : * The value of wakeup fifo host * interrupt disable * @param v_ned_coordinates_u8 : The value of NED coordinates * @param v_ap_suspend_u8 : The value of AP suspended * @param v_sensor_selftest_u8 : The value of sensor self test * @param v_non_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8: * The value of non wakeup fifo host * interrupt disable * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_host_interface_control( u8 *v_algo_standby_req_u8, u8 *v_abort_transfer_u8, u8 *v_update_transfer_cnt_u8, u8 *v_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8, u8 *v_ned_coordinates_u8, u8 *v_ap_suspend_u8, u8 *v_sensor_selftest_u8, u8 *v_non_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the host interrupt status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* read algorithm standby request status*/ *v_algo_standby_req_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ALGO_STABDY_REQUEST); /* read host interrupt control status*/ *v_abort_transfer_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ABORT_TRANSFER); /* read update transfer control status*/ *v_update_transfer_cnt_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_TRANSFER_COUNT); /* read wakeup fifo host interrupt disable status*/ *v_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE); /* read ned coordinates status*/ *v_ned_coordinates_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NED_COORDINATE); /* read AP suspended status*/ *v_ap_suspend_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_AP_SUSPEND); /* read self test status*/ *v_sensor_selftest_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_SELFTEST); /* read non wakeup fifo host interrupt disable status*/ *v_non_wakeup_fifo_intr_disable_u8 = BHY_GET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the host interface control * from the register 0x55 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_host_interface_select_u8 : The value of host interface selection * host interface | value * -----------------------------------|---------- * BHY_HOST_ALGO_STANDBY_REQUEST | 0 * BHY_HOST_ABORT_TRANSFER | 1 * BHY_HOST_UPDATE_TRANSFER_COUNT | 2 * BHY_HOST_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE | 3 * BHY_HOST_NED_COORDINATE | 4 * BHY_HOST_AP_SUSPEND | 5 * BHY_HOST_SELFTEST | 6 * BHY_HOST_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE | 7 * * @param v_host_interface_status_u8 : The value of host interface * Data | status * -----------------| ----------- * 0 | DISABLE * 1 | ENABLE * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_host_interface_control( u8 v_host_interface_select_u8, u8 v_host_interface_status_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { switch (v_host_interface_select_u8) { case BHY_HOST_ALGO_STANDBY_REQUEST: /* write algorithm standby request status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ALGO_STABDY_REQUEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ALGO_STABDY_REQUEST, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ALGO_STABDY_REQUEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_ABORT_TRANSFER: /* write host interrupt control status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ABORT_TRANSFER__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ABORT_TRANSFER, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_ABORT_TRANSFER__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_UPDATE_TRANSFER_COUNT: /* write update transfer control status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_TRANSFER_COUNT__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_TRANSFER_COUNT, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_TRANSFER_COUNT__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE: /* write wakeup fifo host interrupt disable status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_NED_COORDINATE: /* write ned coordinates status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NED_COORDINATE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NED_COORDINATE, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NED_COORDINATE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_AP_SUSPEND: /* write AP suspended status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_AP_SUSPEND__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_AP_SUSPEND, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_AP_SUSPEND__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_SELFTEST: /* write self test status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_SELFTEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_SELFTEST, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_SELFTEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; case BHY_HOST_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE: /* write non wakeup fifo host interrupt disable status*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_data_u8 = BHY_SET_BITSLICE(v_data_u8, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE, v_host_interface_status_u8); com_rslt += p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_HOST_INTERFACE_CONTROL_NON_WAKEUP_FIFO_DISABLE__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the parameter * request from the register 0x64 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : The value of parameter request * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_parameter_request( u8 *v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_REQUEST_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_parameter_request_u8 = v_data_u8; } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the parameter * request from the register 0x64 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : The value of parameter request * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_parameter_request( u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* write load parameter request*/ v_data_u8 = v_parameter_request_u8; com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_LOAD_PARAMETER_REQUEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the host IRQ time stamp * request from the register 0x6C to 0x6F * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_host_irq_timestamp_u32 : The value of host irq time stamp * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_host_irq_timestamp( u32 *v_host_irq_timestamp_u32) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8[BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_SIZE] = {BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE}; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_ADDR, v_data_u8, BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_SIZE); *v_host_irq_timestamp_u32 = (u32)((v_data_u8[BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_MSB_DATA] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_24_BITS) |(v_data_u8[BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_XXLSB_DATA] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) |(v_data_u8[BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_XLSB_DATA] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (v_data_u8[BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP_LSB_DATA])); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the ROM version * request from the register 0x70 to 0x71 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_rom_version_u16 : The value ROM version * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_rom_version(u16 *v_rom_version_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8[BHY_ROM_VERSION_SIZE] = {BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE}; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_ROM_VERSION_ADDR, v_data_u8, BHY_ROM_VERSION_SIZE); *v_rom_version_u16 = (u16)((v_data_u8[BHY_ROM_VERSION_MSB_DATA] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (v_data_u8[BHY_ROM_VERSION_LSB_DATA])); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the RAM version * request from the register 0x72 to 0x73 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_ram_version_u16 : The value RAM version * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_ram_version( u16 *v_ram_version_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8[BHY_RAM_VERSION_SIZE] = {BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE}; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_RAM_VERSION_ADDR, v_data_u8, BHY_RAM_VERSION_SIZE); *v_ram_version_u16 = (u16)((v_data_u8[BHY_RAM_VERSION_MSB_DATA] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (v_data_u8[BHY_RAM_VERSION_LSB_DATA])); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the product id * request from the register 0x90 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_product_id_u8 : The value of product id * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_product_id(u8 *v_product_id_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PRODUCT_ID_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_product_id_u8 = v_data_u8; } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the revision id * request from the register 0x91 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_revision_id_u8 : The value of revision id * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_revision_id(u8 *v_revision_id_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* read the load parameter request rate*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_REVISION_ID_ADDR, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); *v_revision_id_u8 = v_data_u8; } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the CRC host * request from the register 0x91 * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_crc_host_u32 : The value of CRC host * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_crc_host(u32 *v_crc_host_u32) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* Array contains the sensor time it is 32 bit data a_data_u8[0] - crc HOST a_data_u8[1] - crc HOST a_data_u8[2] - crc HOST a_data_u8[3] - crc HOST */ u8 a_data_u8[BHY_CRC_HOST_SIZE] = {BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE, BHY_INIT_VALUE}; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_CRC_HOST_ADDR, a_data_u8, BHY_CRC_HOST_LENGTH); *v_crc_host_u32 = (u32) (((u32)a_data_u8[BHY_CRC_HOST_MSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_24_BITS) | ((u32)a_data_u8[BHY_CRC_HOST_XXLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) |(a_data_u8[BHY_CRC_HOST_XLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (a_data_u8[BHY_CRC_HOST_LSB])); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the reset * request from the register 0x9B * bit 0 to 7 * * * @param v_reset_request_u8 : The value of parameter request * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_reset_request(u8 v_reset_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { v_data_u8 = v_reset_request_u8; /* write load parameter request*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_RESET_REQUEST__REG, &v_data_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to flash the ram patch * * * @param memory : The value of data from the * ram patch. * @param v_file_length_u32 : Length of the patch data * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_initialize(u8 *memory, u32 v_file_length_u32) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_upload_addr = BHY_UPLOAD_DATA; u8 v_chip_control_u8 = BHY_CHIP_CTRL_ENABLE_1; u32 v_crc_from_memory_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 v_length_to_process_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 v_crc_host_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_MEM_LEN]; u8 data_byte[BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH]; u32 read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; s32 reverse_index_s32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 bytes_to_write_u8 = BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; u32 read_bytes_index = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_index_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_ram_index = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 index_mem = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_length = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 data_to_process = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 init_array_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* initialize the array*/ for (init_array_data = 0; init_array_data < BHY_SIGNATURE_MEM_LEN; init_array_data++) { data_from_mem[init_array_data] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; } for (init_array_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; init_array_data < BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; init_array_data++) { data_byte[init_array_data] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; } /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* Assign the memory data into the local array*/ for (read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; read_index_u8 <= BHY_SIGNATURE_LENGTH; read_index_u8++) { data_from_mem[read_index_u8] = *(memory+read_index_u8); } /* Verify the signature of the data*/ if ((data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_1] == BHY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE1) && (data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_2] == BHY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE2)) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_ERROR; } /* read the CRC data from memory */ v_crc_from_memory_u32 = (u32) (((u32)data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_MSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_24_BITS) | ((u32)data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_XXLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) |(data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_XLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_LSB])); /* Remove the first 16 bytes*/ data_to_process = v_file_length_u32 - BHY_SIGNATURE_LENGTH; /* data to write for length calculation*/ v_length_to_process_u32 = (data_to_process / BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH); read_index_u8 = BHY_SIGNATURE_LENGTH; read_bytes_index = BHY_INIT_READ_BYTES; for (write_index_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; write_index_u32 < v_length_to_process_u32;) { /* reverse the data*/ if (read_index_u8 <= read_bytes_index && read_bytes_index <= data_to_process) { for (reverse_index_s32 = bytes_to_write_u8 - BHY_INIT_BYTE_MINUS_ONE; reverse_index_s32 >= BHY_INIT_VALUE;) { data_byte[reverse_index_s32] = *(memory + read_index_u8); read_index_u8++; reverse_index_s32--; } } /* write the data into the register*/ read_bytes_index = read_bytes_index + BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; reverse_index_s32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; for (write_ram_index = BHY_INIT_VALUE; write_ram_index <= BHY_CHECK_BYTE;) { *(memory + index_mem) = data_byte[write_ram_index]; index_mem++; write_ram_index++; } write_index_u32++; } /* set the reset as 0x01*/ com_rslt = bhy_set_reset_request(BHY_RESET_ENABLE); com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL_ADDR, &v_chip_control_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* set the upload data*/ com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_0_ADDR, &v_upload_addr, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_1_ADDR, &v_upload_addr, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* write the chip control register as 0x02*/ write_length = data_to_process / BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API; read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* write the memory of data */ if (com_rslt == BHY_SUCCESS) { for (read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; read_index_u8 < write_length; read_index_u8++) { com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_DATA_ADDR, \ (u8 *)(memory + write_data), \ BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API); write_data = write_data + BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API; } } /* Check the CRC success*/ com_rslt = bhy_get_crc_host(&v_crc_host_u32); if (v_crc_from_memory_u32 == v_crc_host_u32) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_ERROR; } /* disable upload mode*/ v_chip_control_u8 = BHY_CHIP_CTRL_ENABLE_2; /* write the chip control register as 0x02*/ com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL_ADDR, &v_chip_control_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } return com_rslt; } BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_initialize_from_rom( const u8 *memory, const u32 v_file_length_u32) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_upload_addr = BHY_UPLOAD_DATA; u8 v_chip_control_u8 = BHY_CHIP_CTRL_ENABLE_1; u32 v_crc_from_memory_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 v_crc_host_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_MEM_LEN]; u8 data_byte[BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API]; u32 read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 reverse_index_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 reverse_block_index_u32 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 write_length = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 data_to_process = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u32 packet_length = BHY_INIT_VALUE;; u16 signature_flag = 0; u16 rom_version = 0; u8 rom_ver_exp = 0; u8 i = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* initialize the array*/ for (i=0; i < BHY_SIGNATURE_MEM_LEN; i++) { data_from_mem[i] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; } for (i = BHY_INIT_VALUE; i < BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; i++) { data_byte[i] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; } /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* Assign the memory data into the local array*/ for (read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE;read_index_u8 <= BHY_SIGNATURE_LENGTH; read_index_u8++) { data_from_mem[read_index_u8] = *(memory+read_index_u8); } /* Verify the signature of the data*/ if ((data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_1] == BHY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE1) && (data_from_mem[BHY_SIGNATURE_2] == BHY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE2)) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_ERROR; goto bhy_init_from_rom_return; } /* Verify the signature of the data*/ signature_flag = data_from_mem[BHY_SIG_FLAG_1_POS] + ((u16)data_from_mem[BHY_SIG_FLAG_2_POS]<<8); rom_ver_exp = BHY_GET_ROMVEREXP (signature_flag); bhy_get_rom_version(&rom_version); if(BHY_ROM_VER_DI01 == rom_ver_exp) { if(BHY_ROM_VERSION_DI01 == rom_version) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_RAMPATCH_NOT_MATCH; goto bhy_init_from_rom_return; } } else if(BHY_ROM_VER_DI03 == rom_ver_exp) { if(BHY_ROM_VERSION_DI03 == rom_version) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_RAMPATCH_NOT_MATCH; goto bhy_init_from_rom_return; } } else { com_rslt = BHY_RAMPATCH_NOT_SUPPORT; goto bhy_init_from_rom_return; } /* read the CRC data from memory */ v_crc_from_memory_u32 = (u32) (((u32)data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_MSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_24_BITS) | ((u32)data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_XXLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) |(data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_XLSB] << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (data_from_mem[BHY_CRC_HOST_FILE_LSB])); /* Remove the first 16 bytes*/ data_to_process = v_file_length_u32 - BHY_SIGNATURE_LENGTH; /* set the reset as 0x01*/ com_rslt = bhy_set_reset_request(BHY_RESET_ENABLE); com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL_ADDR, &v_chip_control_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* set the upload data*/ com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_0_ADDR, &v_upload_addr, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_1_ADDR, &v_upload_addr, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); /* write the chip control register as 0x02*/ write_length = data_to_process / BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API; read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* write the memory of data */ /*skips first 16 bytes*/ write_data += 16; if (com_rslt == BHY_SUCCESS) { for (read_index_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; read_index_u8 <= write_length; read_index_u8++) { packet_length = (read_index_u8 == write_length) ? (data_to_process % BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API) / BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH : BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH_API / BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; /*reverse the data*/ for (reverse_block_index_u32 = 1; reverse_block_index_u32 <=packet_length ;reverse_block_index_u32++) { for (reverse_index_u32 = 0; reverse_index_u32 <BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH; reverse_index_u32++) { data_byte[reverse_index_u32+((reverse_block_index_u32-1)*BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH)] = *(memory + write_data + BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH * reverse_block_index_u32 - (reverse_index_u32+1)); } } if(packet_length != 0) com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_UPLOAD_DATA_ADDR,data_byte,packet_length * BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH); write_data = write_data + (packet_length * BHY_RAM_WRITE_LENGTH); } } /* Check the CRC success*/ com_rslt = bhy_get_crc_host(&v_crc_host_u32); if (v_crc_from_memory_u32 == v_crc_host_u32) { com_rslt = BHY_SUCCESS; } else { com_rslt = BHY_CRC_ERROR; goto bhy_init_from_rom_return; } /* disable upload mode*/ v_chip_control_u8 = BHY_CHIP_CTRL_ENABLE_2; /* write the chip control register as 0x02*/ com_rslt += bhy_write_reg(BHY_I2C_REG_CHIP_CONTROL_ADDR,&v_chip_control_u8, BHY_GEN_READ_WRITE_LENGTH); } bhy_init_from_rom_return: return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 0 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte0 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_5; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 1 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte1 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_5; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 2 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte2 