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app_main.c 12.4 KiB
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     *  \file
     *  \brief  Application framework main module.
     *  Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
     *  ARM Ltd. confidential and proprietary.
     *  IMPORTANT.  Your use of this file is governed by a Software License Agreement
     *  ("Agreement") that must be accepted in order to download or otherwise receive a
     *  copy of this file.  You may not use or copy this file for any purpose other than
     *  as described in the Agreement.  If you do not agree to all of the terms of the
     *  Agreement do not use this file and delete all copies in your possession or control;
     *  if you do not have a copy of the Agreement, you must contact ARM Ltd. prior
     *  to any use, copying or further distribution of this software.
    /* card10:
     * copied from: lib/sdk/Libraries/BTLE/stack/ble-profiles/sources/apps/app/app_main.c
     * Reason: we need to correctly implement AppHandleNumericComparison
    #include <string.h>
    #include "wsf_types.h"
    #include "wsf_msg.h"
    #include "sec_api.h"
    #include "wsf_trace.h"
    #include "wsf_timer.h"
    #include "wsf_assert.h"
    #include "util/bstream.h"
    #include "dm_api.h"
    #include "app_api.h"
    #include "app_main.h"
    #include "app_ui.h"
      Global Variables
    /*! Configuration pointer for advertising */
    appAdvCfg_t *pAppAdvCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for extended and periodic advertising */
    appExtAdvCfg_t *pAppExtAdvCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for slave */
    appSlaveCfg_t *pAppSlaveCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for master */
    appMasterCfg_t *pAppMasterCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for extended master */
    appExtMasterCfg_t *pAppExtMasterCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for security */
    appSecCfg_t *pAppSecCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for connection parameter update */
    appUpdateCfg_t *pAppUpdateCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for discovery */
    appDiscCfg_t *pAppDiscCfg;
    /*! Configuration pointer for application */
    appCfg_t *pAppCfg;
    /*! Connection control block array */
    appConnCb_t appConnCb[DM_CONN_MAX];
    /*! WSF handler ID */
    wsfHandlerId_t appHandlerId;
    /*! Main control block */
    appCb_t appCb;
    /*! Configuration structure for incoming request actions */
    const appReqActCfg_t appReqActCfg =
      APP_ACT_ACCEPT        /*! Action for the remote connection parameter request */
    /*! Configuration pointer for incoming request actions on master */
    appReqActCfg_t *pAppMasterReqActCfg = (appReqActCfg_t *) &appReqActCfg;
    /*! Configurable pointer for incoming request actions on slave */
    appReqActCfg_t *pAppSlaveReqActCfg = (appReqActCfg_t *) &appReqActCfg;
     *  \brief  Process messages from the event handler.
     *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message.
     *  \return None.
    static void appProcMsg(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
        case APP_BTN_POLL_IND:
        case APP_UI_TIMER_IND:
     *  \brief  Check the bonded state of a connection.
     *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
     *  \return Bonded state.
    bool_t appCheckBonded(dmConnId_t connId)
      WSF_ASSERT((connId > 0) && (connId <= DM_CONN_MAX));
      return appConnCb[connId - 1].bonded;
     *  \brief  Check the bond-by-LTK state of a connection.
     *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
     *  \return Bond-by-LTK state.
    bool_t appCheckBondByLtk(dmConnId_t connId)
      WSF_ASSERT((connId > 0) && (connId <= DM_CONN_MAX));
      return appConnCb[connId - 1].bondByLtk;
     *  \brief  Return the number of existing connections of the given role.
     *  \param  role      Connection role
     *  \return Number of connections.
    uint8_t appNumConns(uint8_t role)
      appConnCb_t   *pCcb = appConnCb;
      uint8_t       i, j;
      for (i = DM_CONN_MAX, j = 0; i > 0; i--, pCcb++)
        if ((pCcb->connId != DM_CONN_ID_NONE) && (DmConnRole(pCcb->connId) == role))
      return j;
     *  \brief  App framework handler init function called during system initialization.
     *  \param  handlerID  WSF handler ID for App.
     *  \return None.
    void AppInit(void)
      appHandlerId = WsfOsSetNextHandler(AppHandler);
     *  \brief  WSF event handler for app framework.
     *  \param  event   WSF event mask.
     *  \param  pMsg    WSF message.
     *  \return None.
    void AppHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
      if (pMsg != NULL)
        APP_TRACE_INFO1("App got evt %d", pMsg->event);
        if (pMsg->event >= APP_MASTER_MSG_START)
          /* pass event to master handler */
        else if (pMsg->event >= APP_SLAVE_MSG_START)
          /* pass event to slave handler */
        if (event & APP_BTN_DOWN_EVT)
     *  \brief  Handle a passkey request during pairing.  If the passkey is to displayed, a
     *          random passkey is generated and displayed.  If the passkey is to be entered
     *          the user is prompted to enter the passkey.
     *  \param  pAuthReq  DM authentication requested event structure.
