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Commit 91859a9e authored by q3k's avatar q3k
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badge23: remove random ctags file

parent 61117b24
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!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_EXCMD mixed /number, pattern, mixed, or combineV2/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_FILESEP slash /slash or backslash/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
!_TAG_PATTERN_LENGTH_LIMIT 96 /0 for no limit/
!_TAG_PROC_CWD /home/zjfms/fluff/badge2023/bootstrap/software/espan/main/ //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9.0 /p5.9.20220828.0/
AD7147_BASE_ADDR captouch.c /^#define AD7147_BASE_ADDR /;" d file:
AD7147_REG_DEVICE_ID captouch.c /^#define AD7147_REG_DEVICE_ID /;" d file:
AD7147_REG_PWR_CONTROL captouch.c /^#define AD7147_REG_PWR_CONTROL /;" d file:
AD7147_REG_STAGE_CAL_EN captouch.c /^#define AD7147_REG_STAGE_CAL_EN /;" d file:
AD7147_REG_STAGE_HIGH_INT_ENABLE captouch.c /^#define AD7147_REG_STAGE_HIGH_INT_ENABLE /;" d file:
CIN captouch.c /^#define CIN /;" d file:
CIN_BIAS captouch.c /^#define CIN_BIAS /;" d file:
CIN_CDC_NEG captouch.c /^#define CIN_CDC_NEG /;" d file:
CIN_CDC_POS captouch.c /^#define CIN_CDC_POS /;" d file:
CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SCL$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SCL_MODULE Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SCL$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SDA$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
CONFIG_I2C_MASTER_SDA_MODULE Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SDA$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
DEF_apa102LEDStrip apa102LEDStrip.h /^#define DEF_apa102LEDStrip$/;" d
DMA_BUFFER_COUNT audio.c /^#define DMA_BUFFER_COUNT /;" d file:
DMA_BUFFER_SIZE audio.c /^#define DMA_BUFFER_SIZE /;" d file:
ESP_INTR_FLAG_DEFAULT captouch.c /^#define ESP_INTR_FLAG_DEFAULT /;" d file:
Example Configuration Kconfig.projbuild /^menu "Example Configuration"$/;" m
I2C_MASTER_FREQ_HZ espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_FREQ_HZ /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_NUM captouch.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_NUM /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_NUM espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_NUM /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_RX_BUF_DISABLE espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_RX_BUF_DISABLE /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_SCL Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SCL$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
I2C_MASTER_SCL_IO espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_SCL_IO /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_SDA Kconfig.projbuild /^ config I2C_MASTER_SDA$/;" c menu:Example Configuration
I2C_MASTER_SDA_IO espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_SDA_IO /;" d file:
I2C_MASTER_TX_BUF_DISABLE espan.c /^#define I2C_MASTER_TX_BUF_DISABLE /;" d file:
LEDs apa102LEDStrip.h /^ unsigned char *LEDs;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:unsigned char *
MIN audio.c /^#define MIN(/;" d file:
SAMPLE_RATE audio.c /^#define SAMPLE_RATE /;" d file:
TAG captouch.c /^static const char *TAG = "captouch";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char * file:
TAG espan.c /^static const char *TAG = "espan";$/;" v typeref:typename:const char * file:
TIMEOUT_MS captouch.c /^#define TIMEOUT_MS /;" d file:
_audio_init audio.c /^static void _audio_init(int i2s_num) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
_bytesPerLED apa102LEDStrip.h /^ unsigned char _bytesPerLED;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:unsigned char
_counter apa102LEDStrip.h /^ short int _counter;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:short int
_endFrameLength apa102LEDStrip.h /^ short int _endFrameLength;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:short int
_frameLength apa102LEDStrip.h /^ short int _frameLength;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:short int
_globalBrightness apa102LEDStrip.h /^ unsigned char _globalBrightness;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:unsigned char
_numLEDs apa102LEDStrip.h /^ short int _numLEDs;$/;" m struct:apa102LEDStrip typeref:typename:short int
active_paddles espan.c /^static bool active_paddles[10];$/;" v typeref:typename:bool[10] file:
active_sounds audio.c /^static sound_cfg_t active_sounds[11];$/;" v typeref:typename:sound_cfg_t[11] file:
ad7147_device_config captouch.c /^struct ad7147_device_config {$/;" s file:
ad7147_stage_config captouch.c /^struct ad7147_stage_config {$/;" s file:
ad714x_chip captouch.c /^struct ad714x_chip {$/;" s file:
ad714x_default_config captouch.c /^static struct ad7147_stage_config ad714x_default_config(void)$/;" f typeref:struct:ad7147_stage_config file:
ad714x_i2c_read captouch.c /^static esp_err_t ad714x_i2c_read(const struct ad714x_chip *chip, const uint16_t reg, uint16_t *d/;" f typeref:typename:esp_err_t file:
ad714x_i2c_write captouch.c /^static esp_err_t ad714x_i2c_write(const struct ad714x_chip *chip, const uint16_t reg, const uint/;" f typeref:typename:esp_err_t file:
ad714x_set_device_config captouch.c /^static void ad714x_set_device_config(const struct ad714x_chip *chip, const struct ad7147_device_/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
ad714x_set_stage_config captouch.c /^static void ad714x_set_stage_config(const struct ad714x_chip *chip, const uint8_t stage, const s/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
