diff --git a/preload/apps/ecg/__init__.py b/preload/apps/ecg/__init__.py
index da30babcc85a0c11dd170900b24ce9ae543a46d9..775fb2cec01d8170f9aa1ccd2ff34cf7223d2f38 100644
--- a/preload/apps/ecg/__init__.py
+++ b/preload/apps/ecg/__init__.py
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ import max30001
 import math
 import struct
 import itertools
+from ecg.settings import *
+config = ecg_settings()
 WIDTH = 160
 HEIGHT = 80
 OFFSET_Y = 49
-ECG_RATE = 128
@@ -26,24 +27,18 @@ COLOR_MODE_USB = [0, 0, 255]
 COLOR_WRITE_FG = [255, 255, 255]
 COLOR_WRITE_BG = [255, 0, 0]
-current_mode = MODE_FINGER
-modes = itertools.cycle(
-    [
-        ({"bar", "pulse"}, {"text": "Top + Pulse", "posx": 0}),
-        ({}, {"text": "off", "posx": 55}),
-        ({"bar"}, {"text": "Top Only", "posx": 25}),
-        ({"pulse"}, {"text": "Pulse Only", "posx": 5}),
-    ]
-led_mode = next(modes)[0]
 history = []
+# variables for file output
 filebuffer = bytearray()
 write = 0
-bias = True
+write_time_string = ""
+samples_since_start_of_write = 0
 update_screen = 0
 pause_screen = 0
-pause_histogram = False
-histogram_offset = 0
+pause_graph = False
+graph_offset = 0
 sensor = 0
 disp = display.open()
 last_sample_count = 1
@@ -64,7 +59,7 @@ def update_history(datasets):
     global history, moving_average, alpha, beta, last_sample_count
     last_sample_count = len(datasets)
     for val in datasets:
-        if current_mode == MODE_FINGER:
+        if "HP" in config.get_option("Filter"):
             history.append(val - moving_average)
             moving_average += betadash * (val - moving_average)
             # identical to: moving_average = (alpha * moving_average + beta * val) / (alpha + beta)
@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ samples_since_last_pulse = 0
 last_pulse_blink = 0
 q_threshold = -1
 r_threshold = 1
-q_spike = -ECG_RATE
+q_spike = -500  # just needs to be long ago
 def neighbours(n, lst):
@@ -103,6 +98,8 @@ def detect_pulse(num_new_samples):
     # consider ["CDE", "DEF"]
     # new samples: "GHI" => "ABCDEFGHI"
     # consider ["EFG", "FGH", "GHI"]
+    ecg_rate = config.get_option("Rate")
     for [prev, cur, next_] in neighbours(3, history[-(num_new_samples + 2) :]):
         samples_since_last_pulse += 1
@@ -113,33 +110,37 @@ def detect_pulse(num_new_samples):
         elif (
             prev < cur > next_
             and cur > r_threshold
-            and samples_since_last_pulse - q_spike < ECG_RATE // 10
+            and samples_since_last_pulse - q_spike < ecg_rate // 10
-            # the full QRS complex is < 0.1s long, so the q and r spike in particular cannot be more than ECG_RATE//10 samples apart
-            pulse = 60 * ECG_RATE // samples_since_last_pulse
-            samples_since_last_pulse = 0
-            q_spike = -ECG_RATE
+            # the full QRS complex is < 0.1s long, so the q and r spike in particular cannot be more than ecg_rate//10 samples apart
+            pulse = 60 * ecg_rate // samples_since_last_pulse
+            q_spike = -ecg_rate
             if pulse < 30 or pulse > 210:
                 pulse = -1
+            elif write > 0 and "pulse" in config.get_option("Log"):
+                write_pulse()
             # we expect the next r-spike to be at least 60% as high as this one
             r_threshold = (cur * 3) // 5
-        elif samples_since_last_pulse > 2 * ECG_RATE:
+            samples_since_last_pulse = 0
+        elif samples_since_last_pulse > 2 * ecg_rate:
             q_threshold = -1
             r_threshold = 1
             pulse = -1
 def callback_ecg(datasets):
-    global update_screen, history, filebuffer, write
+    global update_screen, history, filebuffer, write, samples_since_start_of_write
     update_screen += len(datasets)
+    if write > 0:
+        samples_since_start_of_write += len(datasets)
-    # update histogram datalist
-    if not pause_histogram:
+    # update graph datalist
+    if not pause_graph:
     # buffer for writes
-    if write > 0:
+    if write > 0 and "graph" in config.get_option("Log"):
         for value in datasets:
             filebuffer.extend(struct.pack("h", value))
             if len(filebuffer) >= FILEBUFFERBLOCK:
@@ -147,20 +148,18 @@ def callback_ecg(datasets):
     # don't update on every callback
     if update_screen >= DRAW_AFTER_SAMPLES:
-        draw_histogram()
+        draw_graph()
-def write_filebuffer():
-    global write, filebuffer
