Forked from
card10 / firmware
1023 commits behind the upstream repository.
usb/epc_usb ==== Contains device-independent USB implementation, services MAXUSB stack and is given the actual USB descriptors & callbacks on initialization. Handles USB events and configures/deconfigures the device accordingly during the USB setup procedure. usb/mass_storage & cdcacm ==== Contain device-specific implementations, service MAXUSB's device class APIs for cdcacm and mass storage. Here, mass storage is independent of the underlying storage device. modules/usb ==== Public apic_usb API, configuration and storage device management. Defines the actual USB device descriptors and services the upc_usb API. If we want to add SD card functionality, this would be the place to add it.
usb/epc_usb ==== Contains device-independent USB implementation, services MAXUSB stack and is given the actual USB descriptors & callbacks on initialization. Handles USB events and configures/deconfigures the device accordingly during the USB setup procedure. usb/mass_storage & cdcacm ==== Contain device-specific implementations, service MAXUSB's device class APIs for cdcacm and mass storage. Here, mass storage is independent of the underlying storage device. modules/usb ==== Public apic_usb API, configuration and storage device management. Defines the actual USB device descriptors and services the upc_usb API. If we want to add SD card functionality, this would be the place to add it.
descriptors.h 2.04 KiB
#include <stdint.h>
#include "usb.h"
/* device types */
#define DT_DEVICE 0x01
#define DT_CONFIG 0x02
#define DT_INTERFACE 0x04
#define DT_ENDPOINT 0x05
#define DT_FUNCTIONAL 0x24
/* interface classes */
#define CLS_UNSPECIFIED 0x00
#define CLS_COMM 0x02
#define CLS_MASS_STOR 0x08
#define CLS_DATA 0x0a
/* sub-classes */
#define SCLS_NONE 0x00
#define SCLS_ACM 0x02
#define SCLS_SCSI_CMDS 0x06
/* interface protocols */
#define PROT_AT_CMDS 0x01
#define PROT_BULK_TRANS 0x50
/* endpoint attributes */
#define ATTR_BULK 0x02
#define ATTR_INTERRUPT 0x03
#define VNDR_MAXIM 0x0B6A
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define PACKED_STRUCT struct __attribute__((packed))
#define PACKED_STRUCT __packed struct
config_descriptor_cdcacm {
usb_configuration_descriptor_t config;
usb_interface_descriptor_t comm_interface;
uint8_t header_functional[5];
uint8_t call_management[5];
uint8_t acm_functional[4];
uint8_t union_functional[5];
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t endpoint_notify;
usb_interface_descriptor_t data_interface;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t endpoint_out;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t endpoint_in;
config_descriptor_msc {
usb_configuration_descriptor_t config;
usb_interface_descriptor_t msc_interface;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t endpoint_out;
usb_endpoint_descriptor_t endpoint_in;
struct esb_device_descriptors {
usb_device_descriptor_t* device;
union {
usb_configuration_descriptor_t* config;
struct config_descriptor_cdcacm* cdcacm;
struct config_descriptor_msc* msc;
#endif /* _DESCRIPTORS_H_ */