# card10 Firmware Readme ## Setup To compile the firmware you need `meson`(>0.40.0) and a `arm-none-eabi-gcc`. You should also have python3 installed on your system. ### Compiler (`arm-none-eabi-gcc`) Install the cross-compiler and debugger either from your distributions repositories, or alternatively download a precompiled toolchain from [ARM](https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads). On Ubuntu, the package is called `gcc-arm-none-eabi` ### Compiling the card10 firmware ```bash # Configure the build system ./bootstrap.sh # Start the build ninja -C build/ ``` You can also build individual targets using ```bash ninja -C build/ <target> ``` where `target` is one of - `hw-tests/bmatest/bmatest.elf` - Test for `BMA400` - `hw-tests/bmetest/bmetest.elf` - Test for `BME680` - `hw-tests/ecgtest/ecgtest.elf` - Test for `MAX30003` ECG - `hw-tests/hello-freertos/hello-freertos.elf` - FreeRTOS Demo - `hw-tests/hello-world/hello-world.elf` - General Demo - `hw-tests/imutest/imutest.elf` - Compass Test - `hw-tests/ips/ips.elf` - Display Test - `hw-tests/dual-core/dual-core{0,1}.elf` - Dual-Core Demo ### GDB (`arm-none-eabi-gdb`) If you want to debug code or replace the bootloader, you need OpenOCD and GDB. Use `arm-none-eabi-gdb` (might be packaged as `gdb-arm-none-eabi` or get it from the binary distribution above). Add the following line to your `~/.gdbinit` file: ``` add-auto-load-safe-path <PATH TO THIS REPOSITORY> ``` This allows gdb to use our .gdbinit files without specifying them on the command line. ### OpenOCD If you want to debug code or replace the bootloader, you need OpenOCD and GDB. Get OpenOCD from [Maxim](https://github.com/maximmbed/openocd) and checkout the `max32xxx` branch. Run `git submodule update --init`. Build using `./bootstrap`, `./configure` and 'make'. Make sure that the `CMSIS-DAP Compliant Debugger` is set to `yes(auto)` after running `./configure` (you might need to install libusb and other USB related libaries). If you get errors making the documentation you can `touch doc/openocd.info` to skip it and continue with 'make'. Please run `make install` after removing any already installed OpenOCD version. Otherwise please always specify the full path to openocd (the binary is under `src/openocd`, when calling `openocd`. Run OpenOCD from the root `openocd/scripts` directory in this repository like this: `openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/max32665.cfg`. It should display something similar to: ``` Info : CMSIS-DAP: SWD Supported Info : CMSIS-DAP: FW Version = 1.0 Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface Initialised (SWD) Info : SWCLK/TCK = 0 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 0 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1 Info : CMSIS-DAP: Interface ready Info : clock speed 2000 kHz Info : SWD DPIDR 0x2ba01477 Info : max32xxx.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections ``` ## Debugger Connection If you have the debugger provided with the `card10`, connect it as follows: - `HDK`: This connection provides debugging (SWD) and UART - `DEV`: This connection provides power (battery charger) and the native USB connection (bootloader) - `USB-C`: Connect the proved USB-C cable with the side which has the blue dot, so the blue dots have the same side Now connect the USB-C cable, so the name of the cable manufacturer facing downwards (i.e. is not visible when looking at the display). ## Flashing Run `arm-none-eabi-gdb` in the applications folder. It should connect to OpenOCD and say something like: ``` TMR_Delay (tmr=tmr@entry=0x40010000, us=us@entry=10000, sys_cfg=sys_cfg@entry=0x0) at Source/tmr_utils.c:59 59 while (TMR_TO_Check(tmr) != E_TIME_OUT) {} (gdb) ``` Enter `load`. It should say something like: ``` (gdb) load Loading section .text, size 0x12514 lma 0x10010000 Loading section .ARM.exidx, size 0x8 lma 0x10022514 Loading section .data, size 0x8d8 lma 0x1002251c Start address 0x10012160, load size 77300 Transfer rate: 19 KB/sec, 11042 bytes/write. (gdb) ``` To run the program, type: `reset` (which runs `mon mww 0x40000004 0x80000000`). This is a quirk as the prototypes to not have a reset line exposed to the debugger. Will be solved with production hardware. TODO: Provide a make command to flash card10. ## Debugging After flashing and the initial reset using `reset`, you can say `mon reset halt` and then `continue`. You can now debug as usual. (`reset` is defined in `.gdbinit` and runs `mon mww 0x40000004 0x80000000`) ## Serial Console card10 outputs debug information on the serial console. Baudrate is 115200. The provided USB adapter creates a CDC device (under Linux /dev/ttyACM0). You can use screen to open and view it: `screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200`. ## Bootloader The bootloader is used to flash card10 without an external debugger. It exposes the file system via USB and accepts a `card10.bin` file as firmware image. To flash the bootloader, go to the `bootloader` directory and follow the steps above. To execute the bootloader, turn off card10, press the lower right button and turn on. Connect card10 via a USB cable to a computer and mount the file system. You can now copy your card10.bin file to the file system. Eject the drive (IMPORTANT!) via your operating system (`umount` and `sync` is not enough). Turn card10 off and back on again. It will try to boot the image. IMPORTANT: The prototypes have the USB data lines reversed. Use the provided USB adapter to connect card10. ### Building card10.bin Run `./build_image`. TODO: Add to makefile The tool uses Python to generate a CRC. Make sure to have `python-crc16` installed. ## Examples ### Hello World Turns on the display, enumerates I2C, prints debug information on the console.