diff --git a/Documentation/epicardium/mutex.rst b/Documentation/epicardium/mutex.rst
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..928730b089b3caba9a3d33f0e6f4a762834031ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/epicardium/mutex.rst
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+Ontop of FreeRTOS, we have our own mutex implementation.  **Never use the
+FreeRTOS mutexes directly!  Always use this abstraction layer instead**.  This
+mutex implementation tries to make reasoning about program flow and locking
+behavior easier.  And most importantly tries to help with debugging possible
+There are a few guiding design principles:
+- Mutexes can only be used from tasks, **never** from interrupts!
+- Timers can use mutexes, but only with :c:func:`mutex_trylock`, **never** with
+  :c:func:`mutex_lock` (Because they are not allowed to block).
+- Locking can *never* fail (if it does, we consider this a fatal error ⇒ panic).
+- No recursive locking.
+- An unlock can only occur from the task which previously acquired the mutex.
+- An unlock is only allowed if the mutex was previously acquired.
+For a more elaborate explanation of the rationale behind these rules take a
+look at the :ref:`mutex-design-reasons`.
+.. c:autodoc:: epicardium/modules/mutex.h
+.. _mutex-design-reasons:
+Reasons for this Design
+Locking can *never* fail
+This might seem like a bold claim at first but in the end, it is just a matter
+of definition and shifting responsibilities.  Instead of requiring all code to
+be robust against a locking attempt failing, we require all code to properly
+lock and unlock their mutexes and thus never producing a situation where
+locking would fail.
+Because all code using any of the mutexes is contained in the Epicardium
+code-base, we can - *hopefully* - audit it properly behaving ahead of time and
+thus don't need to add code to ensure correctness at runtime.  This makes
+downstream code easier to read and easier to reason about.
+History of this project has shown that most code does not properly deal with
+locking failures anyway: There was code simply skipping the mutexed action on
+failure, code blocking a module entirely until reboot, and worst of all: Code
+exposing the locking failure to 'user-space' (Pycardium) instead of retrying.
+This has lead to spurious errors where technically there would not need to be
+Only from tasks
+Locking a mutex from an ISR, a FreeRTOS software timer or any other context
+which does not allow blocking is complicated to do right.  The biggest
+difficulty is that a task might be holding the mutex during execution of such a
+context and there is no way to wait for it to release the mutex.  This requires
+careful design of the program flow to choose an alternative option in such a
+case.  A common approach is to 'outsource' the relevant parts of the code into
+an 'IRQ worker' which is essentially just a task waiting for the IRQ to wake it
+up and then attempts to lock the mutex.
+If you absolutely do need it (and for legacy reasons), software timers *can*
+lock a mutex using :c:func:`mutex_trylock` (which never blocks).  I strongly
+recommend **not** doing that, though.  As shown above, you will have to deal
+with the case of the mutex being held by another task and it is very well
+possible that your timer will get starved of the mutex because the scheduler
+has no knowledge of its intentions.  In most cases, it is a better idea to use
+a task and attempt locking using :c:func:`mutex_lock`.
+.. todo::
+   We might introduce a generic IRQ worker queue system at some point.
+No recursive locking
+Recursive locking refers to the ability to 'reacquire' a mutex already held by
+the current task, deeper down in the call-chain.  Only the outermost unlock
+will actually release the mutex.  This feature is sometimes implemented to
+allow more elegant abstractions where downstream code does not need to know
+about the mutexes upstream code uses and can still also create a larger region
+where the same mutex is held.
+But exactly by hiding the locking done by a function, these abstractions make
+it hard to trace locking chains and in some cases even make it impossible to
+create provably correct behavior.  As an alternative, I would suggest using
+different mutexes for the different levels of abstraction.  This also helps
+keeping each mutex separated and 'local' to its purpose.
+Only unlock from the acquiring task
+Because of the above mentioned mutex locking semantics, there should never be a
+need to force-unlock a forgein mutex.  Even in cases of failures, all code
+should still properly release all mutexes it holds.  One notable exceptions is
+``panic()``\s which will abort all ongoing operations anyway.