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_5; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 3 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte3 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_5; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 4 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte4 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 5 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte5 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 6 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte6 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = v_meta_event_data_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; } /*! * @brief API used assign the data of meta event byte 7 data * * @param v_meta_event_data_u8: The value of meta event byte7 * */ static void bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(u8 v_meta_event_data_u8) { write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = read_buffer.parameter_3; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = read_buffer.parameter_4; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = read_buffer.parameter_7; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = v_meta_event_data_u8; } /*! * @brief API used to set the meta event for * non wakeup FIFO control from * system page-1 parameter 1 * * * @param v_meta_event_u8 : The value of meta event selection * meta event | value * --------------------------|--------------- * BHY_META_EVENT_1 | 1 * BHY_META_EVENT_2 | 2 * BHY_META_EVENT_3 | 3 * BHY_META_EVENT_4 | 4 * BHY_META_EVENT_5 | 5 * BHY_META_EVENT_6 | 6 * BHY_META_EVENT_7 | 7 * BHY_META_EVENT_8 | 8 * BHY_META_EVENT_9 | 9 * BHY_META_EVENT_10 | 10 * BHY_META_EVENT_11 | 11 * BHY_META_EVENT_12 | 12 * BHY_META_EVENT_13 | 13 * BHY_META_EVENT_14 | 14 * BHY_META_EVENT_15 | 15 * BHY_META_EVENT_16 | 16 * BHY_META_EVENT_17 | 17 * BHY_META_EVENT_18 | 18 * BHY_META_EVENT_19 | 19 * BHY_META_EVENT_20 | 20 * BHY_META_EVENT_21 | 21 * BHY_META_EVENT_22 | 22 * BHY_META_EVENT_23 | 23 * BHY_META_EVENT_24 | 24 * BHY_META_EVENT_25 | 25 * BHY_META_EVENT_26 | 26 * BHY_META_EVENT_27 | 27 * BHY_META_EVENT_28 | 28 * BHY_META_EVENT_29 | 29 * BHY_META_EVENT_30 | 30 * BHY_META_EVENT_31 | 31 * BHY_META_EVENT_32 | 32 * * @param v_event_type_u8 : The value of * interrupt or event selection * value | Event * -------------------------|---------------- * BHY_META_EVENT_INTR_ENABLE | 0 * BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE | 1 * * @param v_input_data_u8 : The value of meta event * @note Value for write each event in a bit * value | Event or Interrupt * ---------------|---------------------- * 0 | DISABLE EVENT * 1 | ENABLE EVENT * * @param v_meta_parameter_request_u8: The value of parameter * for wakeup or non wakeup fifo * * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_meta_event( u8 v_meta_event_u8, u8 v_input_data_u8, u8 v_event_type_u8, u8 v_meta_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_meta_bytes_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* read the stored meta events using saved parameter bytes*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, v_meta_parameter_request_u8); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { /* switch for selecting the different meta events*/ switch (v_meta_event_u8) { /* case for meta event one*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_1: /* switch for selecting interrupt or event*/ switch (v_event_type_u8) { /* case for event enable*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 1, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; /* case for interrupt enable*/ case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 1, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1&(~(1 << 0)))| v_input_data_u8); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; /* case for meta event 2*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_2: /* case for interrupt or event enable*/ switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 2, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 2, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; /* case for meta event 3*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_3: switch (v_event_type_u8) { /* case for event or interrupt enable*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 3, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 3, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; /* case for meta event four*/ case BHY_META_EVENT_4: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 4, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 4, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_1 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte0(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_5: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 5, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 5, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_6: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 6, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 6, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_7: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 7, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 7, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_8: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 8, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 8, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_2 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte1(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_9: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 9, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 9, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_10: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 10, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 10, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_11: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 11, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 11, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_12: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 12, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 12, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_3 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte2(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_13: /* set the meta event 13, event enable*/ switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 13, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_14: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 14, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 14, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_15: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 15, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 15, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_16: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 16, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 16, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_4 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte3(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_17: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 17, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 17, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_18: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 18, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 18, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_19: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 19, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 19, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_20: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 20, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 20, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_5 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte4(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_21: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 21, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 21, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_22: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 22, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 22, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_23: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 23, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 23, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_24: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 24, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 24, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_6 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte5(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_25: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 25, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 25, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_26: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 26, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 26, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_27: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 27, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 27, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_28: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 28, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 28, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_7 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte6(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_29: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 29, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 1)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 1)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 29, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 0)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 0)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_30: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 30, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 3)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 3)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 30, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 2)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 2)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_31: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 31, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 5)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 5)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 31, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 4)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 4)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_32: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 32, event enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 7)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 7)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: /* set the meta event 32, interrupt enable*/ v_meta_bytes_u8 = ((read_buffer.parameter_8 & (~(1 << 6)))|(v_input_data_u8 << 6)); bhy_assign_meta_event_byte7(v_meta_bytes_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } /* write the meta event values to the meta event bytes*/ com_rslt += bhy_write_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, (v_meta_parameter_request_u8+0x80)); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the meta event control from * system page-1 parameter 1 * * @param v_meta_event_u8 : The value of meta event selection * meta event | value * --------------------------|--------------- * BHY_META_EVENT_1 | 1 * BHY_META_EVENT_2 | 2 * BHY_META_EVENT_3 | 3 * BHY_META_EVENT_4 | 4 * BHY_META_EVENT_5 | 5 * BHY_META_EVENT_6 | 6 * BHY_META_EVENT_7 | 7 * BHY_META_EVENT_8 | 8 * BHY_META_EVENT_9 | 9 * BHY_META_EVENT_10 | 10 * BHY_META_EVENT_11 | 11 * BHY_META_EVENT_12 | 12 * BHY_META_EVENT_13 | 13 * BHY_META_EVENT_14 | 14 * BHY_META_EVENT_15 | 15 * BHY_META_EVENT_16 | 16 * BHY_META_EVENT_17 | 17 * BHY_META_EVENT_18 | 18 * BHY_META_EVENT_19 | 19 * BHY_META_EVENT_20 | 20 * BHY_META_EVENT_21 | 21 * BHY_META_EVENT_22 | 22 * BHY_META_EVENT_23 | 23 * BHY_META_EVENT_24 | 24 * BHY_META_EVENT_25 | 25 * BHY_META_EVENT_26 | 26 * BHY_META_EVENT_27 | 27 * BHY_META_EVENT_28 | 28 * BHY_META_EVENT_29 | 29 * BHY_META_EVENT_30 | 30 * BHY_META_EVENT_31 | 31 * BHY_META_EVENT_32 | 32 * * @param meta_intr : * The value of meta event interrupt selection * * @param meta_event : * The value of meta event event selection * * @param v_event_type_u8 : The value of * interrupt or event selection * value | Event * -------------------------|---------------- * BHY_META_EVENT_INTR_ENABLE | 0 * BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE | 1 * * @param v_meta_parameter_request_u8: The value of parameter request * for wakeup or non wakeup fifo * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_meta_event( u8 v_meta_event_u8, u8 v_event_type_u8, u8* meta_event_intr, u8* meta_event_event, u8 v_meta_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* input as page 1 and parameter 1 for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, v_meta_parameter_request_u8); v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_1; v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_2; v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_3; v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_4; v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_5; v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_6; v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_7; v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; switch (v_meta_event_u8) { case BHY_META_EVENT_1: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT1_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT1_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_2: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT2_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT2_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_3: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT3_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT3_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_4: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT4_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_0_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT4_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_5: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT5_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT5_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_6: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT6_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT6_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_7: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT7_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT7_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_8: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT8_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_1_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT8_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_9: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT9_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT9_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_10: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT10_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT10_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_11: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT11_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT11_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_12: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT12_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_2_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT12_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_13: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT13_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT13_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_14: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT14_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT14_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_15: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT15_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT15_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_16: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT16_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_3_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT16_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_17: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT17_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT17_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_18: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT18_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT18_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_19: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT19_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT19_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_20: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT20_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_4_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT20_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_21: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT21_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT21_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_22: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT22_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT22_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_23: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT23_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT23_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_24: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT24_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_5_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT24_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_25: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT25_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT25_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_26: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT26_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT26_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_27: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT27_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT27_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_28: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT28_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_6_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT28_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_29: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) (v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT29_INTR_ENABLE); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT29_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_30: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT30_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT30_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_31: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT31_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT31_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; case BHY_META_EVENT_32: switch (v_event_type_u8) { case BHY_META_INTR_ENABLE: *meta_event_intr = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT32_INTR_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_06_BITS); break; case BHY_META_EVENT_ENABLE: *meta_event_event = (u8) ((v_meta_event_byte_7_u8 & BHY_META_EVENT32_EVENT_ENABLE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_07_BITS); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the fifo water mark from * system page-1 parameter 2 * * * @param v_parameter_u8 : * The value of fifo water mark wakeup or non-wakeup selection * water mark | value * --------------------------|--------------- * FIFO_WM_WAKEUP | 0 * FIFO_WM_NON_WAKEUP | 1 * * @param v_fifo_water_mark_u16: The value of fifo water mark * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_fifo_water_mark(u8 v_parameter_u8, u16 *v_fifo_water_mark_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_fifo_wm_wakeup_lsb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_wm_wakeup_msb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_lsb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_msb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* input as page 1 and parameter 2 for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_2); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { switch (v_parameter_u8) { case BHY_FIFO_WATER_MARK_WAKEUP: /* fifo wakeup water mark*/ v_fifo_wm_wakeup_lsb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_1; v_fifo_wm_wakeup_msb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_2; *v_fifo_water_mark_u16 = (u16)((v_fifo_wm_wakeup_msb_u8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS)\ |(v_fifo_wm_wakeup_lsb_u8)); break; case BHY_FIFO_WATER_MARK_NON_WAKEUP: /* fifo non wakeup water mark*/ v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_lsb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_5; v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_msb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_6; *v_fifo_water_mark_u16 = (u16)((v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_msb_u8<< BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS)\ |(v_fifo_wm_non_wakeup_lsb_u8)); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the fifo water mark from * system page-1 parameter 2 * * * @param v_parameter_u8 : * The value of fifo water mark wakeup or non-wakeup selection * water mark | value * --------------------------|--------------- * FIFO_WM_WAKEUP | 0 * FIFO_WM_NON_WAKEUP | 1 * * @param v_fifo_water_mark_u16: The value of fifo water mark * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_fifo_water_mark(u8 v_parameter_u8, u16 v_fifo_water_mark_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_fifo_wm_lsb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_wm_msb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* read the fifo water mark using saved parameter bytes*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_2); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { v_fifo_wm_lsb_u8 = (u8)(v_fifo_water_mark_u16 & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); v_fifo_wm_msb_u8 = (u8)((v_fifo_water_mark_u16 & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA)>> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); switch (v_parameter_u8) { /* fifo wakeup water mark*/ case BHY_FIFO_WATER_MARK_WAKEUP: write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = v_fifo_wm_lsb_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = v_fifo_wm_msb_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = read_buffer.parameter_5; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = read_buffer.parameter_6; break; /* fifo non wakeup water mark*/ case BHY_FIFO_WATER_MARK_NON_WAKEUP: write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = read_buffer.parameter_1; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = read_buffer.parameter_2; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = v_fifo_wm_lsb_u8; write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = v_fifo_wm_msb_u8; break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } com_rslt += bhy_write_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_2); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the fifo size from * system page-1 parameter 2 * @note wakeup - bytes from 2 and 3 * @note non wakeup - bytes from 6 and 7 * * * @param v_fifo_size_select_u8 : * The value of fifo size mark wakeup or non-wakeup selection * water mark | value * --------------------------|--------------- * BHY_FIFO_SIZE_WAKEUP | 0 * BHY_FIFO_SIZE_NON_WAKEUP | 1 * * @param v_fifo_size_u16 : The value of fifo size * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_fifo_size( u8 v_fifo_size_select_u8, u16 *v_fifo_size_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_fifo_size_wakeup_lsb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_size_wakeup_msb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_lsb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_msb_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy pointer as NULL*/ if (BHY_NULL_PTR == p_bhy) { com_rslt = BHY_NULL; } else { /* input as page 1 and parameter 2 for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_2); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { switch (v_fifo_size_select_u8) { case BHY_FIFO_SIZE_WAKEUP: /* fifo size in wakeup*/ v_fifo_size_wakeup_lsb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_3; v_fifo_size_wakeup_msb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_4; *v_fifo_size_u16 = (u16)((v_fifo_size_wakeup_msb_u8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) |(v_fifo_size_wakeup_lsb_u8)); break; case BHY_FIFO_SIZE_NON_WAKEUP: /* fifo size in non wakeup*/ v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_lsb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_7; v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_msb_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; *v_fifo_size_u16 = (u16)((v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_msb_u8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) |(v_fifo_size_non_wakeup_lsb_u8)); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to assign the sensor status bank data * * * @param v_sensor_status_u8 : * The value for saved parameter data * * * @return Nothing * * */ static void bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(u8 v_sensor_status_u8) { /* Assign the sensor status bank*/ /* data available*/ sensor_status_bank.data_available = (u8) (v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_DATA_AVAILABLE); /* i2c nack*/ sensor_status_bank.i2c_nack = (u8) ((v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_I2C_NACK) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_01_BIT); /* device id error*/ sensor_status_bank.device_id_error = (u8) ((v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_DEVICE_ID_ERROR) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_02_BITS); /* transient error*/ sensor_status_bank.transient_error = (u8) ((v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_TRANSIENT_ERROR) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_03_BITS); /* data lost*/ sensor_status_bank.data_lost = (u8) ((v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_DATA_LOST) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_04_BITS); /* sensor power mode*/ sensor_status_bank.sensor_power_mode = (u8) ((v_sensor_status_u8 & BHY_SENSOR_BANK_STATUS_POWER_MODE) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_05_BITS); } /*! * @brief API used to get the sensor status bank from * system page-1 parameter 3 to 6 * @note Sensor status bank 0 : parameter 3 contains 1 to 16 sensor type * @note Sensor status bank 1 : parameter 4 contains 17 to 32 sensor type * @note Sensor status bank 2 : parameter 5 contains 33 to 48 sensor type * @note Sensor status bank 3 : parameter 6 contains 49 to 64 sensor type * * * @param v_sensor_type_u8 : * The value of sensor status bank sensor type selection * v_sensor_type_u8 | value * -----------------------------------|--------------- * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_1 | 0 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_2 | 1 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_3 | 3 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_4 | 4 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_5 | 5 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_6 | 6 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_7 | 7 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_8 | 8 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_9 | 9 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_10 | 10 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_11 | 11 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_12 | 12 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_13 | 13 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_14 | 14 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_15 | 15 * BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_16 | 16 * * * @param v_sensor_status_parameter_u8 : * The value of sensor status bank parameter selection * parameter | value * -------------------------------|----------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_3 | 0x03 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_4 | 0x04 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_5 | 0x05 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_6 | 0x06 * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_sensor_status_bank( u8 v_sensor_status_parameter_u8, u8 v_sensor_type_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_data_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* input as page 1 and parameter 3(4 or 5 or 6)for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, v_sensor_status_parameter_u8); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { switch (v_sensor_type_u8) { case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_1: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_1; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_2: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_2; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_3: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_3; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_4: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_4; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_5: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_5; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_6: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_6; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_7: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_7; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_8: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_8; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_9: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_9; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_10: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_10; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_11: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_11; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_12: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_12; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_13: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_13; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_14: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_14; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_15: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_15; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; case BHY_SENSOR_STATUS_BANK_SENSOR_TYPE_16: /* sensor status of data available*/ v_data_u8 = read_buffer.parameter_16; bhy_assign_sensor_status_bank(v_data_u8); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the host IRQ time * stamp and current time stamp from * system page-1 parameter 30 * Host IRQ time stamp bytes 0 to 3 * Current time stamp bytes 4 to 7 * * * @param v_time_stamp_selection_u8 : * The value of Host IRQ or current time stamp selection * time stamp | value * --------------------------|--------------- * BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP | 0 * BHY_CURRENT_TIME_STAMP | 1 * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * @param v_time_stamp_u32 : * The value of Host IRQ or current time stamp * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_time_stamp( u8 v_time_stamp_selection_u8, u32 *v_time_stamp_u32) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u16 v_lsb_time_u16 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u16 v_msb_time_u16 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* input as page 1 and parameter 30 for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_30); if (BHY_SUCCESS == com_rslt) { switch (v_time_stamp_selection_u8) { case BHY_HOST_IRQ_TIMESTAMP: /* host IRQ time stamp*/ /* IRQ time stamp lsb data*/ v_lsb_time_u16 = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_2 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_1)); /* IRQ time stamp msb data*/ v_msb_time_u16 = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_4 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_3)); /* return IRQ time stamp*/ *v_time_stamp_u32 = (u32)(((u32)v_msb_time_u16 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) | (v_lsb_time_u16)); break; case BHY_CURRENT_TIME_STAMP: /* current time stamp*/ /* current time stamp lsb data*/ v_lsb_time_u16 = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_6 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_5)); /* current time stamp msb data*/ v_msb_time_u16 = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_7)); /* return current time stamp*/ *v_time_stamp_u32 = (u32)(((u32)v_msb_time_u16 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_16_BITS) | (v_lsb_time_u16)); break; default: com_rslt = BHY_OUT_OF_RANGE; break; } } return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the physical sensor status * system page-1 parameter 31 * @note Accel sample rate byte 0 and 1 * @note Accel dynamic range byte 2 and 3 * @note Accel flags byte 4 * @note Gyro sample rate byte 5 and 6 * @note Gyro dynamic range byte 7 and 8 * @note Gyro flags byte 9 * @note Mag sample rate byte 10 and 11 * @note Mag dynamic range byte 12 and 