+def append_to_file(fileprefix, content):
+    global write, pause_screen
     # write to file
-    chars = ""
-    lt = utime.localtime(write)
-    filename = "/ecg-{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}_{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}.log".format(*lt)
+    filename = "/ecg_logs/{}-{}.log".format(fileprefix, write_time_string)
     # write stuff to disk
         f = open(filename, "ab")
-        f.write(filebuffer)
+        f.write(content)
     except OSError as e:
         print("Please check the file or filesystem", e)
@@ -174,18 +173,28 @@ def write_filebuffer():
-        print("Unexpected error, stop writeing logfile")
+        print("Unexpected error, stop writing logfile")
         write = 0
+def write_pulse():
+    # estimates timestamp as calls to utime.time() take too much time
+    approx_timestamp = write + samples_since_start_of_write // config.get_option("Rate")
+    append_to_file("pulse", struct.pack("ib", approx_timestamp, pulse))
+def write_filebuffer():
+    global filebuffer
+    append_to_file("ecg", filebuffer)
     filebuffer = bytearray()
 def open_sensor():
     global sensor
     sensor = max30001.MAX30001(
-        usb=(current_mode == MODE_USB),
-        bias=bias,
-        sample_rate=ECG_RATE,
+        usb=(config.get_option("Mode") == "USB"),
+        bias=config.get_option("Bias"),
+        sample_rate=config.get_option("Rate"),
@@ -195,36 +204,8 @@ def close_sensor():
-def toggle_mode():
-    global current_mode, disp, pause_screen
-    if write > 0:
-        pause_screen = utime.time_ms() + 500
-        disp.clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND)
-        disp.print("Locked", posx=30, posy=30, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
-        disp.update()
-        return
-    close_sensor()
-    current_mode = MODE_USB if current_mode == MODE_FINGER else MODE_FINGER
-    open_sensor()
-def toggle_bias():
-    global bias, disp, pause_screen
-    if write > 0:
-        pause_screen = utime.time_ms() + 500
-        disp.clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND)
-        disp.print("Locked", posx=30, posy=30, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
-        disp.update()
-        return
-    close_sensor()
-    bias = not bias
-    open_sensor()
 def toggle_write():
-    global write, disp, pause_screen
+    global write, disp, pause_screen, filebuffer, samples_since_start_of_write, write_time_string
     pause_screen = utime.time_ms() + 1000
     if write > 0:
@@ -235,6 +216,13 @@ def toggle_write():
         filebuffer = bytearray()
         write = utime.time()
+        lt = utime.localtime(write)
+        write_time_string = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}_{:02d}{:02d}{:02d}".format(*lt)
+        samples_since_start_of_write = 0
+        try:
+            os.mkdir("ecg_logs")
+        except:
+            pass
         disp.print("Start", posx=45, posy=20, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
         disp.print("logging", posx=30, posy=40, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
@@ -242,25 +230,13 @@ def toggle_write():
 def toggle_pause():
-    global pause_histogram, histogram_offset, history, leds
-    if pause_histogram:
-        pause_histogram = False
+    global pause_graph, graph_offset, history, leds
+    if pause_graph:
+        pause_graph = False
         history = []
-        pause_histogram = True
-    histogram_offset = 0
-    leds.clear()
-def toggle_leds():
-    global led_mode, disp, pause_screen, leds, modes
-    led_mode, display_args = next(modes)
-    pause_screen = utime.time_ms() + 250
-    disp.clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND)
-    disp.print("LEDs", posx=50, posy=20, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
-    disp.print(**display_args, posy=40, fg=COLOR_TEXT)
-    disp.update()
+        pause_graph = True
+    graph_offset = 0
@@ -269,6 +245,8 @@ def draw_leds(vmin, vmax):
     # vmax should be in [0, 1]
     global pulse, samples_since_last_pulse, last_pulse_blink
+    led_mode = config.get_option("LEDs")
     # stop blinking
     if not bool(led_mode):
@@ -300,8 +278,8 @@ def draw_leds(vmin, vmax):
-def draw_histogram():
-    global disp, history, current_mode, bias, write, pause_screen, update_screen
+def draw_graph():
+    global disp, history, write, pause_screen, update_screen