     *  \return None.
    void AppHandlePasskey(dmSecAuthReqIndEvt_t *pAuthReq)
      uint32_t passkey;
      uint8_t  buf[SMP_PIN_LEN];
      if (pAuthReq->display)
        /* generate random passkey, limit to 6 digit max */
        SecRand((uint8_t *) &passkey, sizeof(uint32_t));
        passkey %= 1000000;
        /* convert to byte buffer */
        buf[0] = UINT32_TO_BYTE0(passkey);
        buf[1] = UINT32_TO_BYTE1(passkey);
        buf[2] = UINT32_TO_BYTE2(passkey);
        /* send authentication response to DM */
        DmSecAuthRsp((dmConnId_t) pAuthReq->hdr.param, SMP_PIN_LEN, buf);
        /* display passkey */
        /* prompt user to enter passkey */
    *  \brief  Handle a numeric comparison indication during pairing.  The confirmation value is
    *          displayed and the user is prompted to verify that the local and peer confirmation
    *          values match.
    *  \param  pCnfInd  DM confirmation indication event structure.
    *  \return None.
    void AppHandleNumericComparison(dmSecCnfIndEvt_t *pCnfInd)
      uint32_t confirm = DmSecGetCompareValue(pCnfInd->confirm);
      /* display confirmation value */
      /* TODO: Verify that local and peer confirmation values match */
      DmSecCompareRsp((dmConnId_t)pCnfInd->hdr.param, TRUE);
     *  \brief  Close the connection with the give connection identifier.
     *  \param  connId    Connection identifier.
     *  \return None.
    void AppConnClose(dmConnId_t connId)
     *  \brief  Get a list of connection identifiers of open connections.
     *  \param  pConnIdList    Buffer to hold connection IDs (must be DM_CONN_MAX bytes).
     *  \return Number of open connections.
    uint8_t AppConnOpenList(dmConnId_t *pConnIdList)
      appConnCb_t   *pCcb = appConnCb;
      uint8_t       i;
      uint8_t       pos = 0;
      memset(pConnIdList, DM_CONN_ID_NONE, DM_CONN_MAX);
      for (i = DM_CONN_MAX; i > 0; i--, pCcb++)
        if (pCcb->connId != DM_CONN_ID_NONE)
          pConnIdList[pos++] = pCcb->connId;
      return pos;
     *  \brief  Check if a connection is open.
     *  \return Connection ID of open connection or DM_CONN_ID_NONE if no open connections.
    dmConnId_t AppConnIsOpen(void)
      appConnCb_t   *pCcb = appConnCb;
      uint8_t       i;
      for (i = DM_CONN_MAX; i > 0; i--, pCcb++)
        if (pCcb->connId != DM_CONN_ID_NONE)
          return pCcb->connId;
      return DM_CONN_ID_NONE;
     *  \brief  Get the device database record handle associated with an open connection.
     *  \param  connId    Connection identifier.
     *  \return Database record handle or APP_DB_HDL_NONE.
    appDbHdl_t AppDbGetHdl(dmConnId_t connId)
      return appConnCb[connId-1].dbHdl;
     *  \brief  Add device to resolving list.
     *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to DM callback event message.
     *  \param  connId  Connection identifier.
     *  \return None.
    void AppAddDevToResList(dmEvt_t *pMsg, dmConnId_t connId)
      dmSecKey_t *pPeerKey;
      appDbHdl_t hdl = appConnCb[connId - 1].dbHdl;
      /* if LL Privacy is supported and the peer device has distributed its IRK */
      if (HciLlPrivacySupported() && ((pPeerKey = AppDbGetKey(hdl, DM_KEY_IRK, NULL))!= NULL))
        /* add peer device to resolving list. If all-zero local or peer IRK is used then
           LL will only use or accept local or peer identity address respectively. */
        DmPrivAddDevToResList(pPeerKey->irk.addrType, pPeerKey->irk.bdAddr, pPeerKey->irk.key,
                              DmSecGetLocalIrk(), TRUE, pMsg->hdr.param);
     *  \brief  Update privacy mode for a given peer device.
     *  \param  hdl     Database record handle.
     *  \return None.
    void AppUpdatePrivacyMode(appDbHdl_t hdl)
      /* if peer device's been added to resolving list but RPA Only attribute not found on peer device */
      if ((hdl != APP_DB_HDL_NONE) && AppDbGetPeerAddedToRl(hdl) && !AppDbGetPeerRpao(hdl))
        dmSecKey_t *pPeerKey = AppDbGetKey(hdl, DM_KEY_IRK, NULL);
        if (pPeerKey != NULL)
          /* set device privacy mode for this peer device */
          DmPrivSetPrivacyMode(pPeerKey->irk.addrType, pPeerKey->irk.bdAddr, DM_PRIV_MODE_DEVICE);
          /* make sure resolving list flag cleared */
          AppDbSetPeerAddedToRl(hdl, FALSE);