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  • flow3r/flow3r-firmware
  • Vespasian/flow3r-firmware
  • alxndr42/flow3r-firmware
  • pl/flow3r-firmware
  • Kari/flow3r-firmware
  • raimue/flow3r-firmware
  • grandchild/flow3r-firmware
  • mu5tach3/flow3r-firmware
  • Nervengift/flow3r-firmware
  • arachnist/flow3r-firmware
  • TheNewCivilian/flow3r-firmware
  • alibi/flow3r-firmware
  • manuel_v/flow3r-firmware
  • xeniter/flow3r-firmware
  • maxbachmann/flow3r-firmware
  • yGifoom/flow3r-firmware
  • istobic/flow3r-firmware
  • EiNSTeiN_/flow3r-firmware
  • gnudalf/flow3r-firmware
  • 999eagle/flow3r-firmware
  • toerb/flow3r-firmware
  • pandark/flow3r-firmware
  • teal/flow3r-firmware
  • x42/flow3r-firmware
  • alufers/flow3r-firmware
  • dos/flow3r-firmware
  • yrlf/flow3r-firmware
  • LuKaRo/flow3r-firmware
  • ThomasElRubio/flow3r-firmware
  • ai/flow3r-firmware
  • T_X/flow3r-firmware
  • highTower/flow3r-firmware
  • beanieboi/flow3r-firmware
  • Woazboat/flow3r-firmware
  • gooniesbro/flow3r-firmware
  • marvino/flow3r-firmware
  • kressnerd/flow3r-firmware
  • quazgar/flow3r-firmware
  • aoid/flow3r-firmware
  • jkj/flow3r-firmware
  • naomi/flow3r-firmware
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......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Your flow3r badge should've come in a brown paper bag, in which you will find:
2. A black plastic spacer
3. A round LCD display
4. A blue battery
5. A metal batery cover
5. A metal battery cover
6. Two speakers
7. A bag containg: 6 M3 screws, 6 plastic feet, an adhesive sheet, an allen (imbus) wrench, sandpaper
8. A lanyard
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Your flow3r badge should've come in a brown paper bag, in which you will find:
Prepare the top PCB
Make sure the power switch of the badge is turned off (switch towards the badge center). Be careful with switch, it is not very sturdy and breaks easily.
Disconnect the top (pink, smaller) and bottom (white, larger) PCBs. Put the
bottom PCB aside for now.
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ To compile, see `Working on C st3m code`_.
For running the simulator, you'll need Python 3 with pygame and wasmer:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
......@@ -223,6 +223,14 @@ Writing Docs
Automatically updated on CI runs of the main branch and lives under
You will need ``sphinx`` and ``sphinx_rtd_theme`` installed. If you're not usinx Nix, install these via venv:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
$ . venv/bin/activate
To build the docs locally:
......@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ This is the SPI flash partition layout we use:
| ``vfs`` | 12MiB | FAT32 filesystem (with [#WL]_ layer). |
Accessing files from a PC
......@@ -98,6 +100,18 @@ If the badge is running correctly, you can access the filesystem over the microp
0 st3m
0 .sys-installed
.. warning::
**Your flow3r is not showing up using Linux?**
To let ``mpremote`` to work properly your user needs to have access rights to ttyACM.
Quick fix: ``sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM[Your Device Id here]```
More sustainable fix: Setup an udev rule to automatically allow the logged in user to access ttyUSB
1. To use this, add the following to /etc/udev/rules.d/60-extra-acl.rules: ``KERNEL=="ttyACM[0-9]*", TAG+="udev-acl", TAG+="uaccess"``
2. Reload ``udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger``
You can also put the badge into :ref:`Disk Mode` to make it appear as a USB pendrive
on your PC. However, only one of the two FAT32 block devices (internal flash
......@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ You can also access the filesystem over the same Micropython serial port:
['', 'st3m', '.sys-installed']
$ mpremote ls :flash/sys
ls :flash/sys
$ mpremote ls :/flash/sys
ls :/flash/sys
0 st3m
0 .sys-installed
......@@ -576,10 +576,10 @@ Together with the Python code this file forms a so called bundle
url = ""
Save this as `flow3r.toml` together with the Python code as `` in a folder (name doesn't matter)
and put that folder into the `apps` folder on your flow3r (if there is no `apps` folder visible,
there might be an `apps` folder in the `sys` folder). Restart the flow3r and it should pick up your
new application.
Save this as `flow3r.toml` together with the Python code as `` in a
folder (name doesn't matter) and put that folder into the ``/flash/sys/apps``
folder on your flow3r (visible as ``sys/apps`` in `Disk Mode`_). Restart the
flow3r and it should pick up your new application.
Distributing applications
......@@ -53,14 +53,20 @@ to a computer, and it will appear as a mass storage device (a.k.a. pendrive).
Open the file ```nick.json`` in a text editor and change your nick, the size of
the font, and whatever else you wish.
For the ``nick.json`` file to appear, you must have started the Nick app at
least once.
When you're done editing, unmount/eject the badge from your computer
(``umount`` on Linux is enough) and press the left shoulder button to exit Disk
Mode. Then, go to Badge |rarr| Nick to see your changes!
If the ``nick.json`` file is unparseable or otherwise gets corrupted, it will be
overwritten with the default contents on next nick app startup.
Playing Music
We ship some noise-making apps by default:
We ship some noise-making apps by default:
......@@ -70,19 +76,25 @@ shoegaze
The highlighted blue petal makes noise.
Simple Drums
A simple gay step sequencer. Four groups of four steps, six insturments.
Hold one of the four left petals to select one of the four groups of steps, then short-press one of the four right petals to toggle the state of the sequencer.
Use the top petal to set BPM (tap a rhythm) or long-press to start/stop.
Use the bottom petal to switch instruments.
Toy synthesizer. Bottom three petals select octave, Top 7 petals play a note from that octave.
Toy synthesizer. White petals select chord, pink petals play note.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from st3m.goose import Dict, Any
from st3m.input import InputState
from ctx import Context
import leds
import json
import math
......@@ -87,3 +87,7 @@ class NickApp(Application):
self._led += delta_ms / 45
if self._led >= 40:
self._led = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ down the right trigger) and selecting 'Disk Mode (SD)' from there.
Now, with the badge connected to a computer, you should see a USB Mass Storage
('pendrive') appear. Copy flow3r.bin from this archive there.
Then, stop disk mode, and from either the System menu or Recovery Mode, select
'Flash Firmware Image', then flow3r.bin.
Then, stop disk mode, and from the Recovery Mode (boot the badge with the right
trigger pushed down), select 'Flash Firmware Image', then flow3r.bin.
// Option 3: Update using