[WIP] fix pad 2 captouch
this patch fixes the pad 2 on the touch-input, as this is different routed all 13 pins are needed.
Merge request reports
Hi tuxcoder, thanks for this PR! Have you verified this works as intended? According to the datasheet, the AD7147 only has 12 Stages in its Sequencer, so we shound not be able to sample all 13 inputs in the same sequence. Ideally, we would have two sequences to switch between for the bottom captouch chip, but I did not get around to that yet. Unfortunately I can't test this myself right now, I will try to get around to it in the evening, but in the meantime maybe you could already check if you are getting the intended results by printing the raw values of all sampled pads, especially the 13th pad you added in this PR.
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