To flash, put the badge in :ref:`flash` mode and run:
$ flash
Or, to just write the main firmware partition:
$ app-flash
To clean, do not trust `` clean``. Instead, kill everything with fire:
$ rm -rf sdkconfig build
To edit the sdkconfig temporarily:
$ menuconfig
To commit your sdkconfig changes to git, run menuconfig, press *d*, accept the default path. Then, copy over ``build/defconfig`` onto ``sdkconfig.defaults``.
All printf() (and other stdio) calls will be piped to the default Micropython REPL console. For logging, please use ``ESP_LOGx`` calls.
If you're debugging the USB stack, or want to see Guru Meditation crashes, connect to UART0 over the USB-C connector's sideband pins (**TODO**: link to flow3rpot).
You can also disable the USB stack and make the badge stay in UART/JTAG mode: **TODO: issue 23**. Then, you can use openocd/gdb:
You should be able to use the ``flow3r_bsp`` component from any ESP-IDF 5 project. Either vendor the files, use a submodule and a symlink...
You should stay compatible with our :ref:`partition` layout. The easiest way to do that is to copy ``partitions.csv`` and refer to it from your own project. Your firmware should fit the ``factory`` slot.
Then, you can run your firmware by distributing the resulting ``.bin`` file and letting people flash to it via :ref:`Recovery Mode`.
*NOTE: this is about programming your own apps/instruments/toys while keeping the badge firmware stock. If you want to port Doom or work on the firmware, see the Firmware Development section.*
The main programming interface and language for the flow3rbadge is Python. More
exactly, it's `Micropython <>`_, which is a fairly
sizeable subset of Python that can run on microcontrollers.