+Only unlock once after acquisition
+Justified with an argument of robustness, sometimes the :c:func:`mutex_unlock`
+call is written in a way that allows unlocking an already unlocked mutex.  But
+robustness of downstream code will not really be improved by the upstream API
+dealing with arguably invalid usage.  For example, this could encourage
+practices like unlocking everything again at the end of a function "just to be
+Instead, code should be written in a way where the lock/unlock pair is
+immediately recognizable as belonging together and is thus easily auditable to
+have correct locking behavior.  A common pattern to help with readability in
+this regard is the *Single Function Exit* which looks like this:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+   int function()
+   {
+           int ret;
+           mutex_lock(&some_mutex);
+           ret = foo();
+           if (ret) {
+                   /* Return with an error code */
+                   ret = -ENODEV;
+                   goto out_unlock;
+           }
+           ret = bar();
+           if (ret) {
+                   /* Return the return value from foo */
+                   goto out_unlock;
+           }
+           ret = 0;
+   out_unlock:
+           mutex_unlock(&some_mutex);
+           return ret;
+   }
diff --git a/Documentation/index.rst b/Documentation/index.rst
index 44ecfcd04f8fb330aea3ae070643895bc70d9511..2d51547a1def13ebe0239310f33e07809ac63836 100644
--- a/Documentation/index.rst
+++ b/Documentation/index.rst
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Last but not least, if you want to start hacking the lower-level firmware, the
+   epicardium/mutex
 .. toctree::
diff --git a/epicardium/FreeRTOSConfig.h b/epicardium/FreeRTOSConfig.h
index b731f6a9abdee7556f073936d86aba649e72a8d1..22c6dfb0f050c38c2d33b7f1d64b1e7940d8ea97 100644
--- a/epicardium/FreeRTOSConfig.h
+++ b/epicardium/FreeRTOSConfig.h
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
 #define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay          1
 #define INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark 1
 #define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall 1
+#define INCLUDE_xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder 1
 /* Allow static allocation of data structures */
diff --git a/epicardium/modules/meson.build b/epicardium/modules/meson.build
index 022397ca26e3866ef9a72472a7621e4cd6dbfec2..8ead5e72c4cc80e3fe0601d713784028cc16645f 100644
--- a/epicardium/modules/meson.build
+++ b/epicardium/modules/meson.build
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module_sources = files(
+  'mutex.c',
diff --git a/epicardium/modules/mutex.c b/epicardium/modules/mutex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d58eec080977d93f69f275350a5101a15d4a64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epicardium/modules/mutex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "modules/mutex.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+void _mutex_create(struct mutex *m, const char *name)
+	/* Assert that the mutex has not been initialized already */
+	assert(m->name == NULL);
+	/*
+	 * The name is just the parameter stringified which is almost always a
+	 * pointer.  If it is, skip over the '&' because it adds no value as
+	 * part of the name.
+	 */
+	if (name[0] == '&') {
+		m->name = &name[1];
+	} else {
+		m->name = name;
+	}
+	m->_rtos_mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&m->_rtos_mutex_data);
+void mutex_lock(struct mutex *m)
+	int ret = xSemaphoreTake(m->_rtos_mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
+	/* Ensure locking was actually successful */
+	assert(ret == pdTRUE);
+bool mutex_trylock(struct mutex *m)
+	int ret = xSemaphoreTake(m->_rtos_mutex, 0);
+	return ret == pdTRUE;
+void mutex_unlock(struct mutex *m)
+	/* Ensure that only the owner can unlock a mutex */
+	assert(mutex_get_owner(m) == xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle());
+	int ret = xSemaphoreGive(m->_rtos_mutex);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure that unlocking was successful; that is, the mutex must have
+	 * been acquired previously (no multiple unlocks).
+	 */
+	assert(ret == pdTRUE);
+TaskHandle_t mutex_get_owner(struct mutex *m)
+	return xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder(m->_rtos_mutex);
diff --git a/epicardium/modules/mutex.h b/epicardium/modules/mutex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c3055996ac2142bee634d9fd9f4c09b3233d69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/epicardium/modules/mutex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#ifndef _MUTEX_H
+#define _MUTEX_H
+#ifndef __SPHINX_DOC
+/* Some headers are not recognized by hawkmoth for some odd reason */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "semphr.h"
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
+typedef _Bool bool;
+typedef void *TaskHandle_t;
+typedef void *SemaphoreHandle_t;
+typedef int StaticSemaphore_t;
+#endif /* __SPHINX_DOC */
+ * Mutex data type.
+ */
+struct mutex {
+	/* Name of this mutex, kept for debugging purposes.  */
+	const char *name;
+	/* FreeRTOS mutex data structures. */
+	SemaphoreHandle_t _rtos_mutex;
+	StaticSemaphore_t _rtos_mutex_data;
+ * Create a new mutex.
+ *
+ * Call this function as early as possible, in an obvious location so it is easy
+ * to find.  Mutexes should be defined statically so they stay alive for the
+ * entire run-time of the firmware.
+ */
+#define mutex_create(mutex) _mutex_create(mutex, #mutex)
+void _mutex_create(struct mutex *m, const char *name);
+ * Lock a mutex.
+ *
+ * If the mutex is held by another task, :c:func:`mutex_lock` will block the
+ * current task until the mutex is unlocked.
+ *
+ * .. warning::
+ *
+ *    This function is **not** safe to use in a timer!
+ */
+void mutex_lock(struct mutex *m);
+ * Try locking a mutex.
+ *
+ * If the mutex is currently locked by another task, :c:func:`mutex_trylock`
+ * will return ``false`` immediately.  If the attmept to lock was successful, it
+ * will return ``true``.
+ *
+ * This funciton is safe for use in timers.
+ */
+bool mutex_trylock(struct mutex *m);
+ * Unlock a mutex.
+ *
+ * You **must** call this function from the same task which originally locked
+ * the mutex.
+ */
+void mutex_unlock(struct mutex *m);
+ * Get the current owner of the mutex.
+ *
+ * Returns the task-handle of the task currently holding the mutex.  If the
+ * mutex is unlocked, ``NULL`` is returned.
+ */
+TaskHandle_t mutex_get_owner(struct mutex *m);
+#endif /* _MUTEX_H */