     # skip rendering due to message beeing shown
     if pause_screen == -1:
@@ -315,32 +293,32 @@ def draw_histogram():
-    # offset in pause_histogram mode
-    window_end = int(len(history) - histogram_offset)
-    s_start = max(0, window_end - (ECG_RATE * 2))
+    # offset in pause_graph mode
+    timeWindow = config.get_option("Window")
+    window_end = int(len(history) - graph_offset)
     s_end = max(0, window_end)
-    s_draw = max(0, s_end - WIDTH)
+    s_start = max(0, s_end - WIDTH * timeWindow)
     # get max value and calc scale
     value_max = max(abs(x) for x in history[s_start:s_end])
     scale = SCALE_FACTOR / (value_max if value_max > 0 else 1)
-    # draw histogram
+    # draw graph
     # values need to be inverted so high values are drawn with low pixel coordinates (at the top of the screen)
-    draw_points = (int(-x * scale + OFFSET_Y) for x in history[s_draw:s_end])
+    draw_points = (int(-x * scale + OFFSET_Y) for x in history[s_start:s_end])
     prev = next(draw_points)
     for x, value in enumerate(draw_points):
-        disp.line(x, prev, x + 1, value, col=COLOR_LINE)
+        disp.line(x // timeWindow, prev, (x + 1) // timeWindow, value, col=COLOR_LINE)
         prev = value
     # draw text: mode/bias/write
-    if pause_histogram:
+    if pause_graph:
             + (
-                " -{:0.1f}s".format(histogram_offset / ECG_RATE)
-                if histogram_offset > 0
+                " -{:0.1f}s".format(graph_offset / config.get_option("Rate"))
+                if graph_offset > 0
                 else ""
@@ -354,11 +332,14 @@ def draw_histogram():
         if pulse < 0:
-                current_mode + ("+Bias" if bias else ""),
+                config.get_option("Mode")
+                + ("+Bias" if config.get_option("Bias") else ""),
-                    COLOR_MODE_FINGER if current_mode == MODE_FINGER else COLOR_MODE_USB
+                    COLOR_MODE_FINGER
+                    if config.get_option("Mode") == MODE_FINGER
+                    else COLOR_MODE_USB
@@ -367,7 +348,9 @@ def draw_histogram():
-                    COLOR_MODE_FINGER if current_mode == MODE_FINGER else COLOR_MODE_USB
+                    COLOR_MODE_FINGER
+                    if config.get_option("Mode") == MODE_FINGER
+                    else COLOR_MODE_USB
@@ -382,7 +365,7 @@ def draw_histogram():
 def main():
-    global pause_histogram, histogram_offset
+    global pause_graph, graph_offset, pause_screen
     # show button layout
@@ -392,10 +375,10 @@ def main():
         "       Pause >", posx=0, posy=28, fg=COLOR_MODE_FINGER, font=display.FONT16
-        "   Mode/Bias >", posx=0, posy=44, fg=COLOR_MODE_USB, font=display.FONT16
+        "    Settings >", posx=0, posy=44, fg=COLOR_MODE_USB, font=display.FONT16
-        "< LED/WriteLog", posx=0, posy=64, fg=COLOR_WRITE_BG, font=display.FONT16
+        "< WriteLog    ", posx=0, posy=64, fg=COLOR_WRITE_BG, font=display.FONT16
@@ -410,90 +393,64 @@ def main():
             # TOP RIGHT
+            #
+            # pause
             # down
             if button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] == 0 and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT != 0:
-                button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] = utime.time_ms()
+                button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] = 1
             # up
             if button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] > 0 and v & buttons.TOP_RIGHT == 0:
-                duration = utime.time_ms() - button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"]
                 button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] = 0
             # BOTTOM LEFT
             # on pause = shift view left
-            # long = toggle write
-            # short = toggle leds
-            # down, and still pressed
-            if (
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] > 0
-                and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0
-                and not pause_histogram
-            ):
-                duration = utime.time_ms() - button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"]
-                if duration > 1000:
-                    button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] = -1
-                    toggle_write()
-            # register down event
