> Hello, my name is card10 (From Ancient Greek καρδία (kardía, “heart”))
# News
# card10
Welcome to the card10 wiki. You can [browse](https://git.card10.badge.events.ccc.de/card10/logix) this wiki's source and [read more](/en/gitlab) about our GitLab instance.
**card10** is the name of the badge for the 2019 [Chaos Communication Camp](https://events.ccc.de/camp/2019/wiki/Main_Page).
# News
## rC3 is coming!
What role(s) can play card10 in a distributed, remote conference? Brainstorming about connectivity, functionalities, interactions: [card10 at rC3](/en/card10_at_rc3)
## Firmware Update: Okra (as of 2020-02-02)
It is very easy to [update your card10 firmware](/en/firmwareupdate) with just a USB-C cable. The update instructions
also contain a list of the existing firmware releases.
## Hello 36C3
Our assembly is here: [c3nav](https://36c3.c3nav.de/l/card10/@0,491.08,374.33,5)
Please stop by at any time :)
We are working on a workshop schedule and post it on the [workshop page](/en/workshops/)
## Camp was wonderful, see you at 36C3
if you still have a voucher (white or blue), bring it to congress and you might be able to redeem it against one of the card10s we are reparing in the meantime.
No sale of card10s!
## Got a card10 you don't use or need one for your next project?
The card10 exchange point is [here](/en/card10exchange)
# card10
Welcome to card10 Wiki. You can [browse](https://git.card10.badge.events.ccc.de/card10/logix) this wiki source and [read more](/en/gitlab) about our GitLab instance.
**card10** is the name of the badge for the 2019 [Chaos Communication Camp](https://events.ccc.de/camp/2019/wiki/Main_Page).
### [Getting started](/en/gettingstarted)
You just received your card10, what now? The [Getting started](/en/gettingstarted) page has some advice how to assemble and use the card10.
@@ -49,7 +29,7 @@ Spare me the details just give me the links to the docs!
@@ -59,6 +39,26 @@ Spare me the details just give me the links to the docs!
### [FAQ](/en/faq)
### Events
- Upcoming:
- 36C3, meet other card10 hackers at the card10 assembly!
- Events [archive](en/events).
### News Archive
## Hello 36C3
Our assembly is here: [c3nav](https://36c3.c3nav.de/l/card10/@0,491.08,374.33,5)
Please stop by at any time :)
We are working on a workshop schedule and post it on the [workshop page](/en/workshops/)
## Camp was wonderful, see you at 36C3
if you still have a voucher (white or blue), bring it to congress and you might be able to redeem it against one of the card10s we are reparing in the meantime.
No sale of card10s!
## Got a card10 you don't use or need one for your next project?
The card10 exchange point is [here](/en/card10exchange)