Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- add_menu_vibration
- blinkisync-as-preload
- ch3/api-speed-eval2
- ch3/dual-core
- ch3/genapi-refactor
- ch3/leds-api
- ch3/splashscreen
- dualcore
- freertos-btle
- genofire/ble-follow-py
- koalo/bhi160-works-but-dirty
- koalo/factory-reset
- koalo/wip/i2c-for-python
- master default protected
- msgctl/faultscreen
- msgctl/gfx_rle
- msgctl/textbuffer_api
- plaetzchen/ios-workaround
- rahix/bhi
- rahix/bma
- Tags 14
- v1.10
- v1.9
- v1.8
- v1.7
- v1.6
- v1.5
- v1.4
- v1.3
- v1.2
- v1.1
- v1.0
- release-1
- bootloader-v1
- v0.0
You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.