addr captouch.c /^ uint8_t addr;$/;" m struct:ad714x_chip typeref:typename:uint8_t file:
afe_offsets captouch.c /^ int afe_offsets[13];$/;" m struct:ad714x_chip typeref:typename:int[13] file:
apa102LEDStrip apa102LEDStrip.h /^struct apa102LEDStrip$/;" s
app_main espan.c /^void app_main(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void
audio_init audio.c /^void audio_init() { _audio_init(0); }$/;" f typeref:typename:void
audio_player_task audio.c /^static void audio_player_task(void* arg) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
avg_fp_skip captouch.c /^ unsigned int avg_fp_skip:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
avg_lp_skip captouch.c /^ unsigned int avg_lp_skip:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
bank2 captouch.c /^static const uint16_t bank2 = 0x80;$/;" v typeref:typename:const uint16_t file:
black espan.c /^uint8_t black[] = {0,0,0};$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t[]
blue espan.c /^uint8_t blue[] = {0,0,32};$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t[]
bot_map espan.c /^uint8_t bot_map[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4};$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t[]
buffer audio.c /^ const int16_t* buffer;$/;" m struct:sound_cfg typeref:typename:const int16_t * file:
buscfg espan.c /^spi_bus_config_t buscfg;$/;" v typeref:typename:spi_bus_config_t
bytesPerPixel espan.c /^#define bytesPerPixel /;" d file:
captouch_init captouch.c /^void captouch_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void
captouch_init_chip captouch.c /^static void captouch_init_chip(const struct ad714x_chip* chip)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
captouch_print_debug_info captouch.c /^void captouch_print_debug_info(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void
captouch_print_debug_info_chip captouch.c /^static void captouch_print_debug_info_chip(const struct ad714x_chip* chip)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
cdc_bias captouch.c /^ unsigned int cdc_bias:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
chip_bot captouch.c /^static const struct ad714x_chip chip_bot = {.addr = AD7147_BASE_ADDR, .gpio = 3, .afe_offsets = /;" v typeref:typename:const struct ad714x_chip file:
chip_top captouch.c /^static const struct ad714x_chip chip_top = {.addr = AD7147_BASE_ADDR + 1, .gpio = 48, .afe_offse/;" v typeref:typename:const struct ad714x_chip file:
cinX_connection_setup captouch.c /^ unsigned int cinX_connection_setup[13];$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int[13] file:
decimation captouch.c /^ unsigned int decimation:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
devcfg espan.c /^spi_device_interface_config_t devcfg;$/;" v typeref:typename:spi_device_interface_config_t
espan_handle_captouch espan.c /^void espan_handle_captouch(uint16_t pressed_top, uint16_t pressed_bot)$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ext_source captouch.c /^ unsigned int ext_source:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
free_buffer audio.c /^ bool free_buffer;$/;" m struct:sound_cfg typeref:typename:bool file:
getPixel apa102LEDStrip.c /^void getPixel(struct apa102LEDStrip *ledObject, short int pixelIndex, unsigned char *pixelColour/;" f typeref:typename:void
gpio captouch.c /^ uint8_t gpio;$/;" m struct:ad714x_chip typeref:typename:uint8_t file:
gpio_event_handler captouch.c /^static void gpio_event_handler(void* arg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file:
gpio_evt_queue captouch.c /^static QueueHandle_t gpio_evt_queue = NULL;$/;" v typeref:typename:QueueHandle_t file:
gpio_isr_handler captouch.c /^static void IRAM_ATTR gpio_isr_handler(void* arg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void IRAM_ATTR file:
i2c_master_init espan.c /^static esp_err_t i2c_master_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:esp_err_t file:
initLEDs apa102LEDStrip.c /^void initLEDs(struct apa102LEDStrip *ledObject, short int numLEDs, unsigned char bytesPerLED, un/;" f typeref:typename:void
int_pol captouch.c /^ unsigned int int_pol:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
leds espan.c /^struct apa102LEDStrip leds;$/;" v typeref:struct:apa102LEDStrip
lp_conv_delay captouch.c /^ unsigned int lp_conv_delay:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
maxSPIFrameInBytes espan.c /^#define maxSPIFrameInBytes /;" d file:
maxSPIFrequency espan.c /^#define maxSPIFrequency /;" d file:
maxValuePerColour espan.c /^#define maxValuePerColour /;" d file:
neg_afe_offset captouch.c /^ unsigned int neg_afe_offset:6;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:6 file:
neg_afe_offset_disable captouch.c /^ unsigned int neg_afe_offset_disable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
neg_afe_offset_swap captouch.c /^ unsigned int neg_afe_offset_swap:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
neg_peak_detect captouch.c /^ unsigned int neg_peak_detect:3;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:3 file:
neg_threshold_sensitivity captouch.c /^ unsigned int neg_threshold_sensitivity:4;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:4 file:
paddle_leds espan.c /^static const uint8_t paddle_leds[][9] = {$/;" v typeref:typename:const uint8_t[][9] file:
play_bootsound audio.c /^void play_bootsound() {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
play_pan audio.c /^void play_pan(int pan) {$/;" f typeref:typename:void
pos_afe_offset captouch.c /^ unsigned int pos_afe_offset:6;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:6 file:
pos_afe_offset_disable captouch.c /^ unsigned int pos_afe_offset_disable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
pos_afe_offset_swap captouch.c /^ unsigned int pos_afe_offset_swap:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
pos_peak_detect captouch.c /^ unsigned int pos_peak_detect:3;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:3 file:
pos_threshold_sensitivity captouch.c /^ unsigned int pos_threshold_sensitivity:4;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:4 file:
position audio.c /^ size_t position;$/;" m struct:sound_cfg typeref:typename:size_t file:
power_mode captouch.c /^ unsigned int power_mode:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
pressed_bot captouch.c /^static uint16_t pressed_top, pressed_bot;$/;" v typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
pressed_top captouch.c /^static uint16_t pressed_top, pressed_bot;$/;" v typeref:typename:uint16_t file:
red espan.c /^uint8_t red[] = {32,0,0};$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t[]
renderLEDs espan.c /^void renderLEDs()$/;" f typeref:typename:void
ret espan.c /^esp_err_t ret;$/;" v typeref:typename:esp_err_t
se_connection_setup captouch.c /^ unsigned int se_connection_setup:2;$/;" m struct:ad7147_stage_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:2 file:
sequence_stage_num captouch.c /^ unsigned int sequence_stage_num:4;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:4 file:
setPixel apa102LEDStrip.c /^void setPixel(struct apa102LEDStrip *ledObject, short int pixelIndex, unsigned char *pixelColour/;" f typeref:typename:void
setupSPI espan.c /^int setupSPI()$/;" f typeref:typename:int
size audio.c /^ size_t size;$/;" m struct:sound_cfg typeref:typename:size_t file:
slot audio.c /^ size_t slot;$/;" m struct:sound_cfg typeref:typename:size_t file:
sound_active audio.c /^static bool sound_active(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:bool file:
sound_cfg audio.c /^typedef struct sound_cfg {$/;" s file:
sound_cfg_t audio.c /^} sound_cfg_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:sound_cfg file:
sound_queue audio.c /^static QueueHandle_t sound_queue = NULL;$/;" v typeref:typename:QueueHandle_t file:
spiTransObject espan.c /^spi_transaction_t spiTransObject;$/;" v typeref:typename:spi_transaction_t
spi_led espan.c /^spi_device_handle_t spi_led;$/;" v typeref:typename:spi_device_handle_t
stage0_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage0_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage0_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage0_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage10_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage10_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage10_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage10_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage11_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage11_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage11_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage11_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage1_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage1_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage1_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage1_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage2_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage2_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage2_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage2_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage3_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage3_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage3_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage3_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage4_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage4_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage4_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage4_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage5_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage5_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage5_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage5_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage6_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage6_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage6_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage6_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage7_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage7_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage7_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage7_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage8_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage8_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage8_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage8_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage9_cal_en captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage9_cal_en:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stage9_high_int_enable captouch.c /^ unsigned int stage9_high_int_enable:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
stages captouch.c /^ int stages;$/;" m struct:ad714x_chip typeref:typename:int file:
sw_reset captouch.c /^ unsigned int sw_reset:1;$/;" m struct:ad7147_device_config typeref:typename:unsigned int:1 file:
top_map espan.c /^uint8_t top_map[] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2};$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t[]
totalPixels espan.c /^#define totalPixels /;" d file:
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