Forked from
card10 / firmware
1307 commits behind the upstream repository.
rahix authored
This change allows cleaner loading of payloads and is a preparation for the proper implementation/use of hardware_reset(). Signed-off-by:
Rahix <>
rahix authoredThis change allows cleaner loading of payloads and is a preparation for the proper implementation/use of hardware_reset(). Signed-off-by:
Rahix <>
control.c 5.39 KiB
#include "epicardium.h"
#include "api/dispatcher.h"
#include "api/interrupt-sender.h"
#include "modules/log.h"
#include "card10.h"
#include "max32665.h"
#include "sema.h"
#include "tmr.h"
static void __core1_init(void);
struct core1_info {
/* Location of core1's interrupt vector table */
volatile uintptr_t ivt_addr;
/* Whether core 1 is ready for a new IVT */
volatile bool ready;
* Information passing structure for controlling core 1.
static volatile struct core1_info core1_info = {
.ivt_addr = 0x00,
.ready = false,
* Minimal IVT needed for initial startup. This IVT only contains the initial
* stack pointer and reset-handler and is used to startup core 1. Afterwards,
* the payload's IVT is loaded into VTOR and used from then on.
static uintptr_t core1_initial_ivt[] = {
/* Initial Stack Pointer */
/* Reset Handler */
* Reset Handler
* Calls __core1_init() to reset & prepare the core for loading a new payload.
__attribute__((naked)) void __core1_reset(void)
/* Reset stack to MSP and set it to 0x20080000 */
__asm volatile(
"mov r0, #0\n\t"
"msr control, r0\n\t"
"mov sp, %0\n\t"
: /* No Outputs */
: "r"(core1_initial_ivt[0])
: "r0");
/* Reset FPU */
SCB->CPACR = 0x00000000;
FPU->FPDSCR = 0x00000000;
FPU->FPCCR = 0x00000000;
* Init core 1. This function will reset the core and wait for a new IVT
* address from Epicardium. Once this address is received, it will start
* execution with the supplied reset handler.
void __core1_init(void)
* Clear any pending API interrupts.
* Reset Interrupts
* To ensure proper operation of the new payload, disable all interrupts
* and clear all pending ones.
for (int i = 0; i < MXC_IRQ_EXT_COUNT; i++) {
NVIC_SetPriority(i, 0);
* Check whether we catched the core during an interrupt. If this is
* the case, try returning from the exception handler first and call
* __core1_reset() again in thread context.
* Construct an exception frame so the CPU will jump back to our
* __core1_reset() function once we exit from the exception
* handler.
* To exit the exception, a special "EXC_RETURN" value is loaded
* into the link register and then branched to.
__asm volatile(
"ldr r0, =0x41000000\n\t"
"ldr r1, =0\n\t"
"push { r0 }\n\t" /* xPSR */
"push { %0 }\n\t" /* PC */
"push { %0 }\n\t" /* LR */
"push { r1 }\n\t" /* R12 */
"push { r1 }\n\t" /* R3 */
"push { r1 }\n\t" /* R2 */
"push { r1 }\n\t" /* R1 */
"push { r1 }\n\t" /* R0 */
"ldr lr, =0xFFFFFFF9\n\t"
"bx lr\n\t"
: /* No Outputs */
: "r"((uintptr_t)__core1_reset)
: "pc", "lr");
/* unreachable */
while (1)
/* Wait for the IVT address */
while (1) {
* The IVT address is reset to 0 by Epicardium before execution
* gets here. Once a new address has been set, core 1 can use
* the new IVT.
if (core1_info.ivt_addr != 0x00) {
/* Signal that we are ready for an IVT address */
core1_info.ready = true;
* Reset the API interrupt so we never block Epicardium when it
* attempts to trigger an interrupt.
API_CALL_MEM->int_id = (-1);
uintptr_t *ivt = (uintptr_t *)core1_info.ivt_addr;
core1_info.ivt_addr = 0x00;
* Reset the call-flag before entering the payload so API calls behave
* properly. This is necessary because epic_exec() will set the flag
* to "returning" on exit.
* Set the IVT
SCB->VTOR = (uintptr_t)ivt;
* Clear any pending API interrupts.
* Jump to payload's reset handler
__asm volatile(
"ldr r0, %0\n\t"
"blx r0\n\r"
: /* No Outputs */
: "m"(*(ivt + 1))
: "r0");
void core1_boot(void)
* Boot using the initial IVT. This will place core 1 into a loop,
* waiting for a payload.
void core1_trigger_reset(void)
/* Signal core 1 that we intend to load a new payload. */
void core1_wait_ready(void)
/* Wait for the core to accept */
while (1) {
* core 1 will set the ready flag once it is spinning in the
* above loop, waiting for a new IVT.
if (core1_info.ready) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
* TODO: If the other core does not respond within a certain grace
* period, we need to force it into our desired state by overwriting
* all of its memory. Yes, I don't like this method either ...
void core1_load(void *ivt, char *args)
/* If the core is currently in an API call, reset it. */
API_CALL_MEM->id = 0;
API_CALL_MEM->int_id = (-1);
core1_info.ivt_addr = (uintptr_t)ivt;
core1_info.ready = false;