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    # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
    import math
    import cpython.wave as wave
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    class _Patch:
        def __init__(self, chan):
            self.plugins = _PatchPluginList()
            self.signals = _PatchSignalList()
            self._channel = chan
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        def __repr__(self):
            ret = "[patch] " + type(self).__name__
    moon2's avatar
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            ret += "\n  [signals:]    " + "\n    ".join(repr(self.signals).split("\n"))
            ret += "\n  [plugins:]    " + "\n    ".join(repr(self.plugins).split("\n"))
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    class _PatchItemList:
        def __init__(self):
            self._items = []
        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(self._items)
        def __repr__(self):
    moon2's avatar
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            for x in self._items:
                a = ("\n" + repr(getattr(self, x))).split("]")
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                a[0] += ": " + x
                ret += "]".join(a)
            return ret
        def __setattr__(self, key, value):
            current_value = getattr(self, key, None)
    moon2's avatar
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            if current_value is None and not key.startswith("_"):
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            super().__setattr__(key, value)
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    class _PatchSignalList(_PatchItemList):
        def __setattr__(self, key, value):
            current_value = getattr(self, key, None)
            if isinstance(current_value, bl00mbox.Signal):
                current_value.value = value
            super().__setattr__(key, value)
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    class _PatchPluginList(_PatchItemList):
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    class tinysynth(_Patch):
        def __init__(self, chan):
            self.plugins.osc =
            self.plugins.env =
            self.plugins.amp =
    moon2's avatar
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            self.plugins.amp.signals.gain = self.plugins.env.signals.output
            self.plugins.amp.signals.input = self.plugins.osc.signals.output
            self.plugins.env.signals.decay = 500
    moon2's avatar
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            self.signals.output = self.plugins.amp.signals.output
            self.signals.pitch = self.plugins.osc.signals.pitch
            self.signals.waveform = self.plugins.osc.signals.waveform
    moon2's avatar
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            self.signals.trigger = self.plugins.env.signals.trigger
            self.signals.attack = self.plugins.env.signals.attack
            self.signals.sustain = self.plugins.env.signals.sustain
            self.signals.decay = self.plugins.env.signals.decay
            self.signals.release = self.plugins.env.signals.release
    moon2's avatar
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            self.signals.volume = self.plugins.env.signals.input
            self.signals.release = 100
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    class tinysynth_fm(tinysynth):
        def __init__(self, chan):
            self.plugins.mod_osc =
    moon2's avatar
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            self.plugins.mult =, 1)
            self.plugins.mod_osc.signals.output = self.plugins.osc.signals.lin_fm
    moon2's avatar
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            self.plugins.mod_osc.signals.pitch = self.plugins.mult.signals.output0
            self.plugins.osc.signals.pitch = self.plugins.mult.signals.thru
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            self.signals.fm_waveform = self.plugins.mod_osc.signals.waveform
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   = self.plugins.mult.signals.shift0
            self.signals.pitch = self.plugins.mult.signals.input
            self.signals.decay = 1000
            self.signals.attack = 20
            self.signals.waveform = -1
            self.signals.fm_waveform = 0
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    moon2's avatar
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   = 3173 / 200
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    class sampler(_Patch):
        requires a wave file. default path: /sys/samples/
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        def __init__(self, chan, init_var):
            # init can be filename to load into ram
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            if type(init_var) == str:
                filename = init_var
                if filename.startswith("/flash/") or filename.startswith("/sd/"):
                    f =, "r")
                elif filename.startswith("/"):
                    f ="/flash/" + filename, "r")
                    f ="/flash/sys/samples/" + filename, "r")
    moon2's avatar
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                self.len_frames = f.getnframes()
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                self.plugins.sampler =
                    bl00mbox.plugins._sampler_ram, self.len_frames
                assert f.getsampwidth() == 2
                assert f.getnchannels() in (1, 2)
                assert f.getcomptype() == "NONE"
                if f.getnchannels() == 1:
                    # fast path for mono
                    table = self.plugins.sampler.table_bytearray
                    for i in range(0, self.len_frames * 2, 100):
                        table[i : i + 100] = f.readframes(50)
                    # somewhat fast path for stereo
                    table = self.plugins.sampler.table_int16_array
                    for i in range(self.len_frames):
                        frame = f.readframes(1)
                        value = int.from_bytes(frame[0:2], "little")
                        table[i] = value
    moon2's avatar
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                self.len_frames = int(48 * init_var)
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                self.plugins.sampler =
                    bl00mbox.plugins._sampler_ram, self.len_frames
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            self.signals.trigger = self.plugins.sampler.signals.trigger
