due to captouch malfunctions this payload can produce rapidly flashing lights. please refrain from using it if this could cause issues for you. this is a driver issue and is currently being addressed.
###available states:
###available states:
MENU: the screen shows the text "SELECT :3" and a volume bar. the MENU can be entered at any point by pressing right shoulder button down. volume can be adjusted with right shoulder button L/R in any state. two bottom petals are lit up by LEDs in different colors. pressing each of them loads one of two available INSTRUMENTS:
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ INSTRUMENT 1, CHORD ORGAN: all LEDs are lit up in the same color. each top petal
INSTRUMENT 2, MELODY PLAYER: the 3 most down-pointing petal LEDs are lit in pink. these 3 petals select between 3 different octaves. depending on octave selection, the remaining petals are lit in blue (low octave), cyan (mid octave) and green (high octave). these "playing petals" provide tones in a major scale. it is a single oscillator system, so pressing more than one "playing petal" results in the oscillator jumping between pitches rapidly, providing a HIDDEN NOISE MODE. the screen is entirely black. author's note: this one didn't turn out well at all and could use a bunch more love. we find it valuable to provide people with a simple instrument to try to play their favorite melodies on, but this ain't it yet.
###current captouch issues
###current captouch issues
the current firmware is built around AD7147 captouch controllers and uses their simplified output, where the controller autocalibrates and guesses whether a pad is being touched or not. since the controller was designed to have several mm of material in between (as for a stovetop), it sometimes is wayyyy to sensitive.