Dein card10 kommt mit all seinen Komponenten und einem [flyer/booklet/Handbuch](/media/assembly_flyer.pdf). Du kannst dir ausserdem unser Zusammenbau-[video-tutorial](/vid/) anschauen.
Dein card10 kommt mit all seinen Komponenten und einem [flyer/booklet/Handbuch](/media/assembly_flyer.pdf).
## Video
Dieses kurze [video]( zeigt wie dein card10 zusammengebaut wird.
Alles was du brauchst ist ein Torx T6 Schraubendreher.
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ By default BLE is turned off. This has multiple reasons:
If you want to make use of the BLE features, you therefore have to enable BLE first.
BLE can be enabled and disabled in the `Bluetooth` app. The app will tell you if BLE is enabled or not:

Use the `SELECT` button to enable or disable BLE. Your card10 will restart to apply the changes after pressing the button. This is normal.

After enabling BLE for the first time you can continue to create a BLE pairing:
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ After enabling BLE for the first time you can continue to create a BLE pairing:
Generally the card10 only allows interaction with other devices if they have paired to he card10 before.
To create a pairing open the `Bluetooth` app:

@@ -42,6 +45,7 @@ iOS:
Once the pairing process has started both devices will show a confirmation code. Make sure that they both show the same code and accept the pairing on both. If possible the card10 will also show a name of the device which is trying to pair:

**Hint:** On Android this dialog sometimes pops up in the background and has to be selected from the status bar.
@@ -52,12 +56,14 @@ iOS:
If the pairing process was successful, the card10 will show the following message:

It will also tell you the name of the pairing which was created. You can use this name to later delete it again.
If the pairing process failed, the card10 will show an error message:

This might be due to several issues:
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@ Make sure to always us the `eject safely` feature of your operating system befor
## Checking if a device is already connected
The card10 can only be connected to one other device at a time. If you can't connect with a particular device it might be the case that another device is already connected. You can check if this is the case in the `Bluetooth` app. If another device is connected, it's name will be shown there:
If you want to make the selected app your new default app, simply press `SELECT` once more. If this is not what you wanted, either press `MENU` once or select `Exit` using the `RIGHT/DOWN` key and then press `SELECT`:
From now the app you chose will be the new "Home" app. This app will be started after turning on the card10, when selecting "Home" in the main menu or when the main menu times out.
@@ -25,6 +28,7 @@ From now the app you chose will be the new "Home" app. This app will be started
## Changing the button layout
This is the default button layout: