* Download the current firmware `.zip` file to your computer
* Extract it
* Put your card10 into [USB storage mode](/en/gettingstarted#usb-storage)
* Copy over the files you just extracted directly into the main folder. Note: on macOS devices it is recommended to use the terminal, e.g. for the broccoli release: `cp -r ~/Downloads/card10-v1.2-broccoli/* /Volumes/CARD10/`
* Copy over the files you just extracted directly into the main folder. Make sure to also update all files cotained in the `apps` folder. Note: on macOS devices it is recommended to use the terminal, e.g. for the broccoli release: `cp -r ~/Downloads/card10-v1.2-broccoli/* /Volumes/CARD10/`
* Eject your device (if you're doing this in the command line: don't forget the `sync` on linux)