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positional captouch output

moon2 requested to merge raw_captouch into main


  1. test if p3 pad segment configuration is correct: use "" in the payload, loaded from menu with downward pointing bottom petal, and see if motion of each dot roughly matches petal motion direction (see FUTURE PROBLEM 2). working out the proper position math is a task for another day, but the mapping should be correct. if modifications are necessary they are restricted to "top_segment_map" and "bot_segment_map" in captouch.c, please ask if it's unclear how these work.
  2. for some reason build -g stopped working properly (our fault, must've merged smth wrong), revision switching is only possible in menuconfig rn. anybody an idea how that could've happened? still detects and processes the -g properly.
  3. there should be a freertos timer task named "I2C task" (see espan.c) and we're fairly certain it's running, however it does not show in kernel.scheduler_snapshot().tasks, is that expected?


  1. i2c task runs awfully slow (18ms period), crashes in tx timeout if period is lowered
  2. bottom_downwards_pointing_petal->inside_pad is dead. will get it back when config switching is enabled.
  3. dynamic reconfiguration can reduce latency generally a lot and might be necessary for percussive instruments

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