``ble_mac`` Boolean MAC address used for BLE. Format: ``ca:4d:10:xx:xx:xx``.
``ble_mac`` Boolean MAC address used for BLE. Format: ``ca:4d:10:xx:xx:xx``.
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``ble_log_enable`` Boolean Activate HCI level logging of BLE data. Creates a new btsnoop compatible log file named ``ble.log`` in the ``logs`` folder after each boot if BLE is activated. Keeps the last 10 files.
``ble_log_enable`` Boolean Activate HCI level logging of BLE data. Creates a new btsnoop compatible log file named ``ble.log`` in the ``logs`` folder after each boot if BLE is activated. Keeps the last 10 files.
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``right_scroll`` Boolean Use both right buttons to scroll up and down. Lower left button is SELECT.