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  • Firmware Development
    *Note: if you just want to make apps/instruments, see the Programming section.*
    *Note: we assume you've read the Firmware section before, as that contains general information about the firmware structure.*
    Source Code
    The core of the flow3rbadge codebade is :ref:`st3m`, with part of it implemented in
    Python, part in C. To work on both, you will need to clone the flow3rbadge
    firmware repository.
    	$ git clone --recursive
    Don't forget the ``--recursive``, otherwise you'll get weird errors from missing submodules, like:
        CMake Error at esp-idf/tools/cmake/component.cmake:313 (message):
         Include directory
         is not a directory.
    If you've already cloned without ``--recursive`` you can update your submodules the following way:
        $ git submodule update --init
    If you're using Nix(OS), just run ``nix-shell nix/shell.nix``.
    vr s's avatar
    vr s committed
    On other Linux-based distributions, you will have to manually install ESP-IDF alongside our custom patches (note that installs stuff to your $HOME so that you may want to use a container or nix):
    	$ git clone --recursive
    	$ cd esp-idf
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
        $ git checkout 5.1-flow3r
    	$ ./
    	$ source
    To compile, see `Working on C st3m code`_.
    For running the simulator, you'll need Python 3 with pygame and wasmer:
    	$ python3 -m venv venv
    	$ venv/bin/pip install pygame requests
            $ venv/bin/pip install wasmer wasmer-compiler-cranelift
    .. warning::
        The wasmer python module from PyPI `doesn't work with Python versions 3.10 or 3.11
        <>`_.  You will get
        ``ImportError: Wasmer is not available on this system`` when trying to run
        the simulator.
        Instead, install our `rebuilt wasmer wheels <>`_ using
            venv/bin/pip install
            venv/bin/pip install
    On macOS: the above might work.
    On Windows: good luck.
    Working on Python st3m code
    You can use `mpremote` and similar to copy edited files from ``python_payload/``:
    	$ mpremote cp python_payload/ :/flash/sys/
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    *TODO: document mpremote mount, it's currently broken*
    As with application development, you can first check your changes using the simulator:
    	$ python3 sim/
    Working on C st3m code
    Make sure you have ``ninja`` installed - CMake will happily generate code for Make if Ninja is missing, but it won't necessarily work.
    To compile:
    	$ build
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    To flash the main firmware only (without overwriting the FAT32 partition or recovery image), put the badge in :ref:`flash` mode and run:
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    Note: do not run `` flash`` as that will prevent you from going into recovery mode. If you're flashing a factory-new badge, you also need to flash the recovery partition/bootloader/firmware first. See `flashing recovery`_.
    To clean, do not trust `` clean``. Instead, kill everything with fire:
    	$ rm -rf sdkconfig build
    To edit the sdkconfig temporarily:
    	$ menuconfig
    To commit your sdkconfig changes to git, run menuconfig, press *d*, accept the default path. Then, copy over ``build/defconfig`` onto ``sdkconfig.defaults``.
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    .. _`flashing recovery`:
    Flashing Recovery
    Tl;DR use the following script to flash *everything*:
    	$ tools/
    The long story is that the main firmware codebase has a slightly different
    partition layout (as seen by the flashing tooling) than the recovery tooling.
    The one used in the recovery project (``recovery/partitions.csv``) is the
    correct one. However, we can't use it as the main ``partitions.csv`` file as
    ESP-IDF performs magical detection from that file on where the build artifact
    should be located, and it always defaults to flashing to the ``factory`` image.
    Thus, in the real/recovery partition table the recovery firmware is the
    ``factory`` image, while the main firmware is in the ``ota_0`` partition. But to
    make `` app-flash`` work in the main firmware repository, there the main
    firmware is marked as ``factory``. But if you flash the main firmware's
    partition table to the device, the recovery partition will stop working.
    In addition to Different-Partition-Table shenanigans, the second-stage
    bootloader is also a problem. As with the partition teable, the correct one is
    the recovery one. Using this bootloader allows you to pick the recovery image on
    startup by holding the right trigger.
    So, in order to have a functioning badge you shoud:
     1. Flash the partition table from recovery
     2. Flash the bootloader from recovery
     3. Flash the factory image from recovery
     4. Flash the ota_0 image from main
    Or, in code:
    	$ (cd recovery && erase-flash flash)
    	$ app-flash
    Thich is what ``tools/flash-full`` does.
    All printf() (and other stdio) calls will be piped to the default Micropython REPL console. For logging, please use ``ESP_LOGx`` calls.
    If you're debugging the USB stack, or want to see Guru Meditation crashes, connect to UART0 over the USB-C connector's sideband pins (**TODO**: link to flow3rpot).
    You can also disable the USB stack and make the badge stay in UART/JTAG mode: **TODO: issue 23**. Then, you can use openocd/gdb:
    	$ OPENOCD_COMMANDS="-f board/esp32s3-builtin.cfg" opencod
    *TODO: document how to start gdb*
    Porting Doom (or other alternate firmware)
    You should be able to use the ``flow3r_bsp`` component from any ESP-IDF 5 project. Either vendor the files, use a submodule and a symlink...
    You should stay compatible with our :ref:`partition` layout. The easiest way to do that is to copy ``partitions.csv`` and refer to it from your own project. Your firmware should fit the ``factory`` slot.
    Then, you can run your firmware by distributing the resulting ``.bin`` file and letting people flash to it via :ref:`Recovery Mode`.
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    For an example, see our doom port at **TODO**.
    Rewrite it in Rust
    If you fancy playing with Rust on the flow3r, check out the `flow3-rs <>`_ project.
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    q3k committed
    Hardware Generations
    If you've received your badge at CCCamp2023, you have a Production Badge and thus you don't need to worry about this section. Congratulations!
    For those who have a prototype badge, there's an `` -g pX`` flag which you can use to get the firmware running on your hardware:
    | Badge Generation | Markings | Flag                              |
    | Prototype 4      | B4xx     | *dead*                            |
    | Prototype 3      | B3xx     | ``-g p3``                         |
    | Prototype 4      | B4xx     | ``-g p4``                         |
    | Prototype 5      | B5xx     | *port me*                         |
    | Prototype 6      | B6xx     | ``-g p6`` (default, same as prod) |
    *NOTE: Anything older than p6 is not (yet?) supported by the recovery firmware.*
    Writing Docs
    Automatically updated on CI runs of the main branch and lives under
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    You will need ``sphinx`` and ``sphinx_rtd_theme`` installed. If you're not usinx Nix, install these via venv:
        $ python3 -m venv venv
        $ venv/bin/pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
        $ . venv/bin/activate
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    To build the docs locally:
        $ cd docs
        $ make html
        $ firefox _build/html/index.html
    To continuously build on change:
        $ watchexec make html
    q3k's avatar
    q3k committed
    1. Check out a version of main that you'd like to cut a release from.
    2. Create a new branch named ``release/[major].[minor].[patch]``, eg. ``git checkout -b release/1.2.3``.
    3. Tag a the first release candidate: ``git tag v1.2.3+rc1``.
    4. Build and perform QA (*TODO: document*).
    5. If the release canidate needs more work, cherry-pick fixes from main, tag a subsequent RC (eg. ``git tag v1.2.3+rc2``) and go back to step 4.
    6. If the release candidate is ready to be released, tag a full release (``git tag v1.2.3``) and push branch/tags to gitlab. (*TODO: build CI pipeline for release tags*)