Welcome to the official wiki of the ccccamp2019 badge: card10 (cardio).
**Note**: *This is not yet a functional wiki. Please bear with us while we set up a git based markdown wiki. In the meantime you can contribute to the wiki by creating a user account on gitlab.hamburg.ccc.de and sharing it with lilafisch (whom you can find in the matrix/irc channel). Once the wiki is moved to the new server, you will have to create a new account.*
## Overview
Hello, my name is card10:
<imgclass="center"alt="Photo of the card10 badge"src="/media/wristband/IMG_20190526_180236.jpg"width="420"height="auto"align="center">
<imgclass="center"alt="Photo of the card10 badge"src="/media/frontpage-nice-image.jpg"width="420"height="auto"align="center">
**Note**: *This is not yet a functional wiki. Please bear with us while we set up a git based markdown wiki. In the meantime you can contribute to the wiki by creating a user account on gitlab.hamburg.ccc.de and sharing it with lilafisch (whom you can find in the matrix/irc channel). Once the wiki is moved to the new server, you will have to create a new account.*