-            elif button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] == 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0:
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] = utime.time_ms()
+            # else = toggle write
-            # register up event but event already called
-            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] == -1 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT == 0:
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] = 0
+            # down
+            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] == 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT != 0:
+                button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] = 1
+                if pause_graph:
+                    l = len(history)
+                    graph_offset += config.get_option("Rate") / 2
+                    if l - graph_offset < WIDTH * config.get_option("Window"):
+                        graph_offset = l - WIDTH * config.get_option("Window")
+                else:
+                    toggle_write()
-            # register normal up event
-            elif button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] > 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT == 0:
-                duration = utime.time_ms() - button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"]
+            # up
+            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] > 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_LEFT == 0:
                 button_pressed["BOTTOM_LEFT"] = 0
-                if not pause_histogram:
-                    toggle_leds()
-                else:
-                    l = len(history)
-                    histogram_offset += ECG_RATE / 2
-                    if l - histogram_offset < WIDTH:
-                        histogram_offset = l - WIDTH
             # BOTTOM RIGHT
             # on pause = shift view right
-            # long = toggle bias
-            # short = toggle mode (finger/usb)
-            # down, and still pressed
-            if (
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] > 0
-                and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0
-                and not pause_histogram
-            ):
-                duration = utime.time_ms() - button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"]
-                if duration > 1000:
-                    button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = -1
-                    toggle_bias()
-            # register down event
-            elif button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] == 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0:
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = utime.time_ms()
-            # register up event but event already called
-            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] == -1 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT == 0:
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = 0
+            # else = show settings
-            # register normal up event
-            elif button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] > 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT == 0:
-                duration = utime.time_ms() - button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"]
-                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = 0
-                if pause_histogram:
-                    histogram_offset -= ECG_RATE / 2
-                    histogram_offset -= histogram_offset % (ECG_RATE / 2)
-                    if histogram_offset < 0:
-                        histogram_offset = 0
+            # down
+            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] == 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT != 0:
+                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = 1
+                if pause_graph:
+                    graph_offset -= config.get_option("Rate") / 2
+                    graph_offset -= graph_offset % (config.get_option("Rate") / 2)
+                    if graph_offset < 0:
+                        graph_offset = 0
-                    toggle_mode()
+                    pause_screen = -1  # hide graph
+                    leds.clear()  # disable all LEDs
+                    config.run()  # show config menu
+                    close_sensor()  # reset sensor in case mode or bias was changed TODO do not close sensor otherwise?
