title: How to use the ECG
Here's some basic info on how to use the ECG functionality of your card10
## Finger ECG

Your card10 comes with a number of fun things to play with
- 1 : Contact, negative ECG electrode
- 2 : Pluse oxymeter (can [potentially, if at some point supported by software] measure pulse and blood oxygen levels using an optical sensor)
- 3 : Contact, negative ECG electrode (again)
- 4 : Screw (also works as a negative electrode, see [8])

- 5 : COM (for bias)
- 6 : Contact, positive ECG electrode

- 7 : Pin for soldering/stitching an alternative electrode, if you don't want to use (6)
- 8 : Plastic distancer, works as an isolation (see [4])
- see [ECG Kit Assembly](../ecg_kit_assembly/) on how to solder your ECG cable
- NB: it DOES matter how you connect the kit via USB. if you get a lot of noise, try to turn the connection
Have fun experimenting with the ECG.