13 * @note Mag flags byte 14 * * @param accel_status : contains the accel physical status * @param gyro_status : contains the gyro physical status * @param mag_status : contains the mag physical status * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_physical_sensor_status( struct accel_physical_status_t *accel_status, struct gyro_physical_status_t *gyro_status, struct mag_physical_status_t *mag_status) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 1 and parameter 31 for system page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_1, BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_31); /* accel physical status*/ /* accl sample rate*/ accel_status->accel_sample_rate = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_2 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_1)); /* accel dynamic range*/ accel_status->accel_dynamic_range = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_4 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_3)); /* accel flag*/ accel_status->accel_flag = read_buffer.parameter_5; /* gyro physical status*/ /* gyro sample rate*/ gyro_status->gyro_sample_rate = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_7 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_6)); /* accel dynamic range*/ gyro_status->gyro_dynamic_range = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_9 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_8)); /* accel flag*/ gyro_status->gyro_flag = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_10); /* mag physical status*/ /* mag sample rate*/ mag_status->mag_sample_rate = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_12 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_11)); /* mag dynamic range*/ mag_status->mag_dynamic_range = (u16)((read_buffer.parameter_14 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_13)); /* accel flag*/ mag_status->mag_flag = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_15); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the non wakeup sensor information, * Sensor page-3 parameter 1 to 31 * * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : * Value desired parameter to read non wakeup sensor information * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * ----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_1 | 0x01 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_2 | 0x02 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_3 | 0x03 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_4 | 0x04 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_5 | 0x05 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_6 | 0x06 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_7 | 0x87 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_8 | 0x88 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_9 | 0x89 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_10 | 0x8A | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_11 | 0x8B | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_12 | 0x8C | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_13 | 0x8D | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_14 | 0x8E | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_15 | 0x8F | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_16 | 0x90 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_17 | 0x91 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_18 | 0x92 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_19 | 0x93 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_20 | 0x94 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_21 | 0x95 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_22 | 0x96 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_23 | 0x97 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_24 | 0x98 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_25 | 0x99 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_31 | 0x9F | Activity * * @param sensor_information : * holds the value of non wakeup sensor information * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_non_wakeup_sensor_information( u8 v_parameter_request_u8, struct sensor_information_non_wakeup_t *sensor_information) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 3 and parameter request for sensor page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); /* sensor type information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_sensor_type = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_1); /* driver id information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_driver_id = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_2); /* driver version information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_driver_version = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_3); /* power information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_power = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_4); /* maximum range information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_max_range = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_6 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_5)); /* resolution information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_resolution = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_7)); /* maximum rate information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_max_rate = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_10 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_9)); /* fifo reserved information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_fifo_reserved = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_12 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_11)); /* fifo max information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_fifo_max = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_14 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_13)); /* event size information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_event_size = read_buffer.parameter_15; /* minimum rate information */ sensor_information->non_wakeup_min_rate = read_buffer.parameter_16; return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the wakeup sensor information, * Sensor page-3 parameter 32 to 63 * * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : * Value desired parameter to read non wakeup sensor information * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * ----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_33 | 0xA1 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_34 | 0xA2 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_35 | 0xA3 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_36 | 0xA4 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_37 | 0xA5 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_38 | 0xA6 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_39 | 0xA7 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_40 | 0xA8 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_41 | 0xA9 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_42 | 0xAA | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_43 | 0xAB | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_44 | 0xAC | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_45 | 0xAD | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_46 | 0xAE | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_47 | 0xAF | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_48 | 0xB0 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_49 | 0xB1 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_50 | 0xB2 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_51 | 0xB3 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_52 | 0xB4 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_53 | 0xB5 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_54 | 0xB6 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_55 | 0xB7 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_56 | 0xB8 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_57 | 0xB9 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_63 | 0xBF | Activity * * @param sensor_information : * holds the value of non wakeup sensor information * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_wakeup_sensor_information( u8 v_parameter_request_u8, struct sensor_information_wakeup_t *sensor_information) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 3 and parameter request for sensor page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); /* sensor type information */ sensor_information->wakeup_sensor_type = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_1); /* driver id information */ sensor_information->wakeup_driver_id = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_2); /* driver version information */ sensor_information->wakeup_driver_version = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_3); /* power information */ sensor_information->wakeup_power = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_4); /* maximum range information */ sensor_information->wakeup_max_range = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_6 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_5)); /* resolution information */ sensor_information->wakeup_resolution = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_7)); /* maximum rate information */ sensor_information->wakeup_max_rate = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_10 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_9)); /* fifo reserved information */ sensor_information->wakeup_fifo_reserved = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_12 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_11)); /* fifo max information */ sensor_information->wakeup_fifo_max = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_14 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_13)); /* event size information */ sensor_information->wakeup_event_size = read_buffer.parameter_15; /* minimum rate information */ sensor_information->wakeup_min_rate = read_buffer.parameter_16; return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the sensor non wakeup configuration * Sensor page-3 parameter 65 to 89 * * @param sensor_configuration : contains the non wakeup sensor configuration * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * ----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_65 | 0xC1 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_66 | 0xC2 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_67 | 0xC3 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_68 | 0xC4 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_69 | 0xC5 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_70 | 0xC6 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_71 | 0xC7 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_72 | 0xC8 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_73 | 0xC9 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_74 | 0xCA | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_75 | 0xCB | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_76 | 0xCC | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_77 | 0xCD | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_78 | 0xCE | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_79 | 0xCF | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_80 | 0xD0 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_81 | 0xD1 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_82 | 0xD2 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_83 | 0xD3 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_84 | 0xD4 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_85 | 0xD5 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_86 | 0xD6 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_87 | 0xD7 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_88 | 0xD8 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_89 | 0xD9 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_95 | 0xDF | Activity * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_non_wakeup_sensor_configuration( struct sensor_configuration_non_wakeup_t *sensor_configuration, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* write sample rate*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_sample_rate & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_sample_rate & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write maximum report latency*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_max_report_latency & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_max_report_latency & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write sensitivity*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_change_sensitivity & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_change_sensitivity & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write dynamic range*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_dynamic_range & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->non_wakeup_dynamic_range & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* load the parameter of non wakeup sensor configuration*/ com_rslt = bhy_write_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the sensor non wakeup configuration * Sensor page-3 parameter 65 to 89 * * @param v_sample_rate_u16 : * contains the non wakeup sample rate data * @param v_max_report_latency_u16: * contains the non wakeup max report latency * @param v_change_sensitivity_u16: * contains the non wakeup sensitivity * @param v_dynamic_range_u16: * contains the non wakeup dynamic range * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * ----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_65 | 0xC1 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_66 | 0xC2 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_67 | 0xC3 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_68 | 0xC4 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_69 | 0xC5 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_70 | 0xC6 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_71 | 0xC7 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_72 | 0xC8 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_73 | 0xC9 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_74 | 0xCA | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_75 | 0xCB | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_76 | 0xCC | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_77 | 0xCD | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_78 | 0xCE | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_79 | 0xCF | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_80 | 0xD0 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_81 | 0xD1 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_82 | 0xD2 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_83 | 0xD3 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_84 | 0xD4 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_85 | 0xD5 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_86 | 0xD6 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_87 | 0xD7 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_88 | 0xD8 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_89 | 0xD9 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_95 | 0xDF | Activity * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_non_wakeup_sensor_configuration( u8 v_parameter_request_u8, u16 *v_sample_rate_u16, u16 *v_max_report_latency_u16, u16 *v_change_sensitivity_u16, u16 *v_dynamic_range_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 3 and parameter request for sensor page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); /* sample rate information */ *v_sample_rate_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_2 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_1)); /* max report latency information */ *v_max_report_latency_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_4 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_3)); /* sensitivity information */ *v_change_sensitivity_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_6 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_5)); /* dynamic range information */ *v_dynamic_range_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_7)); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the sensor wakeup configuration * Sensor page-3 parameter 65 to 89 * * @param sensor_configuration : contains the wakeup sensor configuration * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * -----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_97 | 0xE1 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_98 | 0xE2 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_99 | 0xE3 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_100 | 0xE4 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_101 | 0xE5 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_102 | 0xE6 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_103 | 0xE7 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_104 | 0xE8 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_105 | 0xE9 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_106 | 0xEA | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_107 | 0xEB | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_108 | 0xEC | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_109 | 0xED | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_110 | 0xEE | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_111 | 0xEF | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_112 | 0xF0 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_113 | 0xF1 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_114 | 0xF2 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_115 | 0xF3 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_116 | 0xF4 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_117 | 0xF5 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_118 | 0xF6 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_119 | 0xF7 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_120 | 0xF8 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_121 | 0xF9 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_127 | 0xFF | Activity * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_wakeup_sensor_configuration( struct sensor_configuration_wakeup_t *sensor_configuration, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* write sample rate*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->wakeup_sample_rate & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->wakeup_sample_rate & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write maximum report latency*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->wakeup_max_report_latency & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->wakeup_max_report_latency & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write change sensitivity*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->wakeup_change_sensitivity & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->wakeup_change_sensitivity & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* write dynamic range*/ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = (u8)( sensor_configuration->wakeup_dynamic_range & BHY_MASK_LSB_DATA); write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = (u8)( (sensor_configuration->wakeup_dynamic_range & BHY_MASK_MSB_DATA) >> BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS); /* load the parameter of non wakeup sensor configuration*/ com_rslt = bhy_write_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the sensor wakeup configuration * Sensor page-3 parameter 65 to 89 * * @param v_sample_rate_u16 : contains the wakeup sample rate data * @param v_max_report_latency_u16: contains the wakeup max report latency * @param v_change_sensitivity_u16: contains the wakeup sensitivity * @param v_dynamic_range_u16: contains the wakeup dynamic range * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * param_request | value | Virtual sensor * -----------------------------------|-------|---------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_97 | 0xE1 | Accelerometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_98 | 0xE2 | Magnetometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_99 | 0xE3 | Orientation * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_100 | 0xE4 | Gyroscope * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_101 | 0xE5 | Light * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_102 | 0xE6 | Barometer * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_103 | 0xE7 | Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_104 | 0xE8 | Proximity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_105 | 0xE9 | Gravity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_106 | 0xEA | Liner accel * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_107 | 0xEB | Rotation vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_108 | 0xEC | Humidity * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_109 | 0xED | Ambient Temperature * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_110 | 0xEE | Uncalibrated Mag * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_111 | 0xEF | Game rotation Vector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_112 | 0xF0 | Uncalibrated Gyro * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_113 | 0xF1 | Signification Motion * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_114 | 0xF2 | Step detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_115 | 0xF3 | Step Counter * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_116 | 0xF4 | Geomagnetic * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_117 | 0xF5 | Heart Rate * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_118 | 0xF6 | Tilt Detector * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_119 | 0xF7 | Wakeup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_120 | 0xF8 | Glance Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_121 | 0xF9 | Pickup Gesture * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_READ_PARAMETER_127 | 0xFF | Activity * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_wakeup_sensor_configuration( u8 v_parameter_request_u8, u16 *v_sample_rate_u16, u16 *v_max_report_latency_u16, u16 *v_change_sensitivity_u16, u16 *v_dynamic_range_u16) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 3 and parameter request for sensor