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docs: more simulator docs

Merged q3k requested to merge q3k/simulator-docs into main
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@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ file which describes the application so flow3r knows where to put it in the menu
Together with the Python code this file forms a so called bundle
(see also :py:class:`BundleMetadata`).
-- code-block::
name = "My Demo"
@@ -433,16 +433,48 @@ and put that folder into the `apps` folder on your flow3r (if there is no `apps`
there might be an `apps` folder in the `sys` folder). Restart the flow3r and it should pick up your
new application.
Distributing applications
Using the simulator
The simulator deserves its own page in the docs. For now have a look at the "Firmware Development" page
to see how to set it up.
The flow3r badge firmware repository comes with a Python-based simulator which
allows you to run the Python part of :ref:`st3m` on your local computer, using
Python, Pygame and wasmer.
Currently the simulator supports the display, LEDs, the buttons and some static
input values from the accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature sensor and pressure
It does **not** support any audio API, and in fact currently doesn't even stub
out the relevant API methods, so it will crash when attempting to run any Music
app. It also does not support positional captouch APIs.
To set the simulator up, clone the repository and prepare a Python virtual
environment with the required packages:
$ git clone
$ cd flow3r-firmware
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install pygame wasmer wasmer-compiler-cranelift
*TODO: set up a pyproject/poetry/... file?*
You can then run the simulator:
$ venv/bin/python sim/
The simulators apps live in `python_payload/apps` copy you app folder in there and it will appear in
the simulators menu system. Currently the simulator supports the display, LEDs, the buttons and some
static input values from the accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature sensor and pressure sensor.
Grey areas near the petals and buttons can be pressed.
No audio output on the simulator yet. Want to step up and get it in?
The simulators apps live in `python_payload/apps` copy you app folder in there
and it will appear in the simulators menu system.
*TODO: make simulator directly run a bundle on startup when requested*