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main.c 4.67 KiB
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    #include "bl00mbox.h"
    #include "flow3r_bsp.h"
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    #include "st3m_audio.h"
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    #include "st3m_captouch.h"
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    #include "st3m_console.h"
    #include "st3m_gfx.h"
    schneider's avatar
    schneider committed
    #include "st3m_imu.h"
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    q3k committed
    #include "st3m_io.h"
    #include "st3m_leds.h"
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    #include "st3m_mode.h"
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    #include "st3m_scope.h"
    #include "st3m_usb.h"
    #include "fs.h"
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    #include "esp_log.h"
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    #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
    #include "freertos/semphr.h"
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    #include "freertos/task.h"
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    #include "nvs_flash.h"
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    // Initialization is unfortunately quite complicated.
    // In a perfect world, we'd just init everything in the main function in order.
    // Unfortunately, the ESP32's interrupt routing is per-core, and the ESP-IDF has
    // no API to configure interrupt handling to be performed by a core different
    // than the one which performed the interrupt setup.
    // Since calls to flow3r_bsp_*/st3m_* perform calls to initialize various ESP32
    // peripherals via the ESP-IDF, it means these calls set up interrupts to be
    // handled by whatever core is executing the initialization code.
    // Thus, we must perform a complicated dance in which we set up parts of
    // st3m/flow3r_bsp from one core, and part from another. Since flow3r_startup is
    // called on core0, we set up another task whose only job is to initialize
    // interrupts from core1.
    // In the future we might refactor the codebase to use core pinning for all
    // tasks, and then initiazlize interrupts from within tasks, effectively keeping
    // interrupts local to handler tasks. But for now, we employ the strategy of
    // generally trusting the scheduler and instead selecting which interrupts is
    // handled by which core by performing initialization here.
    // And we have to actually distribute these interrupts because each Xtensa core
    // simply doesn't have enough interrupt slots to easily handle all of our
    // external peripherals. Especially with the way the ESP-IDF interrupt
    // allocation algorithm works. Core0 is already quite polluted by micropython
    // doing its own initialization there, so we effectively push most interrupts to
    // core1.
    // TODO(q3k): revisit this mess.
    // Populated by the core1 init task whenever core1 init is done.
    static QueueHandle_t _core1_init_done_q;
    void _init_core1(void *unused) {
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        st3m_usb_app_conf_t app = {
            .fn_rx = st3m_console_cdc_on_rx,
            .fn_txpoll = st3m_console_cdc_on_txpoll,
            .fn_detach = st3m_console_cdc_on_detach,
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        st3m_usb_mode_t usb_mode = {
    q3k's avatar
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            .kind = st3m_usb_mode_kind_app,
            .app = &app,
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        puts(" ___ _           ___     _         _");
        puts("|  _| |___ _ _ _|_  |___| |_ ___ _| |___ ___");
        puts("|  _| | . | | | |_  |  _| . | .'| . | . | -_|");
        puts("|_| |_|___|_____|___|_| |___|__,|___|_  |___|");
        puts("                                    |___|");
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        // Load bearing delay. USB crashes otherwise?
        // TODO(q3k): debug this
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        vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
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        esp_err_t ret = nvs_flash_init();
        if (ret == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES ||
            ret == ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND) {
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        // Let the main startup code know that core1 init is done. Then sleep
        // forever. What a waste of stack space.
        bool done = true;
        xQueueSend(_core1_init_done_q, &done, portMAX_DELAY);
        for (;;) {
            vTaskDelay(10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
    // Called by micropython via MICROPY_BOARD_STARTUP.
    void flow3r_startup(void) {
        _core1_init_done_q = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(bool));
        // Initialize display first as that gives us a nice splash screen.
        // Submit splash a couple of times to make sure we've fully flushed out the
        // initial framebuffer (both on-ESP and in-screen) noise before we turn on
        // the backlight.
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // Display should've flushed by now. Turn on backlight.
        st3m_mode_set(st3m_mode_kind_starting, "core1");
        xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(_init_core1, "core1-init", 4096, NULL,
                                configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1, NULL, 1);
        bool done;
        xQueueReceive(_core1_init_done_q, &done, portMAX_DELAY);
        st3m_mode_set(st3m_mode_kind_starting, "core0");
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        st3m_mode_set(st3m_mode_kind_starting, "micropython");
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