page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_3, v_parameter_request_u8); /* sample rate information */ *v_sample_rate_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_2 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_1)); /* max report latency information */ *v_max_report_latency_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_4 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_3)); /* sensitivity information */ *v_change_sensitivity_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_6 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_5)); /* dynamic range information */ *v_dynamic_range_u16 = (u16) ((read_buffer.parameter_8 << BHY_SHIFT_BIT_POSITION_BY_08_BITS) | (read_buffer.parameter_7)); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the soft pass through * Sensor page-15 parameter 0 to 7 * * @param soft_pass_through : * contains the value of soft pass through * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * parameter | value * ------------------------------------|-------------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_1 | 0x01 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_2 | 0x02 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_3 | 0x03 * * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_get_soft_pass_through( struct soft_pass_through_read_t *soft_pass_through, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* input as page 3 and parameter request for sensor page*/ com_rslt = bhy_read_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_15, v_parameter_request_u8); /* i2c slave address information */ soft_pass_through->i2c_slave_address = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_1); /* start register information */ soft_pass_through->start_register = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_2); /* read length information */ soft_pass_through->read_length = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_3); /* completion status information */ soft_pass_through->completion_status = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_4); /* return register value 1 information */ soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte1 = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_5); /* return register value 2 information */ soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte2 = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_6); /* return register value 3 information */ soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte3 = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_7); /* return register value 4 information */ soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte4 = (u8)(read_buffer.parameter_8); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the soft pass through * Sensor page-15 parameter 0 to 7 * * @param soft_pass_through : * contains the value of soft pass through * * @param v_parameter_request_u8: value of selected parameter request * parameter | value * ------------------------------------|-------------------- * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_1 | 0x01 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_2 | 0x02 * BHY_PARAMETER_REQUEST_WRITE_PARAMETER_3 | 0x03 * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_set_soft_pass_through( struct soft_pass_through_write_t *soft_pass_through, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; /* i2c slave address information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1 = soft_pass_through->i2c_slave_address; /* start register information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2 = soft_pass_through->start_register; /* write length information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3 = soft_pass_through->write_length; /* completion status information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4 = soft_pass_through->completion_status; /* return register value 1 information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5 = soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte1; /* return register value 2 information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6 = soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte2; /* return register value 3 information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7 = soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte3; /* return register value 4 information */ write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8 = soft_pass_through->reg_value_byte4; /* load the parameter of soft pass through sensor configuration*/ com_rslt = bhy_write_parameter_bytes( BHY_PAGE_15, v_parameter_request_u8); return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to get the data from the parameter * I2C page register from 0x3B to 0x4A * * * @param v_page_select_u8 : This input value for set the desired page * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : * This input value for set the desired parameter * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_read_parameter_bytes( u8 v_page_select_u8, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_parameter_ack_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 init_array_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; u8 v_parameter_ack_check_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; for (; init_array_data < BHY_READ_BUFFER_SIZE; init_array_data++) a_read_data_u8[init_array_data] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* select the page*/ com_rslt = bhy_set_parameter_page_select(v_page_select_u8); /* select the parameter*/ com_rslt += bhy_set_parameter_request(v_parameter_request_u8); /* read the values*/ for (v_parameter_ack_check_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; v_parameter_ack_check_u8 < BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_LENGTH; v_parameter_ack_check_u8++) { /* read acknowledgement*/ com_rslt = bhy_get_parameter_acknowledge(&v_parameter_ack_u8); if (v_parameter_ack_u8 == v_parameter_request_u8) { break; } else if (v_parameter_ack_u8 == BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_CHECK) { p_bhy->delay_msec(BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_DELAY); com_rslt = BHY_ERROR; } else { /* device not ready yet */ p_bhy->delay_msec(1); } } com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_READ_FUNC(p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_READ_BUFFER_ZERO, a_read_data_u8, BHY_READ_BUFFER_LENGTH); read_buffer.parameter_1 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_1_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_2 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_2_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_3 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_3_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_4 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_4_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_5 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_5_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_6 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_6_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_7 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_7_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_8 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_8_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_9 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_9_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_10 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_10_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_11 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_11_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_12 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_12_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_13 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_13_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_14 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_14_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_15 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_15_REG]; read_buffer.parameter_16 = a_read_data_u8[BHY_READ_BUFFER_16_REG]; return com_rslt; } /*! * @brief API used to set the data from the parameter * I2C page register from 0x5C to 0x63 * * * @param v_page_select_u8 : This input value for set the desired page * @param v_parameter_request_u8 : * This input value for set the desired parameter * * @return results of bus communication function * @retval 0 -> Success * @retval -1 -> Error * * */ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bhy_write_parameter_bytes( u8 v_page_select_u8, u8 v_parameter_request_u8) { /* variable used for return the status of communication result*/ BHY_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE com_rslt = BHY_COMM_RES; u8 v_parameter_ack_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_parameter_ack_check_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; u8 v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE]; u8 init_array_data = BHY_INIT_VALUE; for (; init_array_data < BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE; init_array_data++) v_write_parameter_byte_u8[init_array_data] = BHY_INIT_VALUE; /* check the p_bhy structure as NULL*/ if (p_bhy == BHY_NULL) { return BHY_NULL; } else { /* Assign the load parameters*/ v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_1_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte1; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_2_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte2; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_3_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte3; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_4_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte4; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_5_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte5; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_6_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte6; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_7_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte7; v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_8_REG] = write_buffer.write_parameter_byte8; /* write values to the load address*/ com_rslt = p_bhy->BHY_BUS_WRITE_FUNC (p_bhy->device_addr, BHY_I2C_REG_PARAMETER_WRITE_BUFFER_ZERO, &v_write_parameter_byte_u8[BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_1_REG], BHY_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); /* select the page*/ com_rslt += bhy_set_parameter_page_select(v_page_select_u8); /* select the parameter*/ com_rslt += bhy_set_parameter_request(v_parameter_request_u8); for (v_parameter_ack_check_u8 = BHY_INIT_VALUE; v_parameter_ack_check_u8 < BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_LENGTH; v_parameter_ack_check_u8++) { /* read the acknowledgement*/ com_rslt += bhy_get_parameter_acknowledge( &v_parameter_ack_u8); if (v_parameter_ack_u8 == v_parameter_request_u8) { com_rslt += BHY_SUCCESS; break; } else if (v_parameter_ack_u8 == BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_CHECK) { p_bhy->delay_msec(BHY_PARAMETER_ACK_DELAY); com_rslt += BHY_ERROR; } else { /* device not ready yet */ p_bhy->delay_msec(1); } } } return com_rslt; }