+                    open_sensor()
+                    pause_screen = 0  # start plotting graph again
+                    # returning from menu was by pressing the TOP_RIGHT button
+                    button_pressed["TOP_RIGHT"] = 1
+            # up
+            if button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] > 0 and v & buttons.BOTTOM_RIGHT == 0:
+                button_pressed["BOTTOM_RIGHT"] = 0
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/preload/apps/ecg/settings.py b/preload/apps/ecg/settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca49bbd109a0b7d372b7320ea5b89c4444fd396b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preload/apps/ecg/settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import color
+import simple_menu
+import itertools
+class Settings(simple_menu.Menu):
+    color_1 = color.CAMPGREEN
+    color_2 = color.CAMPGREEN_DARK
+    selected_options = {}
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__([("return", False)])
+    def on_select(self, value, index):
+        if index == 0:
+            self.exit()
+        else:
+            self.selected_options[value[0]] = next(value[1])
+            self.write_to_file()
+    def entry2name(self, value):
+        if value[0] == "return":
+            return value[0]
+        else:
+            return "{}: {}".format(value[0], self.selected_options[value[0]][0])
+    def add_option(self, option):
+        self.entries.append(option)
+        self.selected_options[option[0]] = next(option[1])
+    def get_option(self, name):
+        return self.selected_options[name][1]
+    def load_from_file(self):
+        config_path = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[0:-1])
+        try:
+            f = open("{}/config.cfg".format(config_path), "r")
+            for line in f:
+                parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(":")]
+                if parts[0] in self.selected_options:
+                    # find corresponding entry from menu to get access to the corresponding itertools.cycle
+                    option_cycle = next(x for x in self.entries if x[0] == parts[0])[1]
+                    if self.selected_options[parts[0]][0] != parts[1]:
+                        previous = self.selected_options[parts[0]][0]
+                        self.selected_options[parts[0]] = next(option_cycle)
+                        while self.selected_options[parts[0]][0] not in {
+                            parts[1],
+                            previous,
+                        }:
+                            self.selected_options[parts[0]] = next(option_cycle)
+                        if self.selected_options[parts[0]][0] == previous:
+                            print(
+                                "Settings: unknown option '{}' for key '{}'".format(
+                                    parts[1], parts[0]
+                                )
+                            )
+                else:
+                    print("Settings: unknown key '{}'".format(parts[0]))
+            f.close()
+        except OSError:
+            print("Settings could not be loaded from file. Maybe it did not exist yet?")
+    def write_to_file(self):
+        config_path = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[0:-1])
+        try:
+            f = open("{}/config.cfg".format(config_path), "w")
+            for option_name in self.selected_options:
+                f.write(
+                    "{}:{}\n".format(option_name, self.selected_options[option_name][0])
+                )
+            f.close()
+        except OSError as e:
+            print("Settings could not be written to file! Error: {}".format(e))
+def ecg_settings():
+    config = Settings()
+    config.add_option(
+        (
+            "LEDs",
+            itertools.cycle(
+                [
+                    ("off", {}),
+                    ("Pulse", {"pulse"}),
+                    ("Bar", {"bar"}),
+                    ("Full", {"pulse", "bar"}),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
+    )
+    config.add_option(("Mode", itertools.cycle([("Finger", "Finger"), ("USB", "USB")])))
+    config.add_option(("Bias", itertools.cycle([("on", True), ("off", False)])))
+    config.add_option(("Filter", itertools.cycle([("HP", {"HP"}), ("off", {})])))
+    config.add_option(("Rate", itertools.cycle([("128Hz", 128), ("256Hz", 256)])))
+    config.add_option(("Window", itertools.cycle([("1x", 1), ("2x", 2), ("3x", 3)])))
+    config.add_option(
+        (
+            "Log",
+            itertools.cycle(
+                [
+                    ("graph", {"graph"}),
+                    ("pulse", {"pulse"}),
+                    ("full", {"graph", "pulse"}),
+                ]
+            ),
+        )
+    )
+    config.load_from_file()
+    return config