            self.signals.output = self.plugins.sampler.signals.output
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            self.signals.rec_in = self.plugins.sampler.signals.rec_in
            self.signals.rec_trigger = self.plugins.sampler.signals.rec_trigger
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        def filename(self):
            return self._filename
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    class sequencer(_Patch):
        def __init__(self, chan, num_tracks, num_steps):
            self.num_steps = num_steps
            self.num_tracks = num_tracks
            init_var = (self.num_steps * 256) + (self.num_tracks)  # magic
    moon2's avatar
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            self.plugins.seq =, init_var)
            self.signals.bpm = self.plugins.seq.signals.bpm
            self.signals.beat_div = self.plugins.seq.signals.beat_div
            self.signals.step = self.plugins.seq.signals.step
            self.signals.step_end = self.plugins.seq.signals.step_end
            self.signals.step_start = self.plugins.seq.signals.step_start
            self.signals.step_start = self.plugins.seq.signals.step_start
            tracktable = [-32767] + ([0] * self.num_steps)
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            self.plugins.seq.table = tracktable * self.num_tracks
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        def __repr__(self):
            ret = "[patch] step sequencer"
            # ret += "\n  " + "\n  ".join(repr(self.seqs[0]).split("\n"))
            ret += (
                "\n  bpm: "
                + str(self.signals.bpm.value)
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                + " @ 1/"
                + str(self.signals.beat_div.value)
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            ret += (
                " step: "
                + str(self.signals.step.value)
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                + "/"
                + str(self.signals.step_len.value)
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            ret += "\n  [tracks]"
            for x, seq in enumerate(self.seqs):
                ret += (
                    "\n    "
                    + str(x)
                    + " [  "
                    + "".join(["X  " if x > 0 else ".  " for x in seq.table[1:]])
                    + "]"
            ret += "\n" + "\n".join(super().__repr__().split("\n")[1:])
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            return ret
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        def _get_table_index(self, track, step):
            return step + 1 + track * (self.num_steps + 1)
        def trigger_start(self, track, step, val=32767):
            a = self.plugins.seq.table
            a[self._get_table_index(track, step)] = val
            self.plugins.seq.table = a
        def trigger_stop(self, track, step, val=32767):
    moon2's avatar
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            a = self.plugins.seq.table
            a[self._get_table_index(track, step)] = -1
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            self.plugins.seq.table = a
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        def trigger_clear(self, track, step):
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            a = self.plugins.seq.table
            a[self._get_table_index(track, step)] = 0
            self.plugins.seq.table = a
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        def trigger_state(self, track, step):
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            a = self.plugins.seq.table
            return a[self._get_table_index(track, step)]
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        def trigger_toggle(self, track, step):
            if self.trigger_state(track, step) == 0:
                self.trigger_start(track, step)
                self.trigger_clear(track, step)
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    class fuzz(_Patch):
        def __init__(self, chan):
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            self.plugins.dist =
            self.signals.input = self.plugins.dist.signals.input
            self.signals.output = self.plugins.dist.signals.output
            self._intensity = 2
            self._volume = 32767
            self._gate = 0
        def intensity(self):
            return self._intensity
        def intensity(self, val):
            self._intensity = val
        def volume(self):
            return self._volume
        def volume(self, val):
            self._volume = val
        def gate(self):
            return self._gate
        def gate(self, val):
            self._gate = val
        def _update_table(self):
            table = list(range(129))
            for num in table:
                if num < 64:
                    ret = num / 64  # scale to [0..1[ range
                    ret = ret**self._intensity
                    if ret > 1:
                        ret = 1
                    table[num] = int(self._volume * (ret - 1))
                    ret = (128 - num) / 64  # scale to [0..1] range
                    ret = ret**self._intensity
                    table[num] = int(self._volume * (1 - ret))
            gate = self.gate >> 9
            for i in range(64 - gate, 64 + gate):
                table[i] = 0
            self.plugins.dist.table = table
    class karplus_strong(_Patch):
        def __init__(self, chan):
            self.plugins.noise = chan._new_plugin(bl00mbox.plugins.noise_burst)
            self.plugins.noise.signals.length = 25
            self.plugins.flanger = chan._new_plugin(bl00mbox.plugins.flanger)
            self.plugins.flanger.signals.resonance = 32500
            self.plugins.flanger.signals.manual.tone = "A2"
            self.plugins.flanger.signals.input = self.plugins.noise.signals.output
            self.signals.trigger = self.plugins.noise.signals.trigger
            self.signals.pitch = self.plugins.flanger.signals.manual
            self.signals.output = self.plugins.flanger.signals.output
            self.signals.level = self.plugins.flanger.signals.level
            self.decay = 1000
        def decay(self):
            return self._decay
        def decay(self, val):
            tone = self.plugins.flanger.signals.manual.tone
            loss = (50 * (2 ** (-tone / 12))) // (val / 1000)
            if loss < 2:
                loss = 2
            self.plugins.flanger.signals.resonance = 32767 - loss