#time in microseconds until the animation moves on. (we could also call it framerate)
#the shape of your brightness curve. bigger values make a steeper curve, smaller values make the curve wider.
#the minimal brightness
#if you don't enter a spectrum this is the color we'll use
#a color spectrum consisting of up to 11 RGB-Value-Lists (e.g. [[255,255,255], [0,0,0], [255,255,255] and so on] - ). if you use less, the animation will be less wide.
LED Animation. Knight rider-Style.
:param cycles: amount of cycles for the animation
:param delay: time in microseconds until the animation moves on. (we could also call it framerate)
:param power: the shape of your brightness curve. bigger values make a steeper curve, smaller values make the curve wider.
:param minimum: the minimal brightness
:param rgb: if you don't enter a spectrum this is the color we'll use
:param specttrum: a color spectrum consisting of up to 11 RGB-Value-Lists (e.g. [[255,255,255], [0,0,0], [255,255,255] and so on] - ). if you use less, the animation will be less wide.
# create a basic table of values for a smooth increment of the LED brightness (if you don't understand this, don't worry, i don't either. just paste it into the python shell and see the output). Basically creates a negative cosinus curve.