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ctx: update from upstream - more enabled features

Phileas requested to merge pippin/ctx_update_from_upstream_more_features into main

CTX_PARSER - for parsing SVG path data inline.

CTX_GSTATE_PROTECT for sanity checking on save/restore balance (the sanity checking we already get, with ctx_gstate_protect() and ctx_gstate_unprotect() inserted around "user" code, balance will also be restored.

CTX_FORMATTER - for recording vector "screenshots" and transmitting display contents over TCP.

Pixel encodings GRAY1, GRAY2, GRAY4 - for efficient large lowbith grayscale textures, we've got lots of memory, but we can stretch it much further by using 1-4bit per pixel rather than 24/32 for some high-contrast use cases.

Pixel encoding GRAYA8 - to handle grayscale PNGs with alpha.

Merge request reports
