captouch.pyi 2.07 KiB
from typing import Protocol, List
class CaptouchPetalPadsState(Protocol):
Current state of pads on a captouch petal.
Not all petals have all pads. Top petals have a a base, cw and ccw pad.
Bottom petals have a base and tip pad.
def tip(self) -> bool:
True if the petals's tip is currently touched.
def base(self) -> bool:
True if the petal's base is currently touched.
def cw(self) -> bool:
True if the petal's clockwise pad is currently touched.
def ccw(self) -> bool:
True if the petal's counter clockwise pad is currently touched.
class CaptouchPetalState(Protocol):
def pressed(self) -> bool:
True if any of the petal's pads is currently touched.
def top(self) -> bool:
True if this is a top petal.
def bottom(self) -> bool:
True if this is a bottom petal.
def pads(self) -> CaptouchPetalPadsState:
State of individual pads of the petal.
class CaptouchState(Protocol):
State of captouch sensors, captured at some time.
def petals(self) -> List[CaptouchPetalState]:
State of individual petals.
Contains 10 elements, with the zeroth element being the pad closest to
the USB port. Then, every other pad in a counter-clockwise direction.
Pads 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are Top pads.
Pads 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are Bottom pads.
def read() -> CaptouchState:
Reads current captouch state from hardware and returns a snapshot in time.
def calibration_active() -> bool:
Returns true if the captouch system is current recalibrating.