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current functionality

micropython repl hooked up, hw functionality partly broken

some fun commands to try:

import hardware
#turn on sound

from synth import tinysynth
a=tinysynth(440,1); # enters decay phase without stop signal
b=tinysynth(660,0); # sustains until stop signal

#tiny issue with garbage collect:
import gc
del b
#...don't know how to hook up gc to __del__, maybe wrong approach

files can be transferred with mpremote, such as:

mpremote fs cp python_payload/
mpremote fs cp python_payload/

how to build

  1. install esp-idf v4.4: (copied from
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd esp-idf
$ git checkout v4.4
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

$ cd esp-idf
$ ./
$ source

best put something like "alias espidf='source ~/esp-idf/'" in your .bashrc etc, you need to run it in every new terminal and adding it to autostart did bother us

  1. prepare build
$ cd micropython/
$ make -C mpy-cross
$ cd ports/esp32
$ make submodules
  1. build/flash make sure esp-idf is sourced as in step 1 and that you are in micropython/ports/esp32 build:
$ make

flash + build: (put badge into bootloader mode*)

$ make deploy PORT=/dev/ttyACM0

*press right shoulder button down during boot (on modified "last gen" prototypes)

empty build cache (useful when moving files around):

$ make clean
  1. access micropython repl:
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0

how to modify

general info

global + micropython entry point: app_main() in micropython/ports/esp32/main.c (includes badge23/espan.h) c entry point, called by^: os_app_main() in badge23/espan.c register new c files for compilation: add to set(BADGE23_LIB) in micropython/ports/esp32/main/CMakelists.txt change output volume in the set_global_vol_dB(int8_t) call; -90 for mute

to debug c files: printf broken atm, instead use: #include "../../py/mphal.h" mp_hal_stdout_tx_str("debug output: string literal here\n\r");

don't expect esp component registry or menuconfig to work. tried adding config items manually to micropython/ports/esp32/boards/sdkconfig.badge23, doesn't work :/ just put them into header files manually ig;;